Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publicatiou wednesday julv 22 1942 5c a copy 200 a year social and personal ulu dorla scean weefcendad in tor- uo with ur and ura aluulr keaa ulu uulr lindsay bu been nut- fa in add urs a otiliaa at uatmi orst- xli and mra walter rlgga are holi daying thla n4 at port oarung uutkraa ura oordon uarttn u holidaying is penetane with ur and idi liaxry us una mra- o innl of dunnrult spirit day uat week with mra thorn is allen un cuve rnydrr of kitchener apent the wm4 end in town with her father ur i e vtar ulu j fvaxoek of toronto has been epartnlng ft few holidays with rev and ura j o todd ura llxrvey allen and daughter barbara apent bandar with ura ethel burt of brampton ura a h feller u spending a irfk wath dr and ura o e blehn at ttoetr cottage at invernurcn braxh- rrr j e oatrocn left tovn sunday night for los angetr california to visit his mother who la quite ul ur floyd ot of ferndale uxchl- fan was a guast at tha home of ur and ura w v orant uat week rnd mr and ur c tlurnslde spent list weekend at the horn of their re ur olaud dumalda and ura burn- aide in me ford ura thomas watt of toronto spent a few div in tovn last wwh with her parent mr and ura if btockford ura jar justuce and nleer colleen albon of fit catharine and torono re holidaying with ura john ii oriiiira and jacqueline bdr brock barley who u stationed at petawnwa and ura narley of lind- eay were weekend rlaitore with hl parents mr and ura d 8 liailey ur and ura frank scott of st catharine apent a week end recently with mr and ura h o wrtgglee- worth- mi ani ura j h drnnya and mra jfrold bobbins of dtgby apent bun- day at the home of mr and mm fred sinclair mr and mrs sherman handy are tn hauburton where they ar attend lng the funeral of his father mr harvey bandy mian june ward of stouffvllle ta spending her summer vacation with ur and ura edward hill and ur and ura- j o cunningham ur and ura r d foulla have re turned after spending an enjoyable twoweek vacation at elgin rouse lake joseph muakoka ur and mrs perry sheffield and fomllv cf meadowvale rnent burtdiy at thr home of mr and ms leur rrbinson olen williams mr lome rentncr and master lloyd of otuwa vlaltcd with mr and ura demard mulrr olen williams tueaday of last week dr nd mr c e blthn of invar- huror uenh inkr huron nnd mlvn belle elliot of chealey were weak en ftuert it ip home of pt and ura walter blehn sunday vtlorn ith cr and mra t pech were mr h d mcolellan of strntford mm duckwlth mr how ard ducktilth mrs d eona and fa- ml of erin mr and mrs p w clenve mra w o mcdowell nnd mr ixirne clro nterded the funeral in ouelph on mortdnr of their cousin the late mrs robert cord in er on mondaj evening the olrla knvtinc club met n the home of j priest hle there w a good urnout and n the end of the cen lni s rk hr hoses ened dellcj- o s 1 mimois un k d barber and daughter uary haie returned from a visit tn wndior with her parent mr and ura h o webster ul vioria weuter fttumrd with ura barber and lll rrmiln tn fvcorgetowi lor a frt bcuda itrr many old frlacds rr glad to tee un u euea nee uary edith ivut of lnnny uirhtgsn us tows lat e4 wuh her two children uaruyn and esther ann tier hus band u tn tha army at ftaavwt camp dr o t walker eealght special- ut of brampton waa elected by ac- rttrnstlnn dutrtct deputy orand uasier of toronto dtstnct a at the meeting of orand ludf kt st au held tn tore n to last week i hi man friend asteod to him slnoer congra tulation mr and ura harold gmih ana children of uaaxbrd cpmt tha fc- ed with her mother ln k prru on bunday ur and ur umith had their two children richard harold and john alec chrulened at 8t ororgrs anglican church by rev w o o thompson mr wxl ura wnv preston of hamllion were the god- parrnu mrs art orimn erin wo hoatem at a delightful mlsceuaneous shove teday renlng july 14th tn hon our of ur and ura robert keeler nee emme ledwldgr whose marrt- ace took place june 37lh about lo relatuea trtenda and nelghboura wera present after a abort musical pro- trram an addreaa aaa read by elmrta 8lm tne prenls arte presented by uamrr kenny rldler luncheon waa wnrd ttie bride was also glcn ft kitchen shower by her friends from 8ml th atone ltd where she aaa employed before her marrtaga uord aa rrxrlved here uat week of tha death of joseph a ohorull of vancouver washington he had beet in poor health for several