tne georgetown herald weatettoy july 22 1942 rolling 08 the in wnlilj line to a canadian aircraft plant these twtn- igsnad itcaungtjrok bombers ere wjovtng twtruy unrt reodereotai sum the maj production of bom- bars fighting and training aircraft to rv haa grown to unnreaslir pro- 1 lliiiuh commonarallh ajr training portscns sine ihr early det at uv pun lo tjpe of service plane war enrn the canadian aircraft indus- ululun rraidd as first class itghv- uy was j a punter stag otnthtn ing maemnrs aid the un trainer arkmen ar lurjng out flee type of tor preliminary ground taetrucuon training planes applying lh tut how wartime btrmtub aid is the dtftntt el tfet empire continued tram page ttncptn of lb bnuin censorship ser- vta all elr matt patted through bermuda and all wt read by lb onion there many ol the utters uut went by boat were alio taken through bermuda to uw could be censored the firamrihn unload ed bags of mall for noun obviously just to he read and sent 00 or de- pcswlbiy ou recall that early in th war our war that la brtor the united bute eipeoud to rt into it there nn some complaints br- trom the clippers and letters held cause the mall baca were taken away until reed uut fall any frlruon bad err m october it wasnt only tie letters which cam undrr th acruany of uw censors but all the passengers on u bcamblon a well host ol the censor arr alru they oocupt the two urgeet botelt in hamuion the dermudlan and the princess obvlouily the art hun dred of them one eattmau being too they nan added an more problem xn former time thane two hotels were open only part of the year and thry exceed up large cjuanutlea of drink ing water now thry are uaed the year around and water la lust that much more scarce borne of the oenaora are men but moat are women they are chosen tor what they know particularly for the languages they apeak and writ but also for their knowledge of for eign countrlea and enemy clue a number aa x aaw personally write several language in taorthand and that 1 quiu an annrwrirulirunept shortly before x was in bermuda life magaatne eem a photographer to bermuda and he was abl to gel put the secrecy that surrounds th work o in oenaora and tax ptc- lurve of ihrm k had eureciie young ladle in suit tstwt on dlttrvf boarda and picture of that type the one i aaw were mostly be tween and to not pamtuuity beau tiful but certainly intailiemt uost of them are unlrmity gradu ate many are from run fi es pecially uxa who hae tranlied tbrlr work is hard and most import ant and moat of them probably grew tired of bermuda long ago their work requires speed and in telligence it la claimed that letter takrti from on cupprr are ready for the neat one too days later there may be several hundred t letters in a tingle mall thoa who arr trying to get secret through will use all kinds of ingenuity and the censors must be too smart for them of the letters that i sent back by air mail while in england two tats wrrr cut out i should hat known better than to mmuon etlher as they aere about locations of aircraft fac- tonts and place of importance ccmlng back to new york on thr refugee ship tecamcaon x had a chance to watch another ob done by the censors oooprratlng wltn tn royal nay after that the efficiency of the secret service went away up in cny rstimallosv the canadian editors had many privileges 1 waa adrued to wait un til i returned to canada before dotng any writing so there would be nt rrruortng of what i wrote but i had note and photographs a u turned out that was unnecr- tary thoar people at brrmuda not only had the ntmrs of everyone ob board but uvy knew kxnrthlng about mryoo the canadians inry d- mused with a wan of in hand we could go on shore for the nxgtu if we wuhed it wsa raining and e all found it more inlereauna to ty on board and watch proceeding the europrejt pngtr wet taktn to lath snarl and cunuarird at imglh the questioners knew thr valoua languajre and thr countrte and thrix landmarks feryihini was taken down in shorthand an immense amount of valuable in formation must be gained in that aay thry checked up on result of bomb ing on clrulan moral on thr reason for going to the united sule thr knew many of the answers beforehand no doubt some valuable tips were pasrd on to the american authorlurs as aeli as to the brtllrt oovcmmrnl oermany has no bermuda our rnrmlr dont control the are tout except those in the westeru pacific thry cannot check up on people who trsirlung from one part of ui empire to another or between the al io nations it must be something of a handicap on rcacrtntr cakeh and aix other things which would normally raise doubt in the mind of a con scientious censor we were ad warn ed that when we got to