Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 29th 1942 that one word immediate means plenty of action to nazihunting naval officers fbttjfaw oecn rdy at mohtrda notice to lcia into hormto of the sea wuuiu a tr wrt ill cta wm la say man sarmssfc wet la tkey sea frus iwf cm altfiat eratsar aa4 te tattle- tmc hn sms miud by luriili ha wueh fli in an tsrrtag fabcstet t a i ta tiisafti u fight aj haw they scat by unit e 11 bartirlt rojjvju far on word it rjroduotd an tm boa flurry of action thru i naval osow were shtlng before a flr to a room at aa fa naval baa oytng a bfora- bdtm coat- they were lieutenant j d and j a uocuteheoo or vanoxmr and o burt of mont- teal th chat wa torokrn by a peremp tory knock at the door a girt of th wamrai royal naral service called out immediate action ni imtantaneou two or tn officer without apology or ex planation bolted from th mom to thatr own nearby th third the own er of tn room started lo trtp mn before in door had opened tor thatr departure with practised apeed ha donned heavy woollen underwear thick atreaure and leaboot stocking and woollined leather boot a canraa coat reaohlnt to hi knee and a wool len toqu and n wa dressed dress ed or th action with th enemy which that on word immediate had pro- mld hirtug caeaay pert tn other cabtna brother officer had imitated action m a matter of minute they wen iimmrilni in th hall of th otbceri quarter read to eneral asm of th deadly mosquito erafl which ronnfer th hitandrun tactic of th oennan eboats and hare in th talk of mocking tb ty porta voaqulto craft l rather an oat ofdet uu far th motor torpedo boat and th motor limy he of thl war rather may they be termed hor net of the era tor thatr sung ta vtetous and lethal aa there are ank- n anemy craft to pror and uk hornet they are arway tn raadl- baa to mm to th attack the word immediate- cat their baa humming iflc a hometa nt- who am of th officers went to thatr boat th irwftmmttainf ofboer fatharad at th operation room to await final order and tain aa clear a picture possible of what had called them tnto blatant raadmeaa there wa action at aaa soma of their boat outnumbered ere enuring an enemy keoat unit rby had reported th fact by wire- la buch action an swift and furtooa th aaahomata are th fastest craft float and action can apread er bo of a in the cocoa of mtnfte afalnit the possibility that the action two countries covet azores lieut j d maitland rcnvr- on bridge of his sea hornet mlthl apread in their direction and them a china to join in th boat and thatr craw by in tha operation room the com- wrutihf omorr war treated by the officer tn chart sorry to can you chap out ald th operatlona officer but there an offchance we mlht har a apot of action on th wall of th small room in which ha atood hi watch begsgrsd charta war th only decoration there wa a desk two talapnonaa tab with a few paper one eay chair tutor a mall fir a bed not ilapt in that night and to oomnlat th fumlihfnea a couple of chair a room not for com fort a room coldly efrktsot aa th men who ue it thl 1 th picture- aald tha operation orboar and told or th tn- terotptlon toy om of our chaps of a much burger enemy unit b car figure it tar tha position where th ejajjmant atartad so far th report onnflnded that all wa know youd better alt down and wall let am tea a funadun ottoer tidied toward tha bed and nmortnc his eanra or quickly trtchd full lenyth upon it it an axparlanoad campalrnar and know now to max th mot of erery moment of rest ru estate an dgllah lieutenant atrrtched him self in the taiy chair tn a matter of momenta he wa ailerp the other found their own method of nitration the ringing of tha telephone how- ever brought them quickly to the alert the operation officer took the message hu face unreadtble ard hi only comment a thtnk you- a it concluded another tlgntl through- be told them it read enemy drtrtng south ward am chatlng oood thow whatt tald th carta dlan who ha gained aome of th english idiom although he hu iot nothing of hi own aorent tbejrve got good moon for it should gat vcoe of them- added the senior officer of th unit a royal nary lieutenant bquarejswrd steadyeyed he bad ahown no turn of relating dur ing the period of waiting there was another tetlung down broken once mora by the telephone ring no further contact stopped off read tha signal thl time the port off which the british craft had stopped was an enemy port th english offlcer murmured com men ghaaed the aoandao right it look a if you could go home too broke tn tha operation offlcer there ul unl going to be any fun tonight the original force outnumbered as it had