months the ut mr shortlll waa born in ballln- afad some 63 years ago and waa thv son of the late mr and mrs richard bliorull he waa an engineer on the canadian nauonal railways and lat er sn rnglneer for the 8 p and 8 for twentyfne years he vu a mem ber of the mdmmlc lode und th brothrrhood ot rallroud tiifilnrera he was also known as a ioun maksv the late mr shoetlu i survived by one son allen serving with tha navy and a daughter jean of vancourr 8t oeorgra tennla club was for- mjk opened liat thursday night and there su a fair turnout for the games there were no playoffs at the end ot the eenlngs sport the social convenors m1a iktt oiii and uias norma thompson itentd re- frmhmenu mrs ted arnold and miss plorta rvller vara appolntad jconvenot for the next tournament thoac prewnt included urs j l i lambert misses betty snyder ploria lller bett oront norma thomp- on alice ooatlgan mrs ted arnold mrs w anderon mi vsrs djuk drncken rom duncan va alter cook jack comrtt jack ajitnham joe hall am na ic dintri ot hunters inn during the aeek rre the ifender- ondale neddln part from ormut- jville- mr and mrs a c welk joeonretown and mr hovm mon- i trial w ward 81mpon of brant- 1 ford p l rourton and nci jean vinnpton milton misc o 8uinson i montreal the edaardjones weddlnfc weddlns part of gairpe que harry is reld or of pnrkdalc presbj- t n in church toronto and mra reld and daughter mrs wilfred sprncc and mrs keith spence ovorri town mim bettj 8n der ocorktoun and mr oordon mc- mureh huttomllle mr and mr w j robb a id daughter margaret en- named b mr and mrs r w krtbb oeorgetown m i a p i 1 n ind o u rn n i in c nip hi i in n i d nr t iipr h i v t fl t m nn m nf mr o r- ii ni dt m ri of trrm ns w re i ii 1 in o h bro 1 rr m h w rob i nd ms robb on moiui i esgagctrcvt mr nnd mr kenneth hunter an- ue uu cnpircmint of thtlr minptst diuphttr christ na ptirl to li ms oc kit n on of mr and mrs li m ooldin giorrcoiati tlit rmr- i w i tkt plucc o i t a wust u 8 h mr wd mn r guyot j and family leave 61m williams olrn williams ai3 oeorgetown are sorry tndeidl to loe ur and urs- roger ou9t and famll who are leav ing olen wiuijnu at the end of this month to make their home in to ronto ur and ur ouo came from to- rio tn ipji they spent the sjm mer of that er at olen hatrn and returned in april 9u to setue b the olen during thrtr rrsdrce there they hae made specs ruche far ihemselira in the hearts of the people of both olrn williams and oeorgetown not only by the urely and active interest they took in communi- y affairs but also bacauaa of their personal quail tie toronto s gain is our los and ws wish ur and ura ouyot and family every happlneaa in tneir new home ura ouyot was bom in pudsey yorkshire two of her brothers cam to canada in 1910 and at tha out break of the war tn 101su they join- rd uh 4j5th highlanders in toronto going o enveaa in nostmber itli andrew jonra the ounger of tha two waa taken pnaoner at the first tra attack in vom tn april 1016 m the pruonrrs camp in ooruingen orrman where ajiiirra had urn mnt he attended a prrnch ctasa for llntlsh pruonen conducted l luxrl ouot a belgian soldier who had been taken prisoner naar dumude as the rnd of october 1014 mr ouyot attended military bchool it pre tha city co familiar to can adian elerana his studlea were tn- teiruptd oy the outbreak of aar and he olneo rrglmtni in oiml af ter having taken part in the battle of ut e und antwerp thla regiment to- krther with the real or the belgian artm look 1u tand on the banks of the vser ahlch poritlori tu sucoeaw luu held unui the end of the war the canadian and belgian midlers become ait friends und when cpl junrs u sent to work ui u mine the unl aa the could keep in touch as b mr jonen sister arlting to th lilgiun lad and vice verm after the amuajcr the lirltflan tidier rnt to liiglurtd u meet his canadian pal who niu then at camp in england milit4ir rifu ncles made the meeting mipomib1 howei r and the two ex- primtmrs did no ie each other again until 1922 hen mr ouot and mis j one ho b then had become mra ouo rtrnr to dnntford ontario mr and mra oujot a ere married in pudse pariah church in 1ko and hurd for a eax in wuwbadrn oer- munj a here ht wua attached to tha lit kinn section of the reparatlna omimluuon they returned to ohent ifclktum for u lort stu l f o i cjtii irir to canada in june 1023 short- 1 after their arrival in cuiiud