bermuda beyond the reach or the brllfeh coun cil censorship would be strict to enrreomr that difficulty we submit ted our stuff to a censor in tamdon who mthered it all into a bag and sealed it up with sealing wax and official seals and red tape that a hint to bermuda to pass it un opened neither ror uashlnglon it seem- neither ottaaa nor witaainitton t seems ha been quick in rrcottnlcng the temper of tneir conauurnta to make any sacrifice that could leoitima- m tell be asked to speed or assist the war e new power to move war traffic lpthutvflv cut and powerful x loootnouvei of the uuat typ tn rolilnx out of the abopi to fpwd p wmr tnffio over tho cguudlim kauotul rauwv- it c vauthmn risht froildeat of the natioau byt- tem avecompaniad by john robertiv chief of motive power and car equip ment fldt and other offieeta in- iccti the tint of these englnaa be nrcnideot u keenlv intereated fe tho cab interior which include new leaturaa designed by mr roberta and buunbera of the motto powac ataff rffort doth rndin end ajmrtctui havr beu willing and rvtrn ftr to ttrrpt control which have ckjuiued thrir hbiu of living uvd mhich undrr mar normal uixea would be rtfanl- ed not jnly as onroua but aa unoellrd- for lrirnirmrnt of lhlx rthu u frve cltlxvru decauar oovtcnvivent in uu ln- lanoc has not bnterybrtsht orer- rlahoratc crganixauona have brrn art up and tooambiuoua ounpauiru havr orn unrtrrtalten to aril uirae con trol to thr plain people so aealoua have the rovernmeiitrn ployed adro caira or thear oontrou been uiat they have not ocnllned ihemaeivea to their i6b ol evpialnlns the prrtrnt need bct have even propoaed or augorated that the new control order ahould continue after the war that what baa been found neovwary to aupooit tha ww effort u ao much better than me hui before that it ahould be perpetuated in a poetwar eooromy there u the implied threai of an in definite ejttenaton of aome of tboaa control after the war la won thera is the veiled jtugseauon that demo- crauc prlnclplea to the contrary not- wlthsundlng the plain people do not know beat and ahould not have the tight to decide what they want and how they want it u may be eaacntlal to the wax effort to eliminate this and to limit that to make a dawn txiiliiia do where a doaen doaen were in use before it may even be economic and the common arnae thins to tii after if dim lantern temple bai ley 17 aaw her at orce an 8 sect of their coming was tarn pad dleased chlkj- aald th gtit who was to the lead hsv you sloped t and 1 thl th mini thl u ut bam- aald edith who coma from my unci i am is go back but i haea had cork- tag advectur klots red haired and eivid in s cloak and turban of woodorcnrb amed to stand mtzitauy ea tlpto i wouldnt mis th talk i am go ing to have with th reporter to night v on of th rna of th party pro listed dont b an idiot dolt wsu i on kdilh aomlhlng dont u darting you do thar waa urn tn back at edith eye 8h llksd du5eld before 1 did ct aald elots ugntl i ukd his yacht but denny la big gar laal h bartbyt ba furnad to lb yousvtar man of lb party who had not erjokac 10 gag m la benny gtd chrfudy and it lavvi juit my yacfct that ah a afur bh baj a real utll caa on m th aecond woman oldr than el- ola tail and falr4talrad in rmolte gray with a sweep of dull blue wing across her hat aald edith you bad child your unci ha bo frightfully worried of course youd know adalald and it do him good to b wor- rtd i am an anudout for the rest of you everybody uughed cep baldy he ran his finger with ntrvou gestur through hi hair h waa uk a young gl with ruffird crest uartha cam up to arrasg for table bring your coffee over and alt with us elola said w want to hear all about it- edith shook her head i dont belong to your world yet and ive bad a heavenly urn without you thy went on laughing silence ttld on th two thry lft bhind and out of that aunc edith aaked you didnt ilk th thing we aaldt hal full do you alway ahow what you fsl uk that jan say x do wu if it had been anybody but elola harper and adalald lara mors addald l unci rrd lat t sh roa lot go upsulra if i stay her i ehall want to throw thing at their htada and i dont care to break uartha dlahe they stopped at th other table howvr for a light word or two then went up to edltha lttlngroom on the aecond floor when they wen once mor by th fir ah aaid and now what do you think of met nic temper i think h aald promptly that they probably deserved it sh laid hr hand for fleeting- moment on hi arm you are rather a darling to aay that i waa realty horrid when h was ready at lost to go ah decided tell unci frederick to send brlggs out or me in th morning i might a well have it over now that elola la going to spread the