been had bandied the tltua lion without nerd of assistance from a canadltn officer ueulen ant oeorge t duncan rcnvjt montreal came the other view of the picture mhen on hi return to bis base he told of the actioo before the war he bad been a chartered aorountant before th war too he had seen the need of preparing for it and as an officer in the supplemeut- tratnlng had been intensified wlih pedal attention to what would fit blip for work with th seahorneta ills account of the action was con cise to the point of btl they laid n mine- quit a straightforward affair be declared we were out on an ordinary patrol and these jerries came out to lay mines 80 we went into them opened up with all w had and saw them burst into flame although he got them out pretty quickly i must say it tu a short affair for they turned uu right away and stressed back for home we chased them but couldnt get contsrt again there aa quite a bumpy sea and that didnt help however we know w dldnt do them any good because we msnsged to get quit a few hits and what is more they dldnt lay any of their ruddy mines either portoccm lakadai lvg but haw few vkkor artlri he fl by huoh tbtpun th storts for th past ttso har bees about the roup of itundj la tn atlantic known aa th ber mudas or mar generally simply u bermuda thl weak i will tall ol the other group of allantlc island at which the clipper lands on tu wsi lo rurope nobody could have known much lea shout th aaore than w did baton rijlng tc rurop w remember th tuu line of the norm that used to tu in some of the readers it wa ebrxft the uut fight of th rrreng it be- isn at wort tn the altmt si ituhsid orrnvui lay you rrmembe bow sir richard and his sick ori t out agsirat tb might of bpta sod did lot of ip bsfore brlnl oterpowvred we rrallird that the asorea wen uund somrwner of the coast of portugal they had been used by the luv americans to rty across the at luitic we used to think thst wu chrsung brcsusr they claimed to u the first to cross the ocean tn planes but thry came down twice on the ws across as it baporned e came down four umea two or thetf 11 ruling were st itoru in the asorrs on the island of pays il ar recall w wouldn i be too sural thry sir not little lsunds thest ucsios s ihoussnd mile or so from portugsl to which thry belong snd they wrrent built up by little corsl snlmals either as the bermudas were they are tolcanlc islands and at leail one volcano remains on th tslsnd of pico opposite uorus 11 u dlsunctlf of th volcanic type nd as fir past th crater of it we believed we saw some amok still coming out of ii though it may have been lust thl clouds as the clipper came within lgtl of the atom w watched curiously for our fust sight of europe it wu s rocky shoreline with a rock oil tilt up aith a hole in it which might hu been the perce rock od our cm osspe shore clleaers las u beet minute run wa wen la tha air ma beat taksou x had was th cuppar tara mobtmau saw be said be couldnt afford to boy war barings certificate i the woritti new seen tittotigb the christian science monitob am imtmuoatui dslly ntwtptftr i trltifal caeisfrarllre untlnta r free as-atsstl- ia nilmilsli are tbasr and snerractfe sad in dsof feararas timnlur wtdi m vasuf msgarhs tbetlaa hala tb maabew aa idaal nsvspan las tb he tfaobrlsna scune pnhma sarjsty on norway strast boss i ma ltoo yaatly ar 1 m m lltiaaj sstw saesadtag llinl birelaa law limiliirnry of taws 0 csost smiou cow on mnmmiwmmmwmtnhmimhmlnmhl unemployment insurance commission people who come to an employ ment and claims office of the unem ployment tnsuranoe commission to claim benefit will not be forced to accept in suitable work the unein plovment insurance act said mr watt set forth certain dlsmnllflratlons for benefit in no case however wu it stated or implied that a man must take any job offered no matter how unsuitable or unsatlsfsctory the wage the unemployment insurance act states that an applicant for benefit is disqualified if ii is proved that he has refused to accept a alluatlon which has been drawn to his atten tlcn by an employment office or other reodfmlard odency slmhurlj he 4s disqualified if he neglects to avail himself of an opportunity of suitable employment or whidh he is aware again he is disqualified if without eood cause he refuses or falls to carry out any written direction given to him bv on offlcer of the employment office with a view to assisting him to find miltablc employment these dir ections must have been reasonable livlnn regard both tc the circum stances of the claimant and to the mconi or obtilnlng that employment usually adopted in the district in which he