i mr ouut ent4 red tin nnpo il ht c i iidun a oeneral ptnance company in turonto where hi u htill ucuvc us uslik r nccountant and advisory translator for aeveral 1 nuure he has also conduc xl pri ncli publicity far manv itadlrur advert n a re net m ind nutionnl udvt rtlst r mr ouvot ts member of the oeorgeuwm branch tf tie canadian legion vlce-presl- dtrt of the pranoo- bel titan veteran assocutiun of toronto and belongs to the xtn club one of the oldest pub ic spcakintt und d bating clubs in to ronto the ingutmic ab li t of u i imll art shared b mrs ouot who liolds rwr aoclafe of art dtgree oxford and ho p aks nnd antes prench fhirntl she too is a vtr furtt ful and able pub c sjm tki r uul hi i i n vcrv ictlve both in olen williams and crtorpt outi mrs ouyot has been pr 111 nt of the st albans lodlea oullrt for th st seven eara she also uas the secretary trtasurer of tin oeorgton sudy club since lu incp on in 191 as convtner oi tlie o n wi inxv pd cro 8let nnd sruir of tin 0orketoftti soldiers conforts cjmml te lu wl an ac- ti i r worker li it wo rhhdnn vlvlenns iid rr r who loli i ndul okn will mis pub c fachool und cirii- uwi ilkh schoi ti u 11 omitln it 1 lr iiimts nt jil c imerla t in- t icnto rojr is doln his bit on a in h r in in ixni v rkln slnct ap 1 vtviinni has ntiht sun- i in i cil it s aunnh fir tlu last ethel alcott irtde of frsak kins rev p j dun lop minster of nor vul united church offlcued at a quirt meddmg on saturday july lith it the parsonage when etatl ajnle ughter of uj and ui oerge al- o t john street became the brda of prank king son of ura king and aw late prank king of oi fgetown tiressed in a pink triple sheer af ternoon frock with pnk hat and white accruurtra and vrurtnj a cunagr or rose the bnde waa attended by litis join young in blue aheer with white accessories and corsage of rosea pie percy king of thr loene uvots real ment nlagaraonthelakv wus his brothers groofniman pol lowing the orrrmony a reception was held at the home of tha bnde a part nu ura aloott recetred tha gutts in a navy crepe dreas wltl ahlte accvmorles and wore a cor sage of white carnations site itt auuted by the groom a mother who wore a pink crepe irrws with white arceasortea and a corsage of pink carnations after a short honevmooi rip tlu- happy ctxipie will make their homr tn oeorgetown bad auto accident ulut uargwrrt ouirvet and mr kay 11 almas of oeorgetown and ur oordon reld of brampton werr the orcupanta of a car driven by jamea middles ton of oeorgetown which went out of control when the driver waa blinded by the powerful glare of apivouclilnti iteudllghtji tht car was pruceeuing west on no 17 aide- mud wcm of improve at an early nour foundjy moniliitf when the ac- udrnt octurrtd it ran into a drtp cluh jumimd trw ernbankment and r ck u tree on e other nlde pro- uikui ouis ab i m h hodgson of ummpton investigated tlie four orruikiritj of thi car re ceived u uut slukirur up and were im medium 1 nmmid tn pm1 memorial ho pital ut ur imp on where it was luund ill twu irs tuvd sirttrrd w vi re ireriuonn to the ncajp luddle- hton and held wen tnated for shock brulw s and minor cuu the girls ar report i1 to b rmnirum vilisfacuinl interest growing as big august holiday celebration hears p o doiclah hakgent pktarerf abavv u lus4 officer daaiu hanrat mm ur a4 ira c vsrgertl daaglss has had mn envlsbie reeaed wllai the kcaf evee jnre he enutted at maaalag fwal irbewary 1mi at ttaae 1 rnlktaweftt be had jwss fa etfkleefi atvj gradaated friaa o it h with haaaars and hu hmlae matrieautlaax he sraa barn la geargetaam fie has taken a ae- tive lnuret in haekey all hit lift and j9w ui recall he was captain of the mamie leaf mlagrt haekey team whkb waa the cap al caa- perruft in l he aha maye4 en the jawwile haekey tvaaa daag ha been atallaned al t llnton mi catharine laadan and at the roavb4ag and gsmaery hehaol at lineal where he waa inied- april ii i ml may ii he rrrehed hi eamwhiten as pi lot omree hlnee that time ha fcaa been at pvnlefd ridge njl far a kpeetal roorw and he is nam sta tlaned at laehlne qnebee wheee he receiving invtrartlens on llflni boata ma vr tsv a osh far cfrte hihfsy vuu day gajdra party aa daaea vour attention is drawn this weefc to a urge advertisement on pag i qrwwmriny the big clvtc uolldaf ccl bration in oecrgetaan aooojdlig to the betting it really looks like a big day- in fact it will be a big