Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1942, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 29th 1942 beavers and engineers agree on dam site mm the fr of tiit rttl- tottt on tftf caouncnt tb gta- fcdlin bnw hu bwn rwnid u cd of the most tndatrioa and u- uulsrot of animals and as p a coosldrrahle sfcnv of hlnr- tnt jsxity a reminder of tnls anj- mal u1d and taduttjy u contain ed in the story of etfht oeawr omp- wd in iouthem uinunra to au- tat 1m1 and mortd to the flihtr rher fur proct ait wt of t wlnnlprg hrr they were rrtead more than 200 mur from whwr the wre born and their rootttneou wttt careluily obrrd ow of the eight died but the remalndx lost no time in omtnnuia a urvey of the srra vhlch was to be their future home it u culmrd that thrte brarr travelled a duncr or about one hundrrd mun up end down streams around lalea and ihrough thr aide manhra of the area brfoev finally crlectlns a spot on which to build their dim the previous yrr entnrr of the manitoba ootrmmenl had also sur veyed the area in connection with drvelopenent of a wild fur rthahtla- uon project and had marked site for s control dam the beatrr it was found wlrcted a spot for their dam 1m than 30 feet from where the engineers had placed their martini pott no matter what has been said in ihe past or may be written in the future to belittle the brser it will be hard to convince thect fovernmeot engineers that this animal 1 not en dowed with some sort of natural en- gtwertng skill far superior to that of mobt drnlirru of the wild in north america or that he does not merit the distinction of having been chosen one of canada s national rmblema it would be erroneous of coun to assert that the buiy beirer la alway active on the contrary he knows wlun to work and ahen to relax u be workrd continuously from the spring brekup until the winter fxeeaeup he would store a great deal mor food than it would be possible for him to consume during the inter months ukewle if be kept en building hu dam he mould rata the water lettl unnecessary heights and per ha pa ruin much of his food supply dut he raises the dam only when it become nrceissary to flood a greater rca in order to reach nrw umber inj to mt his needs except to repair daauge to uic dam or lodge cauvd chiefly b the mot- ment of ice and spring floods the brwrr takes life easy during the oummer with the approach or autumn hoaeer he bukle himself in earnest the old feed sticks from whcn the bark ha been stripped are remoed from the food cache belo the r atcr and ued to reinforce the lodge and dam a fresh food cache is put ta ard anchored down so that it will remain under water until tha ice foirru the lodge and dam are plaitered with mud and the beavers pre- winter activity continues until fretieup the beat er display a a true com munal spirt when there is work to be done everyone does his bit and keeps at it until the job is finished there is no quitting because a mem ber thinks he has done his share in like manner they share their dam their lodgr and their food in the early days of canadas for trade the beaver occupied a place of paramount importance it was e- ttsuud that before the antral of europeans the beaver population of north america was more than 10 nm between 13 and lit the hudsons bay company sold more than three ill beaver skins on the ixrv don pur uarket the heavy drain on the supply of this valuable fur con tinued until quite recent lime whet legulstlon was enacted for their pro tection this close protection has hrfl a beneficial effect and in many dis tricts the beavtr his become much more plentiful the hrt largescale projecs of this kind for consenationof beaver were tluiatrd in the rev on immediately touthrait of james bay where the hudon s bay company s activltlea had bern carried on 360 years earlier here the province of quebec the domin ion department of uinr and it-t- ourcr and ute hudson s bay com pany now part let pole in thr develop ment of three large braver preservee with a total area of approximately tt 000 aquarr mile after a iuhlcirnt beaver population has been built tp on h r prrrrve limited number of pelts may be taken annually by indian trappers under a system of control that eniure rrulntcnnr nt all times of an adequate breeding itock this plan benefit al concerned for it is resulting in a large perman ent popuation of beaver a steady deprndatve income for the indians and a cinadtan industry that forms a ivehhy and un pert ant part of the economic ufe of the country in 1m1 the rupuiau beaver pre serve on the albany river near james bay was eaubluhed under an agreement between the ontario gov ernment and the hudson bay co two other beaver