Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1942, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednenlay july 22 1942 red cross news lboend of the bridge builder an old man txavtuln ion w cimr evnin com ad pay tftt ctoaim dkp and ww- osman mjul m r lb uolra uftm hid no g tuirsd hra he rfc tlo j n4 buildwl a brtdr to h nold man crtrd a leuow purtm your aiewaulns yw tlrctlgui wttfi our buudlnf b your ourory wiu end altfa u tnc djjf and you nrvrr again 1u pa lhl you hr cratawl the chaim orp and wide wy build a brtdg at cvroucu- and the builder ralird 111 oid ttray brad oood mend on th path x haw come h aald there followo axier me today a youth ahow jt will piaa thu y thi auram wch has brrn naught to me to 0t atfhalied boy may a pitiau be too mut c tn the twllght dim good mend i am building thii brtdg for him how mm in britain an building fcrtdgr they 1u nncr urt there arr alxeady 44 000 brtuih civilian who have already died in thrir ehor to utr humanity many o our m hae gonr forth to aid them and we l home muit wnd mjppurs and money to help a our aharr the can adian red crow acta u our agent cangratalauoiu mr drkoy dale kcotir president ha recti rd a ifrr iroro mr wuuon yield dtx or uw ontario dmaion conralulating ua m rrochjn our ob- jrcut in the rrd crow cnnuja only 60 out o 40 branch aroom- puhid uufi nd e fel proud to b among the 0 w p t b appeal when ou vjuctir out that ut ounce ol unb im aotihtr don t thro au the tuoo t im it in m u id to help manulncturc u atr conuin to relriih the lada who ort lighting on egipta inniicd iront urns tht war unit price and trade board wlmi cu ikich tnil iua drop ol looja ut of our tin lubr laki tht tub to tht nt in s arut aurr a oux contribution io irds uit buiuinu ol a doungjroki bumtxr tin u urhtntl ruuj un wjtil aa it is nttdia lor uu makinti ol brcn huna or tmlu lor brona txar- ingj lor main lxariruf untl hlh prrs urt ahis on irun jwrt plmo loi elicti r il wjuipmcnt lor oircrult a fli ckup indicate uwt not more than 5 or at most jo pr cent of th collapa bit tube arc bttng returned to druk ijiti clffar a tons untl britrui dtjunnuntui stores alilcli urt rtqul ed to imvi rectptaclta lor uttd tubes la t nor uicrt wtix 3120000 tub ol almo t pun un ounufactund ttit tn t l product of 7j5 0oo tounli j tui it l tstun ijttl uiut thtrt la at uat hah u m1 ion jwundi of tin col lectible ir all tht collapublc tubes in tn i cojntry arc balvagtd jam or oeertcaa to l aho urt not niukinu jam for s mint to tl r l inutliun lud cro s- c ty lo joi kn uat ou cut cj jr bit b kinti 4c mhlrtt u 1 t i iourpound un or a con- tr t i o jjjj fclll bi u cast of a do n una each un cirrui the nun h l tiddrt s- of the donor jam urtitntly nttdid uuvca3 bo ii the odltrs mid cuiliuns con 1 tritm do uulr part in ki u uuh uttlt bit of sunahlnt yo j iilvtr mla 46 ctnu ar r tntnt arl bi uu made ut hu j ul ctjllccujr in inch of the dls 1 of our branui eurgiiown nor dim willlumi and btcwart- ton w ith mr o w m unlock mirr lliiiik of commi re m tntrul trtujiirtt vj huvi lturntd unit llnu house i ttnulru 3000 throukh unlr w i to mrs milligan at uurllnuton licach to purchuc jam at wagbtaffus foe- torli in hamilton to he wnt to uit- can ml i an ked crohb tor hlpment ovcruux well done limuiomo buses leave georgetown eastbodno ta toronto him am os m moo ud ul pm 4m pa ta pjb ut pm blm am westbound u london 1ub u na am s pm agtm pjil u40 pm tptos pjb zuo pbl b9j0 pjn dyiow pm nix pm rwnr eucm sua l mi and h6l eotllr caeapt bun and hm d oat bun and hoi ato klwianat only etobtoattera obht daytlcbt btttofl ttam w k uwo thama h ay coach lines the dm lantettn ooatlntud from pa 7 know and rrt at oc t ws wart of a pais blur agalnit tha prevailing gloom and then be beard janaa vole calling evantt ev an ha antwtrad and aba came up to him your mother telephoned that you had not come home and ah was worried sie was holding the lantern up to the length of her arm in her orange cloak the ahone through the veil of mist luminous uy dear the aald gently why or you aitting here because there jsnt any use tn going on she lowered the lantern to that it shone on his far what she saw there frightened her are you feel ing thle way because of me she asked in a shaking vole because of evrythuig evans 1 wont go to th townee if you wnnt m to stay m he looked up at her as she bent above him with the lantern she seemed to shine within and with out like some celestial visitor would you stay jane if i want ed ht yes he stood up 1 dont uont it nut rrally i m not quite such selfish pig his smile as ghostly she uas silent for