the georgetown herald wednesday july 29 1942 high school cadets at bolton camp a healthy hardened bond of u d 3 high school cadets in training at bolton camp demonstrated their military skill ust friday when they took the town o doltoa by alarm and made prisoners of the towns digni taries boys from oraisgcvlue midland bouth porcupine uona will welland toronto and georgetown climbed into bren gun carriers from camp box- dcii at their camp to miles from town with a enuh and a war whoop from the cadet the carriers drew op in front of the town hall following order like trained fighting men they took that nme crntre act up field urleplionrs at the basei and pto etded to take strategic positions in the rest of ho town the convoy waa coropced of au bren gun carriers motorcycle one gun troctor a uaht aid detachment repair truck and ep and came from all tralnng centre ot camp bor den most of the driving wa- done by brcmjcd young oftlcur coin a train ing scheme the convoy was com manded by urut a waiters lt ool i ii henderson command- lna officer of the mcmaater unhrr ally contingent ot the goto has beto camp commandant for the cadets during the four wiik u camp haa functioned capt c e rrad dis trict cadet officer was second in com mand and training officer capt d kejy of hamilton aa the medical officer since the flit cadets went to camp on june 22nd a total of nearly 2300 ladr between li and 19 have attended- thcy came from almost everywhere throughout m d 2 from kapukaa- tng and tlmmlna in thr north all the way down to the niagara penninsula ther weeks course mas comparable to baair tranlng in the army they were shown all the modern small arms fired the 0x018 latest rifle and were instructed in engineering signalling field craft and gaa pro tecuon there verv 22 instructors who came from the m d 3 irulructurmi cedr or were specially selected cadet instructors from various parts of the district several cadets went on active sl vice with the canadian army as soon as their weeks course was completed cadets take bolton by surprise these four cadita crouched in the doorway of a bolton store arr from lilt to right donald cumrron wrl- kind turn robert toronto arthi r llouu toronto and k itli cjiikiuh vm jurul they wrn puit ol un t- kum foict hh mt tin llo to 1 idt camp last friday in bren tun arrlrrn to htorm iloluxi tli kiu it 1 t an h ill hni then clhir of the to- nt vltil itolnu the cumrron bro- tliirr wtu tht minor codeu at camp ballinafad rev and lln a o w forunao have relumed alter spending holiday at lake roureu uui joan alien is holidaying at ut and mil o 8wun and babe ot ovtn sound iprm the post vces w1ji ur and un alex mckay tne farmer are busy with ahcat harvest and threshing has oocnmcnccd they rrport a bumper crop mr dan mckay and mrs alex mckay of toronto spent suaday at dandy mckays tne trustee of niue mountain icnool have had the school redecorated and cleaned ready for the fall term mr and mrs p j bhorull and rose attended the lucketuheard wedding at ouelph saturday the bllvercreek and oonlngsby ball teams are supplying good amusement for the younger set which is quite necessary civic holiday danes sunday midnight edgewood park eden uttffg norm wilkinson and ids orchestra from hamilton see per rvrssis back in ims hugh trmpun editor of the ryrgu news record con ducted a sua vote among hla subscribers in an effort to find out who were the moit famou ten men then living in wellington county and olao who acre the most famous ten men that had lived in the county among the ten men from each divi sion selected acre wenl names that llalton county residents would be familiar with audi aa realty uro mj and alao william dr chruur o uu iac and from thoae that had liv ed in wellington win auch name a sir lyman p duff oeorge drt john mccrra dr grove br and pa trick bell the inventor ol the reaptr aa wi hdtnt the firat twenty odd year of our life in wellington count and had alwaa krpt in touch with it w were interlaced in the conuat i arm t aurc whelhtr the con let t really aetued tht roatur however it did create consider a b interest at the time but time rolia on and today nor ma account for much news paper apace and there is no need of taking at raw ota in ordir to create interest on the part of newspaper publishers now in 1043 the uaae hugh templin editor of the sam fergus new record writing his 38th urticle about his trip to england last fall uaea this headline let us now prale famous men and he goes on to tell of his meeting with many fa mous men during his stay in england among thoae that he had met over there acre auch men as viscount ben net rt hon brendcn bracken blr malcolm robertson and of oourat winston churchill apparently these famous men acre just aa easy to talk to as the neit door neighbors and had no more side to them xt would be interesting to know how these famou men of today stack up with those other famous men who live or had uved in weolington county wouldnt it or again it would be lniereauxuf to learn what constitutes fame per haps u is just doing the very ben that we know how in whatever niche lady luck has seen fit to place us again fame un t always consistent and has been even known to take flight at times