the gutewa hmii xfefcfay htntub 4tk 194t ilfioirrti umlfottm imttlma11al sundays chool lesson laeiea fer naeexab- 8 cuftfttm htsytse in sk rajulv w n nwu i u j gouwmtcxr ttmw s fl to wi art t hu1 ua w it tlje religious life of ui home la a tfetermlolng actor to tfc ms t at the cwm tor it la ta the home that tha chlme whole nlrlfm otm and from which ha receive tha rrpeatrd lmpreealon dr t ey wtdch je- tarmtn character end deetiaa the too it la to tha horn that tha par- m hai tha adportsblty to demo- strata fee reality af tha fsltto- pro- fs4 la tha chin and to ahow tha cww that ckriattasiry reaur aauala la tka orssiary vapartracaa f ufa l by umi oaate dt- tvrfce a day tha ertfeaavn jaw faatod tha woni of varaea 4 ca8 8 tha fihama totila ttma of prayar nornlni and alafet it was tfte totou euon of hja faith declartna tha camres cf ood to a verld of mury heathen gods and caquvg tor com pitta aad abaolou draattoo la rim but it war st ertb thai eieae vorda ahouid rawated to tfc unlet they ara tea taum with ail diugrnce la tha children and to ba aarmal and natesaj part trf thetr daily cnvratoa liar t a asatter of mat algnlav canee to ua the faith wblch wa profaaa la thafturth muat bffc- thrtly ajrouffct lato tka soma it la not eaough to carry biblaaa bon- day tl ahouid ba to uaa to tha borae througheat tha araak est only to camoy wohhip tat in fa tel- dental ot dally ufa tka family altar haa cradotdy disappeared and it la recrvttahl that it haa for tha testimony t geo- arationa lodleataa that la family worship aoma of tha moat oarful man and woman of an agra hava re- caivad tba direction of ufa which mada tham raat for ood lat ua not raadlly aaauma that it la not pouible for uato hava a fam ily altar aimpty becasaa of the dlf- ficultici of time place etc bat if we cannot hava such omrahlp regu larly let ua thaw our children that are hava a real tntareat by reading our blblri by sharing aoma blets- tog foand therein with them and by making prayer the natural thing la tha home at all time not juat in bouts of trial or adversity let ua recofniie ooda word ta our family ufa n b ataamatkaalacoaara lln lag daut 6 tba aatloa that forgeta ita rin bar no futuse worth tenia m- ifceriag tba israautea ware to ra- eall that tha glortoua bjatory at ooda taring idndnaae toward thaaa dor teetimony to the tratb of hi word aad to tba tammuteaaa with aebjch ba had kept thanu thatr young people would huts b aaeour- aaad to 4rut ood lor tba future cutbarto tha lord bath balpad caaasa that beocaforth may esubt od a ta every natlootb aaa tboaa owaalnna of hlatory whaaa aofy ood could deliver and ba did tba rac- olunhnn of audi areata in way wfcleb win give tba glory to ood rather than o maa will atrangthen faith and causa maa to lock to ood la tba tour of need and to thank him hi aaa day of victory la tha family too wa ahoald oultl- i vata tba aacred mamorlaa ee ooda dalivaraaoa of sia blaaalag of tba oy of hi fellowehlp in bright aa well aa utraatenlaf momenta chu- lran who bear aueb matter grata- sjly rehearaed in the home kave effective anchor in a time of rm ip by ceattealag la ooda oraea tim 311 is hut which wa learn of chrlat and if ooda word la to ba tranalated into living for chrlat the expert- neea of grace and the remem- ranee of ooda blaaalns of chlld- jood are not for that period of life ione but for a continuing in ooda trace thie enrrlea our thought a it beyond the roponalblllty of