Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1942, p. 6

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the georgetown herald vjneday july 22 1942 canadian van ovhlelas jft harry l allen b14018 aoo no putoon 4sth hlgn- kntei ft harvey allen bj1s47 thh ofntry bde auj decenr pu- loon tjwl- donald appleyard aja111 mtjm bit is0 fuld heat rca ldjut keith d harms eth odq infantry bd hxj lome bcou dec onr n j barker a2su0 43rd sty ltth field kr1roa ttw- lojine barrow btmtt sbd puu oot roe cool bah barry bt110 th bet- urr uth putd rett- rca pte w nrirrnh b4ii ut mean try bu depot tau scot tpr- james c bitu bitte no 3 ca cjiu opl david bell d18470 no j coy rceto ft reginald blair ill cm itth putoon c company p pstno oinadiin light infantry in diuuctt pte ralph ruudd atiet i1q oot highland light infantry of parade in dtruion pte c ii boyle b11ss0 ko i odn prw unit lam scots fr james brunton btkt 4mb highlanders 4th oesualty ow ing station rcamc m r j castle biui tr scsa- 11u artnt tank bn pte wtluam okapun bualo ko 1 i ethc3 2nd dlr supply ccl rcasc etk rgurim h sqlu sun aa lb ocsn intent so ims jams uoia arau oecktcar street a omhq a- m mrl areuriisot a w uottrrow iul mum ut xnitbtz bu dot onr- amovs mxdonald b1ku 2nd umuam regl rca ptpem robert mcvey trm hxj ot sth hlgwinrtrre dtk john oscaxk hewtt b csb royal hamilton light infantry uu1 t- h parry tflttm 0 09 ut bts qombi own risa of rpr r r patterson sjt uth amy lui bsa loeujjj ft- tpr a preb8wood nrraca m armoured regx oojio c bod 7th troop ca i 2nd army bde jpr r raynzr otmu tth cdn bmm ba 4u pjajo a bel u ttooo- okr tuouas o ravxss ahum tu oun puid rrt- rilq rca- tx cpu aultllt reeve b1io cw rnrton hutiunilrn rcoc mb cds armouitd dlvtiion onr hjdney reeve lucdt jiu plrui bty tlh pvm rut rca ic i1dr k o luciiardbonbliaee 6ul uftil anualtiut luturjr u ugm anltailrrut iuf roa fas o w mmiii ajiib iiu cvtn fwd amri1tnr oorpi rca uc ptt w n ritciae a11aj0 7u aimy ruii hurt bkilon iicaac on active service pre n l poolt bihii ptu o iiaynell umtm ptk l j rayner biu1i ptt w j kcktrjlh ittlu pte a i iiooejih lullr3 lance 1t- pahoint iuim pte k a hjince ililo- pte j boioraod biltl ind pte d j tlnaft lulttt toct clarke d4101j lore ku rcso bcot dh rrflmrdul p0u no jcj ajlbtirt buison luxbti ii q odd ltoldllu uul opl larky cole btltm rcajjo onr albert e coluan ullmj no 1 caru ii q bly cjju ftb r- oojwely btlmi a ooy rciru illgtuaul uiht lnltsut rrc j w e davnjbon luim cdn protjt oort dnt pte harry d dxokexoon ww c cot rcnml risimcdl ot oi tpr tjumiau dickenbon wbto jld odn atibouiwj rt oojio c bqudroo but cdn ajmouid dltliloa pr jaueo diojukuon bxuc no 1 roul oociu coy rci cpl j a dobbie nol 1iq lt cln army drlcnc coy lome bcou rrl pr t dotw imwi and puw ooy rcjc pte steve emmerflon bilto no i cdn otn iloldlna unit lore bcou dtt- pte j 1l ezeard ajtm no i ola iloldlni cult rcjl ot henry perry bolsu ut tnlutut bu depot lorn bool opl edward b prancia bmio b coy roymj uimuton utht in- fazujt pr- jaueb preeotonc b3j1u no a rod ooniu ooy me pte clarence preebtonx onjua otn in pte jaueb oxllevet b3toj4 b ooy royal hamilton llshl