the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 5th 1940 international uniform sunday school lesson hespersonal responsibility sunday june 9th 1940 golden text so then every one of us shall give account of himself to god romans 14 12 lesson passage ezekiel 33 7 16 forward through the ages in unbroken line uove the faithful spirits at the call divine gifts in differing measure hearts of one accord manifold the service one the sure reward a war refugee 7 ezekiea was a war refugee in 597 bo he was taken away from jerusa lem and sent as a captive to glorious guilty babylon he had been trained a priest and felt a measure of re eponsihllltv lor his fellpw captives he heard what was happening in jeru salem and undertook to be a commcn tator on current events certain peo pie challenged his right to express his point ot view boldly ezekiel claimed a propho s privilege he looked upon himself as a watchman set to guard jibe house of israel his task was to hear what god had to say and re lay godf messages to the people eaeklel was ready to accept personal responsibility for leadership because he was sure that he was commission ed ol god in jerusalem he had come under the influence of jeremiah and he was concerned that the cap tives in babylon should be true to the standards they had been taught in jerusalem every preacher states inanjor journalist gains courage when be- in conscious of god s direction besponsibllity for others s 9 how far are we responsible for the conduct of other people if we see a house on are we are held respon sible lor turning in an al if we discover a broken rail on a railway track we are expected to flag an on coming train are we equally respon atble to warn individuals of danger ous conduct or to warn the com munity about unwise social trends ervti accepted the challenge to be his brothers keeper if he failed to warn a sinner and the sinner con tlnued in his sin and died ezekiel held that he shared the guilt of the dead man if however he warned the sinner and the sinner persisted to death in his sin then the prophet had delivered his own soul and was free from blame today it is necessary for home school and church to unite in warning both youth and adults as to traffic dangers the perils of narcotics iocs of public health enemies of good and penalties of ignorance and crooked thinking sibui 1 11 ezekiel felt an inner urge to warn his fellow countrymen against the temptations they were facing in baby ion it seemed almost an lmpertln enoe for him to rebuke others tw people to whom he spoke sought to evade responsibility by saying that they were doomed of god ezekiel was told to challenge them to self help through faith in the love of god why will ye die every word is emphatic why show ood or man one xeason will a determination not to lie saved or a voluntary iistlessness about salvation can prevent you ye children of so many mercies fed and supported by a kind god all your life ye who are redeemed by the blood of jesus christ ye who have made many promises to give up your aehres to god die what is this a separation from god and the glory of ills power for ever die forfeiting all the purposes for which your lm mortal souls were made why then ye die a chinese radio pro gramme ends regularly with these therefore i say unto you garry on heredity 12 13 ezekiel met people who put all the blame for their sorry plight upon their ancestors they had s proverb- that they kept repeating the fa there have eaten sour grapc4 and the chldren3 teeth are flet on edge there is of course an element of truth in the principle of the sins of the father being visited upon the children but that is not the most important fact most of our troubles are the result of our own sins it is skulking ard dodging to try to place rcspnnslbilit foi our follies upon ancestors often we have sinned against hunt and walked into tangles with our eyes wide open ezekiel ui tsscd i trsonal responsibility for our own conauct he said the soul that slnneth it shall die the penalty is for individual wrong doing and not becau e of inherited guilt the fact that we ore very good in many things docs not cxcuse lapses in other areas we reap what we sow said daniel webster the most important thought that ever occupied my mind was that df my individual responslbl litj to god release 14 is so far we have been thinking about guilt penalty and death but ouj study co icludes with a positive pro mlse of forgiveness reformation and a new abundant life the sinner can turn trom his sin and have its power broken he can make restitution for dishonesy and injustice it he re ients the load of guilt will lift and he will find life plus the memory of his old sins will fade away and he w 111 have peace and joy god for gives freely not grudgingly by a miracle of grace the fettered soul goes free and begins to live w 1th a zest and satisfaction unknown before he shall sure y live why should we be content w th a minimum when we may have the maximum all things are ours gods choicest gifts are avail able through acceptance use and dis cipllne through trust in god we may enter into a new experience of fellowship with our father in heav en ohrlst said i am come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly questions for discussion 1 who is your living prophet 2 how far do you voluntarily take responsibility for the welfare of your friends 3 take my lips open or closed 4 do you consider your family tree an asset or handicap a how many people have you help ed to an experience of forgiveness lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed u cation used by permission shipyards