Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1942, p. 4

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jheggfttrtowb herald wejneay evening january 28th 1942 pure food store bcuctocs dub francoamerican macaroni if uavs 2 for 23c jelly powders 4 pvs- 25c gold medal tomato juice as ttaa 2 or 19c vour bmjktny whole beets was ttaa 2 for 25c ohotoc qdauft pumpkin di vtca l 3 for 25c qljllmr tomatoes eui rutti u as w 3 for 25c tomato pedde 18 oi jar 18c rrmk grals but horseradish 8 oz jar 18c kraft vlaru cheese ii hamate lae best 16 oz pkg 39c sza clams tta 15c chicken tuaavbk flaaiet 25c prem haktuly tt a tie 33c cottage roll lb 28e by la ateee rour bologna lb 17c by tka ltr hzaty itetartay spareribs lb 23c mtrracttiu cod fillets lb 23c beacon bjland c1scoes lb 23c locheiobt kippers pk 15c 2 ta a pmikaf domestic shortening i lb printa 18c a e farnell phone 75 we deliver thompsons chicks lay extra eggs pay extra profits hatchery approved and cbs flocks barred rock white leghorn light suites black austxajorps and hybrid barred rocks by white leghorns new hampshire by barred rocks new hampshire by light sussex order your chicks now and avoid disappointment thompsons poultry farm and hatchery r r no 3 georgetown phone 48 r 5 f c wwt dso df hzafoftd a daath wtieh brought great deal of satdneis dot only to hi on borne and family eirc but w w many friends wu thai of aftodrric criariaa pink early oo sunday mom- log january lth- an tmtr cx in fluenza wtito other rwwpntiam a the cau of hi tudvtro r at thr early age of mjwen yean ur pink aluaouth not ftvlinf too aefl bad beta stout hi sccustoacd dirties un til four e clock oo the afternoon oi dtc mth o a happy utnprramrot he wa ter onr to tritn and ui family ano friends haw bfn deeply ixvarlurd t hi uiwrptcuq drcli us pink nt bem in bory eng land and cum to canada when in hi rarl vamtlea hi marrtafr to ul berha daildtcn of oftrer- tom look place thirty tanv ago tr auffua and thry nmr to uraford bout trntyi rar aro the d- kumovto uniform intmmatiohal sunday chool lesson leasee for fetwou 1 social and personal ur i ii fouovars ot orut era ihoa afea hav not counttxi thatr foods nor uisix paraona thalr owe but hav wtllwy ylaldad ail to hun otow reejed had tarrn rnaploard tn unrraj oualy may wbo profaaa to folloar of uv kar1 manulsrtunne plant tn him have only dona ao in that rn- iovti sraxankmt lurtinl ucafuio ur hlca wu not inurfrra vith uanufrtunnc co jjtj1t pumjturr their own plana and tntarrats tbay rettery knitii uanufaciunri oo nrd to atudy thia iraaon witn car unhr 1 and lor ihr pu thjw ri j 4ik 11 bunlr knuhl unull ur ch u nrn i ik n h dtmanda arulina and ohouteartrd mrmirr of ikr anhran chufth iwldr hu fciolnj tfr a ftm- lly of onr on and ui uuititrr mourtm thr lau of an affrrtlonatr fthir imr pml link of inr ii c a jkl c ho it ia tiptrud flaa ir- rrnllj jrrltd yuimt and u chory anrwutink ht vlnjrnt ui onrvr wiatr and ml lt lnk tirnno and ul iiao l nnil itulh at hjmf ttirir air alo to brotlitrn and tao wlm lrudna in ivlann oin1 tao tirutli ii in cn- adj lit v mr ajh ftjtwluctd tin fuliral inlcr tucla aftrinuou a thr latr frjditkr llrnj mlrrt ttir pi tj juts arfr urvji hirtjrrt ihnidlrt llaiold wufain is tit ml- ilnn itijoirt uitomill wnu alitrv mil ijlaln llutfhinrfm tlir moart- la arrtft for thr buulllul flnral trt- ijiit ol imirm mil mnvith aiit mi vr aim li ill tim oimmi llmi wniti int willi u dlii muri unil jaims kn vht lull inn iii ax m nil in laikivua rinil mi lord faints- obrdirnc un ccda of arton rujud uit ax alub ura oorsr oasvctieu- uiv orrunda toad nu rrturcad to hrr hoaw tn btamantla after rtuuai to ton vltb fu and lln r c todd us ktuco suuarr of uaiford buuutisaran u aorndnn a ira daja aruh ui brotrarr ur jotatab sarlurr or nona un j oaaptufj btntlalr u rmue- thl m tn branmord vttb ur and un ain pruar irfj ana nj rural uaxnrra arrv en- tanaitird at usr heenr of inapartor and lira l i sauor at ulluxx laat