the georgetown heraid wednesdy evening june 19h 1940 the georgetown herald news of georgetown nerval glen wculsms lhnehoaee stewarltown baiiiiuradaiuijcttrmjgptia oanada 2 00 a year subscription rates tljw a year united states single copies 3c advertising raten will be quoted on application walter c biehn publisher staff oarueld l mcgovray phone no ft leslie clark reginald broombead what other papers say the editors corner a terrible week a week of reverses ending in the capitulation of france to the german hordes leaves little heart in a person for writing of the little doings of our neighbor hood it has been suggested to me at different times that i digest the weekly war news and comment on cer tain phases of the struggle in europe three things have decided me against this first of all i do not feel qualified to venture opinions which will be read by manyjiundreds of people irtjjms district sucft opinions would of necessity be purely personal ai a weekly editor has not those sources of information at his disposal upon which radio and daily newspaper correspondents rely then again this paper is set up a full day before it goes to press and with events rapidly changing such news is outdated before it gets to the reading public in the third place there is a demand for news of the district weddings funerala social gatherings which though trivial yi comparison with national af fairs i st 11 of importance to this community with the radio and the dailies carrying uptothe minute war news a weekly editor has little to contribute in that field so the herald shall continue to give you pnrmri ly new of this district because that is i be iee th field of a weekly newspaper theres something about a garden party it s a good many years since i e been at a gar den party and it was a real treat to go out to siwercreek on monday and enjoy the limehouse presbyterian church outing an excellent program a refreshment booth and a perfect june night all combined to make one little letter moat editors have thehappy faculty of bclni able to tnjoy a joke uen at 1 1 elr own expense cordments the fer gus news recoid mrs duncan ed i or or the winrton ftho tells of one bad er or thai caased consternation in the echo olfite it waa in the write pot n lurch jvtitrln thats us ally w urc uth miauutcs occur and h lum aid hit time was a happy urn when all the od fiends got to pet her somehow tt ncals lit olht ok lory of the bank cler who was slight j deaf a hdy came in with a large number ol silver ind nickel coins dipcvii su epwlned that t was tht aid lone he o ight ihe said trfs and made the bright comment yur old tiea a e do ng vcrv wel aren t thej va don t rocall w uthir it wa- the fcc 10 or alio her w er up in ui it part or the pidmi o winch aid thai a 1 ure ot trie institute meeting was hane or houe pants whit a dirfmtn l one skinny letter in miku some me- the stirring umee through which the nation and empire are passing more lick than promise think blforr ou spkak kincardine ncasj 1 iere a tndtney on the ul nun i o ilc indeed l l only hu mir m ure to reneit ruinojr which r biiiii cinula c tan the storv m que tlon this is noticeable to jn e n great ir dtijrt in v irtime a icn stonus a bou our friends and ignbo ir and eop t we know are btjn ihei wide r j lticr win imoilr ire spread in ood t ith it soa sttd or dk oi h li rtn m 11 i i bitter the printed word another- instance of canada s ef fort to keep up with the joneses ftp pears in the speech from the throne which promises that as soon as the constitutional disabilities are overcome the parliament of canada will enact legislation to begin a system of unem plojmeit insurance that parliament will view such legislation favorably is a foregone conclusion although it was a meruit of this kind in the bennett ciivs which the pilvy council condem ncd because the new bill will be spon orgd by the government of the day with il huge- majority it is a beautiful theory this plan nnt thing so that when a workman a ununployed he will continue to draw i p oportion even a large proportion of the wages he draws when tie is working bu because alluring theories do not always work in practice t would oe well if workers and consum ers and the public at large including farmers and down trodden employers had an opportunitj of examining de bating ulcislng and possibly tren i jthciim the bill before it became jke inside plumbing one of the fun tiamc itil essentials of canadian life h lo uiuuely there b- an apparent i lv wth founded impression