the georgetown herald wed newly evening june i9h 1940 trial by error by loisfoster hcdur syndic wttv srvle d alph strolled toward his cabn his and myron s what e night he d been walking for hour- long the cliffs by the water the pungent smell of sea and sage h was fairly drunk with it and therr lay myron sound asleep op thei first night in california some guy could sleep through anything bu myron was still pretty weak after that last illness ralph glanced at his watch tw a m pretty late i 11 creep in quietly and not disturb him hi thought second cabin from th right he could see it through tht trees the door ajar now he was at the door pushing it gently nary a squeak gooo he removed his shoes and went in my ttod was a shapeless mound upon tht farther cot breathing regularly ht could just discern him by the ugh that altered in tiptoe around th bags what a break that he d re xnembered where they were pa jamas he pawed ardund the foot of the bed nothing doing well the bedside chair so far so good be pulled off his clothes and slid into the empty cot dawn was breaking when he be came conscious of a weight against bis chest say how many beds do you need he growled throwing off the others outnung arm the next mo ment he drew back his hand a though he d burned it barely six inches away was the prettiest gn l hed ever seen and she was about to scream in a flash he had her it grip of steel one hand presst i against her mouth helpless s r flared at him don t be frightened he whis pered fiercely i thought i wa getting into my own cabin with mv brother he s sick and i came in bttietly so s not to wake him i you yell we 11 be thrown out t night they won t wait for an expln nation try to understand now u you believe me and won t screw nod your head tw ce she did c be asked though her eyes were bll daggers then abruptly he released her and ducked wildly beneath his cov rs if you 11 get into that closet be suggested faintly i 11 get out a couldn t find my pajamas lasi night j- j- the girl was sitting up si interes news for women breakfast nook dinette snackbar- attractive terms lor the evivil of a pleasnt custom mean hat the hon orable practice of eating in the kltch en is coming into its own again sajs the canadian institute of plumbing and heating meals in the kitchen were for a long time a dreaded make shift procedure made necessary when the housewife had a late aftern s shopping or a meting of the bridge club aversion to eating in lhe kitchen wis p obauy founded suggest the institute because of the inharmonious appear ance and awkward arrangement of kit chen equipment of former dav ere eating in he kitchen again its because modern kttchrns ore planned to make cooking serving and rating a comfortable pleasurable pro savins devices and contributed an at in attrnctive intimate homey touch tractive t nit to lhe evolu ion of the to the modern housewife s kitchen t mod rn planned kitchen by adding modern washable wallpaper for ex snaclous wall and base cabinet link implc in grey with a simple quaint all 1 the lefrlgerator modtrn strnm over design of green ivy hanging from lined sink and range in a continuous rust howtr ots makes an attractive working unit kitchen designers were back ground for a glistening white able to eliminate the kltcjun tib e as enameled stnkr with chromium fit- a work ctntre for preparing ma tings matching wall and base cabi and th resulting compact space sav nits white range and white refrigera lnt arrangtment of kitchen v i pment tor th floor may be a cream made it possible for a w rit in dividial corner of the kitchen to be dovoud to cosv comfortabl ea ing quarters i uk s a minimum of six f for wo people to sit opposite iath other ping on a kimona she gave hn jjne withering glance tis bhe mad for the closet and he dressed to tl tune of her scornful laughter fn y stung by it i ve been on m knees to youj darn you just the tame your door was open 1 once outside he looked around iere it was three down a natur mistake they all looked alike with luck i can still make it witl out waking myron but myron wa very much awake and in fine fettle f soft lights sweet music and nancy in his arms did you eve see a dream walking she was a dream dancing when she was wil someone else he stood by content to watch and wait he couldn t bear to break the spell let take a walk he managed finally you looked so funny when you crunched down under the covers he said as though continuing ir tmbroken conversation but th it was a dirty crack about my do u being open t thought it would stop your laughing otherw se you d havt roused the whole camp he ex plained right but jfou might have bctr gentler i m all bruised where you tabbed me i 11 remember that in future he grinned you bruise easily sud denly a stinging blow caught him o the left cheek see if you bruise easily sht napped turning back he stor i there stunned with anger before he could catch his breath he was back 1 shouldn t have done that she said in a low hamed voice you were nice about it all this morning when we were introduced no wise cracks n axnirking but i couldn t bear it if i you took what happened lightly you dkin t really did you say he cried hit me again of all the unmitigated asses i m the world s champion and i think you re the most glorious girl in all the world suddenly she was in his arms after a while she pushed him away and looked at him her large eye