tnurcdajr runt ux and un ttjosaa laona and cmr w o uannall atunord tn fiinml cf cmou w uotxiuocn for- rrrr mayor cf ununpton taj llondaj tli psz3ry llaclajm hxa irtumrd from a oncmonlh uox in inr unltad hum tin tn prddlr uaraonrtua ttkr cvmsmny appraird ln orrjartimt ttwaa in dotton a3 nttatur ft- tumihf licxn try ar of nr yoia clly and uorttrraj uw itulh lsana lit clnarlnns itlu uarrvrt erana woodbrld and ui and ur hot brail jvt- rsas n waakend pwata at tn boat of ui and lira waftar t eranr urentatra of tn ocortrtoan wo- mrn a auxiliary to tn fjora scots nrld a aonaj avecins lut tbunday at thr bom cf un ii luriov tn nrcins u aptct tn fasea afur shicfj a laxly loots au urvrd by tn houtu a rats nu ntld on a dan bmce un a one on la raorat awv fund rafs and donatad to in wa un roy wimu ni ua lucay mtnnrr uiu kaln odlina and ulu batty ritxnlr arn hrmrajn at pwionaj lhovrr at tn formara nom raorntly for icxi uljr banlay of olm wu- luma a bnde of tnb i about thirty aurtt wrr rjraaent indiatlns a nuaslarr or latlu bajrlaj fcu9 aorarra from umith fuonr ltd tn i-yrnln- aaa trarnt in fudt and con- tcau fooinf vtucn a dflijhtfuj lunch aaa aarsrd by inr nftra dancing ryan auditorium guelph l i rv wzdncsday nioiit 000 i3u0 admlalaa iv and ratfkday n1qiit lalim 4r ftiilirowfl fopulaar onclobtra btra j tdbkaavmafc i vuu4 rtirtitwi rv 13 thrac dticlplrs had already re sponded to the mtnlitry of jrsus and had followed him for a mm ar john 1 lsv4 m but usry did not rl know thr fultnru cf i4ir- rvndrr to oirut snd had now cons- back to thrtr old ork of aahing may ihry nut br tpical of many in our day v ho know thr lord and havr for a time fotioed him cloi-r- j ly but hur afuln uccme cn- srotimd in ihtir daily ocatlon per hap just making money i jriu5 uai now ready to call them out into lifetime of mtvicr and the i fir tt thine he did uui to atk thr ut of ihiir chuf pobt bilon their boat that woe drht yielded to him it vun not b chunce ihut it wu li l r txtit whiih uui juftt ut hand i whn the miihtrr nded it such lhuin d not just hitft n the diminitt at nun ure in tin handi uf god und with his children the mmnli ht hippt nin itt known to und lontrolltd t him iu who numi b n the tinirn on our hrnd lie who j fibst rw n thr fall of the fipnrrow i knows iitxiul irlhlnk ttuit hop- p n to u i ii vieldfd srrvlce v 4 7 i iijimiic computed hit teaching by word jthut had u hpcciul objtct l on for peter and the othcrn con- cerning the fruillt nrmt3 of avervicr apart from hn guidance and con trol and the bleed reftulu which come from obedience to him taking them where he found them he nhowed the diftciplea that he was the matter even of their vecular vocation of fishing he la the one who knowa more about your buatneas than you do who can give or withhold hla bleating all that we have has come to us from his hand and it is all within his con trol this almighty one was ready to coll these fishermen out into ths greater business of flihlng for men by revealing to them his mighty power to bleas and prosper the fish erman who becomes a fisher of men 2iiaiimlt or 1aiujamknt m llul cax hi otl if r lukrtfaliik lrtt nam i mp litm lit tjnone i rici ti im itl on i it ad tutrojij to new advertlsemeifts ro hale ritml ton muird hay uzxdcmaimsi oiuowtjia itp orcrstlovn ol ui mull ujl ui uih ill uj r ii if in tin ilu hlmuij un uilmjuj- ilatll til- jmjjd lj gih1u- tifciom mi iiid iii mtk b nu ut i i imjatiw nii4i lloli tin tin mt ivl lllllllail cumiiitjii int uifltl- m mil il ll o lu k i- in ud jni an w uic im ui in jiiotl and n r ui li duuu unil i uil k un oiikuriumty ol tonudii- lit un iir ur ttliim bi lit nth cumuajii tmtml o tud kutn liitu coiktitutnt m thisi materiais are vttal to war industry metals prtr rags paper fats and bones l nit inn ji i tun- ill war indiumsa naed rao handful ol rja pound oi ran torn ol raoa and yam can halp supply thorn v without rag wlpara to claaa the cuttinq lubricant trom planai