ottawa week by week by lean wilson no nation registbatfon it appws now that the government lias decided against compulsory nat lonal registration forthe time being and ac ordlng to high authority on parliament hill this decision hu been made for three reasons first the government is fearrul of compulsory national registration since i may p o duce public alarm in some seotlons of the nation which fear that is merely a preliminary to conscription or man power affecting adversely national un ity and a united war elfort second so far the results of the voluntary sys tern hav been very satisfactory in providing adequate manpower lor all armed forces of canada and for thw greatly accelerated pace of industrial production tor munitions and supplies of all ku ds third the decennial census of 1941 will give the govern merit all the information required for war time purposes within a comparatively brief period millions and millions of dollars of new business in the form of british orders may be expected by the manufac jrers of canada as a result or the strenuous efforts of the authorities on parlla merit hill not only to promote and ac celeraf production to the maximum capaci y of c nadlan industries of war ttnv requirements of the mother land but in other directions in order to relieve the pressure on british in dustries so that they concentrate on war production it is no secret that british orders have been short of all expectations so far but the graveot uatlon abroad and the negotiations carried on by lne government in ot tawaas well as by the canadian man ufacturen asoclation will soon result in a greatly increased flow of british orders to this nation in both light and heavy industrie polities losing out outwardly so far the present session of the canadian parliament ma ap pear to the man in the street b he press reports to be productive onlv or titanic clashes in the great game of national politics but the truth is hat to an observer behind the scenes in ottawa there are continued signs to day of a definite trend on hi ament hill to make such things as party pol itlcs and puny victories of one asplr ing domestic politician over another seem tr val and unworthy of a truly canadian representative of the people in the 1 ght or the terrible happenings abroad where dally death rains from the sky where daily the guns of bat tleshlps belch their deadly explosives and where daily vast armed forces en gage in life and death struggles but what evidence exists in the na uons capital which strengthens ihls momentous conviction that beside che cataclysm abroad politics is losing out in ottawa in face of all press reports to the contrary particular those which cause bewilderment and the nearest approach to mass panic by empha sizing that legislators on ottawa are engaging in dilatory political speech s or actions when canada is face to lace with the greatest danger of its whole ilstory this observer has dis covered six sound reasons for the re port that there will be no enthusiasm jn ottawa over political riumphs of those who seek to get office or those who seek to hold onto office in this country while this war is in progress one rea on can be discovered in the extreme anxiety of all members to improve the acoustics of the senate and the house of commons where it is often newt to impossible for people to rfar debates unless the speakers raise their voices at one time or an other both places have been wired for sound with the installa ion of public another reason lies hidden in the jilthrto unreported fact tl at when a member of either house has some tiling worthwhile to say then he is certain to be allowed to pass his al lotted time for making a speech whe ihcr it be f r or against the govern nvnt though irl the past all speeches were clr umscrlbed strictly by routine tradition and the rtghtof way or cer tain oratorical dictations a third reason is the unquestionable actions of members or all parties to speak or vote wlthojt any consldera tion to their avowed allegiances jam es sin 1 r member from north van couver astounded everyone by urging mor prog ess and less red tape in can adas war efforts when he seconded the speech from the throne though he u a liberal and his example has been followed again and again in the present session with the result that the scnte and the house or com mons have been witnessing sights and tearing storleo that havt startled and mned political party leaders on many occasions there are marked absnces ol strict partj lines today in he national capital whereao in the past members ot the hou6 of commons often engaged in actions showing a complete lack of merest in the proceedings such as reading papers writing letters or just gazing ot the green carpet to pass away th time this does not happen often now and there are sudden turns furrowed brows and when the occa slon wajrants whlcl is frequently in this session here ire sudden out bursts of applause and pounding of desks for peakers of ail shades of po lineal oplnon withou strict party ad ner nee still another reason can be dlscov ered in the nature and number of queries from private members con cernlng manifold aspects of the canadian war effort including ques tions about uniforms boots and shoes nationalization of the armament and ail industr registration power etc over our fence acton at another meeting of the acton crhwlboard twheulttes we ironed- out public school principal a mc kenzle was offered a salary of 1300 for the coming year miss m b young resigned from the staff having obtained a position in toronto and the board has advertised for ano her teacher to replace her an aeroplane en route from lon don to malton airport lost its way and landed in a field on the farm of william early near campbellvllle bocaune of the rain on the fresh wor ked land the