in- tnlttntry pte oerald oillevbt r1hb1 b ooy royal hamilton ubl in fantry pr bau oisby bm1b no 1 tunnalllntt ooy roe sot thomas owen bslmd no 1 cdn- bate drpot lornt bcota n et pte f n orace bsul no i odd baw deoot lorn boots pr u o orace ajooa b ooy ut bn rjojt pte ed orappy b3618 no 1 light plaid ambulanm rcajio dlb cdn armoured dulaton pte j r orahau bolmt ut in fantry data depot lcroa boou tpr u e hadies blftal 0 armoured reft ut buiiar tto- bad stb armoured drrtalon lsot h hale bsaom 21u lt a a bty rca 0ajo no 1 pte o e hale b3suo 3nd dtt- bupdly ool roauc pte clordon harlby bs1613 lome 8cot del a wing no i odn rrln unit pte bruce harley b74701 lome bcota del no 1 odn oorpa prot unit pte h harlow boioss and caau- alty clearing station rcajio pte i d harribon i10103 no cnnnrtlan general hoapltal rca mc tpr pred harribon b74103 a bquadron ont rega 11th army tank bn pte ray harlow bs2j7 no i ne t d lome scot pte j w hemphill bo32s0 no 1 ix field ambulance rjcailo at 8th odn armoured dlvlilon tpr alan a herd bothi tth odn ree squadron and dw troop ko i iianoecpl ed a hioken b74708 ilq squadron ut odn army tuna bde pte e a hill boltio hjq ojiu pte wesley htxtb b51610 ut odn dtyulonal advance hxj ptk clifford hilts hm1m ttlnoeaa patricia canadian lum infantry bn hjq ut odn dlrlalon elalan pte b d hodoe asb301 no 1 army tank ordnance pleld park rcoc 3rd echelon re j a bowet b6184j ut infan try bue depot lorne boot bpr carl hyde b30844 and bty a coy no 3 beotlon roe onr u o jameb d08065 wul lt a a bty roa c a p no i newfoundland pte joseph kendall b72901 48th highlanders b ooy pte d kidd nss40 attached no 3 det cdn poatal corps cjju opl william kino bmoll 3nd odn army ord field park r o 1hr o law80n dufiew me t odn artllkry hnvun unr bpr aa lawr b3u88 no 1 road const ooy rjoje ut bee iciopu r martin ebitoo odn provost corps no 1 oen rem unit bqiadjon uaad sid artoourf rj1 oowmcr otntrala harm ouaro cpl a a bckrao b04h jtd army prflil wmianop rooc icai pte edwin biiortill iu61m pruuma patricia canadian luht lo an try a ooy no 1 cjjiu lu canadian diruioo pte f uutth 1uj5i3 no i 11 ru luti rcabc pte j l bouero b041 and a p w rcoc bpr xlfiepli btandloll votms ut rat ro ii q ooy transport section a pte c e itonl utaplkton litntt ii q 81 cdn arullrry coy kcafc onr c edward otapleton iliblo ut odn radio location unit pte o f otewart buom ii q llh infantry bgde pte oeoroe btoiced bieoffl roal hamilton ught infantry reo uajoit j o fludieilland prlncrfe ptrlcu canadian lltlbt infanto 1 divlalcn pte w donald taylor baiotl no 1 odn oorpa protue unit lome bcou dlt- ptk w e tennant bm800 no 1 cdn oen rrln unit umr bcota det pte it w tost bsiaol no a pla toon no i odn prolactin unit lores scou dst l bdr duncan toot d1i3ti 12th canadian field raftmcnt lllh battery roa pte pred ii toot bm07 ujme bcou del no i cdn oorpa pro tective unit pte a tuck b41644 6lh cdn inf dor llcadqu 2nd oln lnl dlvlalon pte wm n tuck iis 1 km 6lh cdn inf bde headqta 2nd cdn inf division drfrni platoon onr m b varey bl7 llth bty roa and hy aa regt uob aj bot t 8 warneb mtii h q i wing no 1 cdn ocn rein unit lcpl jack l