Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1942, p. 7

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be gfcorgrtowa htntld wtyfafewday evcainn ftbamjy lltfa 1942 glimpses of parliament by hottta ouutr lif ts ray test report i promised ttsst t oum thli week give mtum creea th apwrhim tn the by ht bob r b hanson and tossa mtmiter they art aa fol- botf b hahboh leader of us flp ur speaker w are ran bar train at the beetnnlni of the tblm smlon of thl parttaisesl under ejfwvtttlnrie which starrer and appal oar ttteatbta and tmninallort uurallj ilia who wertd it at war and w a flanejllans an by free choloa and byltnejiwi beluatrtnts in the mou ewmeotoua conflict in tha world fektory i dealr to ask thlt house and th cstmtjy two question has canada tatty mobilised her material resources baa oi tilda fully mobilised hrr man nd woman power lo was total war how what an tha rtquliiua of to la war aa applied to canada thia crt- ttaal juncture of our history i hava sai conslderem thoustil to tin jeblem and bm 1 my bluaprtnt f tha principle undtrtytns a total far effort for oinada today it ay not be complete but auch aa tt i offer it to tha bouse and to the fibfmtry x to matter equip and train aa aul aa atronf foroea aa prwlrce meet and defeat tha enemy in what- thaetr of war be may be found to defend and to pretenl he mraslon of oinada and point without arfutof tha cuestton that there la a distinction batwaan tha two t xd monf by any and every ne- i tha wealth and ma larial ratouroaa of tha nation tn order to prwide the implement of war for aimed tores and to praetda for other caretoaa which are naoeaaary tha carrrm out of total war c to itvevltae and oreanlae oana acrlcolturt to produce and aspply our armed f oroaa and to our alike a food aa it la poatlhl to transport them aa wen aa to aupply our drt- populatlob 6 to miii and organise cane- tndaatiy to produce aa greet quan of armament and munltiona ai ttrihtia end arauabla matertala permit ax to build and man transport ship more ahtpa to carry our product tool munltlone and armament to ceeaa of conflict t atnelty and perhapa not so tov to nrdrtptt and organise tha wealth and resource of the end each of the pereonnel of lta population aa are not tmme- required for the aimed f ercea other war aarrtoaa to ensure the under restricted oondt- of auch peacetime actlrtaes and aa are reaaonahly necessary to aettaaete the tfiyesal and health of my own tie u thai st thia tte of chtteat eriea la the world history- to as tha ord of the ariiiai teens the throna the ctsfjaasted by the irwimmit it use ejaataat eembe- tlan of lack of lei rlirnitn tm country ha am wutsaaed ftai maaterttrefaa of bad poteieuy for can ada amenx the alned natwra at en newspaper haa eeld newer were ao many paopu hmwlhatm by as few it u a dattserale attempt to aesde reepooubthty and ear the face of the mtnlitry and parucularty tha face of the prim isnlater it u the neca- uon of reaponxml rwramml aa we know it and prvrtfe u wr cannot win llili war by a plrbt- tdtr orrmasy doe not carry on war by pieblacltee the flnt function of rxernmeot u to eecure the eafety of the etale and the coeeremeot that falls tn that duty w the card inal the unperdonable tin it toeemment rtie to the lettl of 1u duty let it oot be afraid to lead a plebuclle u not a policy it u a nee- aoon it is the avoidance of a pohcy it l men y an unworthy expedient to avoid facing a vital issue it puipov is to aiold rtthrr than to face responsibility i turn now to the qursjlon of a ted rites to 11 afstoa and at the i e thia year the aaay rtnnhnl over aaw ahlp thai m0t ataa jfona the btttnnrny of the car the navy has aananad ataadlly irote share of eetwojr seek is use mortb at- lam cunamin ahlce of war hate atiarad la the p of wrltaft from the threat or invasion fessore of the rmmm stay hat aerted and are aerttntrmas theaswea seas etlher tn oanarhin or tn british ahlpa can ada pride la the navy la reflacud in the lone waluns ust of seeklnc to join the tertlor as resperu the army at the out break of war the permanent active multla aa canada recular amy was then called included about joo men dy the end of 130 the canehen ac tive service font to five the army it ram at that date had increased to 64j00o met th flnt e4 ojvt don had lust arrived tn drttaln at th do of 1m0 th actlv army included almost itohto men a cana dian corps of tan division had al ready been farmed tn britain cana dian troops wrr also on active service tn newfoundland the drttlsb west in die and ireland at th close of im1 there were more than sbojooo men in the oenadtin ac tive army enlisted for service in any part of the world about half this let me say at the outset that the number were on actlvt service cut- loyal people of canada will and do io canada a thlnl infantry dlvl- feel deeply humuuted by the declare- jod armoured division an army lion that we axe to hold a plebtscll to ascertain if th people will rtttev th ministry and in particular the prune mint iter iran th poetuao tn ehlch be find himself and which b took prior to the but election by hi own volition and initiative we are tn the words of premier drecfcan to havt this crownln tn- dlenlt w are to be asked to lake money needed for the war and spend it tn order to relieve our prime mini ster of his own oburstion itt hon w l mackenzie kino i dealre bnefly to review can ada record of achievement in the present ear it will be seen that we havr developed our effort in all ita irpecu simultaneously equally we nave fought lo maintain the proper balance between production and the armed forcts and among the armed