preserve in the james bay area are located on charl ton sland and aklrruskl uland whlcn are both in the northaeu trrrluir- kw particularly in the delta area a the mouth of the mackrnxlr illvrr here a new beaver sanctuary em bracing an area of 14 000 bquarr miles ruia been trt ttajdr additional iroecti are rlthrr in courw of drvelopnirtu or under conide ration and it u ex pected that wild fur rehabilitation will hae 1u place in canada rt pot mar reconstruction prokrnm tin value ol canada n production pi brawr prlu for the var rndrd jun 30th ltml amounted to gjwcooo which can undobutrxllv bt nrrntl autrmentrd b can jul manirtmmt aiwirt irom the rommirclil value of brflver they are o courw a con- mderablr attraction to the tourlvt and the nauireiover th lite ort oul uinljcd the enrlihhsprukinit ord ith fctortr of thr llr and hablth of the beaver in tiding mountain and prince albert national park and did much to rekindle an interest in na ture a own forest engineer brnxer are found in mont of canada nation- ul purka from bntuh columbia to no a scotia beaver have been aucceu- lul rrctabluhed after an abenc from the rvttlon of more than a cen tury latest reports are that thla colony is making good progrefta and a number or new dams and lodges arc already in evidence in the park braver have alio been reintroduced into elk island national park in alberta after an absence of many vears and 1 ii expected that they will soon form an important part of the attraction of that famous wild animal park dim lantern qusnapshot guild make them different shot uieti u mil with an individual dlfltrnt touch ihd ufa to your album try aoma aa a chanoa from ordinary routing pama pveilvbodt haa hia pratercdcaa in plctnrea to raadlnc mat ter in yfetnalt anj other thlnga abraham lincoln tummed it lip neatly when ha aald ton will ilka thla atory u thta la the kind of atory yon ilka rowarcr daanlta dtsereacm of taate moat saopla araa on one point they faal that aomathlna indltunal aofflathhiat uttu hit oat of the ordhury it hatter it la tha different treatment the 1n dlrtdaal toneh that connta thatle eapeejelly tne is anap ahotm a ejerer idea a different pom little tndrtunauty is tha ufbtlbat tafniwaiement theaa yo dleurea that mik so pto alt i up wtf take aotlaa and tbayjboriabltertauni to you teatifypt yan more aileta p3 ardnorea tvm know t cbai ay too mich lthlatiwywlaoetory the child limply atande or elta and looka at the camera vet every child haa a personality of its own ho or aho iea personal manner lems and personal activities these are picture material and will lend that necessary touch ot troth and individuality to your pictures tronblet none at all shots ot junior enrled up on the conch in some absurd pose while he reads the sunday comics shots ot your little airl lecturing her doll on proper behavior ahota ot them both trytna to teach the poppy to do tricks these are jnst aa easy to let aa the old routine ahota easier sometimes because chil dren are natural actors and tain readuy to as idea it it eeema ilk may and thla u jtuh one field tha aama rule appllee to all ether taapehot leak the indlvldou tenon the different flavor uld yoeu holld an- attum oat aaata sure tetereetlsc- u joss s oatlaer the doctor asty fhe librory llr smoking o clear and reading a brown book lie welcomed evans heartily i woe wondering when you would turn up again he showed the title of his book dos- well there was o men as great as the man he wrote about and we are lust beginning to find it out rare edition evans sat down yes got it et lowdermiuvs yestsnlsy weve oodles of old books on our shelves ought to tell them i suppose i wouldnt su one of mine llsllsm was emphatic id rather murder a baby evans flamed suddenly id sell mine if i could get the things i want- i dont want snything aa much aa i want my books i do i want life as i used to live it the doctor sst up and looked si him you mean before the wart yes good im tired of being half a man if theres any way out of it i want you to tell me thr doctors ers were bright with interest he knew the first symp toms of rccocry in suih ciircb the neurasthenic quality of evans trou ble had robbed him of inltlutue hit waking up was a promising sign the thing to do ot course if to git to work why dont you open on oiucct a lot chanct id have ol cuing clients 1 think ihtyd conic the doctor ftmolad for n time in silence then he said decide on something hard to do and do it do it if you feel you are going to die in the attempt there was something inspiring to evans in the idea hard things that was it he poured out the story of the pnit few days the owful scene with ruaty tonight in the fog under the pines