the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 28th 1940 pge7 rrrt v itmkimt once in attdlenoe now ton podium when george dyson conducted the performance in winchester nd or his work the canterbury stuart wilson sang me aior solo part and alad by the name james robertson a winchester boy sat enthralled by the on wednesday march 6 the ilpeg philharmonic oholr and winnipeg male voice choir are ing to present the canterbury pl a choral setting of geoffrey uueers canterbury tales for ilr annualconcerts by anlnterest h coincidence steuaxt wuson now in philadelphia will once more principal soloist and james son now the permanent con r of both choirs will be cohduc the performance the canadian country nadcaitlng corporation will broad t half an hour of the concert to the aoonal network -r- 10 00 to 1030 p m thursday moron 31 a choral pro gramme from the cbc montreal stud los t 930 bqrr will feature motets by paleslrtna at 8 00 pan est on good friday national network lis teners will hear rossini s stabat ma featuring soloists chorus and orchestra also from the montreal stu dlos on easter sunday the cbc is planning a special easter broadcast for tho period 0 00 10 00 p m est cbc comentator g ivies knitting instructions r s larnbert whose talks on old country mall are a regular cbc sunday presentation certainly started something when he spoke about knit ting mitts tor the air parcel requests for instructions poured in from all parts of canada the postman s bag was wcjghed down with letters from listeners in british columbia and nova scotia andthere were even some from the united states however mr lambert is used to having a large pile of mall because his broadcast heard over the cbo national network 1 00 p m et sundays is based interesting items about civilian life in britain which listeners send him drawn from their own correspondence with friends and relations in the old cbc things to come cbc programme and production of are busy working on several new i to be heard over the cbc tlonal network during the next h commencing march 14 the will present the first in a new of special broadcasts entitled the shadow of the swastika hour long broadcasts will be fortnightly and are douimen pictures of germany from 1919 j 1940 depicting the rise of hitler and on the series of eight broad will unfold in vivid dramatized the rise to power of the nasi rty from a beer hall clique to a to the peace of the world several special holy week program now in preparation on wastes of the arctic has been consul ted about this part of bill robert s ad ventures so that every detail should be authentic incidentally maddle told producers james harvey and syd brown that bill and his friends will have to mine ten tons of pitch blend to get one grain of radium the chldrcn s scrapbook ls heard over the cbc national network every saturday at 1230 pm est during the actuality arranged lor march 9 peggy and johnny jolly and thelr yo ing listeners will visit the bird store in che yonge street arcade tor onto craig chirks cause consternation heres a new party stunt to try on your guests make them stand in the middle of the room and peep like baby chicks for five minutes with out laughing it may be fun to you but ib was a serious matter to cbo sound effects men wheri they found that dean hughes had written a episode about chicks for the cralgs the cralgs is a regular feature of uie cbc ontario farm broadcast and it was getting pretty close to 1230 jhc hour of the broadcast and there were no chicks to be found however harold symes and cecil hyndman are used to emergencies and they soon had a group of expert peepers rounded up from any announcers producers singers actors and actres ses who happened to be aiound even the press department lent a hand and with magnificent selfcontrol they all peeped solemnly for five minutes while engineers cut recordings or the desired effects tcra cotta the terra cotta junior institute met at the home of misses marjorie and ida mckane on saturday feb 10 as this was the annual social meet ing the members entertained a their children s scrapbook continues adventure story last week the cbc children s scrapbook left bulroberts in dreadful predicament he arid friends were flying dowry from hudson bay wih a load of ptchblend to be assayed in montreal and they were circling above a lake where they be lleved cobalt and silver were to be found suddenly the engine began to fall and they crashed frank car er the owner of the mine broke his arm and bill roberts set out to seek aid from a settlement on lake rell ance a rllzzard came up and the last m wit m mu ui we saw of bill he was struggling- many friends to a game of court whist through the blinding storm he slipped and fell next week bill a young friends of the children s scrapbook will find out whether help reaches him in time an interesting northland character maddle madson of red lake who himself has been lost in the frozen history making hcaf squadron sound warning to hitler in theme song ottawa the formation or the 110th army co operation and its selection for active seivlce overseas is a new page in the history of the royal can adlan air forcp when this squadron goes into action it will mark the first time in the history of canadian avia tlon that canadian airmen have serv ed overseas as a unit of the rc a f fittingly this squadron has its own heme song a rollicking fighting oal lad sting to a lively tune its com poser i o member of the squadron fljlng officer william george middle bro of owen sound ont with whom was associated pilot officer harry ashley hornell of montreal words of the ong follow weve got a lovely war to win verse pompey darius and cyrus wcie all defeated one by one ghengls khan and alexander really lost the wars they won there i