tt georgetown herald wedaetuy evening fefctuury lilt 1942 as we see it m ji smo i m should haw handed this ilea ever to th smart nsw had cms vcw eotams 1b lb hmm it a frtn from th aoutert hiimi be is sttntwi knitters sari hute end port harder with us regulation of cuhewru kind bams introduced th daye thlt tanks ok e pood us to fit oat a fees ruts kb of which bt bmb tmtslr tat which haw baoom us t hlan pertup du to competition and is an autrapt to get men hrartna w notice when mnl urn ben ectdd to do away wtth ui iuimw ef milk oa sunday no doubt rcuk clrrvera and alto th sua thai pas- tetsrts th muk would appradsi fearing thru- sunday off the obi u other oik and when thi hi bsen tried it mini to b working out eaus- tularttt- again th urea city store an cutting down on thesr dairy d- hserta ta order to tan r and tin thl 1 soother savings that could r b tatroduord ta ny commum ty then must b greet many short cot that oould b used right now that would not only b patriotic but also would fin th other fallow a break this ought to b a rd urn to plan halt in many of that nuu that ken barn charged up to atrvtat th national hockey league seems to provtd th usual number of cam attire thl winter and th pared to th hotplta ha been fairly steady etno th prtmot season got undo way bom of the injuria of court tjatng much men serious lhan othrra often w notlc thai when a player of any particular inn u injured ii la rjsually fouoard tr several lnjurlm to players of th same wm 11 seem that many of the injuries just hap pen and could not be blamed on any articular opposing plavrr no doubt th sharp skates necessary to krep lb gam up to form arc responsible far many of the cut thul art inflict ed rpecuuy hin tlu plsvira tall together and injurlu ol thin kind would be difficult to avod aguin a beavv uu 10 uic ic mtoi to joli u placr mon so than aoud u lal ol elmllir ruiluri in othir garni hoc key iuu do n t look to be u roui game at t ot no ua rouh looking us th coaualtli ftouid indlcau on u other tiand ucraui dotk look ukc u rough garni and il it u vtr teldom that a uir kiu hurt ttrloualy n fact at the moment at un unab e to recall an plajtr hiun had any booct brokin pulng ihc nation i am don i you like to ace the aldeaolk cleaned off and the pain to the house hovelled out neatly uomchow ii acrns to ipell out the aord aelcome to the paucrby on ihe other und u th anow haan t been ahoeued otl and the aldewmlk u ailll out of light 11 make one think of uncut grau on th lavn or of an unahaven face no doubt there 1 often time a good oaoa for not having the tnow re moved perhaps there u no one rlttgg to that particular home that would be able to do it and fundi may be acaroe with which to hire tome youth to do it for them oi acaln perhaps the man of the house oca to work early and wouldnt have time to do any ahoveulng befon atartlng out to earn the dally bread that la one dlaadvantage of daylight saving time it doont alow for any extra chore in the morning laat vtrjter we received our nou early in the inter lht year it has waited until pobruary to pay us its annual ylalt whcher it b aelcome or not wt itu need the moiaturc that it bnnirs tor mat aeoaons crop borne of trm dull momlni that at hut rxn having rtnll make cca viordt- what c havt doni alth a uiu dujurht that c arc uppo ed to hjvt been saving wi must have xruslad it t viirt of ihi opinion that one voct- recorded and thtn broadcast by rad o nojd still sound natural and we had thought that if t over heard a fa voice recorded that way lha we aould be ublc to recognize it at once however ustcnlns to the pro- tram did i boy that lost thurs day evening caued us to change our mind an that score you may recall that it was a visit of the program to georgetown last december that was an the air the voice of one of the oanteatanta was familiar to us how- tw when we heard it over the air it wasnt natural at ell it must be the recording that change the tone w are well acquainted with one of the announcers on the gdo and although he is now stationed in montreal yet we hear his voice quite often and y it instantly of course that is his work now and no doubt be peaks naturally and it may be that onteatanta on a program such as tud x bay that may be rather excited or ten a lltue bit nervous and tins might account for us not bains ablf to recognise the voloe fllwihiw i atotyusrrwstw coatx urn atas remfm as oewa wmh tfi otasnl is the centre of th horwmbc and b abort ad- drat and timb iiwiiiiij vary ejuat- uon tneiw waa bo nesttsllnn and no null ofiaalrritny basts told at l he seald say stt was net for bnwratvwi bot that was the only ndtncuon a kpt no secrets trace hi vtiltoc an the teuton tamrt x ttawiid to be th only one tstdsc not that aruraeen they wen fairly mrrnttt dscalbat eer tbam