the georgetown herald wcatetuy july 29 1942 pretratrd to the rcaf by pollce- men of canada this new apttftre 1 feeing piloted tar pilot officer oordon hobro former royal osnsrtlsn moun ted pobr officer shown in lb rock- pit p o llobm had been bomber who mini the bpuflrc fund he ru rot to on operational training unit for a special course aa a fighter pilot p o llobrn served with the roitp in toronto saskatoon regls and windsor presentation va made by pilot but at the request of the officers m neareat the cockpit- air vlor- imhlovto uklfotm ihttlhatiohal sunday chool lesson lewtoa far aojjctu2 ahum i a ptonzzb di fatfh ixtxoa rxtmii tt t n i u au colnm textrur act clean i aa utj talud uvl tj rrahk gr reward rwwti u l a without faith it u tropoaaibu to please cod heb 11 j the oppo elte 1 alio true namely that faith 1 aya please ood aa w read the bible add conaldrr cfcriiuan experience it la evident that ood la constantly longing to ahow himself strong in behalf of them oho be lieve ilun u chron is 9 i abraham waa not the ftrat man to walk by faith before him cam euch men a abel with hla sccept- abl sacrifice enoch with hla walk zjzizz st tjj5 ood no who billed and obeyed and other metropolitan polce of london stand marshsl llarold edwards air officer in chief rca oveneaa triohti accepted the aircraft roaf photo iww t h rr a a canadian northland beauty spot target practice by chartier shhhhh but abraham wo nocelheleaa pioneer of faith he had many other noble characteristics and waa a man of ucb distinction that hla memory 1 venerated by jaw and mohammedan a well a chris tian yet hla real claim to on out- tending place in history 1 that by faith he responded to ooda sov ereign act in choosing him to begin new nation to be hi chosen peo ple w note two important points bout faith i fall make desaaast i in the very nature of thing faith colli for action continent with be- urf faith without work la dead jame j jo that 1 not real faith ol oil in abraham life and in our life faith call for 1 separation gen 1 i get thee out waa gods com mand to abraham to accomplish hit divine purpoae god had to take t him out of the hcothendom of hla fathers and etart anew it la hla command to ilia followers today come out from among them ond be ye separate eolth the lord ii cor 6 17 who uill doubt that thla la the cr ing need of the church today for instead of the church being in the uorld siking to win it to christ uorldhncsa has come into the church and dcvltallied its message 2 obedience gen is 46 heb ii 80 abram departed aa the lord had spoken v 4 he didnt know where he waa going but he did know who had called him and he went faith know god and obeye him without hesitation and without res ervation obedience 1 a virtue that need to be revived in the home in school in society and especially in our re- i lauon to god for there surely should be no disobedient children in the family of god he merit and ex pect obedience s trust gen 1179 heb it 10 an assured nuance on the word of god 1 a part of faith god made promise to abraham he accepted it and worshiped here was no questioning no bargaining but simple trust in goda word to fact there was anticipation of even greater things to come heb 11 10 we need men of vision and that means we need men who by faith can see the unseen who can see a city which hath foundations even in the midst of destruction and disor der in god wo trust must be more than a motto on our coins if america is to survive ii faith bring resells the world wants to know if a thing works before accepting and mark trlem now for lieeltl il wel1 tal0 rc doc ciitttno in woodlot 1 blessing gen 122 3 the most important part in sue i always on the giving hond cessful woodlot management is the i i will bless was hla word to proper selection of trees to be cut abraham not only for abraham mya d roy cameron dominion for- himself and for tho great nation of ester haphazard cutting throughout which he was to be the father but the whale lot is as much a mistake as to all the families of the earth is dear cutting a good practice is to v 3 how gloriously that promise confine each yeora operation to w0 fulfilled in the coming of christ about onetenth of the woodlot our redeemer who also was a son 2l a u cut owr mc 0 abraham matt 11 start 1 f h- r x protection gen 123 before cutting start the owner j ii should go over that portion of the i sl jj iraeth lot that he intend