that the t bill will be introduced in the present if not the present session desire to shift the present burden of relief payments into a less direct form i cjf taxation which may be perceived by the workers as small deductions from present wages and visible to consumers only after microscopic ex amlnatlon there are it la true a souls who see in unernployroeneiraursnde- not merely a threat to the general taxpayer but also a further threat to consumers who have caused all the unemployment or employable people by their refusal or inability to pay the prices demanded mr goods produced by industries which are subjected to existing taxes direct or indirect ex is ting wages which are excessive in relation to the prices of primary products and existing costs of other desorlptii ns which areuncontrollable because they have been foisted on in dustry by governments with the high puipose of improving the lot of the workfng man according to these academic souls the working man la injured rather than aided by all government efforts to help lilm if those government ef forts add to the cost of doing business they injure the farmer likewise for it is the farmers inability to buy pro ducts of industry which cause unem ployinent in this fair land if oor un emploympnt problem is ever to be sol v ed tarm prices and urban prices must be brought more nearly into line gov emnvnls by adding to production costs ir working hard to enhance i the disparity these are truths ecn though a good man p ople in ottawa and elsewhere former norval man naturalized among the applicants for naturali zation who appeared before judge w n munro at milton was wojlecc zlomek poli o hamilton ziomek was iormerty5mpt6yea at noi others recommended for naturali zation were john decker hollander freeman ernest zuest swiss milton walter darmovzal czechoslovak free man ton casarlno italian milton heights rudolph bosujevac jugo slavian acton emery szllosyl hun garian freeman josef dudek polish acton lavro markesic jugoslavian acton ladlslaw kolordcs hungarian burlington walenty jagiello polish acton the men were all subjected to leng thy questioning and assured the judge that they would be willing to take up arms for canada tony casarlno milton heights italian was the only potential alien applicant he was re commended when it was shown he was a member of fhe canadian legion and fought with the allies in france in the last war if don t 11 jwu btxoinc lawbetore many- of its v lthout pausing i moi imijortaiit implications and pro are inclined to dlsmlss them ughtly uwhentleity or tne trtotlsl bt widely known as too academic for serious considera rue govnmicnli apparent desire forlton tin re are many truths about i uli m tosslbl be excused on the unemployment insurance which de ound that in the present and ex u rv conblderitlon and indeed re icvjj iknod or huady wagea in so ceived censideratlon from the sirols man inlustrie it is well to build re royal commission in its monumental tres or insurance payments from j report n dominion provincial rela hi i w drawals maj come in the lumui i 1 wi r when li history re j a s i 1 here wilf be a severe de h ie reaso ss i s m l li o bl nno desire for haste might o the i oe lhll t lamination ould proe uie 1 l i ojee t be unsound extravagant 1 l i d un kd it reasonable ccest to do itige joji s ostensibly designed todo the evening a pleasant one 1 couldn t help but think during the entertain ment how fortunate we in canada are to have evenings like these when over half the wotw is plunged into the physical horrors of war true enough we are suffer ing mentally and financially but we have our homes and food to eat which would seemlike an infinite for tune to the poor souls in europenvho have been sub jected to hitler s totalitarian war yoitll enjoy reading the herald this week we are mailing complimentary copies of the herald to many people in the town and district who are not at present on our subscription list we hope that many of you will take advantage of our sub scription offer which sends you three canadian maga zines for one year for only i 00 we want to make the herald your paper and we hope that you 11 enjoy reading the herald poetry ai o sa m bat th r circulation j ds li el dima to lie e ta oils 1 af ll c ihopli concert d 1 the ci tt o poll e ha a ready in vestn it d a lrnbt r jf such orits ind find tl en wi hou a remote bests n i i r i l n i spreadii a t hesi ar i libel on some o cur c tui ha m u a 13 npeata jum 1 a is in e or iene f liab t