watson b5104d lome boon det no 1 cdn rein forcement unit cpu k r westpall bm8u th inf bde del a hq srd odn d4- vlilon onr earl wdjoox xsmoo tth bty a troop and pleld reft roa pte trevor williams aj1e d ooy highland ught infantry of canada 3rd dhnalob son murray wilson b3333t ut corps signals rcob regt h q pte clarence b winpield b74t7s ut cdn army tank bde rca8c pte r j wyue biau adan- hq ut canadian dlvlalon bpr william wyue muts rce 8io bruce zimmerman a318d no 1 plktoon hq coy highland light infantry or canada 3rd cana dian dlvlalon tc cpl j l wat on i15i0w no 3 ooy pte a j williams iu1870 cpl w youno lttllt3 base foht oltirt pte w j noiuunoton iliww tkflil vjo y rjro luw po cansc canada pte oordon auin pti jack allan ct96rj m p rtio homal 4p vd dfbeit nna bcotu itf john aijxandui ixliluilhi park lurjcilo qnii w it anuhthon llucti7 mth bi hca lh rvw hnfl- mrnl ttflnc bc bon h a aijdy id28lfj tlalnid i uomtrr vlm lurrucfcj klimmum i ottarto it a rmtwonl ulouutt ut 1 pte my bajuhon imkvj 4iu pcahc can borden ontalo i lughlandm camp boden pte walti31 c iiikiin llllwjt uiarr j l laubert camp nor- drn lieut alan o matdonald duf- term av lumurind riam cmvood caop vuiona 80 ot harry mrleod b040 rcjt crop bor4tn lit jaxint mnrvi3i 1111061 no li ca lli tc kltcuirr ont itv iarl uallclojlt no 10 c a ll t tc kuchrnrr ontario itt james marchment bin 4 aica i catc cm uor- dtr ont jou d h c mason duo obi vd royal llrgtmrnt of oanads inirt yora armoorua toronto it jack r mileham blttu ii q co all i taltc camp bot- drn rm john murray u1i60i ltni ikou camp nira nu- araonutrlaar cpu kim murray im6b0i lome htfot camp nlajrara nlattarakwi- tlrlalir iti lloyd nault itcauc to- rtrtto itt jomjii norton hut c4 c c no 20 c a iui tc brant- lujd ontario lancecpl bam raciojn mhxing hihteaul oienaas n h o i uulholland cut14 it cap oandrr laae nfld uiott hurbinobibter helen lane 2nd cijally cartng bu- twi itcamc oval canadian wav ob iramclin cleave vtiiss il uch wrtjm co ft mall of fur ilalllai nil a cook prank conntxy d u ura j3 iimcj comul r o rm mll onice hallf nu john j cmmerbon v2ttm e a tn hmcb budacona co flatt mall office luulai nfl noilman a l id31bert vjtot l a c ajia 4u cuaa iiojj barradu hallfai nfl harry iiollinouworth vttio htadacona i block o mrta a co flrel mai orlcr hallfai nfl cook jack kkmuioad iullfa 1 ob lloyd ketjt toronto j k ii mabon ttidahlpcnan roji t o im mall ofsc bermuds- lao oilbert j hunt ktlmsv treeton oct acs john h hunter r1s1t bt thoraaa oetarla sot horace r hurley ricotst minnlns- depot dibtn nfl pilot officer joseph hurst rsqm7 ko s senlce plying train ing school rrantlord onc lac w j kelly r1cg6s4 no- bombtsg and otnnery school date lac bruce kennedy ruttarr court it no s elrmesiary plyln training school st csthartn ontario ac1 v r ktjtby r11mu no 1 sermcc plying training school ayv mer oct ac1 alex korzacx rlijtjt yarmouth nfl ac3 james louth ac w y lldeiuian r1k8m no 1 manning drpot toronto pilot ofpioeit edward utnam com ice balmoral an toronsc sotphot a r v mabok iu7j111 no 4 ivmhtng and oucn cry school dafoe salk pilot officer oordon a- ma donald ju00m3 omoert