Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herad wednesday april 29th j 942 community war continued from page a ntj effort its too bad that battles cant be won or lost in th tstfea baa nearly every laston wiamrrr is certain at least to bar tnem to the evening when th ban t he know how to wtn war end defeat bluer mor could justice be done without wrtbgtag in the o herald one at the hundrede ef iu type ef teas aewatpers throughout the herald through pubocsty notmtemrntj and adveruatng keeps da cafflmmiuy aware of whet u be- kg jon the metropolitan press la lead for nest there la not much out- efcie news in th local paper but for whats op at homr the herald u the wjlng to read and aftar an 111 at beeae mat war ork baa to fca done the heralds brtuxh war vtctlma rvmd the money u sent to the fund tba toronto telegram baa raised sore than tlmo once a month the uhm and eorract tdiw tmn of an th ban tn tn armed servtcee ara pub- swfeed and rara u tna issue which ota not recreance ona or son letters gross tna bids hiii or tram aoma of loot reatdenta tn london or elewbare in tna old war baa not brought fra proa- imiij to oaoreetown bo far aa la been h baa not mads any great aartane far any ef tna erttaene bat h dew efrset tna ordinary eveer at ef tba tpesia tna tastmnvoyed problem baa ea- teuauad completely and unlamaot- 2j daring tba weak of july tba awfcwtag paragraph waa included tn na hswlc report of tna preeeedmg set fte town eeunco b we deemed ajtinafli to discontinue sarrleaa of mx etsoar ur r kareey aa at irr uirea for june vara i11m in llay they were nana in april tstce in uarch tlsaft it u an and of aa aim tna perries of georgetown ara certain of victory there la no doubt anywhere that ilular win be defeated it is true as col panama paints out that many do not understand why this victory will come they trust in ood tna rf tna laadarablp of tba bo- ptra they know that we must win and they do faithfully and wan all and more than they can to bring that victory about that than u the story of rorg- town hut you suspect havtw stu died u that the story would have been utile dlfferesit no matter where that pinpoint had fallen in all tba length and breadth of this land imfttoved uniform ihteirlattohal sunday chool lesson t as we see it ny j a fstneg annva1 stzettno the members of the obolr of the oeorgrtown baptist ctiureti mat at the home of atra brn tbompaon on tuaaday nltht april alat tor their annual meeting and election of officers after alnalnf a familiar hymn and prayer the fouowtnf offjorra were ap pointed hon prandent opt thomas wamee past praatdent ura cm tnompaon praadent ur o brand- ford secretary ida wo p smith treasurer itr watson wsnfield cbou leader rar j t oatrem uuaie oom- mluae aoaa u your afra oatrom ura b duncan ura o brandford oown uatrona ura em tbompaon wis e pwy labrartana ur douslss ctale icas e hardin orcanlst icu u tounf a halfhour waa spent tfaflat fami liar hymne a dainty lunch broufbt a pleasant eeecjna to a close lawyer lebey date alc aaa ef rrwrmelal raaer ixeu ara i bee creas and vtrtary v great the raretreat ta ura barbara frances reads a letter i cat edward pranela wba la canadian araay a oeorfetawn aaldler beards the tnm far his retora ta camp after a wwekend lean at hame erery week new recraiu f ram this dlalrlel u flag utlte with army nary and air farce the last weak of our lord a earth ly ufa bad coma normally la tact almost tmleeraalty the last wwek of a maaa we la of practically no altttvanrw la many case he la too alck to rneek arttb any dear intelllfanc and of course when 111 la incapable of doing any note worthy deeda la our lord a ufa the last vaak was the mod impor tant ot all and to tt mora space la ta la scripture than to any ona whale year ot jesus ministry dr wilbur u- smith tba bret day of that weak found our lord riding into jerusalem la humility and yet la royal majesty to praeast himself aa laraela king and win uaaalah we sad l tke eat tismeg mans baia hart ii it bow urprutsj that tna one who made and upholds all things col i ii it should hara to aay tba lord hath need ot mm in tending for humble beast ot burden vat therein ilea manrelous truth h has graciously ao ordered tba uni verse that he has need of us and a our nnaisaalreia that waa true la the days