Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 22 1942 avoid wast when you make tea uvlaiia mt ejl wlikwir t iai frankfort new pack pea fie lines tin sardlaas fils new 1042 pack aylmer peas w av o sasawtsa is sm vreltlsial u if a xtnt ivory aas 4a ius rtakaa cleanser lamlife tla jo brooms uoyard ei 1 tttulm 8 xfa do otj cmrrye a aje ohavsmut m 14e wsolat s im x car p w cetrvkk su romar offee 1lb ba 39 catsup llc salmon 2 55c pickles ssr h 2c prairie nuts lie biscuits fk v i9c macaroni 2 9c apple juice ir23c orange juice 18c corn kllo flakes 1 ise aixbran i sle carrir raking mwdek 1- ate lobstelt hiku 4s0 peanut ik me aunt dinah molasses ij u toe bird seed iihdki i70 ro- viii- liipi sodgsts z n zso cam stareli khovs jruv maker x certo ml in twt rl junket s relish sri health salts u floor wax ieviu me xfe me as s axe oramces large hltc dot 35c grapefruit lara hiss 6 for 25c fruit and vsgcubu priest good till saturday night oaly is hht to limit qua mil lea tt family wmhrr f pbone 357 we deliver main street improved uniform ihtlrhatlomal sunday i chool lesson ei ckuaaa- ltepar usao- lesson for july 26 m ealgarts aas strtgtor tost koabt goos covenant witb mankind m sa i my lesson tqtgamli t goujeh text i arui i a u cod don cut forjet- ha keps ilia promisee now just aa ha did to tfve daya of noah bine our lesson of last sunday loss prud of time had elapsed cant ration after gen eration bad coma and f on ana all the while man grew more and more wicked finally ood aaw that he suit put an end to the corruption of the human race savins just one rlshteoua family that of noah with vrhkb to begin anew he warned noah of the judgment of the hood and ha in turn doubt- leu warned other but finally the day came when god ahut him in the ark and poured forth the watera of judgment upon the then inhabited earth but the aame ood who ahut noah tn gen 11 in due time called him out cen 8 is it noah had obeyed ood and h now rewarded him the man who had borne the ridicule waa now hon ored by him the eaperlence of noah bring before us oeeve tares outa to a beuaruf has i pawar w m man la the lord of creation not becauae ha haa brought about ita subjection but became god gave him that power it waa firat given to adam gen 116 and it la re named here with the additional promlae of the animal aa food thla waa not to be however after the manner of wild beasts v 4 i no man ever loat anything by obeying the command of god even though appearance may teem to so indicate the ridicule of those who called noah foouih for obeying god had now been ellcnced by the judg- 1 merit of the flood ond he atood forth vlndicoted empowered by god with authority over the whole earth i faith la mill the victory men who put their hopea in the klnga and empires of this earth have seen them rite and wane and een un believers are beginning to talk obout the necessity of a spiritual anchor age for the souls of men it la found only in christ but in him la found both peace and power for victorious living but we see a second gift of god d protection w 57 1 human life is not aa cheap aa men would have us think their estimate based on greed and lust for power makes man but a unit in a machine designed to build up po litical power the blood of thoie who are not profitable to such on enterprise la shed in utter callous ness i those who do such things need to read the words of god whoso aheddath mana blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of god made ha man v 6 what tremendous bill soma men will have to pay when they atand before the aeat of judgment of our god even the animate who kill men are to be slain v 5 how much grcat- 1 er shall be the condemnation of the 1 man who vlolatea goda command but we see a third gift of god de- j signed to remove a deep fear from his heart namely gods iii promise w b16 god mode a covenant with noah and with his descendants and every living creature vv 0 10 thl is the third