mlusn drill lathra canadian war workers would os lnaluclanl thalr output roduced ihtr olort hampered without raas aiploaltra planta would alow up aoroplano bctorlsa would und their production out and wheals ol shell factories would dawdle karl an oldtaihloned rag bag in your houio today all kinds oi old wornout loo small and other- wtae useless gsrraents are badly noodod by war industries omything irom collon underwear to old shirts and has irom grandpas red flannels to grandsons seat ooidmoy panls theaa era realslnswt oi war which yon can aupply erary rag in your home should go to war industrto through your salsaga commlhoo clean al end clean af on hluerl bomf miolv it away mow tr at hiruny for collection tclcphone 71 department of national war services ottawa honourable j t thorson ulhhttr iii yielded uves w bu the giving of thctr possessions the yielding of their work into ii ih hands in obedience led up to his call for the yielding of their liven often ur hpeak of gods claims upon the life of the christian as though it were the fiat of an nuto- crut one who demands hla rights god mijiht well do so for he has full uutiionty and kiwer over oil of us hut lie is n gracious god nnd lrntl icids ills children along to the pint c where they nutke their own decision to leave all and fol low him the work of god in the world is cirritl on by men the joy of pro- cliiimnn the gospel was not kivcn to the angels but to redeemed men and women knowing the recner jtinj grnce of god in their own lives they have been called during all tins christum eru to o out to tell others in preparation for that ministry ii i r iaoil needed yielded livth hieh lie soiiklit nnd found in uiese liunihle llslierpien they were not visionaries or dreamers but were practical men with common sense they had been disciplined in the school of common toll though unlenrncd so far ns formal theolog ical training was concerned these men were teachable under the tutelage of the son of god him self they received matchless infor mal training leading to a rec ord of service which the world will never forget it is that sort of teaching that counts wc too may learn in the school of christ through a study of his word assisted by his spirit and through the yielding of our lives to his control b u olmstead christ no longor walks this earth to seek and call out disciples as he did these men but the blessed suc cession of those of whom it may be said they forsook all and fol lowed him v id continues to this day we repeat what wo have said bo- fore that one of the thrilling things about teaching sunday school 1b that somewhere in some class this next sun tiny god is going to touch the heart of some boy or girl who will be a leader for him for the next gen- oration lipuon foi ovt i j us mlluo vniti win u id ci a tw billtr pjriiiii 11111 uniid ith r-iujt- rwi in i 1 vas im imttiii- jticrined i must in rranluru dmjl that i iu iimjil him haj brtiil difflcul ln ittiiimn itdwii iiom rxiwrsmim m jitllng of oppujtion to uir pun until i oojd hrar all of tnr facu 1 frar- ed that itrncli caxuula ould not support uf pjfbticitf and i consr qumuy frarrd what mould happen to canadian unii if canada mjpported the piotscitr excepting quebec and li qutsbrc houd glr an adrre vote whrn thr pro and con arre liter tljtfumd in oaucua on the afternoon ol the same day and i found thai rtrnch ounadlan iradera are golnn u horhcartrdjy aupport the plebiscite i wuj both rrlirvrd and ajhainrd he lmed to find uuil my fear u to frrnch canada were groundlr and eislunied to thluk tlut i should for a mumrnt doubt what uie french can dian people would do under proper irudenjilp itie lolloliig tnornintc on reading thr toronto pitaa 1 aiu both ahocktd and indignant to find that under th leudt nsliip ol the ht hon arthur mi ighrn part in un e cut ol uiv cons4rutle party are tfotng to throw aside un- oul tradition ol a centur tor the lemjioriiry asiitliliutton iilch