ot ills flesh when he bad voluntarily become poor for our sake in a aomewhat different tanas but aonethsleaa precious tt la true today to be nasdad by anyone to have that which can be used is always encouraging but to find that the uaatar needs us and what we hara to give la truly inspiring let tat learn to give aa readily aa the own er of the colt vt s and let ua also learn the important lesson of unqueetlonlaj obedience taught tn versa 4 they went their way to do what the lord told them to do how greaty simplified and glorified would be the uvea ot christian peo ple if they would thue obey christ n tba auag beeelrtag mans beeaege mark ii ml presenting himself aa their uee alah jesus received the enthusiastic acclaim of his disciples and trlenda who were probably joined by other who were drawn by th excitement but the pharisees did not loin tn aee luke 19 m 0 nor did th city not even knowing who he era uett 1110 ii so it is today aoma love and praise him some hate him olhera just ignore him of which clas are you he gave jerusalem and the nation a final opportunity to receive him it area not yet too late but it waa their last chance such a urn come in the ufa of everyone of ua they rejected him what do we do but let ua not forget that there were those who shouted hnasnns who cast their garment down be fore him and waved palma ot vic tory and joy thank ood for their holy enthusiasm pray ood that w may have a little mora of it- wa have coma to the place where no body shouts hoaanna or hallelu jah except the church choir and they do it only in carefully modu lated tones wa cheer at ball game or at a political rally and while w aurely do not want that aama kind ot confusion in the church it would be quit appropriate to bring aoma real enthusiasm into our christianity our lord knew that it would not ha long are the multitude would be ftrnnalng their cry to crucify suny lor he knew their sinful hearts so in the midst of his day of acclaim w aaa m taa uag weeping over maaa sta luke ll44 in timea of great joy or under un usual circumstanoes we are prone to think only of our own pleasure or our own need but with christ th need of th soul of men was never far a moment forgotten ha might r0 have gone on to bethany to rati and rajole with his friends over hi triumphal entry into jeru salem thl constant and tenderhearted concern frhlnh christ had for th city which naiad and was soon to crucify him this remembrance of their mad vn la his brief hour of nubile acclaim mar wall teach th church a much headed lesson many church are prosperous wall cared for and avon popular they an prone to rest back and rid th crest of the wave of popularity forget ting th soul ef man and woman in need many of whom uv under th very shadow of lbs church sham on ua for such callous indifference in th light of our lord agonltad weeping for such is the meaning of the word in luke 1041 others may observe that their city or community is hostile to the gos pel that men would rather crucify the christ than receive him and so they are content to have their snug uttle spiritual retreat where they meet to comfort on another and to congratulate themselves on their aplritual haven again we say shame on us with borses earning back into the picture rceucmg motor cars we naturally form the opinion fc may be fewer tn wtwrt from now on koweter saii occur with hones as sell u mouse power tht other day we were driving up the trert of the hamlet of alms which ur about three miles north of cora as me spproached the vulsgv we notic ed a team attached to a waayjn w oown the mlddlt of the street and the mrre n easy the drlvrr e on the euro ml end had the uoie to as hand however it looked a though the lnes wrre caught or vertex work- wi praorty st least snyvasy me driier leuid to check theca although he was doing a sir job of guiding thrm they rrr swsytn a ulus in their mad run irom uds to 0 of the street and as they came neerrr to our car r took to the ihouldrr of the road and thry paaaed by without hitting us wf thought of a lime that we met a drunk- m dmrr of a motor car one day and lie too as gong too test and the car x taking to the full width of the ugriway this time also we got oft the road to let him have his way and again st thst urns we avoided what might