o o s u l in it v d l i klaol o aj fie a t o a f ir i ik du ing lions it is difficult to see how a gov trnment could interpret the commis ion s careful remarks on the subject io a recommendation for action at the ireient t me while it ts impossible o summarize the report in a single enten c it ls not unfair to say that he members of the commission are conce with see n canada and the provinces putting tli r housfis in or dei r u hnn seeing them embark jn i nvagaic s the govern ram i t jn tn selecting uncmplo mei n t a the one subject for the present time is not a men for the remainder of oni recommcnda ioiu over fobty where in great brl i and he united state hows aei r j ui m 1 vmeiu insurance does jn j i re i t unemployment ecep men one i tic il r tha one par lcularjmei i lu idds britades to uie al i atti n t id a l iaj urmj or cull servant f ivo a w en tu tact is realised u should tie tu enhan en further ottawus current bulldhiij boom the chief problem of he newecmer to ottawa is to find a j ace in which to nc at a price he an affor to ay i i liwce probablv unjust to iwest hat any government would oss wu1 ther- le de h counts wiu uie cost of un he c come hack to work tmploiu it insurance merely for uwl f n f a lon8 uv e omdin jobs for a few j jiousuid mo e of the faltliful who ili ui ils the cnil service examinations f j e because compen per lap a more worthy motive is a really serious this is the day of uie young man at least thats the talk today if you are over 40 and out of work that over 40 is a tough label according to those who have the authority to say no you are too old but listen to this gladstone began his fourth term as minister of great britain at s3 and he was still making speeches at 87 years of age tennyson wrote crossing the bar when he was 83 years old oliver wendell holmes who died a supreme court judge arote over the tea cuos at the age of 82 michaelange o lained the last judgement a the ae of 66 and he was working on st peters in rome ahen he cjed at the age of 89 titian painted his bat le of le panto wten he was 98 years old verdi was 85 when he produced bis roost endurljignjasterplece3 immanuel kant wrote his finest work at 73 including his metaphysics of ethics henry ford was 40 when he manu- actured the first ford car c n r time table standard time going eut passenger 6 16 aja passenger and mall 10 00 am passenger and mali 9 4s p tn passenger sundays only 831 pjn passenger dal y 9 41 pjn toronto ard beyond gotnc watt passenger and mall 834 am passenger saturday only 1 15 pjn t passengt r dally except saturday and sunday 6 00 pm j passenger and mall 0 45 pm passenger sunday only 1130 pm getng north pasfttnger and mail 8 46 ajn i oor weeklypoem junetime ratn there s something bout a junetlme rain thats different indeed prom any other rain that falls on gram or plant or seed the old earth seems to welcome it the flowers lift their heads a if to say we re glad youve come you d so refresh our beds and all the leaves on all the tree hold out their welcome hands lest they should miss aneveeest bit that on them gently lands the grasses in the hayfleld too wll nod and bow and bend ttortheap know achdrop- that falls new life to them will lend hymn of rntfrcession lord or rur ife and god or our sal vation star of our night and hope of every n ulon hear ind receive thy church s sup lkatlon lord god almighty set- rouna thine ark the hungry bll lows curling see how thy foes uielr banners are unfurling lord while their darts envenomed they are hurling rhou canst preserve us lord tho i canst help when earthly armour fajlctli lord thou canst save when deadly sin assail eth lord ocr thy church nor death nor hll prevaileth grant its thy peace lord orant us thy help till foes are back ward driven grant hem thy truth that they may be forgiven grant peace on earth and arter we have striven peace in thy heaven going south passenger and m ill depot ticket ofllce- 6 50 pjn phone 20 l f r watson dos mds t ororgetown f omce hours 9 to 5 except t thursday alternoons i radio repairing i we specialize this work 13 yeart experience on j sanfordson fhonk georgetown secure ralph gordon tin versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular free aetdrem s28b crawford st toronto gray coach lines timetable standard time leave georgetown jane said the mistress you told ne you were going to have a sleep yesm then what were you doing at the ate when the soldiers went by oh that i was having 40 winks andy clarke on weeklies war efforts for