a moment then she uid i m going home with you evans walt until i tell sophy to sind drlgks after me he tried to protest but she wut firm 1 ii be back in a minute she returmd presently the ian tern in one hand and her slipper bag in the other i put or heuvtcr shoe i should ru n ri lirir as they trod the path together the light of the lantern shone tn round spots of gold now in front of them now behind them the fog pressed close but the path was clear evans said jane i want you to promise me something anything escept not to love you it hot nothing to do with loe of me but it hat something to do with love of god he knew how hard it was for her to say that jane did not speak easily of such things she ent on with some hesitation her voice multlcd by the fog had a muted note of music evans you mustnt let what i do make you or break you wl ether i love you or not you must go on you you couldn t hold me if ou weren t strong enough even u i was your wife and there is strencth in you if youll only believe it oh vou must believe it evans and vou mustn t make me feel responsible i cunt stand it to feci all the time that i am hurting you she was sobbing a little tnco- hirint and you ore capuln of your soul hvans you not anyone ehe i j can t be i can be a help and oh i mill help all 1 can you know thut but 1 love you like a blfi brother not in on other way if unvthtng fchould haprxn to you it would be dnadful for me just as it would be ilriadful if anything happened to baldy jeney my deor dont for she was clinging to his arm crying ns if her heart would break but i do core for you so much hvuns i was frantic when your mother telephoned i wasnt quite triced nnd i mode sophy glt the lantern and thtn i ran down the nth and lookld for you he stopped and laid his hand on hi r shoulder her weakness her broken words hod roused in him a suducn protective tenderness i my little kirl he sold don t i od helping mi im knng to s t h kek and jou are going to lljjit my way june do you know when 1 saw you coining towards me with j that dim lantern it seemed sv in hfllc hopi hi id out to me keen through n fof faintly nut n llht nv vi rthcless oh kvuns if i could love you i would you know that i know you d tn up the broken 1 winus of every bird you d nivc 1 crutches to the lame and food to i the hungry and that si the way you feel ubout me he had let her go now and they stood npnrt shrouded in ghostly white god helping me he suit ngnln ill get back thnta a promise jancy and heres my hand upon it she gave him her hand god helping us both she said he lifted her hand and kissed it then in silence they walked on until they reached tho house the towno car was waiting and mrs fotlette in a flurry welcomed them i dont tee why you didnt ride over with him he hadnt come and we pre ferred to walk what was the matter with you evoni nothing much mother im aor- ry you were fussed he gave her no further explanation jane put on her alippera and went oft in the great car and then ev ans aald im going ever to hal- lama arent you well my dear i want to talk to him he taw her arnrjoua look and bant and kissed her dont worry mumtle im au right dr hallama old fitata adjoined the follette farm the doctor tru a nerve rpeclaliit and went every morning to wathlngton coming back at night to the quiet of hie charming noma he wai unmar rled and waa looked after by man aervanta ha bad bean much inter- cited ta evanj caaa and had tn feci bad charge of it the feorsttewt herald britjalt way varfw fuad forwarded to toronto evening telegram cttsh on hand acknow ledged ucnsb st neighborhood club donation roioot 8 00 txmn the eeorsetown herald souterv comfort fund foraaided to geonretown bold rt comtoru committee cash on hund acknow ledged ma utt3 ccf appoint pelesates to convention the peel oct riding council held a meeting july j huttonvllle the or iom- mute reported the recently insuuited iystsn to swinging well into aetloa in implementing this herb bo- veretgrtieiretary stated that those members doing the work in the van out part of the constituency were r- cniijj an encouraging response from the people towards the oct a drlmle and sllemsw were elecud to attend the biannual ccj natlonaj convention being held july nth itu mid 29tn thry sere herb bowetgn leerrury ana roorrt p hardy prut- dent irtpretlvrly church news urllin test be aatimt ihwrfsre wethrea hew abvefttisemehts ro 8a1x u burner coaloil stove with oven in good condition apply it herald owner r htto fob baxb bilo 13 a 33 complete in real good rondltion price reasonable apply it phone 41 r 1 georgetown