the georgetown herald wednesday evening augiiat 27th 1941 k curoo own sodp flakes 32c ready cut churchill cream biscuits ik 18c aykner tommto catsup 12ot ml j2c macaroni pork beans aylmer peas apple juice baking powder c s coffee dhp corn starch 2 19c 3 13c choice sieve 4 alfeni or ayhner crroli own z z no2y ttnm 16oz 17c 20ox 16oz tin i7c 49c for after school snackcbrf b 11 peanutbuue rinso pl ioc x4c 47c sunlight soap x jif soap flakes x2c ivort flakes p c toilet tissue hw 3 25c waxed paper xoc 25c electric light bulbs e xoc mother parkers tea ivort soap aak afcout ctatbm bnib offar nescafe crfto thf qukk add hot wtr m h xac u- u 59c muliri dog biscuits 2 25c silver star pastry flour 24lb bag 63c aunt jemima pancake flour pk 15c christies fruit loaf maple de luxe cake quick quaker oats certo liquid pectin 1 xsc e 15c ll pki 19c bil 25c i tomato vegetable bj or scotch broth bj ta r 6 m jewel salad dressing 32- 39c jewel vegetable shortening lib- pli i7c red malaga grapes 2jb25 domestic duchess apples 5 lb 1s crisp white f celery hearts 2 bdl i 9 golden ripe yi k bananas 9c ib hlbbard vegetable j f squash or marrow ea 1 fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night only mother goose revised there was a crooked man and he had a crooked style he raised a crooked moustache and smiled a crooked smile his flag a crooked cross he publish ed crooked facts and built a crooked europe with his crooked little pacts prank lynn in the new york heraldtribune clever proud father i to bank manager aii mr clark i want to see you about opening an account for the new arrival at our house how shall we describe it to distinguish it from mine manager suppose we call it the fresh heir fund canadian national exhibition toronto august 22nd to september 6th 1941 see canadas answer attractive low railway pares ample equipment on ad trains convenient service from and to all paints special tran service aa shown below train times eastern standard stratford kitchener guelph georgetown brampton and intermediate point aug 30 and sept 1 lv stratford 5j0 am georgetown 701 a ar parkdaje 800 jn toronto union station 8j0 ajn aug 30 it stratford 1 00 pan- georgetown 40 pjdn ar parkdaje 3je7 pjbl toronto union station 35 pjn aug30 and sept- 1 lv toronto union station 135 pjn parkdaje 1045 pjn ar georgetown 1l30 pm stratford los am aug so lv toronto 530 pun- ar georgetown 6a5 pjn- gnelph 1m pm continuing on regular schedule to points north of patroenton see handbills fob detailed schedules of g y special trains v daring period of canadian national exhibition following trains will stop at exhibition platform except sundays to entrain and detrain pmmcnger cooftnlt tunetable mfltrnrnun westbound bastbotjnd noa w s3 a7 8l s tt no 74 it 1m h 94 m 6 070 cdnsult agents fob complete inpobmation hotobistsi leave your ears at home sate gasalbm far vtoterr tratf trr t safety sir fl canadian national sunday school lesson john urges christian love sunday augijst 31 1941 golden text let us not love in word nei her in tongue but in deed and in truth l john 3 18 lesson passage 1 john 3 1318 4 7 21 the shop of nazareth was bare but brolherhood was bulldcd there charles m sheldon the test of a christian 1318 the new testament stresses the supremacy of love whether we turn to the teachings of jesus or to the writings of john or paul love is ex alted to first place among the virtues the habit of loving is the tet that christ makes and it is a test we may make ourselves let memory recall the past week can we say that we know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren morally hatred is the equivalent of murder that is how bad it is love is supreme because it is the example of christ he laid down his life for others and we ought to lay down our lives for one another in dady service the sentiment of good will is not enough christian love is good will in action it is only mockery to ex press sympathy for the starving unless we do something to allay their hunger there is a place for sentiment and emotion but these are preparatory to deeds of service the daring of jesus ts seen in his purpose to teach love to each succeeding generation of the human race are we helping him to fulfil his purpose in actual deeds as wall as by words god is lore 710 no one deflnlddn can fully describe god but the greatest definition la in three short monosynatoles god lov is als light and lif a law but back of the light life and law is the lore of god love is the great est power in the universe what electricity is to modem industry lore is in human relationships it is both tht driving power and the lubrcatlng oil win i c love we share gods venuil nature ii is our means of knowing god if wi do not love we cannot know god the surest evidence ftp have of uie love of god is the coming of christ to earth god sent nis onlj begotten son mat we might live through him we owe our lire in christ to uie ove of god the heart of he eternal is most wonderfully kind and nowhere do we see the nature of ciofl s love more clearly than in his gift of christ to the world the re markable