day pro viding the weatherman give ua a break it will be a grand holiday for old and oung alike beginning early tn tha afternoon and listing wall past mid- 1 night the children will bold th spotlight in the afumoon whaa races for all age will be held whlla the grownups will be be entertainad to a aoftball game lugo war bingo and other gamea tha lome scot band will provide music throughout thr afternoon and dcrronttrutioos will be put on by the lurne scots regi ment rf and the bl jooa ambul ance brigada the biggest garden party of tha fu w1u be staged in from ot the grand- state tn the evening there will b n ujcal selections of all lu di come dians dancers and entriatnrr undef the arrangement of tha ouelph oidsf 7mt piddle r ocrtrude cain and h r troupe of dancers wdj a w have pait on the program and the lum scota band will furnish uiuic be tween acta following the garden party s danot will be held in the arinoonu when 34 00 in rah will be given nwa us a lucky draw on admission tickets thl big day of fun an1 frolic wtu be not only satisfy tha appcui for s days entertainment in oeorgetown i but will aid our soldier boys as well this entertainment 1 sponsored by the active service league a nw or ganization set up to provide soma mram of reconluon to tru boy oo active service when they leave town and oo their return aaue from tha rtcrtalnmcnt ahlch you are bound to eno jou are helping a worthy ef fort on tlie port of some o our trad ing ciuxrru cyclonic storms in georgetown area over weekend thol sands or dollars dahagl dove rarmrr and for that matter mrjoni ho had a irardt n were pray mw for ran bfore last frida whet h cam ii ucttiilb did niort h inn than kood for it devt loped into a ojdbirm which flat t tied gruln our a wide art i und will eloul unjifda h irvt ntlntc om ration oco- rm tovm hiipimntxl to bt lucky thla imp and mummed to tsctj tht lah- mj f jrj of aind run ind lightning al i ojtul t wii hour fur a radius of twenty milts peoplt had a taste ot wlvat u small cclon ft it like our ii n ttvenit net was hvdro inltr- i jptions prtdnv and 8aurdu nighu aid iuiiks of mtn worked fur into the niklii to tistort ui sirvict 11m sto in w l luriltlixl b u low slia kd c oud loon the whole k w us d irk us nuht and a terrific u nd which uproojd trtth and bltw otr mo e jim u i w n unn sutp hroukh tht milton d sr r uid tht o it h tir ikh llni ml oikwllt tli mis foloatd b i s vt rt elcctrl i s orm which rtinnv ixirnn iblare in tnddii iht in i tortns swtpt i n inun h ni n a s uid w ished it rotds more thin looo am s oi r tin atn hi i d c 11 tr wirt ii d d 1 u pi r i i rt whose if inn is in the caledon erin dlstrlcl hi i so ix wersko d chick drowned in alton and prin iritu and telephone poll atruck by lmhtnlng interrupted iiro nnd te c phone service i tin oakwllr district auffered pri- ln tiit urda and sunday from sir rms and it ls estimated that at i t 2no tu phonos wire out of com- m nn hm the storm was worst i ikrj i of trees blown down on tht i hi iw i irrpeded trafoc a falling i mt dnmncrd the side of a housa li 1 ir 0ikille occupied b mlw muriel i iiai le water rushed through the iwalls of the houv and couaed hun dreds of dollars damage j wind of cvclonic velocity blew down a liitre barn oo tha farm oi cnorkt hitchcock near oakvtlia i nt st gilberts bam at bronte wns ltvlltci and another barn owned by mls ttrtude rikps on the first line i ilr n4- wos dt molthed by the wind a car parked on the property o wil lam wilson west of oakvlile w is i used hlkh into the air sua i d d ihtn b tht roots of an up- ootisl trtt im ii i onvi it urti came in for him of l tm m too mr h klns- v i r ml rt tt iiicons ioils by a t i h n n vvileh ran around h m lit r nher c burton r m i nd hvdro vtrvlcti were r p t 1 for stvtral houra i i luscuut now o t u lit i k il m sphi lit i tl 1 r mr a c k nnd mr n brill nt- tendi i h i linn d s rict conven tlon of ie lons ci ib lum in the kinc fdnird hottl toonto mo idry nkht srt nnd mr j hurst ond auits peter and michael are holtdtivlng thla week it olen wood bench lake s mcoe and b- firebridge muskokn sfft hurst ls on furough from no 5 sp ta3 brnntford the bimonthly meeting of the re- bekah lodge war work society met at the home of mra frank petch on monday night with twenty members preoent the ladles decided to hold their picnic on the 30th of july at eden afllu with the four group eon- venon mm s