probing we haven t known one another very long have we a our lives he assured her why the minute i laid yesorr you i knew you were the one and only liar sne laughed you were too frightened to even look at me oh was i he snorted you bad on thesnappiest pink pajamas j ever saw but you might bave been gentler mockingly tm black and blue where you frjockfd me kiss it and make it well land while were about it how soon could we be married ive a good job and a few assets silly wait till were acquainted 1 wve two weeks here havent aat and all eternity after that tatfata it hurts where you mum stove ago hist one wall kitchen cabl ind pirtake comfortably and gract net against another ind the old i uh ft 11 of food nd four prop i an tx loned sink in the corner urrounded arcommodnied in i spuct six b four by ugly pots pans- and other kitchtn fit evei a small kitchen can be utensils ctrlainlj not conducive to i planned to allow this m ich more pleasurable eating or good digestion pnte whtther the nook is nurtlv an this was before plumbing engineers oen yill space iw of the heme and adds designed the modern streamlined cab kil pro inet sink with all its time and labour i a harmor zing colour linoleum and kitchen table and hiii f t ib ilar mital with green kuhiile hatrer stats and backs on 1 1 iirs tnd a slunv black top im vrvlot o wattr on the table an x ni need plumbing contractor at oil r numcroi s suggestions lor l d n ln g i kitchen and arrange ncitl i or easj financing are still iu lib from anj branch bank or uitlionf lending institution under he krm of the horn i m increment malachi demands honesty toward god suvday jxjne 23rd 1940 religious work some say that it too high a proportion for a poor man and toe low for a rich man in the golden text bring ye all the i jewish nation a ttnth covered both tithes into lhe storehouse that there tixs and benevolences tod i tlie and tale takes more than a tenth from ing howler there is the almost un anlmois it commendation of the prac tice by those who have made it i habit throughout the vears the have mone on hand when need arlses tlthers 1 nd a spiritual iisclpllne in setting ppart one tenth of all their eirninir for god tlu auso expert ence abidirg joy in expending mone from what they call cods trensurv usunll thr are eager to lead others o ndopt the tlthlnn habit tlicv nrgt irh molives a the ex res on or grat nude li ibilltv to iwlp others the posslbllit f rebuilding tht word b religious agnncies manj tlthers dt liberal iv slate that th lvu pros ma be meat in muie house u prove mt now herewith iaith the min taxpayers in supjjort of ttth hard or hosts ir i will not open you in howver th the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room mough to receive it mai achl j 10 lesson passage malachi 3 1 18 sing for the wide wide fields sing for the wide wide ski sing for the good glad earth for the un on hill tops high sing for the comrade true sini for ire friendship sweet sing as together we swing along with tht turf beneath our feet stewardship 7 the name malachi means my mes senger the author of the book bear tng the ntrne malachi not a professional priest but a messcn ger of god from among the people he spoke at a time when the jewish nation was under persian rule the temple mad been rebuilt but the peo pie had lost interest in religion they were ottering blemished beasts in sac riricc and were wl hhc id tng tithes the real reason was not stinginess but a loss or vital faith it was nee cs sary for them to retunl lo their faith in god txfore they would find joy in generosity frequently complaint are made aoout the cofit of religion the bes answer is to get a statement com poring what is spent on religion with i the amount spent for luxuries indul gencca and vices nations that spend more upen chewing gum tharj upon foreign missions need not complain about money sent out of the country for religion desired than an excitement that is transit it to quote professor hock mt no religion then is a true rcll iiii which is not able to make men ingll ls even to their physical nerve tips wi h the sense of an inmnlte haz systematic stewardship 10 12 lard a wrath to come a heavenly citj there has been lontr discussion con to be gained or lost in the process of giving of one ten h for ti an b the use of our freedom qurctiong for dimmstlon 1 o ir church ls always asking for monev wh why not 3 w lat do jou get in return for a lectlp id tax bill vou were making your will how lid voi beqitath jour money t do ou give through attraction or tr ictlon gi eater ottering can you our monej lcsto i outlines copyrighted by the in crnatioi a council or r ugious ed icatlon used b permission mother shtptons prophecies because of the uncanny manner in which the prophecies of mother ship- ton have been coming to pass during recent years considerable attention has been attracted to this strange creature of four centuries ago even those who have in the past scoffed at the welra predictions of this ancient witch are now stirred by curiosity to wonder what will next occur in this direction mother shlpton we are hold was born in yorkshire england in july 1488 and died about 155b in books otjnforjmatlcm shes described as a 3vuf mythical english prophetess baptized ursula southlel who later married tony shlpton a builder ac cording to traditions she was rthe child of agatha shlpton and the devil the following