most of us will be content to let others moke up the lists of famous men we hear plenty of comment these days in regant to the new tnoom taxes but to date we havens heard of anyone menucming that they are glad that they receive enough in come to be included in the number that will have to pay taxea on in come single persons that receive 966000 per year ore exempt from cr5ssry theatre friday july 31 whats cook1n andrew bisters glerla jean parachute battalion robert presten nancy kelly fox news saturday augutt 1 texas william balden glenn ford claire trerer andy clyde comedy hold to a ghost pdmii chapter kino op the texas itanohrb hulsh at s tun monday august 3 mark of zorro tyrone fewer linda darnell cartoon old irish tunes bport maoio motor mania battib op the atlantic tuesday and wednesday august 4 and 5 it started with eve eeuedy drama with deanna dentin chattel rievfilj babett ouusbst novelty perils of jungle superman cartoon vbulleteert sssssmslaawstasswisabsssat taiullon uid man if u kimii- that tr crlr wba than fl00oo prr tar ur uiao eirmpt tlitre ore hill quite a numbrr of people ho recehe uia than the minimum minlioncd lor lhtlr jraxa mork aid apparently fn t along alright at uiut tliry may not have sll the iuiurtrft that wm mj necevjiry these daa and xt they art none the worse of having had to do without many of those luxuries again ve oltrn notice that among lhore who haent everything we sometimes find brilliance developed in their children that puts their classmates in the ahade before this er u over many of ua 1u know ahat it la like to do llh a good deal leva uian we have been accustomed to and it may not hurt us very much at that opportinttv aeerru to be knocking ultii a real bang for the youths of today a youth of l of btreeta vlllu has been to rua1a and la now bark home ht mad tlu trip tht rt with a load of iii teat gov safely but was torpedoed on the way back home he amed on even 100000 on th trip quite on eiperlrnci for one m oung the othir evening we acre talking to a oin man kolng through on the eveninit train he aa on his a ay home to hurrmon hi la a ulre evi operutor on th merchant marine and hl run 1 from baltimore to rio in south amerco a few ytara ago he seemed to be out of luck finding anything to do und now althoukh noi over twenty years of age has seer qulw a bit of the wrtern hemlaphere although he has made the run isever- al times to date he haan t met up with any subtrisrlnea tilt corn bobxtt seems to be on the job in the rorly corn a gait this year and die don t like thai a bit the storm of lust nctk hu u did do plmty of damage lt auo woa very welcome and lt put m w pip into crops of all kinds it la even possible now to cultivate and ret good results even on heavy ground the green grain that a flat ten td with the storm seems to be rlalng again but we imagine that much fall wheat would have to be cut the ont way and that means a big loss of time and labour we don t see as many com bines in use in this vicinity as in many other sections of ontario but perhaps we dont travel the right roods at the light time to see them we noticed an article in the news recently stating that jcrgymen have to obtain permission from the unemployment insurance com mission before they can move to a new charge it rii ua ui um i t tttid innumt lali t o hi r ill 4mii1 mn ic tli n li tii uu alhwm ulluit in il tluil the rtvtnut dtmtd l lur 01 i niunu nt uiumjrtulit w couu uuan don rtry copprr of u to uil t und h k it j l on u a pla n b i n pr pomtlon tani u a itit intul rkinl and llininclal prollt in ltw of the m1tlfpn id b lli i th it lqunr ttvtn e it uu ujt u n tlonal flnnnring make no apolog for once more aireaaini the findlnk of honi of the world a must cmuund liik ifonomuu voirtt on btlulf ol national wilfure airoftx3wn wctu cross n1sws a si am i ci tt 1 1 r ii o i rum aid 1 1 kii to it tlimhl ttmt uu lln 41111 u iv ii tni mlnuu p nit ul 1 iltlllvi 11 i iuhi mini ti churrhlll i iiik tmc iils4 iii kit it uituluuil ol ir in tile up rum labile upumiiwd tht ckriu hi r 1 1 mil in our mail bag oeometovn july 25th 1m3 to the editor oeorsetown herald dear madnm editor we noted with interest mr strang s remarks in hla column last week concerning war and the liquor prob lem now that this question is receiv ing so much attention in parliament and the press may we be permitted to make a small contribution to the discussion by again drawing attention to statements made bv internationally known economists of the past and present concerning the value or liquor revenue to the state amongst those who have spoken on this subject we find the names of w e olodstone viscount bnowdcn air joslah stamp sir oeorge palah blr ronald wuberforoeallan and roger hanson the following quotation from the late viscount 8nowdens study of this question end this colossal waste sums up the findings of thu afore mentioned financial experts the lata mr william orahuo a for mer financial secretary of the treas ury and president of the board of trade once dealt very clearly with this point be said kt it be urged as a simple eeonomle truth that no amount of subsequent revenue which is derived from the liquor traffic will ever compensate for the original