itataiof jatsh ettcaloa iniitrniininwiii pa ii udt end os sb ralbsd srss ru jiw aa j eojolrke tthlla im u k pdssbnllty of seme lotaorla baoenada from the s23 nranttitlglani and the irwin fwnhh w tansley hew stntffl helton juh- wan to avion some of the llkl 1 jw mm being a ant in trait ud ijpuanvf by brneet devles rnjte freemen kroertdevies at noond m jawlne by anrrbtarawrtaanir rd production liggs in canada sswport an the jaw survey stoc3eallng with to number tlonoundlan ferine tbejng our cm and the number of isrmr tothe an imo it i that boar production in oen- 53 the gteatest detwoaeprlng pic crop pa ttun that of nttvfarenem alto reported an jn- vsls percent in tb nmnben ismssi to arrow tn thefan x r increase in the eprlng p jvanlted ht pa of 17 per the nonmmr of baft on oana- sn atjunejl 1m9l tbe total tot not on firm at that date letednt mm the highest unmt u oonbnn- upwsrd trend lntbemmv- efldeb oommenoed in tbe jatso xata of relatively ijtteat for bote an ifitarnrtoed feed hegrawng ma molt of i in the pig crop maieat- rlnghe during tfio l a th early andusmsse of over moteo it bi as modi dafejae frogi iroumtwiaa and cfwnal jaarajipataateinimea araxn dor ownjiiooouiimnnjaw ahjjot ppadatax japan however win bo able to and ha usual ahhxnenta lweererel youl tbe outturn of flowering bulbs baa been a growing duststabrllafccolunelda but it baa aa yacolrtr reached tbe point where but a rnujtjou of the demand tram all uerts it canada canfee mot p to the present ibe brtttsb columbia growers bate not toon able to com pete successfully with tbe law coot of dutoh bulbs it unexpected tbat n s will weatal f aalothlafabnot mora than 10 per coot of tbelr usual supply of bulbs and the alae u not likely tobe equal to that which their were formerly able to offer tb aniwor to the problem for those who want laoom outofooojaa spring seystbb ixtntnlon- 1st axperbnental farms mitilitti dc of lies partly in the aubautution blooming perennials such as bearded iris and tbe earlier varieties of peonies and by the oonserratlon of old butts now is tbe time to plant nia and peonies bulbs for indoor forcing with the eacoeptloh of d to a limit ed extent will not be available until tbe countries which for many yean have been tbe prtnclpal source of supply are free again or until tin tnduetry in british columbia has de veloped to a point where the cana dian demand can be met increased production of maple products though tbe season in 1m0 as in n was short and late the output of ttkaple products in oanada in the spring of 1m0 was 30 per cent greater 1hanm how and the quality wm nar on tbe basis of ten pounds of maple sugar being equal to one gallon of maple syrup tbe total pro duction that year of maple auger and inaple ayrap la eatnneted at sjoaojoo gallons as oompared with 3403200 gallons to last and with the fiveyear average igm- of 3du40u gallons this yearn yield represents an in- enaae of oubjaod odious or30 per cent as oompared with lvat and is also is par cent higher than the ftte- yaar average the farm production of mapss ayrup amounted to only 11 per eent of the total crop tbe aame i as in him t tota pro duotion or maple syrup waa tsboft saltans and the farm make of maple sugar ambunfed to gftsoo pounds rmee osttmataa show tnoreeass of m00 gallons of ayrup and 517300 ai youndsofangarmoompar wlui production of 3m330o gallons of ayrup and sjaoooo pounds of sugar in isk fin igev w 3 toad r 4htt4 khiooi fit 4im to the ihoit crap bi the thiled sttai vt nunf tm i owl trbua aarleukun 4 a hw aim in var fbe nil taqiad or iu danand for frm pcodiicu lino ic until aotdmil4td sont daiappea and produrtlajii anw tic amlrfctad itauftui im be trdt thtnfare u onwttilnc of a tartm force tbe power or wftich la notmtto ttweaitytaaair and the netjiu for wwofaand ttie nature of which can only oe muratelr deter- mined in the light of arrelopoientb dr a e barton deputy wnlf- ter dominion departanent of agrictil- whbat srroation the situation m regard to wheat is particularly tluneolt at tbe present time states the acmemle annalist l fay tfaedivulon of moo- t dgimf tifltnt ag culture tbe carryover in canada on july imo wai be dose to 2s0 nalulonlnishels and the early estim ates oft the new crop indicate that front iso tc 400 million bushels will be paarvested during imo after allowing an mining seed andtoed aupnues on band will be adequate to meet the normal demands or tbe united king dom for three yean at present no other market of any consequenoe ex ists j terracotta vro and cjwo meet at b downeyvteath annlvenary forty far mr and mrs oarenee bete we are again the recent rains have greatly re tarded threshing operations in this vicinity we understand that mr nonia of lamenouse la operating the roger quarrle on the 5th line this summer mr p h lyons reports doing a rushing trade to threshing at present success to snujfted terra ootta vro and tjpwx held a ttry auccessful meeting on monday at the home of mr and mrs h downey owing to the absence of the president and secretary miss nor ma hunter oocupled tbe ohair for the ladles meeting while hiss marjorie mrkan acted as socntary the meet ing opened with tbe staging of the maple lear after which the lords prayer was repeated in unison the members responded to the roll call by natning a variety of apples r clarence anderson gave a splea paper on the motto- make the beet of whatever you ham mba margaret m very ably demonstrated tbe mating of fancy cookies and also passed them around to bo semi mr t l leslie prealdm over the joint meeting which was opened with a guitar sejecttco byjohn peuof acton a former resident of this com munity during the evening mr fen played several selections which were mtir nsrn i fflfcswaiajie- h j t j iv- 4 ixk 1- r j yj r ii hlji sdporrfcfinfkl 5 -t- vl ji st au tovvhom these