extracts from her am azing prophecies were taken from a scrap book made more than forty years ago and owned by a rochester woman says the rochester democrat and chronicle a house bf glass shall come to pass in merry england but alas wa will follow with the work in the laud or the bloody turk and state and state in fierce strife shall struggle tor each others life carriages without horses shall go and accidents fill the world with woe in london primrose hall shall be and the center of a bishops see around tne world thoughts shall fly in the twinkle of an eye through the hills men shall ride and neither horse or ass bestride under water men shall walk shall ridaj shall sleep shall also talk iron in the water shall float as easily is a wooden boat gold shall be found and shown in a land thats now unknown fire and water shall wonders do and england shall admit a jew three times three shall lovely france be led to dance a bloody dance before her people shall be free i three tyrant rulers shall she see each springing from a different dyn asty and wher the last great fight is won england end france shall be as one and now a word in uncouth rhyme of what shall be in latter time in those wonderful farofr days women shall get a strange new craze to dres like men and breeches wear and cut off their beautiful locks of hair and ride astride with brazen brow witches do on broomsticks now then love shall die and marriage cease and babes and sucklings so decrease that wive shall fondle cats and dogs and m n live much the same as hogs in eighteen hundred and ninety six build yuu huuses uf njlltii sticks for then shall mtkhtj wars be planned and fire ahd sword sweep through the land and those who live the century thro in fear and trembling this will do fly to the mountains and to the glens to hogs and forests and wild dens for tempests will rage and oceans will roar i and gabr el stand on sea and shore and a he toots his wondrous horn old worlo shall die and new be bom in the all men shall be seen in while in black and also green now strange but jet thej shall be true tlie world upside down shall be and gold hall be found at the roots of a tree skv worrying wont win the war keep well and buy british i if you axe one- of those oonntleei thousands of loyal canadians anx ious to do your bit bay british and look to your health in the rush of daily affairs dont neglect your body if you have rheumatic lumbago or neuntio pouia frequent headaches boot stomach more than likely you are neglecting to keep your body free of poisonous waste your blood of impurities pont neglect this important mat- v ter for the solution is simple and inexpensive simply take your little daily dose of krusches salts c millions throughout the empire take kroschen every morn ing of their uvea krubchen contains not one or two but beveral highly refined specially selected mineral ealta in combination these salts make a mass attack on these ailments that keep you away from work and take the joy out of life so get a bottle of kruachen and use it just what you can put on a dime every morning then you be the judge after youve been takinc it for awhile youll see what to- meant by that priceless million- dollar kruschen feeling at drug stores 26c 45c and 75c your eyes the public are getting to know our new low price for glassfs is a real bargain for the high quality jitssw supplied why pat more thav our new low price our eye exan nation has al ways been thorough as we have the finest equipment and over 20 yearn experience the people whom we have served are com ing back to us because they real ize onr eye service is best come in and let us show you the newest styles in glasses ao at city prices consult 0 t walker ro eyesight specialist who wiu be at ma ogee over the bell telephone co mam sl georgetown the second wednesday o each month or you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown brampton 5 when pictures look alive with move ments free when ships like fishes swim below tlie eea when mer outstripping birds can scour the slry then half the world deep drenched la blood shall die brussels post strawberries come first b katharine baker afur it s ignr short igt scare just it r the siart of tlie war last fall omtn will bt digging right into the ljeredin bumnecifur idoptlngthe j of pruning iruits from the 1 botjniiinf wnt we ixjkc probably iiablt ci irch work wo ild not be einnint oi the season not that hamper for lick of 1 nuts if even we oqc a icpetltlon of that scare hill the church mrmbir rr ilarlv w i i td then how important tuve a unth lo the support of the d necissarj our supplj of jams and church sacrificial stewardship 11 15 one hi rlo ls elver said hat he gnvt i til it h irt nd kc on uuk until it becamt jojf il nirnln tl real jo f rnerositv is kn wn onlv when gilt are the fruit of sacrifice l t irlb itt be paid to the g nerous and sacrificial giver- who ire s pport ing organizations minlsurim uu the u colour for fnlure use ciushcd strawberry jam institutions of north amerlci hav been mane posible bv gi nerous givers cominced thai education ls essential for pro a multl millionaire s to the running of a home in r are so many uses for jams and j iks belds that of spreading it on 1 c brcamast too t blanc mange ind lir pu idings frosting s for cakts and iwl biscuits are all improved and made more colorf il and tasty with a dash of jam or jill slraw