news i wish youd go tn with me del h isnt brcwus you are rich of course i shall adore th things uu can do for m 1 am not going to pretend that i shant- but if ou were poor id work for you live fur you- oh del i do hop that you will belirv it- t th other dy ut town aald tn on of hi utter that you had always been fickle that tisre had been iota of girl elola harps r before edith and i wanted to scream right out and aay it unt tru he hasnt ever really cared before thl but of court i couldnt but i broke a pencil point and a for mr town otto t h to aay such things about you i rnvrot tak en hit utter tor th last tkre year tor nothing there alway wjrns body lb last on was ura- laiamor and now h hxs his ay on a little jan barns whoa broth er found ula townss bag and tk ring ehas rather darling but i hop ah wont thick h is ta arocat and now my dear and my dar ting good-night- i wonder bow i darw can you that but i ajn al ways saying u ta myself and at laxkbad the war although it it rather too early to go into that now but th matter of tonight prune and overwhelming importance oh but i couldnt is that after th war people shall hsv 1 why not the right to decide these changes them- j she weighed it and selves that manufacturers can make unci fred and wholesalers and retailers can sell the things the peope want and can pay for buch freedom may be trivial but we may not with to lose it especially if we suspect with elbert hubbard th the wish of the selfish to govern i often mistaken for a holy seal in the cause of humanity tne tame author ity or was he averred that moat re formers wore rubber boots and stood on glass when ood sent a current of commonaenae through tne universe in twelfth night sir toby talking to a rhodes scholar or some almllarly bright young man of the day asked dost thou think because thou art virtuous than shall he no more oslua and ale the rlnted word surprise dancing huttanville park iiii wetaavvtasvy a sattirtt beyj orchestra il wj jftsblga stsi omrjon meant o msflfst brampton 1st r v i think wed batter ulephon so he can kill the tatted calf yes he doesnt like things sprung on him hurts his dignity but hes rathsr an old dear and i love him do you ever quarrel with the people you love jane and i fight great tunas i have a feeling i ehall like jane you will shes the best ever not a beauty but growing better- looking every day bobbed her hair and i nearly took her head off but shes rather a peach ill have you both down tor din ner some day i think we are going to be friends again that light touch on his arm he caught her hand in ma i shall only ask that you let the page twang his lyre then with a deep er note hiss towns i cant tell you how much your friendship- would mean would it oh i am going to have aome good tunes with you and your little sitter jane i am ao tired of people like elola and ade laide and benny and dal on this game afternoon little lucy logan was writing to imafleld slrnma cughll i to keep you gifi bwodrnic- as tor rrwiertek towns didnt i ha for a men jans was a pretty chud but frect- ertck towns could bsve his pack of evomes thar would b nothing se rious in this tnendshlp with jans jan called up town it we good ct you to aak me ah said i am at the fcuetlc but ni go bom and dress and brlggs caa com tor m tber com as you ar you wouldnt aay that tf you could m i took a walk wttfc evans afternoon and 1 show the tsects of tl evans ob casablanca what make you call him thatt i ihouttt of a when i saw htm waiting ttr you at the top of the terrace the boy stood on th burs- ttg deck b laughed 1 dont unk teat tuaaty at all said jane frankly dont you well org your par don ill beg it again when i get you here onus will reach ghet- wood el about seven 1 eiouvd drtve out myteu but ive an awful ecld and th dorter tails m i mutt stay in and cousin annabel is sick ta bed with a cold to you must take pity on tn and keep m company jan bung up th receiver b would ah decided be an scittag adventure but sh waa not sure that ah used frederick towns event walked bom with her th six was warmer than it had be tor day and taint mitts bad rtaaa the mist thickened anally a fog which rolled over them a ct blow from the high vet th ms was rnius away and th tog tsl era toft rtwer and streams aa ta themamag aaowa they found h sornewhat dlmcub fa kaep to th read they war al rhrcrj to the ouch my their voices had a mumsd evan hand was on janes arm to thai they might kses to gether jans he said 1 made a tool wf mysab about towns bat has- aetlyi was afraid of wtwttt eyqjvl thtl he might ld to sw with it seems ilka a dream lover that you are to coma for ma in feb ruary and that than weu be mar ried and that all th rest of my lite i am ta