ilk rcaf camp dordrn ont lac otewart maclaren rltnaw no 1 air nanrauoq bchool ritert manitoba lac william o mclauoillih ilirm no i air otawnenr school malton oot fly1no oppiobi ian d mao- kenzit ockti mrw hagcrtvula ontario flyino omcrn kenneth a mackenzie no 14 service plytns training bchool ajtmrr ont lac j li uoonv itizntn no i brrvtce flylne training schocj clattxholmr amrna ac3 wtll1au uurphy r1u04t ko 4 wittier iichool crjelph one eric norrinoton iujaf oas boedn lac w j pierbon rr4bo no t rd jrrlcho beach bo pilot officer douolab bar oent mm1 no 5 manning depot lachlne quebec ac3 harold l ochenk rltloos entry loe wing i squadron a r cap ttfl bt thomaa ont acj norman e otewart r1us winnipeg man plying inutruotor charles utockpord no 10 bsnaoujy flyug training bchool vlrdra man bot armani owaoxhamer tc rrampton ontario ijkivni frank rolfe 1101 s onilia ont onr w j iulyu13i icktm c co hut ci no m ca b tc branttord ontario pt clayton bradley n 24 ca bi tc uramjrton on ite wm o braib11y diiiibo no i putoon ourlph i1tc ouilldi onurlo ptc john carm1chael bsum mt co ai9 rcabc advance ptemllle carter sgofsi r cbm m h v r100670 rcaf station mounlelis initm hq blgnau iruh lurjnen- 8 victor millar vtims mesa vlrw po no oi beusvllle obi irt- 4ca nl illlce oul co rwt mill uc alfred bykeb rl3ei it jack ridlky no 2 ca ib offlcr lquloialt uc ludrnvulr onurlo oh ronald w mendham uc lfbtter patl vance nortb v41si hmcb comaallla a bock bvtlney nfl ol hou barracaa haluaa nfl hoy e preston v71618 hmcb armrnticri co k1 mall office earjutmalt bc htokeh 11c jack tout vj4t30 i nk sliu 15 hmcb oorn- nariv pmo hiilllax nb o 8 r v whttmee hmcb york jamek yates n itay sacintty cump dui no xca u tclofnc7 nr john bacerty army service si nokdon baceitty rca ink jack bachity rca hon cnxmoi baitojt luiin to hrtt wing no 2 drpot suilrv lurnv k turntio lancecpl john bcrymolour cbll iusi1v biiepicerd mtc nramaikrl vtt wm bill uiiultz u2w8 no l h r o c cmnp llororn ac3 eloie 0 varey bxafe ko ounlc no i tunning depot cdjo toronto acj winfuld l wheeler kltj0ie no 1 manning depot to ronto ont lac ii stuart youno rllmoft no i y drpot halifax nfl camc military hospital camp borden i pte ernie colbb knollaood pork kitchener out bot alfred collins b1s1t to- ronto ont i 4sthl nukurd cump ont ptt w f hmtth b3u0i rcam c mliltnrv ucpltul bovmanvlllr ont ptk jack smith no b patoon 3a i acme st allen i imnnd montreal pte oeoroe churn8ide 481 a j ambthurbt b8iib0i j c t i s ooy pioneer platoon quwik hl na vork ranger- chlp barraclu nliikiirti iv11 1st mguasa towate muutl ww warn vmammy lobnb foots detachment no i canadian general relnforramrnl tlmt now overmeaa pte r 8 andrews bs1040 pte h w anouish 1151541 no 2 coy major john r barber lieut paul barber lieut roap barber pte j pttfflr doltej ite d bowman bms1i no s ooy pte a w rjrantjpord bouh ptk t brown ww sot w j oohjkb bs1s4s mo t ooy opl james ooluer b1m0 ko i ooy pte j orawpord b61tw pte 3 o orobb bftlvm pte j u otjmminfl b61ui pte ouarlba w dooolab bumw no ooy ptk r bason bs1so ptk r a bdwardb bufm pte j t bvkrbon bush ptk j y emmerson bh8u no ooy lanoeopl james