to cut and exa ismvi h p ajaham is mine the trunk and the crown of eaci tree and mark with his axe the tree he is satisfied should be cut by thus selecting the trees mistakes bj the chopper are avoided this marking should be done when the leaves are on the trees because the leavs often indicate whether the tree is healthy or not trees that should be marked axe dead or dying trees trees attacked by insects or fungus badly deformed trees poor trees of closely formed groups timely t0t8cs for women iy intel lahif bctomrms compost tb 6cf daj are bene again but though uil yx most of ui wtu tested us major part of lb summer at our uriiuobkrd dutl uurrv u no iud to kt toe hatat gft ub down krplns cool tt uivtjy a matlrr oi pajchoidy it drprods on our mrcul atutudr oft into oux caclnx oj- flt and tcrtri about tnr vratnrr anu ttn cnanor to ocr ou1j be ulxijr unt it a kny day and tnran it ikit nr f roac iti uri r air ut rnl uung you can do to trrp ourwi cool no mattrr bow hun tnr trainrraiuri bour llrrr art tomr ot tbrm a a a a a cikkuu yoir bot wratbrr clotbr saut tutc cry tfiinf iruldr and out tkud u pobaiblr br on jrrrdj uiru tj lb auji tub wnltr or hvul arr tbr cooirt color but daia tutj llil ungttlr toiifhr aili tu too and crup u dy and aic aurr or ttkr motkm gul avotd too many tontattintt colore or bright aocra- uji r tbr look bo opoft ciotli tjiooid br kay and jaunty and look lilting and hair you uud in klionirr lnrrrnitl pyamaa cl cotton or irenucarr lor nlfbl atllr tbty ar rtaly cvoi x x x x x your fcain and hair nred iptdal h jrruncrtlm carr too to look thru a btxomtnf tan u atllj faihion- tibr and a grrat boon to lbc gtr vtio ni to go fcio tingirfca tor ratnrr rjr tbr imjr lockrtua which do not bhow abotr tb ihortt out dou t try to grt our tan all at one and avoid hiaylng too long in lb inn bare ltradd if our ikln u trndrr protrct it lean kaunniuig or nrrrulng lth a mji tun crram light makeup laok in in hot vrralhrr and red up- h ca morr brcooiing in iummr luii oil tvhadfa libort hair impjy htlrd t powlur thi maon and bf- m1i makrt jou frrl cooirr it tll be mo nuiagroblr ii ou rtr a rib bon or u karl mound around it hfn j j an out of door t x a x x it ou hjr a vacation makr the m t of it ol cour- but rmrmbrr iiit to1a mirtluul it should pro- lil ft rood rts h ir tun tut ot no tlrit oirm too hard tbr btat nit l thu ivt a hat ou frtl ukr lotiil- baun ii trnnit or go lor i ilk in tlir mornlnt tikh alfr t mh b j hac a rup or read or ui uitlir htn the cool ol the re- n nt ronr br a uctkc as ou like w un ill no u bd phacall tlrd and i ud to mcep at the end of your no dj ou fhould ttturn to our rtituur duties tilth trnrnxd enthusl- imii und energy x x x x r iii or crr tried an calmial bth it u rrv w thing and hral- tirf rhould ou oet a bit of unburn or develop a heat raah tie about a cup und a half of rolled oala iooel in a piece of cotton and usr aa a bath mtt it mrtrnr the water nicely and will not rntute the ten defeat kln lor duty rbcn tbeptgbur rvwmw atxd vomrn to bfjp her my u a captain in the u 8 aimj air force mow oik cba book i nerr mjkr tbr mlitakr of arguing lib pkile cr whote opinion i hav no rwpect omoon t nrraitarrf fraarv fly rop porter lrniimi ortrn 30opp f30 noy porter d thr oiuy amertcaa nruj rmin a ho nirulnix in paris ahn ow certnaru marched in za urornwirrd prancr he give an fj- ttiinr account of ahat rrally occur ihd from tnr rnomrnt tbr jycb jrmr flrd btforr tnr orrmtn pantr ni luoru until november ml vbeti hr returned to america llr uil ub about the capture at th uaginot une by a halidon wrj- nurd p oncer the luughtirr by tbr btuka diebombrn the khun ol kit urh hoatagr by pixkrd execu tion ujuada luih column artlrl- ura the fatr of pranor mlluoa and i half ar rrtioorr the re uan of thr tough peaunu of 3n u any where each meefc the body of a ckrman loldler u found lytnj under the trr of death and how niitiih agenta carry out their cunftr ou underground work he ripoarr the vllrnru of tbr vichy government the drltuh- hating admir al darun and the greaayfacrd plvrrv laval who uld newspapermen i hop to ood the oermana unaah hrll out of the untuh unui they leave only greoae ipot he bellee howrver that do per cent of the french people are onlv waiting fir a chance to rebel nkiilmt their opprctvor ifr glvra a pitiful picture of the dally ulr of a roniuerrd people the hunger the ced the eomanl fear the tordid- n he trllv ut