a medieval tyrant living in the world today he will ntver last as lonj as they did now that we are on our way chorus up bo b into the blue sky up boys thatb where the foe fly i ooys wt ve got a war to win ve 11 m ke history tremble with o ir might and assemble o i t ip streets of hitler s old berlin we re the eyes of the forces instrumental resources w thuut us action can t begin and when we convince the nazi his government will collapsy in every house there 11 be a maiden walten we ve go a lovely war to win i through a bombers sights by an old sweat of which mrs fred lyons and mrs andrew smith were hvcharge the prize winners were mrs clarence ly ons and mrs frances thompson later an appetizing lunch was served by the hostesses and lunch cpmmltlee mrs bill hunter and miss christina leslie to the editor of che herald in boyhood days a sizeable creek was the common playground here we learned to build dams saq boats chase minnows and nab crawfish pinning down crawfish with thumb and fore finger just hack of the claws was nd mean feat for those crawfish with their tails turned under and their shuffling backward motion were most elusive and so it was that from this back paddling or rear shuffle of the drawflsh that the english language was furtner enriched with the verb to crawfish two weeks ago t told the story ol the dropping of the conservative cam dldate in halton county and the selec tion or a so called national govern ment candidate for a week follow lug the famous double cross the tor mer canoidate was very bitter but lost week the mighty manipulators with much cajoling succeeded in con vincing the ex candidate that my party tl of thee came first and there appeared a short statement un der the ex candidates- signature lr which he maintained that his with drawal had been entirely voluntary to crawfish means to backpaddle it was only natural for the political atoms to follow the doublecross with a little crawfishing the two are pec ullar to cheap political intrigue the pity is that the excandidate became a party to it and weakly met the wish es of the manipulators it fooled no body tosuccjo just like old chum important notice to motor vehicle owners and drivers au must secure your 1940 plates and drivers license before march 31st sfi no extension of time will be granted for ihe convenience of motorists 1940 registration plates and drivers licenses are now available no cxtcn sion of time for use of 1939 plates and licenses beyond the date of expiry march 31st will be granted the forms of application for renewal of permits and licenses will be found on the back of those issued for 1939 secure your 1940 platen now a id renew your drivers license at the same time motor vehioes branch department of highways ontario pcy operators ail public commercial vehicle licenses expire march 31st avuiu meumifl when the conflagration broke out in 1914 few in canada knew any of the answers canadians were ignorant of the potentialities far profiteering of political patronage and the many dls graceful ramifications of war on a huge scale pew could foresee the com pletely selfish preoccupatlon on the part of some in using the war to fur ther their own ends entirely oblivious to the sacrifices others were making with the entailed suffering and gref last september when the war of 1914 1p18 broke out afresh after an armistice of twenty five years thous ands of canadians knew all the answ ers the call to arms found a nation determined to finish the job but equal lv determined to see that the second stage of the world war would be fought and w n on a vastly different basis at least three hundred thousand war veterans are on guard experienced thoughtful and with vivid memories most of these veterans were not again eligible for miliary service but they were ready for a national service the job of checking any repetition of the rrore greed and selfishness of 1914 1918 these men demanded equality of service they watched for signs of profiteering and patronage this was the situation in september last it forced the political leaders to move slowly it was a brake on the ind istrlal ai d financial interests who were ready to swoop it made for an effective check rein and acoomted to some cxtcrt for tho apparent dellbera tlon wl h which canada s war machine ifot into action then there was another factor wii tical parties generally can move no faster than public opinion although the threat of war hong over the em pire few canadians were prepared to heed the warnings hence canada s preparations for national defence were puny half hearted and totally inade quate not one political party in can ada had courage to race the facts and all must hare the responsibility con ada was pussy footing largely because re armament entailed further burdens of taxation which found little enthu slosm in a nation bogged down in the burden of a ten year depression liv ing for the moment immersed in con troversy in economics fearful of the future there was no heart for expend itures on military preparation for na tlonal security and yet when war did come it found paradoxically as it may sound a nation going to war on a sourder basis than it did twenty five years atro if for no other reason than there was a grfm determination that political favor patronage and profiteering were out to this extent at least there was to be equality of sacrifice ask any old soldier and he will te i you there is onh one fair wnv to fignt any war by conscription draft the needed man power conscript wealth conscript industry let the resources of the nation be pooled for the com mon need let the burden fall equally on each home let all share the cost in full equally then and only then 1 is the nation fully at war but and the old soldiers know it canada will not do it that