mackenrje mrs har old cleave mr 6 oroat and mrs 8 waker in charg of arrangements the hngfcai served tea at the ponelualon t th ventaur 15000 blaze at mcmurthys woollen mill muuoiivisle 1 tunis t 1 1 pour wr tn o ho pli i d ir nk the im fridu nkl n d t mud it sisooo to mminln- wkiii ml llu omillr all kk jl pckiss is romi t il dts triid b the blize nnd the machin es fiufftred cxtensle damage the urrlftc crack of llshtning fol- loued by the creat roll of thunder was heard by residents for miles around annus mcmurch one of the owners reported the bla7e started in an elec tric motor it was impossible to tele phone for help as the unas were all out of order to mr memurchy drove the seven miles to brampton to seek aid from the fire brigade there it was two noun before tht bramptob brigade working frantically could bring the blare under control dn- ployees and village residents acvated tons of wool and offlce eoulpmant other braved dense smoke and flamt o u firtnun car hooi r cords it f nnme from he btiidtntr 1 nil ill j vi ch u j c bi t ind sou and wis bu about m t irs nro mr j p hittton va 1 h milt- in 1b37 to brothirs i mi s aichli md john mcmurch boueht uic bulness uiwn the dtau ur mr archil mcmurcio his to i soas aniu and thomas took o i r the mill and are its present owners tht null which manufacturers uool- in socks employs about twenty peo ple in mehoriam pordin lmint memoir of my wife alice who died july mth 1m1 sadly missed by lier husband cyril ford and sons jlmmle and albert tent service in progress otorgciown i enjoying aomathlna of an innovation these days in the of ftervlcts held in a large tang pitched on the od radial rightofway betide the post offioe though the derforninatlonal sponaora the pilgrim kollneas church ta name comparatively new to this bv colity yet the ftcnfcea themselves are of the type of the early helbodista a strong o angelical appeal is made to the individual for a complete sur render to and acceptance of christ aj a personal saviour in these difficult and arduous days chrlat atlll can be the outt of peaoe and rest lus words are more prede ous and applicable than ever h unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and i will give you rest fit and mra h w hobba wht ore in charge are experienced in true tpe or work with the dlfdcultlea in voked their watchword is lift up chritt that men may look to rim and live the courteny and frlendllnaf of the townspeople are being foucfe appreciated by them and they ej i hope lbxt apirluul benefit may reauli i from the aemoea tin minister leads toe parade one of the first customers of thj first miss canada war savings stomp gtrl was the hon j l tlsley can adas minister of finance the camera show him making his pumihue cheer fully just prior to the opening of meeting of canadian reutuera who are planning ways and means of wrtendtn the sole of wax savings stamps tn canadas stores kept hxtt daightebs ciiainxd in the dark dr donald a laird writing in the american weckh with this surdia july 2fli ivsue of the detroit sun day tlme discusses the strange caaw of a kindly woman aho kep her thiuhhurs prisoners pouulng out trun an probably a 000 other living kilt tons uho an prisoners of mother tv rea nh j ilouay or iui pliln ulshnev be sure to get 3rdiyli iroit tunea in the milton area bams seemed to i tlu ihchi tarmt for llgbuairui hinr win v t ibaa stringers bom nn nu jrd 11m milton uoi complete v d royd the large bom on th film optritid by utubtn ryrffuson vi milci north of milton was set bitinn i fi oc ock rrlday night and 11 c ids oi jm wsirt burned twcn o thlrkuis und thlrtyflvi tons 1 1 vnn lost uhtn uchtnlne i in birn or geo r pc douglas i i imnno ond milton on mi n htb its v r 0iton bam i burnt d hi u brick bchoolhouse in i i k mo dtsfiu hat ened by und l u ut invt bttn unable to m mils report hew minister welcomed to norval church after bin lng the laurel united church pastorate for upwards of thir teen years rev p j dtinlop was in ducted into the norval mount pleas ant charge on friday july 3rd at a service held in norval united church rev j a leece of huttonrflle wag tn charge of the service wnlle rev o w w rivers of bolton rtdfniagn the minister and rjohajrefatlon a social hour waa held al tha eioae of the service when rev and ura ounlop were introduoed to the l bare of the two eonayeaauesa

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