berries will be m the market anytime now so get i u idv to corrall their lovely hav our j the 1 ick the oor the blind and the crip p ed in large degree lhe ed icational cups 2 lb i prepared fruit ups 3 lbs sugar bottlt fruit pectin to prepare fmit grind about two social stewardship 89 we are al convinced that ls a personal virtue each person seeks to be sell supporting and to make provision for old age satisfaction is found in what robert burns called the glo lous privilege of being inde pendent there is just as much rea- eonfor miaistawardshlp th nntinn i needs taxes wherewith to maintain public services and the church needs gifts to support its work of education and evangelism yet many people who have their plans of a regular de posit in a savings account or building up an estate through life insurance grumble at their taxes and give but little to religious causes they would be insulted if they were told that they are robbing god we cannot live sole ly as individuals either u dtlaens or as christian there are great col lective projects made possible only by the cooperation and support of large numbers o people the condition of tne world tells us that god can make more of as and do more with us bome- wbereln us uie great am is eeulbbneu tically planned to phe away his i quarts fully ripe berries or crush fortune saving that he would consider i completely one laver at a time so that it n disgrace to die rich john wesley tncn y reduced to a pulp mea- who dlsnibuted gifts amounting to s irc gar and prepared fruit inu millions of dollars left no tangible es lat kettle mix well and bring to a lite a iving religious leader savs ollnfe boll otor hottest fire stir hat if he has two cents unspent for constan ly before and while boiling god when he dies h will be a sin add to his honor roll the manv hum ble peopl who have not only denied themseles the luxuries but the very nee shljh or life to aid their fellow men- they joined the lorioih -com- pany who can say what i saved i lost what i gave i had spiritual stewardship 16 18 christ taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive when he was crucified he left no legacy but his gar ment his truth and hi love he be came poor that through him many might be made rich we may expect to accomplish far more by generosity than by acquisitiveness no person can love a miser but generous givers are usually attractive because glad in spirit thinking of others more than of themselves above all others jesus christ evokes the faith that prompts glad giving his religion brings a seat that ls permanent much more to be boll hard 2 minutes remove from lire and stir in pectin ihen stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes to cool slightly to prevent floating fruit pour quickly paraffin and cover at once makes about lft glasses 6 jluld ounces each strawberry jelly 4 cups 2 lbs berry juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 8 cups 3 mi lbs sugar 1 bottle fruit pectin to prepare juice crush thoroughly or grind about 3 quarts fully ripe ber rles place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeee out juice squeeee and strain juice from 1 medium lemon measure sugar and juice into a large saucepan and mix bring to a boll over hottest fire and at once add pectin stirring constantly then brine to a full rolling boll and boll hard hi minute remove irom fire skim pour quickly para- fun and cover at once makes about 13 glasses fl fluid ounces eacb it doob not take a great deal of i time to prepare for a successful children s party the coot le small when compared to that expended on festivities for adults but it it necenfmrv to choose the foodn wisely if the party is hell in the afternoon the children will probably eat a hearty dinner at home if it u an early evening party the hearty dinner han been eaten already in either cane the foods served should be light easily digested and in fairly moderate portion tt party wth b an enjoyable affair without any lamontable after effects serve simple light bandwlches rrult juice or milk a btnall portion of birthday cake and a light dessert with ornamental cookies devote the rest of your party appropriation to table decorations games and attractively wrapped inexpensive mystery prises children react to attractive visible things and mysterious hidden things bear this la mind as you plan let the light dessert dish be the main dish something like a healthful rennetcustard is meel us easy to prepate tn advanoa healthful easily digested and ukad by all the following recipe ww romlsa you with jttt wmu tie l j children want no eggs are needed- no baking or boiling are necessary in attractive orange baskets antf served with small animal or de sign cookies bearing the names oi the guobtb these desserts are a nure parly hit chocolate rennetcuttard in orange baskets 3 large oranges 1 pint milk not mned curd 1 packajte chocolate rennet powder cut oranges carefully into halvoa in the usuatw55 squoeao thbjulce out and remove membranes from shells to make bandleb cut strip around the top of each hall- bhell about inch wide leaviag it attached for about l inch on oppo site sides lift up the strips and tie together with a ribbon warm milk alowlx stirring eon stantly test a drop onjuridaac- wrist frequently whn mfort ably warm ltp not ho remove at enee from stove j rennet powder taut milk brtettr ss ncetred net w mtattttl om