fact is not that we love god but that he first loved us and sent cnrisl in order that we may have vicory ovei our sins the love of god is made central in the teaching oi christ by his constant reference to the fatherhood of god we are not to live in gods world as slaves or phans or prisoners this is our fathers world we may receive and enjoy the love of god and share it with others loved and loving 11 12 christ holds up the highest standard before us he is not content with any human model he tells us lo be perfect even as our father in heaven is perfect we ore to love one another because god has loved us we are to follow the divine example we cannot see god with human eyes but if we love one another ood himself dwelleth in us and his love is perfected m us we can go through life both loved and loving loving the more because we ourselves have been so greatly loved nor did christ select only the most attractive people to share his compan ionship he chose those who needed affection and encouragement pub licans like matthew and zacchaeus the mother of a sick child or the despised woman at the well of samaria he dared to believe that if he loved such people they would in turn become lovable his confidence proved true can we jknow 1319 a woman in later life went to her minister mid said i wan to be gure of my salvation how may i know for certain that i have bean born again and that i am accepted of ood would you have answered that ques tion we know how the writer of the timely topics for women by barbara baines bayonis in the limelight l since the freezing of silk our interest centres in rayon as the- likeliest substitute already it is a most versatile fabric bobbing up in dresses underwear yacht sails x tires artificial straw and velvet and in the near future the variety of things for which it s used will probably double it will no doubt be used in most of the stockings produced as well as gloves scarves and other accessories it can be made shiny or dull fine or coarse to look like linen silk or wool and it combines wellwith other fibres count lie chardonnet a french chemist produced the first work able formula for rayon in f and livejj until 4894 to see it become a great industry its possibilities now are unlimited it is usually made of wood though it may be made of cotton lin- ters the raw material is processed to form a thick sticky liquid which is forced through a splnnerette and hardens to form a fine filament now even finer than silk which is twisted into thread ready for weaving the characteristics of rayon vary according to the particular manu facturing process used there are four basic types acetate rayon has the greatest immunity from stain water spots and wrinkling it alsb dries more quickly and holds pleats better on the other hand it is more liable to injury from a hot iron or cleaning fluids the best rayons have now outgrown the need of excessive coddling all are not washable however and some shrink badly so in buying look for the guarantee which is usually dependable careful handling in laundering will help to prolong the life and loveliness of those that are washable soaking is unnecessary wash with a mild soap in lukewarm water by squeezing the suds through second suds ensure a hear color if washed in a machine do not run more than 3 or 4 minutes rinse wice in lukewarm water put through a wringer or press out the water with as little twisting as possible since clothes pins are apt to leave a mark the garments about which you are most particular are best dried indoors on a hanger or roll ed up in a turkish towel knit underwear irons smoothly without moisture other materials need solne dampness iron on the wrong side first with a moderate iran best test the heat on an inside facing first and finish on the right side rayon hose need special care in handling as they are not as strong when wet as dry nor as strong as silk they should be squeezed gently in warm suds to remove the soil rinsed and rolled in a towel to remove surplus moisture and then hung indoors to finish drying t t t for oir scrap book if you can walk with crowds and keep your virtue or walk with kings nor lose the common touch if neither foes nor loving hands can hurt vou if all men count with you but none too much i if vou an fill the urfoigiving minute with sitv seconds worth of distance run yours is the earth and everything thats in it and which k more you 11 be a man my son rudyard kipling t i t book review not by bread alone by mary frances doner mcclcllnd a stewart 322pp 3 00 mai frances doner wa barn in port huron michigan and spent manj umnr during her girlhood on great lakes freighters com manded bj her father it is this familiar background that forms uit sitting lot not b bread alone a noel that tells how three wo men each in turn worked out lheir happiness in the face or almost in- surmountablt difficulties maggie killean w as irish and could have done better but she marred joe btcause somehow he had worked his way into her heart through her effort tiny were able to get stead employment as steward and cook on a great lakes