are booming while canada hustles its nsw naval vessels a typical submarine cable consists of five parts according to the cana dian national telegraphs who have cable sen ice connections to all parts of the world the central copper wire i which carr cs the electric current is about 1 5th of an inch in diameter in the new western union anglo per malloy cable the rastest which the in genulty of man has yet demised the central core is wtapped with a thin narrow tape of a new magnetic alloy of nickel and iron called permalloy this central portion is protected by an insulation of gutta percha cables laid more than fifty years ago in depths of more than two miles have been recently lifted for repairs and the gutta percha found to be in per feet condition over this is applied a serving of several layers of tarred jute or yirn and over this an armor of as many as 18 galvanized steel wires to protect the precious conductor from daimge bv ships anchors and the many strains to which it is subjected the outside covering of a cable is a wrapping of tarred jute yams life has come back once more in canada s shipyards thousands of workers there now contribute their share in the 50 000 000 ship construe tlon program which hon c d howe head of the deparment of munitions and supply recently announced work 1- now continuous in this in dustry so hard hit by depression days eaoh man employed there seems to realize that he is doing something in his own way to help in the organlza tlon of the defence of canada and its allies the vessels actually toeing built in the 15 canadian shipyards are designed for antl submarine warfare and minesweeping a tour at vickers in montreal shows how readily the business is handled on this side of the atlantic in that shipyard alone more than 900 workers are proceeding at an unusual pace to build the ordered craft the cons derable activity observed in one of the shipyards may in a way reflect tht actfvuy going on in the others ships are being built rapidly speed is necessary for this two year program which includes orders for a total of 100 craft comprising 64 pa trol boats and 26 minesweepers four ships at a tune vickers taokled the problem of fast building by starting the construction of four boats at a time in a slip where formerly the job of laying two keels side by side was considered a remark able performance the necessities of this war made that imperative perls found enough space somehow the four hulls are quite close to fether but the shipbuilders and ample room to move about each berth when hanging heavy steel plates accurately controlled by the operation of over head electric cranes easily re habilitated the men many of who had been on direct relief in the past few months are experiencing an easy readaptation to their machines and tools every one brings back to the plant the joy with which the carpenter lays hand once more on his hammer after long period of idleness around the hulls thev have erected heavy wooden ca holds which support the men work ing on the ships metalworkers are bus in the shops punching rivet holes and cutting plates to shape others are already laving the finished deck plates for the forecas le a furnace at the back of the lip keeps a score more or sturdy angle smiths busy with the constant production of steel frames which must be bent tc fit in the ships jines or shae the furnaces throw vivid ght in the slip which is already illu minuted by the sparks of the welding torches as from a mlghtv thorsham mer striking hard on white hot metal n hustl tot utmost tire value art scott international sales and service georgetown phone jgj rcw hhftstmw ww sis m 7- i tubes accessories zulftaflaji htaduds well in evidence on his coat or on the suspender or his overalls the general manager lias his own number on the lapel of his coat even those who have obtained authority to visit the plant are often questioned on the nature of their business as they pro ceed on their tour access to vickers has never been verv easy in this industrial plant situated in the eastern part of mon lreal t enty ave submarines were built during the last war the tradi tion of the shipbuilder is maintained there with kcymen carrying on the work the yard 1 working at full capacity over time work is being done and the men contribute to this great task of the defence of canada with all their energy and their skill wealth is not his who has it but his who enjoys it 2o 7ou meed a personal loan then follow the modern business practice apply for a bank loan at the bank of montreal personal loans of from 25 to 100 and up may be repaid in monthly instalments a small charge only is made for the use of the money there is no other cost to the borrower you can obtain a folder onipersonal loans giv ing full particulars at any branch of this bank bane of m0ntbeal h estjlbllaitsd lal7 rf lamk imall cnxoumti am umtoam georgetown branch a c welk manager war savin r certificates w hatcvir rapidity may be noticed i here no hustle no precipitation is tolt rated work advances quickly but ucod car ls taken that everything toll be done the right way and the ships take form from day to day pneumat le riveting machines carry i deafen ng nolse all over the num erous shops of the busy vards no where el e in canada can one have in idea more real more direct of the significance of the words so current tod a to canada s economic front and wa effort the ships engines in a plant near the ship building be ths ma be seen those who are manufacturing the ships engines ac cording o the most modern technique giant electric lajies revolve cutting the main shatlng the connecting