qambh1 b818m ptk j d orahau bums ptk ocar bates bglmc k0 1 ooy ptk bartj borhbt bmw ptk leo jaunboh pte o w land bum pte r iiorusbo bblltb ko i ooy ptk alee uubt busal a ooy ptk j ifacdonau buw ptk outvord lftoomuuuta ihmi no 4 ooy ptk hanold ucukmeuy fib d tututsu butw onr robert davidson c3pl c f davteh rsib4 nliiinirn camp nliikftrttonthelnkr cil norman dkiki hmob kth cdn lnl ikle a camp nlityara nlakariionttieuikc ptk kdwaiii ixy1j irn- scots camp borden major j arnott early 100 c a b tc portage la prairie mani toba pte john ellerby abo0i7 no 0 platoon d coy no 10 btc kit chener ontario cplcook wm w emmkhson iv1ih7 no 24 ca ml tc brampton ontitrio onr pred knolkiiy 1123624 jut kid illy cpa ivtiam out sot it l f1restinf ivilljh nrampton armoilrlrs llrumpton ont bds jack fox mtc no 33 n market ptk gordon v graham nosou prince ot wall lunuiis imi c coy 10 platoon prince ituprrt ii c pte cliftord oanton iv4u50 d coy ca a dtitfcrln and llaldl- miuul rifles coiuikmi camp dc pte prank j golden ijto30 b coy irish reklment of canada wellington barraclu halifax nfl pte j l harris b43658 pte r iiahdman bii323s no 3 platoon a coy no 25 c a ibi tc slmcoe ontario bdr brock harley ct2703 0th dty oaf rrgt military camp pctawiiun opl william hewitt b0m11 r camc military hospital camp borden ueut norman henderson u t c brantford cpl w o hillier bsitti 4 d tt e putoon 4th division kol camp debert nb ite jim red holmes rcafl c toronto onr john iioare btoooos 51t coset bty roa fort bandwlch hallfai nfl pte reo hoare dfln6 no 10 platoon boy queens york ran gers oa- camp borden ont lootl sidney hunt b40mu u ta no 33 newmartet pte jack jenkdibon chlppsvs onurlo pus olarence kennedy b0srt4 soots ptuellers of oanadn nlagara- onttaeiavke ptb aiilpporn b kennby ca b to no a ooy am putoon poterborougn onurlo ptj8u it bjuiby aol4to o ooy u putoon lit bta boots puaulwe of osnsds oa are el oaxap borden ont odtiu whuau korzaok bmub toronto obtaiio buoler elmer btociford bsqim1 hq coy i a l tc all hut 1 camp bordrn ont paymastersot alex sandy stewart mtc no 33 na market pti obohc1e stringer no 23 ca ill tc neumorket ontario itpl j j stamp b102260 no 3 platoon 11 q coy prince georkc mlliwry camp bc j lt m k 8niano omcen mess foctc lurrltlleld ontario ite victor 8windlehurst niagara hills ont sot 11 trotter 11310 perth reut m o camp borden onr russell varey a3532s 16- 43rd bty 12th field regt buuex military camp nb cpl norman d wriohtbolooo 14th lltle ii q british columbia ptk it wiooins hmc92 lllomi iron fmtseas 8c1t a1jan youno c44c23 no 4 no 2 lansdnwnr park ottawa ont pti jack youno 11602004 a coy qutenh york ronkirs icaa camp bordin ont no 0 defence platoon lorne scots camp magara nuiaraonthe lake pte perc chaplain b40806 pte jim oofell b48s11 trre j a collier hwboo pte joe coxe b46343 pte u w oross b4s8t3 pte cltpford davison b4ab03 pte wilpred oauvin b408u pte n 11 jiandy b4s8d7 pte oordon jameb 1148827 o ooy hut bl no zd ca ib to otu don jourdain b4bb78 pte albert kembhead b48sis opl k w kino 1148877 pte pero kino b4flo4 pte oeoroe latimer biasm pte oharlbb laws b4mi8 pte john oliver b4bi3 pte a wihte