of gods eight covenants with man beginning with the ont- to adam in the garden of eden gen 128 and closing with the new cov enant hub 88 thin was a promise of gods grace that there should be no more judg ment by flood and as a sign ho chose the rainbow which appear ing in the very time when rain should fall would reassure men that n new flood was jjnt coming upon them what a beautiful symbol i will remember said god and ha haa not forgotten though thou sands of years have passed there has never since been such o cata clysm of judgment how unspeaka bly precious it is to recall that god has not forgotten a single one of us that he remembers every prom ise he has aver made that he keeps every covenant and on the con trary how disturbing it must be to the unbeliever to realize that god has not forgotten hie sin and unbe lief nor the judgment which la sura to come the itory of noah should stimu late our faith causing ua to trust ood to obey his every command and to look to hun for his power in our lives his protection over us his promise of grace to all who be have deltvebh rouatth hcutt aim kta fr anersl years a attasaer af the artlag ceallaxest in tarante laslm ana lata the vrlun tula ul year aa4 has tlinrd hit fiaaf to vtrr ntarr ntsu huh hare iu4 wlaaca pmmuutn ive oa the ium rrsat u illol n4 l tr araavtd frees tarsal far nslus- at rvtaafw iutrnr an man4y jalr n at 3 paa cot iv- bbbsbsbsl r atms est f bbbbbbbbw os ditv in britain llrwttdrr vhn tladoiit h airurd jly in urtuln t oik wtlli olhr rmrnbrr uf lh ih otrrvr i nit ai- crjdual- rtl irons juttn i nltl in 1jw wlfcrd at thf i iiltrrtjiy rjtu u at ion for lo rjf brfui on- int fhr ib mr in tturir of rrrordraj fralurr- during ih kat uu in lxx and a upa- ivor of rrcordrtj prrmrafoar at c rc toronto lutjioa until he lrt for otrrvfai iillwhtmlnt ismth u arniso rloakuing vllxds oratitr iuaarrd and klnj drru s ho nln lurmlni prrad sajs john maflrod ont ikpt of afrirnilarr ialun s otiuirios htiixit arm litd will bcioint it iubtlit nistiul ol mi ttjt i unit v more at ilium is jkih to ilir t niilualioii ol noxious rtln irn john t marlatoil crops hrds and wittits lirnmli out lh pt of annculturr toronto ai tin prtmit tuiw u utpirtmcni i is ixtrclmtl oir tin ilurmiiifi spread this mr of two pisturr cds kjnn 1 il and orumi ituu ksit d uhlcii ait found oil ruadslcs old modos ind particular on rouuh m nnanrnl i pasiiitt- aik r culllvttuoii l tllfllcult iloth arc ikoroiis kh perennial t wiids nh siiallou rxsottd cmping rooutocka liiims of both plant arc lor tht must iwrt aiuichiti to tlir irowii and not to thi moms uitis and mcnv ire ixlnim haln and iillttl uuh u bitur mtlk juicf whlrli live stock do not rilish oruukf hiiukwmxl urows oi ii tuo lit i hitch and has fu r uraiurrcd blovstuns iroup4 d in i ltlstits kitiff ltml iiuij kroft ihrrt fivt hiith nnd i in a blossom similar to pinn- nlal sou thlstlr but is onl half the ii tin sri ds of uh ltiiukntil urc lirht and inav u- carried lonr du- auii s by ulnd pu- l st mttjiod of mnirolllnff mawkatid aiul othir pisiun uitds is to build up uh soil iritutl and dc- lop a udck stxl or iknrous piusturc plant haw kurrd v hi not mnnd iiiluiiuion tht rtfori pistun illds iioiiltt bt- broken if posstble and after inr wrll ti rttllztd mm n to n pcr- niancnt posture mixture iastuns should tie top driwsod prliik or tali and the mower used o eradlrule hiiftkuced ut rt cost of 2 to 3 ur acre write the ontario department of akrlculture toronto for pamphlet on pthllfal fai sttfto tusri duty b it in raiau mitur or m at ti rhity uu lh command ol httvtn tho ldwt vote of god tad it li only hay who or faithful la a law thlbm who wih bo faithful ovat many tmnfa qatar ihay who jo thalr duty fa avaryday mattara will tuuul tham on gfaat oecaaloaa chatlaa ktafalay ttm vouk okocirv dtuo a no toftaceo itolilauo hoauumfi mnks amd wsr omcu timely topig for women by barbara baints dav hvusaata fok tatch kev