way con sorlptlon is out for the present the reasor s are so apparent quebec yes b it further the desire to avoid the fatal knock on the door and the cablegram from the war office which leads sincerely regret to inform you 191444 ounner thomas atkinson artll lery killed in action and now after five months the na tlon is plunged into a general clec tlon in which the chief issue ls the degree of vljktf behind canada s effort here in onbfrif the fight is mainly be tween liberals and conservatives the tories accuse the liberals of political trickery ir the sudden dissolution of parliament the orits counter with the cry ol cheap politics in the con servative pretension of a national government canadians on the whole in which party politics are obliterated and all art united in a common cause but they realize national government cannot come until all political parties are tuned to it true national gov ernment cannot be and is not the personal property of any one political party patriotism and loyalty are born of the soul not of tho political mind and so the fight develops without is tola mackenzie kins and di have declared against conscription poltlcal weather eyes are cocked en quebec there may be much of polnv leal expediency on the declarations of both leaders but it is also evident they are to far committed on this issue ever to draw back manlons declaration ls unfortunately and strangely enougb weakened by his call for a national government for in the eyes of many a great many national government and conscription are associated if for no other reason than the general bo iler that conscription will never como from any one political party but only from a national government this weakness is emphasized by the var ied declarations of conservative can- dldatea and is responsible for soma of the confusion now in evidence at mlltqn over a week ago gordon gray- dqn ex mp for peel declared against conscription except for home service in hamilton very recently t john marsh ex mjp for hamilton west de clared the policy i suggest is no con scription at the present time the iamc day dr l w m preele of glen- coe accepting the conservative nom ination in middlesex west stated he- could not entirely agree with dr man- ion in his opposition to conscription naturally this odds to the confusion of the moment and leads to the thought that irrespective of the out come of the present election canada if the war continues for two years will be thrown into- te turmoil of another election iri which real national gov ernment andr conscription will be the bitter issues fkxoy old soldiers believe this and uiexeforeaire more or less in different as to the outcome of the pre sent appeal to the voters they hold that five months of war preparation have not been enough to test the sin cerity of the liberal government or sufficient to clarify the issues some hold that it will take another year to demonstrate the vigor and determina tion behind canada a effort public op inion ls slow to crystallize it would appear that canadians as yet are not prepared to accept compulsory service just as they seem committed to the middle of the road course of which the liberal prime minister is the chief exponent certainly act in haste re pent at leisure has never been mackenzie king slogan and many are- prepared tqocept what appears to be a slow motion ut the effort that it alt spells sound preparation in the end manlons job ls to convince the public that kings measured tread may be sloth in the meantime king has proven to the war veteran that there will be no more 3 00 wheat no more 10 day for munition work no more war millionaires no more unfilled rosy promises to volunteer soldiers the politicians are on the testing ground time enough to become exercised as to the question of vigor behind our war effort when this very question te strong enough to break down all the rigidly held political party lines then and then only can a united canada speak an old sweat advt the pilot had taken great pains to explain all about his airplane to the pretty young visitor at the airport its mechanical features purpose of this nnd that what pilots did to meet ac tual flying conditions etc he look ed at the girl and smiled now you understand don t you all but one thing replied the girl and what ls that he asked what makes the thing stay up heating hints i 0e of the most common com plaints voiced by homeowners is to the effect that the draft is so poor that the fire will not stay in usually this condition can be rem edied by the location of the cause and the cause nearly always lies in one of the five following places 1 a leaking chimney fhte this is sometimes caused by rust or careless joining of the flue pipe sections 2 oor chimney construction many times we find a chimney that is so narrow that it is prac tically impossible to get sufficient draft oiariiy tnp gon t o me public twr this confusion of thought is general and why simply because under the tumult and the shouting beneath the pole mics ls that which all exsoldiers and some others recognize and abhor it but it prevents your fire from getting the proper draft see illus tration showing fourteen defects that may be found in chimneys 3 fly oak carbon accumula tion lit the pas pataaget this can kg eliminated by haying the gas passages as well as the entire i nace thoroughly vacuumcleaned at regular intervals at least once a year 4 the pvpt projecting tnto chimney beyond the uali surface the rue pipe should be placed flush w th the inside of the wall nearest the chimney opening 6 turn damper rutted ehut naturally the turn damper in your should be nnla that whoa you turn the handle the disc inside the pipe will move if you have difficulty in locating the cause of insufficient draft con suit an expert 18