foroea themselvu between the needs or the navy the army and the air force the roundstlons or canadas war effort along three lines acre laid in the dosing months of 1019 at that time i slreased the importance of pre paring for a long and terrible struggle in vrhlch staying pomtr the power to hom out lo the end might a ell be decisive prom the very outset we took a broad vim of canadas oaiui in this was and organised our national effort on all fronts i turn not- to what tioa been achieved flrat aa respect the navy at the outbreak of war there acre some 2u alure and lee than 3000 men tn the royal canadian navy at the beginning of 1m0 the navy had grown to bo snipe end over ojooo men at the beginning of 1041 tha ink brigade forestry troop and oiher specialised unit and thousands of re inforcement were tn britain tn ad dltion to the original corpa of two ul canadian troop continued to serve in newfoundland and the weal tn- dlea two oanadis rrrtmenta re cently added a new chapter of valour in the heroic defence of kong kong in addition to the active army se veral thousand young men had dur ing i ml been called up for military training and service tn canada under the national resource mnhltaarwi act of this number a eonaldrrable proportion had enlisted in the active army the navy and the air force scene thousands more had been assign rd to dutle tn pa thus relieving enlisted men for eervtce elsewhere mention should also be made of the reserve army tn which at the end of iwi some ia00o men were enrolled aa repecls the air force at the out break of war the active atrrntfh of the royal canadian air force was some 4 000 all rank by the close uf 1939 th atrength had risen to over nfqo by the close of 1m0 it had reached uo00 by the dose of 1m1 it ex rreded 100 000 men zn addition to the home defence du ties which began with the outbreak or war the air force waa enraged in the closing months of 1930 tn planning and arranging the organisational de- i11a of the gigantic british common wealth air training plan th year 1m0 we a year of con- atnictlon development for the plan hut in spite of the strain which waa then placed upon the forre canadas three aquadron which were aent over- wm saving it iwrw prdolmj a hahetal hd if corvorlcj it lo carry on fuuotrl in rhlt war upon trt thwuun el exjth on f o folia torn port of th wiponi4burry for totplng to finance rha war th toe- you u your tavlnfli book morw than your chwquw book tit bi for you and for canotia toko your ttcan itriemfy put very dollar you can into a laving account the chartered banks of canada maybe your friends dont know this when pulp and paper mills are bury many other people benefit because this industry is a large buyer of the thing aucb people make or the services they provide for examplai 1 the pulp and paper industry it urge buyer of electrical power what it lo annual bill 2 bringing gupplle fo the mills and shipping pulp and paper out gives employment to railway and steamship workers how much does oaaiport don cost the industry a year s what is the yearly bill for chemicals a the butcher and baker depend on your w how much is paid out ay the industry in a year for salaries and wages i for power about 18 million dollars 2 formiurififtav rjoo well over 55000000 3 for chemicals 17 tnuuor af for wages and salaries 56 million dollajt try these questions out on your friends the pulp and paper industry of canada did valiant un ice in the lutue of tmuin at lab outbreak of mar ujc produc tion of wtevr material in ouudi mi on an rircarxjlnsly unu cajr and vu conlined lo a very limited raim of equipment throughout uie clng month j of 1030 and the early montiu of who can- ad poaurd through the tagc of orgmn- utlon planu wrre etxliahed tooji and raw material and labour mobilis ed and the ground vorit of produc tion laid dut apart from r few line such a personal equipment for our fightuitf men there u little lo show far our manufacturing effotu eicopt a iteadlly rulng total ot orders placed and contract let we did however achieve a vast spansloa of the output of ftmmtiual raw imtertil both for our own and for drltlih pro duct ion in two years of war canada ha ex- perlenoed an industrial revolution our country la now producing almimt every type or machine and equipment calleo for in our munition protzramm in mime direction this production haa reached ataffgvrtns proportion in others it t mountiruj steadily lt me cite a few details ojr pres ent rahlpbuuding profframme- involve total expenditure of over 1500000- 000 we have buut and are building larse numbers of corvettes mine- t weepers patrol boot and motor tor pedo boat we are enured in a merchant ship building prograjrune of considerable pronortlona so irreat in fact as nearly to equal biilalna own programme canada is also engaged upon the construction of destroyers we arc malting guns or all kinds antiaircraft guns fields guns naval sura tank and antitank guns uveral types of machine guns antitank lilies submachine guns rifloa trench mor tars bomb throwrr and smoke pro jectors in the production of aircraft can adas experience has not differed from that of other countrlee we have had our full share of problems delays and disappointments at one time or an other since the war began fifteen types of aircraft have been produced in canada production is now soma to be concentrated on seven modern types an elementary trainer two ad vanced trainers two bomblnff and gunnery trainers a flying boat a twin- engine fighter and ft longrange bom ber in addition to the production of new plane some thirty plants dlstrl touted across canada