freighter maggie did not mind the loneliness and heav woik but she missed their two children kate and cora who utid ming with lniir grandmother but it was not until the girls were grown up and ready to leave home that maggie and joe got a home ashore the qjan that cora wanted married her cousin and so she fitted herself for a career kate fell in love with benny a gentle dreamy un aggressive orphan boy who wanted to oe a florist kate knew that if she married him site like maggie would have to be the mainstay of the family but no one else seemed to matter kates daughter nancy belonged to a new generation s wanted fun goyety and riches she would never live as had her mother and grandmother but though she fought against it she fell in love with a weakling who could give her only love and a measure of loyalty not by bread alone is a story most of you will like it has plenty of action and some fine characterization and it deals with a problem common to many women t t t jellies that jell most fruit juices in their natural state do not contain enough pectin to jell it is therefore necessary to either evaporate the juice by boiling add additional fruit juice rich in pectin or use commercial pectin as a rule the juice of underripe fruit is richer in pectin than that of fully ripe fruit but here is a test that will assure you of success tv one tablespoon of fruit juice add one teaspoon or sugar and table spoon of epsom salts stir until dissolved and allow to set twenty minutes if a jelly like mass forms immediately the frui used is high in pectin if it jells in twenty minutes it would be the better to add some fruit such as green apples rich in pectin if it does not jell use com mercial pectin and follow the manufacturers recipe these general rules may be helpful grapes apples crabapples peaches and plums an all grand for jelly pick over and wash the fruit cut up but do not discard cores or parings add just enough water to pre vent sticking heat slowly to boiling crush thoroughh and cook until tender turn into a jelly bag wrung out of warm water and let drip for several hours waitn sugar before adding the following proportions are to be used without commercial pectin grape apples craba pples peaches plums currants 5 cups juice 4 cups sugar 3 cups juice 4 cups sugar 3 cups juice 4 cups sugar 3 cups juice 4 cups sugar 1 cup juice 1 cup sugar 2 cups juice 3 cups sugar boil 5 minutes after sucar is added skim turn into sterile glasses cool in a sunny window and seal with paraffin keep in in a dry cool place t t t editors note letters from interested readers are welcome tell us what you enjoyed mot in the women s building at the ex r ad dress all communica ions to barbara baines in care of this paper ftrbt epistle of john would have an swered that question he would make love the test have we in any measure the spirit of love that christ showed do we believe that god sent christ to be the saviour of the world if we are willing to confess that jesus is the son of god god will dwell in us and we in god do we doubt god or do we rest assured in his love have we once and forever decided to trust god are we living in the torments of fear or has perfect love cast out our fears when we think of all the good that would vanish from our lives and society without christ do we have an over flowing sense of gratitude lo ood for the gift of christ as the leader saviour and re of men christ said that we would be recognized as his disciples if we have love one to an other lore tn acuon so zl love is undiscountable good will in action it is not a sentiment or a pose but an attitude towards others tgiat gets into action it is the deed it man says that be loves ood and hates his brother he may deceive him self but he deceives no one else it we have hot jove enough in oup hearts to love the members of our own fam ilies how can we expect to have cap acity to love the creator of all the un iverse we learn to love by taring each act of love increases our capacity for greater deeds of love christ stands preeminent because of the qual ity of love he gave to humble and unworthy people he is very concerned that we should love others as he did his commandment is that he who loveth god love his brother also our love cannot express itseo fully in woe ship there must be the balance of work and actual service to others in the first century christians startled pagans by the love they had one to another it was said see how these christians love one another i doet- that kind of love surprise our famulea our congregation our nation how- may the christian church develop a warmth of love that will win the na tions away from their delusion as to the effectiveness of brutality and force questions for bin iiswjm 1 is my practice of brotherly lota sentimental or sacrificial 2 have i experienced gods lore tn the gift of christ lood dwebeth to us how whanr now 4 howlomr a list do your f irafttt do you think of iwnmtfcrt m j from ood or as the iniisailu i pimed agent of ood txefeon outlfnas copyrighted by us fntamstlonal council of religious bfr used tv pennttslonj