wanted more than anything jo drop myself in the river he was walking the floor back and forth limping to one edge of the rug then limping to the other then jane come little jane barnes you know her and she told me where to get off said i wss captain of my soul he stopped in front of the doctor and smiled whimsically are any ot us cap tains of our souls doctor ill be darned if i know the doctor was intensely serious will power has a lot lo do with things the trouble la when your will wont work mine seems to be working on one cylinder again evans was pacing the rug but that idea of on office appeals to me it will take a bit ot money though and it is rather a problem to know where to get it sell some ot ihe old books ill buy them light leaped into evone eyes it would be one way wouldnt it mother would rather hate it but whata a library against a ufe he seemed tofung the question to a listening universe the doctor laughed sheu be sensible if you put it up to her and you must frivol a bit play around with the girls i dont wont any girls except june little jane barnes well shell do iu any she will the doctor watching him na he walked back and forth sold the thing to do la to map out a normal day moke it pretty close to the program you followed before the war you havent happened to keep a diary have you yea ita a clumsy record mother started me when i waa a kid that a what we want read it every night and do some ot the thlnga the next day that you did then you will find you can atlck closer than you think and it will give you a working plan evana sat down and discussed the idea it waa lata when ha rose to leave it will be alow waa hallama final admonition but i believe you can do it and whan things go wrong lust honk and ru land you aoma gas hie big laugh boomed out aa they atood in tha door to gether nasty night i have a lantern evans picked it up from tha porch whan evana reached hems his mother called rem upstair i thought you mm never waning bsnsm and i had s lot to talk ahout- ha aassg w b tad entaav tag be mfes sw hat twaptvadrgb ee rrolrs m temple bailey mother said evans ana stood looking down at her holism wants me to sell some of the old books ond use the money to open an of flee whst kind of office low in town but are you well enough ev ans he ssys that 1 em he bays that i must think that i em will mother but dearest dont spoil it with doubts its my life mother there was a look on his face which she had not seen since his return uplifted ester a light in his eyes like the tight which had shone in the eyes of e boy she found it difficult to speak my desr tha books sre yours do es you think best he lesned over snd kissed her lifting her a bit there was energy as well as affection la the quick ca rets she drew herself eway laugh ing breathless how strong you are am i well i think 1 am and i am going to conquer the world mumste ills eialtatlon loited during the reudlng of the diary it was e fat little book and the pages were writ ten clone in his tine arm script he found things between ihe icdvcs a four icuved clover june had bent him whin he nude the football tcum a rose colorless and dry florence preston had given it to him lie droprxd the rose in the wuntc- bnskit how could he ever have thought of florence love wasnt a thing of blue eyes and pale gold hair it was a thing of fire and ii i mv and fighting fighting that wos it with your back to tht wall and winning for some day he meant to win jane did she think she could be to the world and not be his and if shi loved strength she should have it he bent his head in his hands his hands clasped tensely there uuh a prayer in his heart his whole being ached with the agony of his effort oh god ll me fight and win bring me back to the full measure of o man again he opened the book bits of printed verse dropped out of it jane had sent him this one who never turned his back but marched breastforward he opened the book and reau of jane ond of himself as he had once been re skipped the record of hie college deys except where he found such reference as this little jane is growing up she met me et the station end held out her hand to me i used always to kiss her but this time i didnt dsre she was differ ent somehow but some day ill kisa her and this jane is rather a dor- ling but i am beginning to believe that i like em fair that was when he had a terrible crush on florence preston whose coloring was blue and gold but it hadnt lasted and he hod come back to jane with a sense of refreshment he found at inst the pages given over to those first days after he had been admitted to the washington bar and had hung out his shingle sat at my desk all the morning great