hate been an ssddenl there was thu dlltrrftire thrift in the to or r inrnce the drunken drtirr was patting on e very poor show as com pared wtth epertaoular show put on by the runaway team of horses aain the hones had a much larger ludimce than bad the drunken drlvrr mrytedy tn alma waa out irvwlng at the runaway wehhoucht we are icery that we are unable to uil you of ihr outcome of the harass runaway however we nat1rtt that they would i lun out of wtnd before long fudging by the pans that they were hitting th baottvlcrioara regarding the dabecry of parcels by retailers i h bees summit and one city firm that railed to i swans thou res trictions has bad ua motor truck tto- jrnse plale called tn for an mdefuute 1 period it does aerm rather fooluh i to have a delivery truck weighing per haps sround two ton and coaung over i onr llwiarvl dollars to deliver a parcea that may only weigh a few pounds and that could nave been delivered lutt as satiarartoruy by a boy on a bicycu doeent itt no doubt many of those ex- pensive delivery trucks were purchased romewhst after the idea of keeping up wtth the jonean if our compeutor had a druvery truck we had to hare tagger and more expensive one in order we might think to make sn imprint on our customers the shortage of ems and urea however has put sn rnd to sll that fooushneaa but ahlle we are cntlctitng the delivery end of the motor situation what about our t private carer when we deride to iro some place we e t out the oar which right over 100 lbs we could use a bicycle and a bicycle built for two would tax the whole family think jot the saving in investment and also in uslntenance of the two methods of travelling we recall when those built- uphm in qualify arnlaua tea i ok u tke weekly a the r i walfsrea ta axaaevt i for- two btcyolaa were all th fashion however all that la left of them now la the song snout them perhaps thry msy become fashionable once more or ooubke u ta understood that the delivery restrictions do not apply to the delivery of scrap metal to toklo via the air route according to the news moat of me bombs that drop ped over that faraway city to dale have bran of the incendiary type no doubt they are the most effective to damage the rftmy wbvtwg gg vgp aa we write these unas the eattaefc la brighter than it has been for sometime however there is a long way to go yet before we reach the end of the war road and before victory la attained honey is still needed and we under stand that it vul soon be poesfljle to purchase bonds at any urns and of course the baring certificates arc available at any time quite an assortment ot various com modities have been mentioned as being experimented with aa rear material for the manufacture of rubber to date we havent noticed any one mentioning twitch drees could b i mil for that purpose it certainly is s persistent plant and has fine health roots snd if it could be used for tnat purpose we t that quite a nura brr would be able to contribute aoma at a very low price wouldnt it be a surprise if we bad something there yftti roll trvam better with j ogdiito cigakcttz roancco sa- llojral oltlaana do not hoard thaw buy only for thalr lm- inacuate need thaw criaartully adjust thalr standard ol living raallalng that thalr oountrya naeda must ooma ilrat they do not try to gain unfair ad- wntagaa over thalr tialgliboui ura you m tioardar or loyal eatiaan jtra you hampering canada war at fort by an lmiyingr or turn you ptopu xvbo buy man ef ifctog than tbty ctirmuiy tut j and mtrcbmts vbo encovrtf tbtm to do to ere taboughtf tb ibtr tit on tmi ere tbtrtfon publit tntmltt oeopearatiiig to the beat of your ability to ear canada from such horror aa hong kong if canadiana do thalr duty there will b no mora hoarding eewryono will get a fair aharo of the good available mor food can bo aent to croat britain mora raw matorlala mora manrww will be available for swwlftwft fjivwj iyi1tw plnrna and other anriamanta to back up our armed too hgebaseas saaaafaas aw aw fa iwaf rafril a eaaaa waaaa aaa avaaaw baa aaaaabaaabjaaa vwaanel vaawkw baf fehvawidbtsi hfj gfowa 19 detf baw fsweawxaeeov l yav 1ibiiitlfrt attttnbam wjcb os foof aval wawaaovv osqdl whpfetyevlb9 effad 0 wamfihuflflalo lodwiw jf

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