preeenta atnto com or vaotn the aun may ba smywtoe coocarn k cntaairiini 1 ioclfamatlon y ffi tftrhbreas itmovmed bfctnr national actine dejnty mlnlstor vv iuamrcm mobhtion act imfv rhittlhsi r of justice cmiada oomaxatismbm aneh orders and regulations requiring peraona to place ttsonasiyea thobr awmicea and their property at ttie isspoaal of hb maaty in to right of canada for the me within canada or the tarritorlal vntarg thereofr as may bo dewratanbodaaaiy or expedient to aenirmgtbepubbct iss9ebircilenca of canada the maintenance of publk order ct4 efnetent proeertihfm of 1ho war or for rnaintainhig auppuea or aerricea laaanflal h the life of tins cxnnmunity amd whbrbas pursuant to fherpowrra tiierexn eontanvidi and the ptov wialona of the war measures act our governor in council did on the 37th day of august 1940 rnakareguldrtona to provide a aystem for calling out men for military training within canada and the t watere thereof such regulations being known at the national war services reguv lotions i94q and whbrsag pursuant to and in arcorda with the said regobs- lions it has been deadedto c o f nrlhtary tratn a aforee every male british 8ubject who ia or baa been at any time subeequent to the first day of september 1939 ordinarily resident in canada and who on the first day of july 1940 had reached the age of twentyone yearn but had not yet reached the age on that date of twentytwo yeara or had reached tbe age of twentytwo yean but had not yet reached the age on that data of twenty- three years or who ha r ag o iwen y but had not yet reached the age on that date of twentyfour yeara or who had reached the age of twentyfour yeara but had not yet reached the age on that date of twentyfive yean and who waa on the fifteenth day of july 1940 unmarried or a widower without chald or children now therefore know ye that pursuant to the national reaourcea mobilization act 1940 and the war measureaact and pursuant to and m accordance with the narjonel war servicee regulationa 1940 promul gated under the provuaons of the said acta we do hereby call out the aforesaid classes of men to submit themselvea for medicalexanunation and to undergo military training for a period of thirty dayawithin canada or the terntorial watero thereof and to report at such places and timea and uvauchjriannerjuidjn euch authorihea or persona aa may be notified to them respectively by a divudonal reguttrar of an admhustrative divi sion appointed by theqoveraor in council pursuant to the above men tioned regulationa of all op which our loving subjecta and all othen whom theaa preeenta may concern are hereby required to take notice in testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and the great seal of canada to be hereunto affixed wrtness our dear uncle our right treaty and right well beloved cousin and counsellor auxander auoustuefredsmck oeoaozearl of athlone kriigbtrotour moat noble order of the garter lllsnnber of our moat honourable privy council knight grand cross of our moat honourable order of the oath grand master of our moat dis- tingulahed order of samt michael and saint george kmght grand croat of our royal victorian order companion of our distinguished barviea order colonel in our army retired having the honorary rank of majorgeneral one of our personal aideahlecamp gover nor general and commander in chief of our lmunion of canada at our government house in pur city of ottawa tfaleeleventh day of sept in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred and forty and in the fourth year of our reign by r- e h coleman undersecretary of state bkstlt ll mil f- ills f at 1 i f rvimisnoa tot ma anonnonon or moea coocs by the outnonty dnd courtesy of mmitar of noftenol war ssnvcws muoh enjoyed by all preasnt 1 norma hunter gave a short talk on the production of rubber and its uses samples of rubber ware shown inits various stages from latex to the fm- mae o j ubedprodtwr gave a recitation winch waa also trench duect r enjoyed j read an ar ticle on health- which stressed tbe neoeaslty of guarding against tofeo- ticn the sneeting waacsoaad by auudng the natlonsj anthem be- fraaiments ware aarvad and a aoeial hour enjoyed quit a natnbsr of our cuhans took in the sot ttdayear and report a rarj enjoyable ttme a- t- mr and mra boy mobaown and beby pale at tsavshonmf spent fam- daf recently wlm mr end mrs w n invsrtmaplaoa mr armrsrswsss afnito mrs tiaoos -y- miss nora lyons la holidaying with her aunt mrs r breckonrtdge at oananoque misses hugh and tictcr mcoahub of ooosxtllle spent sunday at their boma end mm john pea and dsuarki toevwhow- ter loralne of aoton spent a law days with mr and mrs vietoriuoosltubv miss wumet banter asong with other mftiilftiv from the ofot of the ontario rreestirydopsrtroeot u y fdtg a week louring tbe piuvluoo the flev a lagsatof korrsl lartartward 1 by mr ranoant of tnla nlaaiu sntnt vantfhg tn mrs clarence nam niossantlr auiuu famby hr of friends eiimtt at uvuhom1he 00- aelr tenth wedding en- nbarir rr- taw two stolon otmhsm bobibrojden of suten win wtt hm hundajo k2 tfotkx to creditors of the mate el ii i hum r bnnr matthew ktte of the town at oewatt of bal atx pasbohb- hexing claims against the state of the aw burlsg tarn matthew who died on or scout the eth day of septecober imftat ths town of georgetown are reohnwd toyis send to the mvlaia atasntor nw nriberom the uth day of octobovj uho fun paraeolsn of their clstar end any sscurluse tbey mar hold jjj takb mdt1db uubvarhw saorj nth day of october imo bstadnant j strain with the wut annexed win ss proceed to distrtbota the aatd estalw i having regard xuy to tmcoums ot v which be ahab than bar notice tjatsd it oto this ufnt day of fjptaaariatt j osmgstaanfoalaili scudtorvforbiroid boisan stuf jnnuitator wtui th fsi ainssxad t jkl