belong to you jan tn baldy absence dlntd on sunday with the fouettaa tn the mlddl of th day tn the sfutr- nooo th and evans went for a walk and cams boms to ta ta th library stretched ta a long leather chair evans read to jane and his moth er the eve of st agnes al lh moment mrs koustt was weighing seriously th fact of jan as a wtf tor evans sh was pretty aa well as cheerful had good man ners of course tn th old days event would inevitably have looked higher there had been plenty ol rich girl eager to sttrsct him he had had unlimited invita tion woman had tn tact quite run afur htm florence pretoo had ralhtr mad s tool of baraelt and floranc father bad mill inns but now t lira follett knew how uttl evans had st the moment to offer sh hated to admit it but th truth was evident watching the two young people ah decided that ahould evans care tor jane she would erect no barrier as for jan marriage with evans would be la a way a rise tn the world she would live at castle manor in stead of at sherwood park it was afur five when baldy tele phoned triumphantly jans edith towns has greed to go home to night and im to take her i called up mr town end told him and be wants you to be ther when we com hell send brlggs tor you and we are all to have dinner to gether but baldy i dont know edith town why doesnt he ask some of her own friends sh doesnt want em hatea them all and anyhow he has asked you why worry ill have to go home and dress well youre to let him know et once where brlggs can get you t told him you were at the fouettet jans went back and repeated the conversation to evans and his moth er mrs follatta was much inter ested the townes were most im portant people how nice for you jane but evans disagreed with her what makes you say that mother it isnt nice it will simply be up setting i dont why you say that evans jane argued i am not easily upset but with all that money you cant keep up with them dont put ideas into janes head his mother remonstrated lady it always a lady but jane aided now with evans i see whst he means mrs fob tott i havent the clothes i havent a thing to wear tonight oh i wasnt thinking of your looks evans got up ana stood on the hearthrug but people like that jane i wish you wouldnt go she looked up at him with bar chin tilted i dont saa bow x can refute of course aha cant evana dont be ao unreasonable lire fou lette interposed it will be a won- dernil thing for jane to know edith will it be tuch a wonderful thing for her to know frederick towner he flung it at them jane oemandad doat you want me to have any good umast he atarsd at her for a rn and whan ha anoka it waa in a dif ferent toae yes of course i beg your pardon janey mrs follatta havfaut effaced her self for the moment from the ootv vertauoo decided that thing ba- tween her son and little jane barnee mlght iwaoh dimes at aaw ean- mant i believe baa half as love wimh told tvat ta fma he not thinking of me evens end betid hee too eld do you really teal that way about h jane of rmrrse efny he could not see her face hut th words ta bar langhlng lowly voice gave him a tens of reassurance jsnsy he said if i could only hsv you uk this always shut away from th wortd but i dont want ta be ahut away i ahould feel caged not tf you eared there was tn hi ton the hutkl- naea of intense feeling she was moved by it- oh i knew what you mean but love wont com to me iqte that shut tn i shall want freedom and sunshine ill be a gull over the ate a ship to tun tall a gypsy on the road but rtl never b a ghost tn a tog his hand dropped from bar arm perhape youll b a princess la a csaila town can make you that why do you keep harping on air town i dont uko lt- btrtiur nn i think e bod wants you and now it was she who caught at his arm la the mitt end leaned en il im not the least in love with frederick town and i than nev er marry a man i doat love ev ana when they came to th little house key found old sophy nodding in the idtchan she always stayed with jan when baldy was away so evans said ooodclght and start ed back hs found the path between the pints walked a few tups and itura- blsd ha sst down on the log that had tripped him he had no with to wisvr j2fc evaa waa jest a ghost ta a bf go on his dtpreatlon waa intense night was before htm and darknan loneliness and jan would be with frederick towns he had for jane a feeling of hope- laat adoration she would never be his for bow could he try to keep hart ill be a gun over the aaa a ship in futt aall a gypev 00 the road never a ghost in a fog and ha waa lust a ghost in a oft oh what area the use of ever climbing up the g wavt one must have something of hope to live on a dream or twoshawl itowloog he eat there ha did not