bluff one client received with great effect of busyness had lunch with a lot of fellows pan cakes and sausages ate an armful tea with three debutantes at the shorehom peachea dance at the oakleys in georgetown corking time one deadly moment when the butler took my overcoat poor peo ple ought not to dance where there are butlers autumn came jane and i went today to gather fox grapes mother la making jelly and so la jane the vines were a great tangle shut in among them we seemed a thousand mllea away from the world jane mads herself a wreath of grape leaves and looked ilka nymph of tha woods x told her so and aha gazed at me with those great gray eyea of hers and aald evana when the gods were young they must have lived like this with grapes for their food and the birds to alng for them and tha little wild thlnga of tha wood for company it would tvs heaven ly wouldnt mt shes s queer idd ufe with her wouldnt be hirmrlnim shes so intensely herself 0 we talked ut about tha war i told her i should go if svanea needed me i am not going to wait until this country gets into it wa owa a debt to ivanca he stopped there and closed lbs book he did net est to nad far ther oh his debt ta vtsiim had been paid and after that day wtth jans anaoejf the tingled vtwswiagsl had moved tsstsr snd fsatar tteeudsft wofrf totals of m csusde7a rnf the evening wrap which jane wera with her old white chiffon wss of a bright martnrma bins with e black fur collar jans aa has been aald loved dear color and when she dyed dingy things aha brought them forth lovely to the eye and trettvetvlnirivy picturesque rrederlcke house wss a plsc where polished floors seimad to dis solve in pools ot golden light where a grand staircase led up to balco nies where the callings were almost incredibly high the vistas almost incredibly remote frederick com trig towards her through those pools of golden light bloods big and smiling brought e swift memory of another blonde end heroic figure not lo evening clothes but to silver nrmor nun sel bedankt main lie ber schwon lohengrin that wa it a fat lohengrin she emended maliciously e unaware of this devastating rsti mate frederick welcomed her with the air of e cophetua he was un and be wss interested conscious of his ouitude ot conde tcinlon he wos much ottrocted but he knew of course that his in tirest in her would be e great thing for the little girl and he was interested a queer thing hod happened to him a thing which clashed with all his theories broke down the logic of his pre vloua arguments he hat fallen in love with tittle jane barnes at first sight if you please like a crude boy and he wanted her for his wife it was an almost unbelievable sltua tlon there had been so many worn en he might have married loveli er women than jane wittier more distinguished richer of more as- sured social standing he could have had the pick of them yet not one of them had he wanted here was little jane barnes bobbed hair boyish slender quaint in her cheop clothes and he could see no one else ot the head of his table no one else by his side in the big cor no one elc to share thr ciiitnornu days of honeymoon and the lift which waa to follow and so when young baldwin had telephoned of edlthe plans there had leaped into towne e mind the realization of his opportunity he would see jane among his house hold gods and ha would see her alone he had sent brlggs in time to have her there before the others arrived and now fate had played further into his hands ive hed another message from edith he told her well have to eat dinner without them the fog caught them south of alexandria and they went into a ditch they will eat at the nearest hotel while the car is being fixed up bsldye car always breaks st psychological moments said jane if it hadnt broken down on the bridge he wouldnt have found your niece and i wouldnt have known you he was smiling at her who would ever have believed thai so much hung on so little and now waldron the butler an nounced dinner and jane entering the diningroom felt dwarfed by the gargantuan tables the highbacked ecclesiastical chairs the tall silver candlesticks with their orange ean- dlse your color towns told her you aea i remembered your knit ting im crazy about brilliant wools aald jane aoma day i am going to open a shop and sail tham but ha knew that ahs would not open a ahop you wera like some lovely bird an oriole perhaps with your orange and black she smiled at him with tier chin tilted in her turtmlks way she was really having tha time of her life she was thrfilad and feednsted by the beauty of her ejirrotirvdlngt and gradually frederick began to take aa sntnslhlne of tha fascination altar