pilot had to continue hls trip a one leaving his passenger a student pilot to hitch hike to mai ton a letter to the editor from oeorge finney warden of halton county is here reprinted r r no 1 acton ont june 10th 1040 editor deir sir in our issue of may 30th i read with interest and some surprise the re port of the meeting of the countj council particularly the part referring to th equalized assessment to say the least the report is very ml leading the figures reported as the now i roposcd equalized assess ment were not discussed or used in any way as a possible amendment to the presfnt equalized assessment by members of the council where or how the reporter secured a copy of uel figures or what the idia as repoi ing them as the now prop esed assessment is a mystery to me i am quite sure none of the members of the county council had any lnten tions of rraking such drastic chonges as those figures would suggest as equallza lon in the past ha been very costlj for instance the last equallza tion was conducted at a cost of 38 800 00 it was the desire of some of the council including mvself to try to arrive at something a little fairer to all con crntd than the pre ent equali 7 1 hon if possible by mutual agree me it our countj clerk has been corrc ponuing with hit department of municipal affairs at intervals during the past ear to get some ad vice on a ruling on county equallza tion but o tar nothing has been done i will enclose a copy of some figures for publication that are as nearly cor rec as it l possible to get them at present they mav be interesting to of our taxpayers and by them met 0 controlling ants awarded the mary mclaren house scholar nip for general proliiiency atl tlit graduation exerclses of the ham iton general hospital recently held at mcmaster university i milton champlon- thej mus see that the present equali 7itlon l most unfair to some munk1 pall es in the home wtoi mis delving into of flcial tome b members or all parties bting a common practice finally no one can emembtr when the menbers of all political parties in canada laid so much attention to the represen ataves from the foreign nat lona who visit the parliament of can ada indicating definitely and conclus he y that events abroad are of greater significance than part politics in this clarification enter such dlstlng ulshed diplomats as baron sllvercruys of belgium baron tomli of ja ion mr oroenlng of the netherlands sir gerald campbell of britain m de lagnese of prance sir william glas gow of australia mr de waal meier or south africa mr j j heame of eire count victor podoskl of poland dr shih of china and senor aguuar of argentina notwith landing ail news bulletin rom ottawa these are the real reas ons why this veteran observer on par llamen hill is positive that all party politics or politicians themselves will fall by the wayside sooner or later in tl ls war unless their tactics thetr ac tion and their ambition are in per feet tune with the total war effort de sired by the man on the street throughout canada and which nsure calmness instill confidence and pre vent an disturbed political situation of pani behaviour in our dcmocrac uci as parallel those methods by which lations are dc troved or defea ed in wars re rocuctlon prohibited 1940 ed uca ional features synd ciut munlc acton milton georgetown burtingto oakv 1 1 trafaltjai nelson esque ng narsagaweva we know during the summer months anu in r vade kitchens and other parts of the r i j i home and constitute a nuisance one local eqiallzed paid o lhe mq3l wrmnon an troublesome assessment assessment co hqus hjld c b ule ant or 792250 12t80 399 ptmraoh am it con ltlf 1082 870 1486 839 4 60 urti to heaud buualriw 3uch as 1241282 1 613 889 497 bakenrs re tauranu ind houses the 27u5sa82jegjn5 5 rcomnien large 303831 34876o3 1089 ugjj ormally an outdoor species 4 990 060 3 328577 26 noting principally in decaying wood 2301084 52i3 172 16 4 i frequently occurs in dwellings parttcu 2 768 648 5251035 16 46 f houses and summer cot 1 472510 2233 104 7 31 x nd ma causc lljllrj o hi local assessment of orlt w ann ance d its pres some of the municipalities is not near lv 100 the val le ol some of the pro pertj but the towns dp of nassaitawya s assessed locally at 100 of the value of he p optrty with referenc to j nr editorial ot payment of 1940 taxes the first instalment of taxes is due and payable at the municipal office georgetown on inesday thursday and fri june 19th 20th and 21st 3 discount will be allowed on the second instalment if paid with the first on dates due w g marshall tax collector lloyd hustler organist at brampton c1ilrc1i mr llojd hustler acco ot nor val has accepted a position as organ address systems but twe were soon nnd cnolr master in the baptist church brampton abandoned particularly after an un fortunate event during the imperial conference of 1932 when the speech of the representative from the irish free starwas interrupted by mecnan leal defects however regardless of the political affiliations of the speak era in both houses to da everyone seems anxious to hear what they want rt then to tell them he boy what are you doing in my apple tree i m tetung my idte but it- been there month i know but the apples were not june 6th the v lage of acton was not men tioned ai due for a posible increas in equalzed assessment or wa tne town of milton men oned is q e for a decrease or wa it pro osed to reduce the townshto of ntlson by 1000 000 some o the members of the coun ctl including myself would like to raise the equalhvd asse sment of the munlclpa itles that are low and lower the asmsments of the ona that are high by an equal amount by so do inp t wtuld keep the to j iasewment of the countj at the lime fljtires as it preset t penrt atlj i would be very hapj to see ju tice and raimess to dll