lost it would be veil for the party wna took the tnrjclr from the e3ecnange licvl oforgrtosn to brin 11 baek rjtoe furthrr action i takrn inn the eaaslag jsa james edward campbell ballirwfadpaes away the lunerul o the ute jmr ed j cempbill look puce mturday july hth irom thr home ot 10s ion llr i cumiibrll nsulmitd lnu-r- mrnt u in acua nrury ea- j ivod bern in poor health lor iomr lime and lunvrrd o stroke a fe rtk ano trom hlch he did not re- rrr hr pinted awy 1 hu horn n wednesday jaly imh ltv a o w fvirrrmm prruched the tunrral rer- ilcr thr luubratls rir urkjs 11 marii uu rr john bnom john cole laid oook tumurl linduy and lurdlna price mr campbell a the um of jsme and uarlo csmpbru and bon al thilr liomr on ul 21 lui uiir erin in the ear 1110 when he was sis niuiim s rid tin limily movid to their prrwnt home lre hr haj re- sild oil mih hi rrotlvid hl mhoollnit ui unit district on uie 0th ot jiiiuirv illl in iniiril m irliu jam hfllt ol unalioi ho wllh thilr mslrmdnn n1e him ii irom n tin turm m airs mlt- hill nt acton frid in toronto don mrs oeotki- howllt ilal lnufad aliou i i omi hi 1- slaters and lo hi ill 8 h i m pljice anil mr home joi ii i3ikllsh o i t tk titl t m rmrres chereb hv w o o ttnir3i rector i4gnth lluiiday after tnnli holy com- i luninn lam dun- d4y urhool 10 am uallns and ulauy ii am evensong 1 lm hi albaas rhartb bleu wultsaa i3 aandy afur trinity mallni ox am hnds whool 10 0 am m jkhns tnaitli titrsrartusra itrv h it colioxook llicujr p m bundsy vchool im rvrnlne prayer homc to bxmy 6 roomed orirji bouse on charles btreet puuuion auguvt 1st apply p w cleave 11 pnene 263 oeorgetovn rich fob haix co choice vorkahlre leaner from purrbitd stock apply -r- u auxakdqt u 10th line eaquealng 11 norrsx botrnhtu wavtstd lriidy or kriimrran boardrr c esi cifiilortabr lumi close to bmllh di rlxne ud apply una oordon uptjice 11 or phone 223j rerrvrtrihar to attend revival tent services in the large gospel tent bests gwjtosra rati otsee revmrshw hobbs of the pilgrim holiness church will be preaching and tinging the goipel beb vices sunday 745 pm each week niftht at 8 except saturday vol ake cobdiaixv rwlttd vl paals ttiarth varrsj 9 4 um kuruu whaol 7jo pm lenlni service m mffhen tliaifh llsmby 10 30 sin hindi sehooj muo um morning prayer htiwir in chirrr ol mr ii drown i mil on lint fuplta chsxrh hrv j i r minister hiind i july will hunday school oil um r venliik m nice 700 pm mxaktr mr diivld canton oubject m at moud jesut dof kni rev i 1 n 1 ii is s iniiiil ia thru brolhir kith annli t m h on tl humi iv rt ibssrrs iiso at t t it ii ind mrs it i wll ams tlie lorn s ind i iir ni irnru on pmbyteftsn charcb tfsrtrlssrn chsv c cochrane d a minister 10 am b inda bchool 11 00 am public wormilp iltev it c todd u a liaaehobse presbytrrtsn charcb 3 00 pm public vrlup rev it c todd d a sob bint comfuiuibr rooms alh oud board or onr istitr ho at- k rep in u room u-p- wiate apuy uatli aril imcii ltaionabr itrnalx orrcr or phone 2ac bjiabpcning and bxpatbing lan moarrb tjarpened and rrpalj- cabvlv bios iiajldvvabx htobx u phone wrll norval pacvt1no sad ntcobattno painting and decorating at reason able price estimates free new trailpaprr samples o hjauunqton itp phone 1 geaefttewn t nlud chorrb rev it c todd i1a minister 10 a m sunday school class 11 am public sorslilp at knox prcs byterttn church no evening ser- rlot i i t al relsll price this week tn butter and eggs fttut gbade creamery butter 35c lb eggs a lart 3br mrolam 32c ii- 30 ci 2e kraft checte 37c lb georgetown creamery raan hi georgetown special train service toronto civic holiday saturday auguit lit laroaia itftorittovn palmer telon uwrn kni otftta ha m pl luiieardlaa lrof toronto 30 pm arrte 0tjt on 6 fi pin conunulnjj on rtifuiir tchtllj to pojta nwui of pujntrtxn ortkolt unt far full lvtau of train snkf mnd k od far se bandbula for inter rtrdut lop of cttra tyatak tmfxl on sttu- ttrta uxukti hi hmk i a fc 0soline canadian national special sa vings for thursday friday saturday july 23rd 24th 25th you x4k money p this week and every week tcgf from the gardens proitsjndvecjtabus cbrffiolt 519 f sirtoe it firm crisp c super stjtjs 21 first grade braeside butter 38 a breakfast refresher 2 2 23 15 25c 15c grapefruit wholesome dominion qualm rread c new pack asparagus c- 14c srrve invigorating iced r1chmell0 coffee 39 clarks tomato juice 325c kelloggs or quaker corn flakes 2 15 miracle whip salad dressing 49 oepakidable f d0mn0l jewel i motor oil shortening i 19c 73 1 au 0radi5 mi r j

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