now aom months later x find that they are atm tbnaty and wloabt mx that um uesoow and retrograd were both thnatenad by the enemy ettno then that atto- atlsb baa r bat wltrmt alter- in what ocutsj atcmaofbton amid of th ftw and of th war tn fancr- sx it was in this talk he ootned th fames pbrsu about the osnadain corp batns a dancr potstad at the bean of herns but mon raluablt pertuc wen hi remarks on eonils- ment tramint and reanaoroament rwllrvg that th important rotiiita which b asked us to in can should not e tnvvrmvarl i will dwot a aenanla article to lb thtnci which oencral lacftaucbtoa aid that day it will be th east to th strtr on other days dtatet my rult tn drttaln x met rrsambrn of th llrad- auartan staff tn tvyvdon on etrnlnt t had dinner with major chartn ataeay chea task i to write the ofselal history ef the part sblen the oanavrhw corps takes m the war be is a nrpbew ef mrs perry formrt adltor ef the cora bprats before he tookoew this nrwant work be was a nrofeaaer of history be woj do a food tab pbotcetatibjoally the start of the corns is alto batns well looked after eat then stem to b no cana dian parnun on the job that is a sack that should be rernedled x ba lls two yourvr painters an with a unit tn panaris but apnarntty then an son in frvflirm or rtf atau fareaq our etnas that day is back in eja h ma with an trnfertunat accident a few wiiii erur our tint lottnt a ic- wbm a canister brtnf dropped from a plan brok away from lta pan- chut and struck him blow th kxvt najuaoawatv kikvk hhh 8tkifon dbs til only two week john wrmpenn ref of naalafawrya towruhrp pass ed away at hie home tn th oaxapbrll- rul district on oundsy jtv 1st mr nimpann had served the township aa c for six yeara and had this year barn elected rem it was only a frw daya after be had taken his seat at county owinrll that h wa strlckm by a heart attack it was cd rran of at and was born on the farm on which he realdad all hi ufr ii u sunrtrrd by hi widow two daughter and three sons th csjfspfjuf ken is stm anothar ptma muus m swinttim from the fiaant pen ef james wllnama the hard ef ceaaa vuw- oooabye dear drink nartlrvf cop i dont know what it atartad for but now wwrw an jainlnj us b our oountrr is at war bom make lot others haw a thirst right or wront its cor country bret bay our canadian voumtaera cborus we feel proud of our s boy it eaptetn b would say well nsak th auatay eay throufb valley over mlto they cnas lb enemy with cesser tbrjrn food bran boys our canadian volga tam bcor ram fought througb th last tpo and they tried to join op again bo our volunteers ban no fean tbtn son of bras soldier ma here to their health toy and and send tham klaua be and well drtnk th cup of tnitfljaa to our rnmmm volunuan sweet caporal iijmv- is your liver vo bm to ta laraw ere ia year bsdr sad uw laments a soar lsskk usxm earn to irrtrlri llirn sad atirai u eakwas aajk tsu ary aad to imisjv iswstt sans fws aw i wiarfrpisji li rga csasswswssusswss akvflef r itajmlwtiibtsww foaa vos menem ui4t wostll w 9t fmam t4- pfomwt nlw ins iiniuurui tntk ltsw fru fr4 tjar tihlm- tw bf u m4 m tkj oiawr ouu immnwm oril u4 kuku ood tmkfc immtn totf imp tnj u cmmam ufn4 mlliaf btw uaunr 1 vrr ji t tfoual irr ifcw rosnii fvos li tnu iwt p roi bmt o tw ruewj to uuj baijt ifwlukr tastv ycstwo 2u ioc rev i tftaa tasat twwmts vf wtyitrt inm sssssaws tw swwaalltuuas ttlri ejs mh ti7areve etesava tab lem tat dancing ryan auditorium guelph bvebt wbufhdat niobt 9m mjoo hfliiileslnn sso and asuinkdat nion las iaei ofintlemwi ms fokriiar obottebtlta the spirit of the pioneer mother flames anew today xllink back to the old days when canada was young think of the high courage the indomitable will of those pioneer women within the stockade or in the orxn field they toiled jea fought by the aide of their men for the safeguarding of everything they held dear in the hearth of the women of nnada this old spirit flames anew today 1 cone arc the heavy muskcls the log harrirudch but ihe love of freedom the stuliliorn rtohc to win through at all cools these thingh reniuin unchanged tinrhangealilr grimly iiiciuhing ilioir tear ihiiihth ni god 1iiikh ou to tin ir fighting mm everywhere young women lire wrving where duty cilln the women of cunndu are imiiiihi togetlier in one common catic in tlioiikinib of ciiiiuliin homr vmiiikh are revising their fiimil liudgi is iluiiiiug lieu ecoiiomirx nink- ing extra tut rilin mitliit more and more money will he axuilublc for the purchase of victory bonds they know tliem vomen of canada that every dolhir loaned now memih more tunks more puna more plain u more hhipa more of everything which i needed to 8madi hitlcritini and bring peace to all the family hearths of the world tftstws f t k tjtsthi vi ajaefwirtlbrtj aavihaij rev a u