the georgetown herald wetvcatuy august 19 1942 british skies free of hun only 57ni raiders ghts in six months bride and groom honoured by ballinafad friends army u now ready to lak in stride whatever tha inny from the air deliver txv oeometovn ilrrajd british war victims fund a subsidiary of the evenlnj telrgram fund u playing ll part in helping the prcpl of britain through these horrible umrt almost thrrr thousand dollar hu been rmlwd t3331 lit und the fund we hope v111 mthf the combined support of the rlurriij cf tnl district we cannot be utltjud to sit baex and read head- 1u like thr without the urue to ccniinut to w ii j mute to uriuui to help r-jlrt- uir svuffrrlliu qt tin n dutrict newspaper win award hi arty conitralulillunji to lit 1 tor u at off mil and utaff uf uic ac ten frit piha lor thr uumia they have on in thr canadian wrvkly nrw- paptr cocnprthlons announce jnr nl l ihr nniealnnrrs uj made at thr convt ntion itrld in tufjuitoqn last m t it tlie ac ton frrv irrv uun thr it uih liiutir illiukl lor thr brat ull- round paper ui cuu thrrr thr frlnt r publisher bprclaj of un rn- trravtd told tut match for thr brtl front page third jilacsr for thr john w itl mt mortal trophy for ihr btrt editorial pane in thr uh2 com petitions wc wrrr alo lntir1 to it am that thr frruui nrkuord on brcont place or tlu- milolm mc- imh memorial bhlrld for thr bt mlitorial page in tlaug tu tin lirumpton conservator ton ihr am hrrlbuni echo bhleld for thr but front page and xeeond placr for the maon trophy for ihr twit all round paper tn clau one to all these pa- pirh t a keep up uir good aork one home in every five one in every five homes lost or damaged as b still takelt over um civilians killed and s0m4 snjared la german boatmnt satvtr afforded thnoib mont stalled by uwvj ttelp lo allntat distress w fund doino its pakt only 67 night in the tint 6 months of thi year were side over britain on of oerman raiders that a slarthng bit of information to crop up among report of decreased bombings and qulst night in thr battle of britain but lf an official ralaue from british tnfoxmatlnn 8r- vleca an agency of the brltlih gov ernment although recent oerman raid on britain have not been on a scale ol the heavleat hllta of september 1040 and april 1041 the british people are till taking punlahment from the air the report eoee on in april 1m3 euoalty mcurea anot up to ms killed dd mm injured in may there was a drop to sm killed and 438 injured i there have been any qtdetr ptrfaxu ta the battle of britain ap parently they have been quiet only in eampsrlian with the bllta period only two nlihu only st nlahts in the first half of ttua year were free from raider that mean only two nljht a weak are the people or britain spared the found of oerman planet overhead ad the crash of oerman bomb in mm corner of use isle it mean also that on only 67 morn- kali was that no call for imlatann trom she lord mayor empire air aid dtstreas fund but does not ut that on those m day toe ser- fsot of the lord mayor fund were bot in operation the evening telegram british war wiotlms fund is the largest indlvld- u contributor to the lord mayor fund and money omtrfrnitm tar the people of canada and the united jrtatm baa been at work dhy tws ttua people who have heard the drone m oerman plana fire night a week tfcen there 1 a broader picture one home in every five has been l or damaged to air raids wret gfihii nit no that pwut but ajiddown your ti aty filth hoots uaituagnews thetis another atattung nlew of in- its not easy to imagine but when you look up ur street and pick out ots you can get some of the damage of courts in ana street after street of i t was omrmbbtfcr destroyed and ttat onanfha najat la only amsiha bbwbib i4ss oft top el that then it the matter 1 tssflstja etjjlstlll usw jb0 orruan have been kiawd aaa over htfw imwi tsl dfttt ol state jmbi nearly 1000 were mead and aa many injured jm anadatf tsmrthng wt of tn- asbaalsl watt has aot btsa so stay to bee in reporu ol sllnht caminliirs and little damakf to mllltar obc- uvts 8u11 take it neverthclcut tht people ol brl an are till using it and the uml nl britain la quiet now only becau it os llcll ahen it was at its orot there are more tatlstlc in the rt- leabe and they are equally as interest ing in ma of this ear there as a drop to 399 killed and 420 injured tlir june statistics havt not el been lsued as the ministry of home securit must wall the outcome in cases ltcrr in- juries are serious and the victims mu be shitted from the injured to the kill- led column indications are that the figure lor june which will include the ciusual- itles in raids on canterbury witon- supermare norwich and southhamp ton will be on about the same level as those for may the upswing in the last three month 1 the result ot hitlers much vaunted baedeker raid under the baedeker schedule exeter was at tacked on april 33 and 34 and on may 4 both on april 23 and je norwich on april 27 york on april 20 and canterbury on june i and 6 shifted raids on june 2s the luftwaffe shifted ilts attention from historical beauty i spot to a crowded seaside resort and attacked westonsupermare bath and exeter both suffered special hardship under the nad at tack bath a retreat for the 111 and aged in peacetime was not geared to meet the air onslaught outer i though better prepared to face trouble had more than it hands full after a terrible pounding by the luftwaffe