childhxn no graver problem face cantda at thr moment than uie care of 1u vaix army of latchtry tuudien but firu what la a liuhkey chlia hi lath r more thin likely u tn th army iii motrer it employed ir induury moat piobably on wx ofk and the child u left to his own devices all day long before i2i lravea lot work tn th momuiif tne mother tle the uachkry around bta neck with a ttrtng to he may get into the hotrc to rate the panja of huncer and now that the holidiy tavon u here the problem u een great rr aa this airanse unkrmp underfed army of arcb orphan u left for longer hcur without ipevliaon the children of a commun y cannot b irft to run wild atthou dfrvelop nj unixial habitt wlucli tyntnbjte o child dehnquencv and juvenile crime our auiv have learned they fjinot an the wr aitlvt the hln of women and in oinuda too it tttru though we cannot produce th needed weapons of war without the help of our young mother irideed as time goes on t 1 expected that grrater and greater numbers will bo needed und the eergrov ng inmy of latchkey children what of them day nurum sirem u be the bem anmer to the problrm already tht foundation hx orn lvd fcr dvnujury and foberhom care for uiete childrrn in some fuy centrn- uuouout central ontario it la a new under taking in a cornplrtcly new field and so new machinery far hindjing u muit be set up but ue flra uniu should be ready to opes in a matter ol ntt as the mater n w stands tuft centre will have two compeurnt lullume suimrviors atsltted by voluner workers alth some erperteckoa and training and aul accommodate liven 20 to 10 ctuldren the cflntrt wlu have py rooms wwuirooms cloakrooms and kitchen faculttoa k eu aa an juuloor plavyroind and ii protidr a balanced pjogrw of work rnst and pu the rjiurrn ui have consuint supervision and will be given tao or three good mewlt a day ttiik hat a irlirt it iu be to tiudos motliri to know tnnt their children tie out of danjtr aiul rlleand lor think what a relief it will be too for lhee eiy wmen no to hae to net thaw ratru meals for aj work u a heavy enough strain of us if althoul having the cart of a home added and ahat of ihe chudrent it u lhy ano 01 brnejlt most no longer si i uu hear the jjjuouf yueauon what u 1 do nowt from ub- cuiedlor voihg tern puy ik an ubboiulng bujjirx to a young child in fact hu chil hutlnets in life and through tupeivlvd puy in tbe day titwrifft uwr thidrrn wul bt helped to normal happy growth no lontttr kill thr it turn to empty home to get their own lunch usually a couoe of thick sikts of breud and jam instead aeubalanced appeurng mtal ami builu stionk ttujj bodus and ur thrsc latchkey rhildrin ute suirt in life- that u uieir natural heritage tor ottt hcbap book tliert are two klncu of dlsconunl in the world the discontent thai merit and the diconient that arings its hand th first gu what li wants and the bctond loses what it j at there 1a no cure fur the first bit success iuij inn s no luit ut ull lur tht fecom ooiukjn orahau tia womin s uoval canaoian naw hervlci the auie arc mufitering all uinr hirength for the big push to vic tory and more and morr sonun are taking over the jobs of ccun to r itubr iho- uho are fit for fiontline service allead tht uiulcnn of ht hcap iwd or the c wac u i fumiljsr mght on our airrtu ihttr younc acmen are performing many ol the clirual uiainlt nai c und luulu n duura formerly aaslgned to men and if rtixuus uie trur with conuderuble succeed now the iisi brancn ot our fihing teivices the navy u enlist- 11 w jnit ii to in i ii 1 1 tiu iiajvtibt lor more important duuew a pala ua home on lauurur am oiuiwj bririk fitted ud ius so 1 rtcna here thi- fitht group ol ic or moit will ugm i heir training early lu august thy iav bet n cliojtn uxauu- ul utir x iptloual ability and will bt gut n a rigorous courtx ut jdunnibiration organlcauon and discipline from among thrr will be choan the inlual group of officcxa and nco s which will loan