thi- think w til be uuir in iuumiib i niuiirns4ihnt to the uovirnmciit mr miiblun exjinvhd tiiail loncvni ui uhut would hiippn lo cunudlan iinitv il the plebiscite jsliuuld not carr tiitl in tile ver luxl brrith he saltl etrtlilii he could to dlmotiuike un ol hls isuptkirter irum oting lur iiit iklebwlte ivrsonally i imiut hir- luuiilt- hum- two loiillli tnik stands in lulking with member ol all par- tic- one luiuiot help but notice that the pumlll piev campaign which la mibmdised b tuionto millionaire hu alrad accompluslud one ol 1u ttn- discloased puriiom it hih wiilpptii up ikilltlcul prejudices lo leter heat v laimol help but think how uniaii thin all li to our boix in the anmti lories hiey are makin eer poesmbk sucti- ike to help win tlie war while we at home are lacing a iwllilcal battli kiom the outbreak o war 1 have made no political appointments and on ev try iohlble occasion tia e touthi lor und lme reeeled uie cooperation of the oonserviive puity in my rld- uiu at the time ol taking the nu tloivul heglslratlon i upiwlntvd the head of the comervuuc executive and the head of the liberal bxccuue to the two key positions alter con sulting my opponent- these men de clined to accept any salury for ser vice they rendered and they in turn appointed deputies and clerks an a fiftyfifty political basis thronghbut the riding who gladly dia their work as a war task and without nay of any kind i have every confidence that the great middle classes of this county will once again make a sound deci sion and wiu not be led astray by noisy partisans mr hanson and mr king have both spoken today but as it is too late to quote extracts from their speeches ana have my articlo reach this weeks county press i must delay my quota tion from their speeches until next week i would urge everyone to road both of these speeches carefully and to re serve judgmont until doing so wanted latrtr qatrbrc hctur onion apjily itp in food cod u jtalo ojflcb buhivi avd boajld ccmiorutj hotxe for oo or two ktolcmto uinc brdi good boanl oaragr faciutim for cna car itp ritovr 210 otorntosm haistim and d1xouatino ijiiiun nnd dijrtlnn ui reuoa- ibr prhtas ltlma irie nf uiillpxit 1 inipns d iojuunoton jtp itioir 401 a farm to hint 10o aritj wjth ttood baudlns- antl uid in good at air of caluvauon ap pl cha13 11 tlmtth st crin px ikn 1u pnonr 17 r 43 tlndlus i or wood tlimr or setrul cord ol ood bud lurdood u be iccrlri by b b so v t nd r to be in by feb uh lauiixnci uurt 8c ttta t it h i ocorgtlotniv iillt wanted oirl nntfd lo learn mule pnii- in on hcav vooilrna uiut be or 20 appl uox u itntald rlaung age and latcat occupatioo- pob saias sajroooo house fbjht rooou ln es ceurnt condition draper 8l could rajl br conrrted into a duplex tot particular apply on prrmuea or u t w weir onr 10 watford art- toronto ont robkcnt two large room kitchenette and bathroom 1lh continuous hot water nral decorated on the ground floor rparalc entrance also unauer fur nished apartment warm iruuiatm roonu with ecry concnlc apply heraijd office it or phone 350 wanted uc and dressed poult o hlgheit market prices a darnett fii son huttomiue phone drampton 343 r 14 rccrao charges mxn wanted etenrty big pay opportunity for tha man who has the energy and ambi tion to b- his own boss balea experi ence unneccsslt all or oart time benin now make excellent income easy profitable pleasant bltfgcst beat line of lls kind for free particu lars and catalogue famtlex mo st clement montreal reading gave me headaches if youve had to cot down on year reading- beeaose of head aches now la the time to see about it have os eiamln year eyes and let ns show yea what la wrong if glasses are neeeaisry yoo wul find we hare the newest styles at a reasonable prise consult 0 t walker ro btbsiaut bptmhallbt wh win to at bines o wadauatavir at each mb atajr eaaaah ft t atkatbm la bvamaiaa toonit gcarfatwne h

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