mis direction of the outlay remember- ing my brief experience at the treas ury i can apeak or every earnest stud ent on this question when i gay that we would willingly abandon every copper of the revenue in the but knowledge that the sarins to the bute en the transaction would be immediate and substantial be lt re membered that this outlay involves c ewiwon polloe la the ipewipbtajt rloec hiusee endasyhims inoil j b uu orilm ir pcop t work n uu- rluitkttpcn uu und tin houivwvt without tlu pitttri i f time would tx no i apt tr md tton tht samt mirju hr sud u t can udlun red crcsa 8oclt tlu rt would b no such itre vol intnry rvtrvlce t it waan t for the women who aacrl- flre many houra of tht du knitunk sneks or mnltinu karmtnta uixl un hundred and one ihinitv th it relit vc tiu auftering or add to tht comfort of thom prop4 lths lorlunatt than hum aelvea iucently tht bed crutj rtctlvcd a utter from the dloccar of uie arctic inctcvtlng a chcout for 15 u gift from the church boi league of the anglican mlsaion church nt aklnvlk norui west tirritories the boy belong to the residential school and are indians nnd kaldme they do little joblrta for the people of the settlement and the money they ram goes to the red cross the red crcwi receive thousanda of gifts big and amall every year but th in unique and romantic and illustrates better than words the fa bric that makes the tradition of the canadian red crass society workroom knitting this is important this department of the red crofts is closing for the month of august nnd is asking all knitters to get their supply for a month on friday next july slat we have some nice khaki wool on hand for meeveleca sweater aero caps or gloves also a limited quantity or wheeling for socks if you wish to do some civilian knitting we have navy wool for little boys suit jam for britain fund as wc told you last week wc have opened a fund for jam for britain rortysu cents will buy one four- pound tin t3k will buy a case of a dozen tins and each tin carries the name und addreaa of the donor ilmehouse has given 3000 through their wi stewarttown has given m5 through their wi and um bally will act as treoaurcr for any further donations from there mrs nelson robinson la aoung as treasurer for norval mrs john hepburn ts acting as treasurer for olen williams georgetown w i has donated 5 00 we realize that only a few have had the privilege or contributing in this way and we know you are only awaiting an opportunity of helping this cause along mrs h w donn is acting as treasurer for georgetown send your contributions on to her at the lions convention through the courtesy of the lion club the international meeting which was held lost week at maple leaf gardens the red oroh wa allotted space to make a fine display of its workhjatoeia for pftemeat-of- war showing the exaentlyaeleoted food therein all sorts of coothlng for victims of bombing in britain knitted comforts for the troops hospital iuo pile blood donor awvtoe and junior lied oroh work long uve awolandi so said the tittptain of the hus ton shush inishajrtmanatuia btar a which wu lorpiduao and aunk by two axis mjbfruruui on july ith after huvint nude an uneacorted voyage from south america on it way to rtulund with nfrlgrrutrd nvat aa he mood on the bridge until the ship ban to go down and then jumped ovt r board one of the ureal woika of the cana- bokn cabon oo thursday july 25 imx at juejpa oeneraj iioapual to u and ura inomas eason nee mosv ence brandiora a aaughtruaf garet hose d1d watkins at norval station otit on thunxlay july iia lftu jtn olichrui clark widow of the lata john watkins in aujaorum ttehple in loving memory of arthur sempe who pauixd away august s iiuo t iwuly mused by his wlft oiiin tuxl cou ls hiluuisf tht nta iigiitui the batue oi tht auanua eherhjpi uitrc i nothing loxnontld uxrut ujidnwur und aociu ahavlnf t4uipmtnt looth bruijira und tooth puif avuip ui u toaej darettea b3t if you liavt tvtr loai your luggage ou will kiioai huw twiiiuui i nose urucjt art and whin you art tm in u ijoutiuji u nputt uitm younuu the nnd la ttii gttaur tlitre uit uif tniiir which the red ciuw worktis acjiir lur uit canadian t hi v t iiv u uiong to every nit mtx r ol tvu rtsruid crew broughs to tlu city of llahfut preth fruli clkmooit warm uiilca of clothing um htttr when the men are estab- iljitd in thr horpltal c a rrolls muisardui ulf twm jcslea mu tt iee s l ciiifiil nl oreac jala qoelbi symtmrxed pickles iwils s7 t- 14c vucaroal suki che blnners sc sliced side bacon pk- xlc ks cocoa a stx umnk two cubes a ajo autsltm sit um4 wlil vousw 8alad is- 17c39c mustard toe cornflakes k x vis 25c newport fluffs 25c 39c baklngpow7der 21c toilet tissue 3 25c cleanser c 5c camay soap s21 3 17c oxydol izn oc 23c 65c 31cl donuts a ouhli hid cuama a u- as wklm naskia pcto m9 s s s4 cau oar s b aae nat fans sattillaaji tt sss aa sfse iasws summx pti usilemi hooms sfrslay cakk oaail whkat sag as a aa whstat riaa m srbur brtbu fkam u4b ux7 tarf nunias xss dsvle oklatinb a 1 vunetoam um wa issaai grapefruit iaute use 4 for 28c oranges iteataat stas doz 35c frau anil veaelaue prlaas oaej till satwjty fttltt my vtrtumtoffatuwrnltmim- nit ss7 wadalitrar mmlastf