fttnrlea of hero tun and o tuarhrr of ecu rope and wanuia roaarine tin tnsorrd france is a book to inukr ull complaornt optlrraau nd alltul tninkrm net about thr bumnets ol wnni r thl aor with renewed emrr ofllcer ibid rtien you join the pa oarps you must learn ttie tbene boost recruit ihtm ongl what u itf oooer tt dont mean a tiling if you dont puu that ottlnff tour huiband jtu jutt been run over iky an witmthi tooad lwaveiii and h bed the only urt di uwtwnci we sent to the imiodry mat lamdayr till blndlnff and valid god u not throuah with iirael the nations and krsoni who have vented their tred upon the children of abra ham need to take notice we need to be reminded that ooda protecting care la just aa sure over ua who bear his name we too are safe in jehovahs keeping even in what la perhaps the darkest hour in the history of the world faith in ood brings to ua the protection of his almighty hand 3 rtilflllment of promise heb 1111 11 the entire promise to abraham hinged on the birth of m eon avune- thing which wag humanly sweating beyond all possibility but because bare joining abraham in beueving god judged hint faithful who had tjcnaised it came to pes whh god an things are possible mstl 19u helleligtta touting the impoesible m fwsoaae to the faith of his rjumrtn apart from that fact we mjgbt be fijarao yea kfttbtsaatsc frcncii canadian kovex iioldh unique fositiom jacqurluip ooyrttr a ouna frrncri- cunadun from quebec noa sirs qutaina holds a unique position in nra york she u the head of the auslllary aircraft wamlns btrvlot thrre which operatea under the con trol of the pint planter command mrs outwluli and her staff of llir omcn hic a tough and exacting job they are rrsporulble for the plotting ind rrportlna of the flight of every plane that files above the city of new york or its vicinity and elsht to ten tlwusnnd culls n day are received at he centre which ir in a secret bomb proof bulldlna when n plane is sighted an immed- ute rcpor u sent to the army head quarters and if it cannot be idrnuflcl crdrrs urc trien to shoot it down oltrn it likes but tarnty second from the time i plane is mghted until tin time it is idrntlfed three minutes is the maximum time used so high speed and accuracy are essential mrs outu lllld has to see that her staff runs mootlv 2 hours a day if a nirmbnr rniikcs but one mistake she nets no second chance she is out mrs dutwtlllg is young and slim and very roodiooklnghe worked in mncys nnd tore to be a merchandis ing consultant in 1041 she quit her job to join the american womens voluntary service then volunteered mi b samno rccipch mc line ind fltrvurt 102 pp kt j m a hat ou hae been looking fort a cook book that u a complete guide to he roblrui of uartlmr cookery thu collection of practical tested recipe b harriet h itefter home advuer for ilidlo station wij9 orj- taco tkul help vou keep the famly wellfed and propcrl nouruhed la kplte of ftiikarratlonlng and tne fcarilt of man foodstuffs thrift is the krnote of the marketing advice and the menuplanning but stxevi u alvo laid on vitamin content ind wellbalanced meals the following chapter headings will give vou some idri of the variety of topics dlicuucd baking without sugar du dav meals wartime sub ktitutrs conserving the leftovers canning and preserving the school lunch balanced meals below is a recipe for filled casklea just one of the many that will help take the worry and guesswork out of wartime cooking 1 cup com svrup l cup shortening 1 egg 13 cup sour milk 3 cup j flour 2 ups cream of tartar i up suda 1 tsp vanilla teasp salt filling 1 cup raisins cup com syrup i tsp flour 13 cip water 1 tbsp butter tp vlnetar combine the ingredients for the filling aad conk in a double boiler un ui thick cream shortening and corn syrup add the egg and the sifted dry lu- gredlenls alternately with the our milk roll out the cookies and cut with a round cutter prom half remove the centre with a doughnut cutter spread the full lound with a small amount of the filling being sure that it doea not reach all the way to the edge oarer with the doughnutshaped half ana press the edges together tightly tart- fashion bake in a alow oventmsp for is or 30 minute until delicate browned yield si dozen cookies job printing of every description promptly and neatly executed no job too small or too large baaeabbaabbavasbmagbakaaftaa- u v fotim aawandwoaeiwm to to the west a teas btrtlnmum