dinner they sat fat tha great rlnwlagroom a portentous place with low4mag crystal chandeliers- rtoiuaspsltowallawlmonacor w ndaamarl from lbs geoeral ehmtnaas by sreplaea of ytuow italian taajbl eat bige screen u this rosea tha u fat- shvederlck tdld he -7wojb- fursishad it in tha early aigirbea and aha would never change it and bow i rather beta to hava it dif- fret i warmed this cetaer with tha fireplace and tha acreea edith always sits la the library en the other aide of the hall but mother and i had our coffee to and i prefer to continue the old custom janes eyes opened wide dent you and your niece drink your cof fee together usually but there hava been tunes he isufhsd es ha said if when each of us has sst 00 oppo site aides of ihe hall in lonely state jane uughed too baldy and i do things like that they finished their coffee and ha smoked a cigar edith and baldy telephoned that the thing was more serious than they had sn ltd pa ted that perhaps he had better send brlggs so thst means im going to have you to myself for an hour longer frederick told jane i hope you ere as happy in the prospect aa i em i am having a joyous time i feel uke cinderella at the ball he laughed at that youre a re freshing child jane ha had nevvr g before called her by her first name 1 am i but im not e child im es old as the hills not in years in wisdom i know how to make ends meet and how to order meals end how to plsn my own dresses end e tot of things thst your edith doesnt have to think about and vet you ere heppy iu ssy i em he isughsd but did not continue the subject ive e relher wonder ful collection of esrrtngs would you like to look et them queer fed isnt it but ive picked them up everywhere why earrings other things are commonplace brooches necklaces tiaras but theres romance in the jewels thst women have worn in their ears youll see he went into another room and brought back a trey it was lined with velvet and the earrings were set up on tiny cushions it was a unique display cameos from an cient rome acorns ot human hair in the horrible taste of the sixties- gypsy hoops of gold coral roses in delicate fretted wreaths old french jewels rubles emeralds sapphires and seed pearls larger pearls aet alone to show their beauty and a sparkling array of modem things diamonds in platinum long pen dants of jade and jet opals dripping like liquid fire along slender chains she hung over them which do you like best he asked the pearls he was doubtful not the white ones these he picked up e pstr ot sapphires set in seed pearls rather barbaric things that hung down for on inch or more theyll suit your style have you ever worn eorringa no try them he helped her to adjust them and his hand touched her smooth warm cheek he was conscious of her closeness but gave no sign there wos e little mirror above the mantel look at yourself he sid she tilted her head so that the jewels shook the blue lights of the stones made her akin incandescent frederick surveyed her critically you ought co hsve a more so- phlsticoted gown silver brocade with a wisp of a train it changes me doesnt it i am not sure that i like them what a joy she was after adelaide as if the nsme had brought her a voice spoke from the door i wouldnt let waldron announce me ricky may i come in she stopped as she saw jane oh youre not alone this is miss barnes adelaide i think you met her brother today at luncheon edith telephoned that you and elolse had found her thats what 1 came about to warn you elolse has the reporters on her trail sheu be over in a minute but the harm will be done i am afraid before you can stop her oh im resigned ediths com ing back tonight miss barnes brother is bringing her really adelaide laramore was appraising jane a shabby child from the threshold she had had a moment of jealousy but the moment was post frederick was extremely fastidious he adored beauty and this barnes child was not beautiful jane was unfastening the ear rings arent they heavenly mrs laramoret tha aapphlrest lire laramore aat down on tha couch her evening wrap slipped hack showing ber white neck her fair hair was swept up from ber forehead she had a long face with pink cheeks and pen cilled eyebrows she wss like s por trait on porcelain and aha knew it and emphasized tha effect tha esppblrest yea theyre tha choice she want on to speak of elolse she is simply hopeless she has toid tha most hectic tales and all tha papara have sent men out to tha waa they escaped they started early and have been hung up at al swuhbin solas a isenny snd tha cap tsfai dinad with ma bha was sttu telephorvin when rielt- t told bar oanusued on fat

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