toronto g 6 14 a m 08 p-m- 9 18 ajn 6 06 pm 11 48 am 903 pm c 253 pjn for kitchener 935am x 600 pm 12 05 pm e 750 pm t 2 05 pm dlo35 pm a 405 pm ell35 pm c tlirougti to london a daily except sun and hoi b sun ard hoi only o sat only d dally except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi g daily except sun w h long phone 89 dr j burns milne dental surgeon x rat georgetown phone h and all the grains just seem to smile from roota right up to top for they know there la thm in each wee tiny drop t and an the ahll be purified conditioned natures way and when uie sun cornea out again isrdl be anoqier day 8o gjnuy kindly junetlme rain xtf welcome to our land lkacle tn your pattering drops n some iatryiand lulpn oordon tulip ttme in holland it s tulip trme in holland the blossoms row by row r embroider quiet acres growth lor wnere peace and beauty grow petals which ever bloomed in hate are trampled by a foe its tulip time in holland the shadowed sunlight falls on gardens of the lowland towns on rotterdam s sea walla as guns across the zuyder zee beaten the sea gulls calls its tulip time in holland and many buds are red the blood of those who planted them has colored each bright bed and hand of those woo guarded tnem are folded with u dead frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt s phone 391 georgetown j free enlargement wltti every axpoaure roll film developed and printed for 36c 8 reprints and enlargement 350 tfnv 36c oohr and 3n stamp t for return and mall to the pbtto ub milton a m nielsen th year ol prmooce chiropractor xray druglew theraput lad attendant omoe over dominion store georgetown hour j 6 730 j0 pjn clomd tharaiu rnone lw 1 monuments f pollock a ingham gait on i dwlgns on request ptjooeaom z 1 inspect our work in onenmood 4 cemetery 4 rcamm your mibeertptton now last neek and clarke devoted part of his neighbourly news broadcast sundays 10 00 a m edst to quot- inft some of the numerous items in the ontario weekh press dealing with canada s redoubled war effort he said i am going to get in a few words on hoa the ontario weekly newspaper are aiding canada s war efror to tell all ould necessitate quoting from ever one of them which of course is out of the question but oiene are no slackers noting that man communities are holding pat riotic mass meetings the suncoe re former calls upon the mayor for a like demonstration and upon the cit- tzens for mass investment in war j vww j j saving certificates and stamps coach travel information at f kirkland lake in the north holding a monster rally today t the northern news declaims every citlae i will be helped bj making every personal sacrifice for the direct fin ancing of our national war efforts the coiverv ator of brampton says the best wa to ensure our freedom ls i to see that the country has the means to fight this war against the most hor- ible and brutal force the world has ever known the thornbury review rails let beaver vallej citizens- an- wer witli the most and the least of their means the north hastings review of madoc cites the example of a timmins lady who regardless of bonds or certificates sends a cheque for 50 00 every month to the minister of plnince to push the war in ad tion to the patriotic appeal t perth courier advances the thrift ar gument in these pithy terms buying war savlrur certificates and stamps does not mean that one s investment will be t ed up for seven and a half years thev cannot be called for re- denptlor until maturity but the own er may after six mon hs redeem them at valuea to be set by the govern ment and in essex the amherst- burg echo says several or our friends have decided to buy the stamps daily instead of cigarette and other lux uries these snatches give an inkling of the power the rural editors will exert in the -great- cause leroy dale k c m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill stree georgetown phone 19 kenneth m langdon banister solicitor notary pnblie first mortgage money to loan bldg i phone 88 elmer c thompson j ln61tranck service t fire auto wtodstorm ct r ichiwayalln aotod steam summer excursions phone lltw or j georgetown concrete work sidewahn rw ftratclaas worfcmanohlp sam walker 391 qu 84 aaonavrown dr joseph lelyrelt director of t natlonil foot healtfa odudcu teha the torture okmd hy fallen arci bunions and otber fooi aumenta 1 how one can now ba foothappy if l followa the rujea read the about tert tn the american vi the worida gra weekly uai with tha jttnt oritem of the 1 4mtttnm