btstu ptk d b wood d4s8s0 postal corps sot t h marbiiall c07484 can adian poatal corps base pott of- floe ottsws oppmers ntatnow bobooti robert early vletoru bo ft royal canadian aib foavce lac ecap waaaeaa dlvtalsn awt elizabeth oofftn no manning depot toronto aw3 fanny weaver w301017 ro ap wd moncton nb oanadun pejkl bawma btjubnk wlstal o wjlo bmimjbs toronto onulio w 1 armstrono rskta u i lands cpl ohqkok a blyth r071b7 cap no 3 rcaf bin ac3 c e collyer can rllooae attached rap roap overieaa sot u p ckichton rc0728 ra f c ion ac2 norman davidson ihcqs15 co iicaf recorda base peat office england bot omar diootns r18487 no v otu canadian army oversea pilot officer jameb p evans j6css tcanada rcap bate post office overaeea phot officer william 8 lindn131 j463 rcaf lattochcd rap base post olllce lkland lac oeoroe r iono con i r1021 rcaf overmas attached no 157 squadron rap lac norman a marchment r1006h8 attached to raf lac ifkrbert re1d r1i2688 rc ap base post office overseas acj w j schenk rl 10402 ican no 400 squadron rcaf overseas sot j p wilson ican i r0i278 attached raf rcaf overseas canada lac fred j armstrono r8032b no 7 b r squadron prince rupert bc acs lawrence beaumont h148844 toronto cpl richard 11 beaumont kllttluu no 2 wireless bchool in memoriam a r15350 no 43 i p o carman sutolippe fintrs ts srto2l kuled otersea in flying occld- exeter ontario lac james r bridges 11114427 no 5 8kts mpo 206 brant ford ont lao wilbert bradley r01004 no 5 service plying training school branttord ont ac2 arnold brill r07435 auford bay near alaska ac3 reoinald broomhead no 1 manning depot toronto acj j r brown rus618 west minster hospital london ont sot leslie m clark r07333 no 6 manning depot lachlne quebec lao h roy ooupland r60b8i no 3 bjt det ce no 1 group hq st johns nfld aotdjoapl wtlliam davidson rh410 no 33 anfl depot work and bldg depl hamilton lao e driver ro870 roap button patricia bay sydney bo acs jack otlbert no 1 manning depot toronto ont act robs ottto aol obonoe otlmer rtlbtm no 8 repair depot btevenion pleld winnipeg man lao r h hansen rm8b03 no 31 radio- school ollnton ont am alprhd taipwortb rt rcaj bslismba oh acb aimtutr htltb r1j11m no 1 ta depot toronto acs j t boopbb rlouill motm- toln tlmr out act sxtob mauaaurnxw womb no 4 wireless avavxo o a o ouelph rcap technical tauuntno westdala tadmlcal cba bisilltaei william preston jack brill edward otfooer eteran glards op canada major o o urown q m staff toronto cpl hash iiadley b3su0 no platoon no 5 coy eapanola ont cpl oeoroe ferry b3m70 henry kingston ont lieut ii m kennedy pte james uurphy lc cpu alvm mcdonald h q staff mlmlco cpl frank mcdonald hq ufl mlmlco pte e roy mcoill b3u30 il q boatnanvlllc ont pte allan roney pte john shepherd pte c s btacey b3mm no coy kingston ont pte jack whttney pte roy zimmerman july 31th 1m1 bot ii f tost kuied on vrca overseas june lath 1043 in a number of cases we have unable is secure the correct rank oddreas and in seder to keep lbs uptodate we would oak that herts be banded in to ns at ene it now winxs tr is frkbh

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