the city suffered not only the bloating effect of high explosive and thousands of mcendlarle but alio ruthless dive- bombing and machinegunning kah bombs dropped on many of the main municipal buildings as well a on the arp emergency food headquarters fortunately exeter was one of the cities which took to heart the great lesson of the heavy 1040 and 1041 blltses the vital need of decentrali sation its defense organisation sur vived the vicious attack and continued to function successfully ballt cp defease this organization was built up during the comparative hill from aug 1041 to march 102 tn this period enter like other cities did not allow inactivity to dull the edge ot it de fense work efficiency on the contrary the whole national defense organi sation was overhaulsd and tightened up the recent aedeker raids did nothing whatever to lower civilian morale they have been a vanishes meant of toeplng the dvtl dmbnat army on its toes in easter or bath on a llssmaa suka jhaatsbw or wtt9wwr ilm wanwwit rajbssst um died mlfod at oukwllr on uotxlay aukusi 17th 1042 mur jane coulni bsiowd wife of dinul mrzud in h r 72nd rar l cemoriam dfiuttatln olntr mrmory o aimii ion of mr and m andrea drvthmrs aho jixl aaay aukum 13th lj3i oh h iii hoiir- mr onci rndcd lloft saui ihrlr memory still llut tluth ha irft a vontllnrvt the aort can nrr fill hadl mlamd by mothi r dul llirt nnd klji neighbors and frleoda in julllnaisd community gathered on wedneaday evrnlnj auffuit 5th to honor was hrleo mclean and xu donald brown with a mlieeilaneous shower on the eve of their marrtajj a lengthy program presided over by rev foreman consisted of readlnjjs by rhoda french annie finow ura t olvcni and joanna shortllir aoioa by fmlr mcbwry ltortna tucker alma ucenery mj clark and itr phln ney jntiumental selectlona try itelh jean lift an and the shorull laxruly alio stfrpdanclntr by reg french acompanird by ur r bhortlll aftrr this uf foreman invited the bndr and ftroom to take the eaxy chairs in front of the bridal arch rujr mrs vanrmtter pjajtd the atl- dlnu march at thla lime mm ji mclitry irnd thr foroalnu addrs 13 ar lltlrn and don it l with frcllrm of oy ind jilt i nut that your irlrnds and ntlvh- o it hruiifrli conctatulations on your hoar of fiapplnru we extend to you bor- ptttrtrxd nround ou in thl uur upjtroarhlnu marriage and rxjutft our bcit wl hrj for our luturr happ n v- you hflrn ore one of our own gtrlt ho hai troti up in our inidit your happy rjnue and wtnome man ner 1 oi on ou many frlrnds your sunn dukiton will br mlvrd moil thptclauy in our home but alio in thr holr conimjnlly w trut it lll makr ou many nrw frlrnds for to makr frirnd ou miul be a frtrnd- a irfcton ou have alrrady learned we wuh ou hon voyagr ere you tm bark upon the tea of matrimony you don have lived among us lonjj enough to have made many friend we admire our industrious tphit and trnlal mariner and hope that kind fortune u1 continue to smile on all our effort wi conrtatulate ou en jour c holer of a life partner and kno that our ior- is jour tain to ou both lr wuh health hap- plnrjks and proftpriily durtna thr jjojr and sorrows that ur ahead as ou travel down thr road of life hand in hand have happy memortea of ywr trlea around aantnafait fficned jahze arm uanoarrr bbxxjur uhj3 dan caupbell ujlfl jessie ucejittly at the proper time utile uat ililts and nilue sinclair dreued l bride and groom complete with brlda veil and silk hat drew in a decoratm wagon laden with gifts the groom esprrsed thanks on bv half of himself and his bride lund as served and the remainder of th en nine tptnt in dancing the blj 2miuion dollar conierv lion dam in wtst oarofraxa various ly known the fergus dam tn o rand rlvir oonitrvatlon dam on fonnally opened by pit mlrr mjtchtl f hepburn on friday afurnoon auf 7th u fori 3jwq jieoplc tills vtntur towuid fhttkins rlvrr floods and cos mrvm vattr will b tuutrlj aatched und if bucctimul no doubt will t trlfd tlktvslitrr in honor of the i vent hugh trmplln editor of the ftrgu nraiteiord uho hut betn un axdrn cojopaner for the project lor mjtf rura put out un eupeclully to tdiuon of the pupr with u wparat pliotograurt ectlun devoted to th hltor of the great undertaking ood hath not promuxd the sklitt aloj blue floair stnati pathaas all our life through ood hath not promised sun wlthoui rain joy m ithout borrow peace without pain but ood hath promised srmgth for the day fl4m from thr labor ucht for tn way grace for the trials help from a bow unfailing sympathy undying loe lae ik jou to accept these gilts and a jou look at them may jou style in glasses yzb your flat should b made to fit your particular type if roc we spseiolli in eye nation and prescribe attract rlilati st elty avtrss for expert by oervto tod ntwest styte tn glaaies oonstjlt 0 t walker r0 mnartt tvxiaurr who win b at tu the boll telephone co street oeorgctown the asc wednesday of each month you may consult o t vru st hi emc in brampton raonxi oeatretawn ntasapteei bb i savings specials l rhw tdomimioft wartime sayings aylmer choici tomatoes 223 spirit or blcnded uimpsc a 11 l gallon jau qqi we fessm to rlakt s ussk part m asraul weehlv faainv r 1hmd0id whiat 0 shbeddies 223c pifbelard 227 wese pdbeuhd z hii t toctsj fluffs j lw cmhvjzzzz eeenex ioc 6rapes 21 stp i ii w i mwtissiie 4- 5 caffly catsup 17c ifffiffi 23 lemons 29 vi 25c flvvkav flyded mm lukit twiet mixu pickles fot sum ussulti cebto