concerned yo irs very truly geo finney i acton fret press t milton it has been ugested hat the pro inclal h ghway between acton and miltoi is to be used as a te tmg place for tanks and army trucks 180 numbers of the gastlc family coi nee ion held a reunion at the home of frank stark traulgar th firs gostle to settle tu this ar a walked from york to east flam bon in wei tworth co intv bordering ha on this plucky family set out well over a century ago with belong ings aid supplies strapped to their backs the oldest member present was w o gastle carlisle 80 the youngest lcona bussell one jear hornby mis helen e eyre daughter of a former hornby minister and once a tuden at mlton high school was enci a third common species is tne mall yellowish brown lawn ant which i est in uwns and gardens often en urlng houses in search of rood irie n ost satisfactory material so ftr discovered for destroying ants is sodium fluoride sold by druggists in v tit form of a fine while powder this powder 1 ould be scattered or dusted 1 ifhtly in places frequented by the ants on left undisturbed until the r lpcls have dtsippcared a xilum oldham ramlly fluoride l somewhat pi isonous care should bv taken to p event children honor parents or pius iiom gaining accis to it alternative baits may be used the may consist either of meat bon es or sponges dipped in sweetened wa ter when large numbers of ants have colli cied or the baits they may be de s rojed b immersion in very hot wa lr a ball trap which has been used with sue ess may be made by taking a small tin can with a tight ltd punch ing several holes in the sides and top and introducing a small piece of sponge moistened with a syrup pre pared by mixing itt grains of sodium arsenate 6 o mces of sugar and 1 pint of hot water in ising this bait due conuanct should be taken of the i polsono4s nature of sodium arsenate 1 ants may be discouraged from en terlng houses by keeping shelves tab le and floors in kitchens and pan tries as free as possible from crumbs ti d other food fragments and by storing foodstuffs in ant proof con aii crs in addition openings in floors md walls through which ante may gain entrance should be carefully i 1 3ged i when ii ls possible to find the nests n the ground outside the ant colonies may be destroyed by puncturing the surface with holes and pouring in a mall quantity of carbon bisulphide heavy gas ls given off by this liquid and its el feet may be enhanced by covering the nest with an old coat or sacking care should be taken not to expose carbon bisulphide neasttrc as it is very inflammable nine children of mr and mrs charles oldham norval are au living the week eno of june 8th the fam ilj of m- and mrs chas oldham norval met to honor their parents mrs oldham is 81 years old mr old ham is 84 years old mr james old ham representing the family gave an appropriate address of appreciation and good wishes to the parents it ls markablc that the nine chll dren ire all living and married with families of thotr own all were pre sent on this rare occasion except the eldest daughter almeda mrs wil ham crlckard who resides near coch rane ont a happy time of friendly fellow shl was spent together those present were mr and mrs n old ham lawrence station mr and mrs ernie o dl am komoka mr and mrs frank coutts toronto mrs dugald turner southwold station mr henry oldham lawrence station mr and mrs art oldham nowal grandchll dren present were mrtand mrs james coutts and family detroit mr and mrs chas coutts toronto mr wll liam coutts lawrence station mrs j d varey toronto miss dorothy turner southwolo mr kenneth put nam toronto mr charlie and ar thur oldham of lawrence station gordon carroll jean madaline ross and margaret oldham of norval mr henry mcuougall of norval ft tktt intj momtw may tin mt ktrm4tihrritj light of fa hg dmtmmfsytm urn ffs w ht y w f w m m t gtmts tntm ut mx aitt w iapktmn a eanfnt holiday rf tnat yowrsttf to h tdd tfirs f tight- mtf alf the way as year omks trawttt awtr pktmrtsfm highways aadpassts thnagh amy mm ami vgfogt ehag year roaft uokat thm39ay visits lausf3qm it mtnt wmj washgtms3qjs iaetadiag ntanm ftm tanata htatm maat md m tacttma taars dscrsthsad6ttoftrstothhidfo at oatarias khkad naattt nni ftm oaf f lib atmethm ftttr mfev ftmtkg fmrtr if han 4 mt tmt j r my t timl mfmv ttat gyaay atntt 0 ttar tt atfwattt mjfma- am mas trarat iafamatka at w h long phone 89 the pastry gun a pastry gun ta an inoxpenslta tittle instrument that has been used or years by chela and pastry oooka j but has only recently become poptt lar in the average home v iih it as an ally the bride cam i rn her first dessert into an attrme- uvl dish while the experienced n iron can make pies and pudding tl it she never dreamed of before d crts which have an eye appeal thit 1 rings instantaneous compli- montt irnm family or guests vote the growing appeal in thm three lcsserls pictured an h try r in completes its decorating job incidentally this la an inex pensive milk dessert so dellcioua ti t yon should sample it whether yo i n a pastry gvin or not no krs ro needed no baking or boll- n necessary why not try today mocha rennetcustard 1 tablespoon ground coffee 14 cups milk not canned or soft 1 i n vanilla 1 b chocolate rennet powder warm slowly sttrrts eotitia test a drop on inside ot iwrlst fre quently when comfobtaslt warm ioj not hot rernot at once from stote and straia quickly through muslin ot sattral thicknesses ot chmoecloul add tanllla sad stir in th rennet powder briskly until dissolved not oer one minute ponrat o tea while ttilt uvwtd into individual dessert glasses d not move nnul firm about 10 mlnatss chlu ts ice box serve in the same glasses just before mtrlng too with un sweetened whipped cream by using a pantry k in to form an attract ve design hxir children om t the offee