from halifax to vancouver are engaged in the over haul and repair of planes in order to meet the growing need these facilities will require to be doubled during the next twelve months one of the most speotacular achieve ments has been the production of army vehicles nearly 900000 of all types have already been delivered army vehicles made in canada are in usu on every battlefield of this worldwide war a large nonaber of tanks and universal carrlars have already been in action in russia i shall not attempt to catalogue the whole range of oattadlan war produc tion but special mention shouh be made of he hundrds of thousattls of bombs the millions of shells the hun- anna ammunition and the hundreds of ml hi on of pounds of explosifti and chrmlcal already made tn canada not onjy are we malting these muni tions for our own force and far bri tain but vast quantities have been made avallsjble to the united b la tea the united slate a well a bri tain look lo canada for a part of ihrlr supply of eaentlal base metal canadian production of alummum copper nickel lead and tine has grown ateadily in volume our iteel produc tionthe foundation or our industrial war effort is still eipaiidln atnee the invasion of norway cut off at european supply canadian timber has been vital to britains war effort a moat striking fact about our war production is that the value of the sup- placs c have provided for britain since the war began ha been a least as great as the coat of raising equip ping and maintaining canadas c armed force in the first two years or war their value exceeded looooo- 000 britain need for these supplle ho been ao urgent that in some cases our own forces have gone short in order to fill more pressing require- menu for the armed forces of britain to achieve a total national effort everyone must contribute to the effort either directly or indirectly all ca not do the same work as far possible each must be fitted into the appropriate task many perhaps the majority con find the appropriate place for thernaerves and as mr churchill said save vast government machinery certainly no government is wise enough to decide the appro priate task for every individual in the nation and even if governments were allknowing the war would not wait while this stupendous job was being iwrformed what the government can do and what we propose to undertake to do is to meet the urgent ned by the best neons uc con devise outside pari lament altogether the political skies have now become overcast with controversy promoted by hlghprouurc methods and highly financed publicity that the nature and extent of canadas war effort is not only being obneured but is in danger of being seriously impaired if the lssuevof conscription for set vice ovcrbciu u to be fought out the place for it to be fought out is on tht floor of this parliament if however members of the government and in deed members of this house of com mons generally are to be free to ex press their views irrespective of any previous commitments it is necessary that all members be released from any obligation arising out of any past com mitments restricting the methods of raising men for military service m a world situation so involved with enemies on every front with no one able to say what the outcome of battle in other parts of the world may bring of unmodlate and increased danger to our own land the government feels strongly that it should be perfectly free to recommend tq parliament what ever course of action it deems essen tial to the security of our own coun try and to the rweservatlon of free dom in our own and other lands the strangost of reasons why the imrerriment should be given a fref dreds of millions of rounds of smab nand to take subject to its rwponsl- baity lo parliament any course of i uon mhkh it may belie e to be iary at a time of war 1 that the gov eminent l live if alone can know au that circumstances and reasons which nsv ccaaiute a particular course of mhri theac reason cannot all be made posv lie linked as they are with the com bined plan of other countries wlias question of military strategy and the necessity of such matters being cara fully concealed from the enemy the government having for the rat sons i have mentioned decided to seek from the people by means of a pkwscite release from any msntanjab arising out of any past commitment proposes without delay to introduce legtslauon to set up the required mac hinery for conducting the plebiscite a the earliest poavjble date the plebl acite win be token with the minimum of ejrpexue foni latent with equiuihto and efficient provision for a fun and honest expression of the views of the people i shall not go into detail racajtimff the procedure to be followed in hold ing the proposed plebiscite the ques tion which the government process to submit to the people is the sdmnlo and straiahuorward question are you in favour of releasing the gcfvernment from any obligation agu ing out of any past conimltmenta re stricting the methods of raising men for military service j cooke floor contractor fiook layino bzsuwaofno bannmo vinuuuno we specialize in old floors oood woiwmansmp reasonable price nsw 8t mom tt bub lino ton collections g pleabhj with results j a client wrote u on bniarr s th iso as follow recelmd 9 tour ehsaue or whloh aooent s thanks it sura was like found a money keep up the food work sj let us find soma money for s you too oouldnt you use money b tied up in those aeoounti and b notes 3 ag band us your list now 2 kelly aiken i ounokviiia onlsuto estubo ft

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