rods the thrust shafts and boring cytln ders expert men go about with in strumenus for measurements to lnfln i test mil exactitude bolle s are set up boiler shells made of one and three quarters inch steel plates are curved in by rollers and given their precise diameter pow erful cranes are lifting up such cast ings as the 10 ton base of the en glne which ls n ii ige single piece of cast iron elsewhere men are boring o it propeller brackets the various works m st be constantly followed up io avoid the slightest mistakes slight mlscalc ilitlon ma nffcot the ships lerformanee and impair it reliability ind effect veness as an effective war i t liolcwilc launching la inrhings at vickers si ou d occur oon md will likely be slm lltanous for the tour ships once thl flotilla ls atloit the slip will tirt once more on it now hiblt ml work and four more ships will be built as a matter f fart the essential parts tor the lav ni of the four keels ore already manufactured on the whole surface of the ground in the shipyard there is hardly or inch that is left uncovered by tools sheets of metal in prepara tlon or by the rails on which circu lau heavily loaded wagons used for the transportation from one end of he slip to the other of all the ma terial at noon tlie sirens draw the men from their work but bring them back at one o clock sharp the ship con struction program has already claim d from the demoralizing inertia of idleness hundreds of these men at malfonneuve many of these mostly youths but also several expert enced men who had been employed in construction the prsvl- ous war have come back to work at vickers canadian and british experts are seen an the spot visiting thoroughly each part of the different work shops and studying the plans and blue prints prepared by ths designers of these vessels secrecy nriwiuy discretion is manifest everywhere at vickers nothing of what goes on in side the yard or in the other plants ls allowed to transpire outsider au- thoriaauons to visitors are seldom given not only must tw secrets of the construction be closely kept but there must be constant guard against sabotage brery worker entering the yards must bear his admission number i tommy knew teacher now tommy perhaps you can tell us the purpom of grammar pupil please miss it uams you to alk proper churches issue war time statements a statement was today issued by the heads of the church of england in canada the baptist convention of ontario and quebec the presbyter ian church of canada and the united church of canada the statement reads as follows in this hour of stress we urge all christian people in canada wth whom our voice has influence to hold fast their confidence in god to wait pat lently for him and in the armour of that faith and patience to face cour agcously the struggle before our em plre and its allies we believe that our cause is the cause of christian civ llzatlon and that divine power and guidm will he given to usto vin- ictory for it however hard the road we must first travel and we call upon all to whom god and righteousness a e the supreme realities of life cive themselves to this sacred cause with singleness of purpose dedicating to it all their powers and grudging no acrifice whether of comfort wealth or life itself which will secure for wr and our children the precious thinga won for us by the sacrifices of our fathers the statement was signed by mbst rev derwyn t owen primate of the church of england in ca rev j a johnston preident of th baptist convention of ontario and quebec the right rev stuart c parker moderator of the presbyterian church in canada and the right rev john w woodslde moderator of the united church of canada fhtam u no dtfvbk tasacca just uke old chum beautiful coluaibja icefield highway new thrill for visitors to rockies th newly completed colombia jejdjugtorqetagjrarih sk ward from banff and lake louise in the canadian rockies will provide unique motoring thrills wheat it ls officially opened for traffic in july the new road which cots through one of the most beautiful sections of the mountain playground furnishes direct access to the great colum bla icefield 150 square miles tn extent whose melting loe is the source of rivers which eventually find their way to three oceans the pacific the arctic and tile atlantic via hudson bay the highway runs through the very heart of the great mountain cham it follows the valleys ot a succession of wild tossing rivers skirts i a clers runs along the shores of tumbling streams and jadegreen lakes passes roaring cataracts and rapids this mountain region is not barren or colorless instead be neath great snowcapped peaks are great spruce and pine for ests glittering glaciers translu cent bodies of water peaks look ing for all the world as though huge paint dots had bean spilled down their cliffs and terraces bears elk moose and other big game can be seen along the road side and there is good ftsbtng in the waters of the district this new highway promises to be an important actor in attract- ing greatly increased numbers of chateau lake louise and cana dian pacific mountain lodges this summer an interesting pro gramme of special events has been planned in view of the re cord numbers of visitors expect ed from all parts of this contin ent and includes the indlsn days celebration at banff july 1821 trail riders of the canadian rockies july m30 skyline trail hiker august 6 banff oolf week august 18m alpine club of canada outing to qladsr lake july 14x0 and banff school of fine arte august ml the annual stampede at calgary canadas greatest wod wast show will be bald from july to w