uh nucltu of the wrenb in canada nral outhoruith teil us canada s bailor firls will be an utuacuve unartlookng jroup ol uitmn 11 uu unilorm can make thim to thr uili not wtar hummer alute which u improxucul here insltod they wul be titled ou in uti lom ot wren blut u very becoming deepsea blue shade th offlc rs jiickil are dojblcbrcusted and have eight brau butioni th ix gored kuts swing gracclully ard nre worn 16 uicbca from tlt uoor with uils they wmr a white dioum and black ur tha riditionul truorne hat ol white mix pique and white shoe and stock incn hating wiar a willmllortxl tone n dn ot the toime shade la casual hat of white pique and white shoes and stockings oiaccrs nnd ntnis wtar tlie wmi t4marot u wrm blue gatardine tcnchcoat wltter uniloims will u navy blue uuh black thoe and bjcklnga the mtlccr aid wtur a wlcur trcoine ind a greatccat very aimlar u u naval oncer s except that ihe wall line is mote fitted tlie rating uniform is u much like uiat ol tlie oltlceri except that the maw rial urt it little coatscr and the outtns arc blot insurid o hras her hat s u casual navyblue felu uoth ottlur und rating will carry a ming puife of navy blue can- as and will wear their hair rul slioit mnkcup will be allowed in moderation iough to iddf uttracuve twt3 hamherries unspbtrrit promlv to be it good crop this feuon they have al- vuys uen i favorite nmon caniitd lruls ho htw ibout dong up doubl9 your quota this yiur hen is a vry aimple method that gives excellent rtmiltt pick ove and wsh niapbtrt let oiiiii tu und pack into jars that have bet n wlhed nnd ntuscd have the jar well filled steam for 10 mbx any hi rue kettle or boiler with n tight utting lid is suitable but be sure the jarr an- noting on a wire stand they should be left open and fcrw sterilised by the attain as the bt rritv are cooking tlie gliin jar tops can be put in b stile them so they wlu be mcrllzcd too wlule hi- bfirttn an meuiniiig make u syiup of one cup sugar to om tup wvuti ilhl- torne wriin your allowance when you consider tht utmimt ol ihtiusi urine tin- sruji to a lull rolling boll and uu tha mtmuim jiri to ovulowim t inst it filvti sihkiii to guard against tha jars brtikluu m t once anil the job is unislud tlie fruit keeps will and the bt rries retain their color and thnpc nullcatlon ol weeds by chemicals und oac circular no 28 they are tree to ontario furmerti only there in n small charge for bulletins cent out side the province the hoft answer evidence of the increttrlng public interest in economy appeared in a let ter received by a department store trom un indignant houbewlfe she hud included a un of corn syrup in her grocery order und when it was dc- uvored it wus wrapped in paper why thb waste of paper ohe demanded when our country la at war cvcr mind tul of its public relations the store sent one of its trouble- shooters to call on the lady and give her the simple explanation goods for delivery are sent to the shipping room through a spiral chute an unwrapped tin of syrup is a hazard because if the lid should come off not only would the syrup be lost but a great deal of other merchandise would also be ruin ed the wrapping 1b cheap liuuraioe the lady accepted the explanation and the troullebhooter was uuttng his leave satisfied with his work when she stopped him do you mean to tell me the said that you used tires and gasoline cotu mb all the way out here to tell me oust- perhaps the recording- ana did sot make toolflaok a mark when the man ahmrered that he had merely happen ed to be in the neighborhood on i other business the printed wonl style in glasses yes your glasses should be made to fit your particular typs if face we specialise in eye cum ulation and prescribe attractive haasw at ellr srieea for expert rye sentee as newest style in tlassm oomnnvr ot walter r0 no m b it hi lbs baa telephons ds 3srtlt mel esav aaaveaat o t

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