dr she lived it will be observed said mr watt that in all these disqualifications it la cxprcssy stated that the employ- mint must be suitable there la no desire on tho part or the unemploy ment insurance commission to try to force people into vacancies which they am not suited to at wages which are considerably below those which they are accustomed to earn ing consequently if claimants are reluctant to visit the employment and claims offloes in order to register their claims for benefit on the ground uut they may be treated unfairly they need delay no longer latwyer then you gay that this nun wag drunktr witnear do not i simply aald that aat lnw ear far three hour in front of an eaontktton walttnt tor th light to- turn fnta metbwom0w4 fedweakgwotitou ipafcvfewavyt in our mail bag july 31 iou the editor the oeorgctown herald oeoroetown ontario dear ulr- may i be permitted space in jour column to express to the dtlxcns 01 oeorcetown our very deep apprecia tion of the maiinirtclent reception which uas ulsen to this unit on th occasion ol lit recent weekend tactic al hcheme in your community i feel that the training which wo wire able to secure was invaluable and the more than kindly reception given js by your cltlmns mode our job an extremely happy one i hope that tho future will provide an opportunity lor a return visit bjt this is rather problematical your citterns will probably bo interesed to iearn that this unit has been called on active scrvtco and is now in prooesi of mobilisation i have one other favor to ask considerable number of your cltlreiu took photographs of tha unit during its visit this unit would be very grate ful if any of them cared to send uut prints to this unit for preservation in its records they should be lent to ma at ih wellington bu west toronto this added kindness on tha part of your splendid eltliens would b much appreciated f j phjktno otntaln comrnthninggath fmnpany n veteran guard of osnada horta is the landing plac for un cupper lf a seaplane can be said u land 1 it 11 a small city with most of the bouses while and th other paint ed light ptnk and light blue true pas tel shades with red roofs ii waa pic turesque the harbor is an artiflcal one with concrete brea insid the breskwattr a large portugese destroi- er was anchored ii had a big v on the stern but this waast an aultd v for victory- sign but an identi fication for the name of the ship wu vouga nearby was a large oermsn merchant ship interned since early tn the war there had been two but the other enc got away with th crers of both on board the sslors from th vouga- were out on th 1st breakwater drilling it wa early morning tj9 by tb aaore ttror 43t by my watch which still showed new york time nuht had been three hours shorter thin usual a pan american launch cam out and took u to ahora thw breakwater was built of stone along th top tin cobblestone road along it doultrf asm mule and bone hauled utu cart slsny of them had sugar ess that they war taking to a factory near the shore a soft coal poaiwt ly out of a seam tn tha nearby mountain made up a number of other loads nearby then was a market icna at that early hour women with ou sel on their head were carrying fresh fruit and fish in a nearby wlne- shlp native brandy aold for a dollsr a bottle on canadian bought a bottle of cognac and took it on tb plane he waa boasting of hi bargsra a little spilled on a rubber tobacco pouch and ate a hole in it lie lost hi appetite for portugese drink boys came along with boxe sod equipment for shining shoe i declin ed other had postcards and i bought several excellent photostraphs of the islands with portugese stamp to bring them back by the next clipper both the shoeshlne boys and the beys with the postcard knew a little english into th bills areand ton more interesting than the town of horta was its background a range of high hills these were cultivated to the tory top with little buildings scattered here and there over the ficldi and winding roads going up to the top there were fewer trees most or them in the town but the field svire divided of by hedges of what vas sold to be bamboo for this is a sub tropical country these hedges were to be found sometimes around uttlc patches or cultivated land on other islands which we flew over later i supposed that the azores must be terribly windy and it was impossible to grow mime things without such pro tection there was one other feature or that islund which stood out along tho top r the rldgo there was a row of tau stone windmills with great amis turning around tho typo we think of as dutch windmills but common ap parently to many