the georgetown herald wednesday eveniiig june 4th 194t cental 43n tmbi t mg uu sbsg 8ot tram cw- aawvaxntuty mttik for cue us- tenors an taesdiye at 1m0 pjn edst he la now travelling the western prov and was an band last night to jnomtee the sags of the army from camp it saskatoon ib salvaged on sleeping cars i prom scrap paper to steel rails every- ng used toy the canadian national ilways is salvaged and nothing dis- as an example of reclamation cakes or soap after me by i on the system sleeping and trlour ears are collected sent to the shops and are there liquified r steam pressure the liquid being to scour interiors of passenger juipment last years salvage of soap ikes amounted to 1 796 pounds international uniform sunday school lesson aswtinjarbtoibir lamp beginning of world missions sunday june 8 1941 golden text and he said unio them go ve into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature mark 16 15 essois passage acts 12 25 to 13 12 come walk again in woodland ways hear birds lift up there fervent praise in avenues of green that run their courses hidden from the sun by loftier green of trees that rise each season nearer to the skies apprenticeship 25 the disciples received their training by being companions or jebus john mark served his apprenticeship under barnabas and saul mark had to for luggage and lodgings but what conversations he would overhear how he would be by the gollan imabas and saul one to the other as they endured their common mark served and learned the same time there are some misgivings about the modern training of young men for the ministry some communions the total course stretches out to nearly fifteen years if ithe high school course is counted while some field work is done during tbe college term and some practical experience la gained during vacations it is too long a period to spend with the academic training far in excess of active service a preacher learns to preach by preaching as a rule certain things may be taught in a college but living in a community and facing a congregation sunday by sun day put reality to the test even- anally mark became the writer of che goapel but it must not be for aotten that be started out in charge of billets and baggage sending oat misswnaries 1 3 tbe dfrianarton of missionariea always kupreosive deep feelings are aroused at the sight of young people eomnuttlog themselves to a lifelong vocation going out largely on faith tmable to chart the future willingly being separated from home and loved ones risking all the chances of travel dlirasr war and racial prejudices a spectator may wonder why these mdl tldual young people were chosen did f circumstances and the fitness some ctutsuarthome give them an the leading of the holy amrty fcnputse chd some missionary i 8 usually aocompanled by flexl flrtndedv preacher picture the fields bulty wuj deughtful surprises and white o the harvest did some re- unexpected opportunities along god bless our brave daddy overseas 9 for every canadian who sails the deep for every airman who flashes through the skies and for every other man in the fighting forces the prayers of the nation rise like a fountain night and day in times of crisis our people stand steadfast in daily devotions they renew the flame of faith and arm with unseen powers their warriors in the field oftentimes they discern the unseen hand witness the miracle of dunkirk witness too in the darkest hours the emergence of great inspiring figures to steady the ranks of democracy and fire its courage and confidence church bells are ringing throughout canada calling men and women to worship and sacrifice in defence of our freedom the sanctity of our homes and the future of our children translate your faith into works by buying victory bonds national commhtee victory loan 1 941 ottawa canada the tamed jmtaslontry past on contagious cnthojusm did the bare fact of button illiterates stul in the world a desire to share education the fact that in some countries there is not one sfculaa doctor to one hundred thousand peufme touch the i sp of compassion or are there certain people who by gifts and graces are lust naturally fitted to be mission aries in antioch there was no ques tion barnabas and saul were the logical choices they had demonatrat ed their home mission sincerity before d for foreign mission service it is a safe rule that i those who are not soul winners in the od win nou llkery have great wrrnn in foreign lands in action 4 5 what does it mean to be led fay the holy spirit clan one oe led by the boly spirit following a timetable on transcontinental railway or air jour- nay or on an ocean voyage with the bow of docking marked mouths a- bead the faartmg of the bo h r to the pur of a journey and the spirit in udoertakteil saul and had no road map or urn they ptobaory decided the 1 of their journey by the number vtonrttes that ttwy discovered rntlan ministry they had a fflan but ttoey were willing w ariim plan to the light of need bawaavas bound by precedents or at two man bad qnefca in aniloch synagogue jews in t the decision reach- id purpoa somehow happily balanced friend and foe 8 ii opposition parties are not confined to houses of parliament nearly every good project awakens opposition a distinguished canadian thought to lni slum clearance reform in his own city and aroused surprising oppos ltfem nearly every health safeguard and sanitary precaution nas had to be forced upon the public against stiff opposition one canadian province even prohibited motor oars for a time there liaa bnen much opposition lo the policy of universal education and at the mention of christian missions many people still become hostile there u a gain in character for strength is developed by challenge and at- lark history gives us hone cru saders for a better world are lieortened when they remember tliat the prophets were stoned that die aixwues were scourged and imprisoned that jcmis was crucified such u die price laid for progress through centuries belief through aalonuhment it the deputy believed being ovtton shed at uie doctrine of the lord we were prepared to read that he believed being convinced or charmed by the teaching but no it was sheer aston tahment that led him into the chris uan fellowship only familiarity with christ prevents us from being anion- become good christ offers to share with us his hope for humanity that ignorance disease crime hate greed and war may be overcome what spiritual leader has such an astonlsh- ng pronouncement to make has it our vote to become true will it have lshed dully christ tells us that the i our work to make it come true power managing this universe friendly like a father he tells us that people of every race and religion can ilvi together in goodwill as brothers he says that we may be free from our evil moods and dispositions ana receive inner harmony and peace he has dared to promise us that if we will do the will of god we shall be come able to help bad people to questions tor discussion 1 how are we training our succes sors 1 how did the holy spirit apeak to the anuoch christiana 3 wl are christian teachers called ministers 4 did paul condemn elymas before or after writing 1 corinthians 13 5 what does it mean to believe in christ lesson outlines copyrighted by tbo international council of religious b4- ucation used by permission set visiting hours fob dionne quints canadian national railways traflsfl officials advise that the guardians of the dionne quintuplets have arranged visiting hours to defoe hospital eseev tlve may 24 as follows morntafj 1100 am to 1130 am afternoon 4jm pm to 4 30 pm eastern standard time the children may be seen daftr afajce 0 hnakt trwat ytarswtfito carina holiday m oafarh s faktkttd r saashtoa aw pmascaataa btauas uawa at yaar carts hthmd ratal at aata as yaa nta j hutary avtr seaok highways travti by has vacatioos with att tgpaasas pah fnm tf catot s pays pewwow hiat u970i pays wasaga bttch s2sjs 9payspakf maaa taa 39 js t pays wigwassaa u4g s3j5 9 pays pttoatn hath tier attracts toseay fat aay to 9 lays wm sty ihtashms mi tto taav latasiat facathas aaa nmr m mmw 4att xaatraatma- ut viata mtat a msw a a u to tml mnflkf w b long 1