european countrlss they were up where the wind must blow cctatlnuauyv and someone told me that they were used to pump water grind grain and even to develop electricity in this modern age my stay at horta wu brief in a little ovr an hour itie rawiir were bank on board the cupper with three added to their mimbert a young banuwaa eouple and their baby ts minutes later the cupper motad out of the harbor into ths opniatf tu the atlanta wad ttuslrviis for more than half an hoar bw our th coast of an which waa probably pico th wane must bar been t mil lent and it wasnt th largest tn th croup ooas para that wub ss sals for tha length 01 th main island at bermooaj ther werent many tha shoreline wa tsgh and rodcy an cat tanker wa wif it way tg tha ihor tb odd looked tiny and they had their hedge or oceaatonally a stoo wall ut oaartcalty tb skipper of th plan cat beatd me and w talked about thing nautical it asked ma if i would ilka to go upstair with him to th pilot and th navigator at thtr work i assured him i would uk nothing bet ler and he told m that when lb plan cam down to th water agahrt b would look m up it wa g4 th rule to lake th passengers tn during th night the chance never came just at that awrnrni ther was a chang tn the rhythm of th motors wr both beard it and looked out number four motor had topped th skipper said oh oh nothing mora and waa gnoa md i dldnt see him again the cjjprer turned back towards horta the other cupper which had uft new york two days after w did ass sitting on the mater before we came down the gasoline was dumped into the atlantic bomeon told ma thst 11000 caljoxi wrnt to wast in the interest of safety we came down easily to a perfect landing and piled out into launches al horta for a sec ond time on the breakwater six other can adians watched th proceedings with interest thry war th balance of th newspaper party who bad left new york on a later clipper and had now eaugnt up to ua there x first met three editors from western rtls two from quebec city and on from ik- john we let th dun cupper sitting on th wsurs of horta harbor with mechanics working f evartshly over the balky engirt whue th atlantic cud per soared into th air and ten hour later cam down on the tagua river opoosli usboo haa atlgwst but mb uut i saw tb other aid of the aaore group this time it wis from th water irrcl and i waa on the evrammnn sailing past th high and rooky coeet of th largest of th islands ban ulguel- it must b wall over a hundred mile in length for we were in sight of it for hours tn island is deddely mountatnoue and only here and there were signs of ufa the oorilnnl valleys coming down to the ocean usually had vulafe on the coast and a few house back tn the valley railway would be im possible perhaps travel is mostly by boat towards dusk w rsarti a fairly large city well lighted borne of the european refugee on board stood out on deck tin the last of tha light disappeared under th tt it wa their last sight of europe when i hear of ban ulguel x will think of dolphins a number of these playful anlmsls for they are not flahle followed the etoammon that day jumping out of the tops of the waves and playing around th boat i could understand why so many old naviga tor chose the dolphin for a place tn their coat of arms the appearance of dolphins must bar bam a pleasant break in th monotony of long ray- age teach ceretai island it 1 probable that you would tar rather spend the rest of your days in a canadian prison than on the bleak shore of san ulguel or some of thing other island but they are coveted by many nation right now oermany would like to have them they would supply submarine base a thousand miles nearer to part of north and south america nor is it only oermany which could use the axores iut october before the united state waa tnto the war that country wa quite unpopular in portugal the reason waa simple the united states had recently acquired naval and air bases on a chain of british islands from newfoundland to south america having got their base they looked far more and the eyes of some talkative senators fell on tha arorr with those islands in our hands they said we could hold off oerman attacks before they had much more than left europe the argument was true enough there was just one haw in it the arores belong to portugal a neutral nation at present doing harm to no one and ton can take my word for it that over in lisbon the germans were doing their utmost to spread the say inits of these too talkatrvc scnatorsin wiushlngton help canadas seaward defence hl war savnts utlmlfli u is

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