the arent to provide the proper ur- oundinga and tralrilng and atraaaea u duty of the child to apply per- let and continue that experience f chrletlan truth and teetimony too many eareleas individual 1 1 ho became of the dedrea of their n wicked hearta have abandoned i tie church and the book blame it i n the parents they were too irlet we hod to go to church too ueh they made me go to sunday ihool such are their excuses of mirse we- know thot they are only icuaea not reasons thoy are the bttige of the hypocrite who is not tilling to face his own terrible re- konslblllty tba obligation is on each one of us continue in the things we have larneda and if we do not the judg ment must coma upon us if we i salvation and blessing will come us and we to tarn will pass it to others this lesson turn many an i bonw kmk to gods way 4fumtcu4v fi fvawc skllti weot p chajteb i frr rnufe4 tu fttary th 11 tooxal fc tos bvorv fc tit crfui ktrror tagb4 tir tw mow rtat rijtmlxmwj tit rlatap niheillf it m 7 tlr rtvla bot e17d ra i4 tc ft inm rmn4 1tl h ctrtmj v u tttloi u di kfflmv barr tad r ltd vo4 ufea ti ifitjirlmmuj ii mmrt a rvrb ld dra him omoti vr1vx o6 tutr 17m roobd a dulhftt- druqos id to ca of lb 4 ay rrwro rtaln w iurrj m9i m lb da it w pofm ll nw rtcm iti bt tawt xhnvtb ti oo44ro tu la kloc oot tt mint tfc dvll 4 e txtitt ihmr call row of c dut thursua tgumat itw maul rrv cf t wd tjlpv3 oel son te fcr u frtu ef lw tfjjj bl ttiuq tw u4l tdlj 1 1t- w 4hc ffh tm fcafwlrf tufty u 4w1 fclkowr t4 m terj t7 tt julta to tfiftfrf lwof ml bom ii illlfov uc xs jl it m fftot vmttlnm wawt- nut n mm or tc urt hbrfh- aul ir4 ws to tb4vy wrr wivm t aad oft wh- lvt fvow ai fc ftfji 6ow ttrati fk 1rs tut gufi tftiodow tt9 9m it of pcarttf lbt4rtt hi farv u tf k tiua twlatf ttvat itmw wbtfwx t inn mlgfat ftkowdowm wet tif of cain ik far far tiajvroo itwcm of cajaa that tbr mvf tetfw widatlj small 4 1totrr ilmmti tby w aptkrarwmi a i gat it ruft hi aad tin umartf n rail itb taraoavf and fair 00 a of tx onorot ftttl iru drtfu br p rvnlj paat ttk aa ut tlkr that tahby a ronrtarfd tum7 put hi tvrod dova lafo fit tnnu and troaimd it aoaadrd ii kr a ui ttn altbajb b n clloij tmcvr aboot tt and o if ii a rvnt ht illoattna which it t tvr rl ibat on oiftfi i react to it lropurlj voruwfib otto ald brukly tnhbj looked up ilia pi oh rwtfki mjuurrd iiu moatt drooprd i if would ha txd tb pttrtor of ilrjecuod if hu jrllow hair kad not lnlitd nn tiaadlng oa rod uat b ihodfvt ht raa tb picture of mtrrm drrrtta loiti brrr liryn he aald in a w- irvtroo oice yoo cant go ihmucb mb ft i wont lt jroo tba fa anal tot tote llryn aaapondrd imlablt h prsd a 611 od ta maotrtptwr fin rb bland and aaran opord ibt- dior aolmlraaty byo looked at ln id tb mirror a ape k tall bomb for llr korw 4vrbapa yoo mlgbt fft a lltilr wrr- mint in it h u a little apaft tb falot aha do w of a atulle hfitrhl wv borcba lopaattv llpa and ftf yoaraclf lrr ttuqk yoo do a tba way hurrt i svm balaf married rrurnlnf there waa a momaat of dead mu aeaa aa tf aven th rava bad halted la blr iraealatlble coarse then nurrfc nwallowed and said oobly indpd alrf lu jfcio ahah me to prorure a maldfiervant alrt uryn looked up alantlarit a maid rait t need a uitiliiawnitnt i aa tblbklnii of yomr mkf xlr xly srlfft llrn rpihl his ev -ornlna- hani to llnraha faoo ttvri ab no she ulll art be rfirnlnc here very 0o4mi air what tiiiulm jwckv hryn ioajied down at tlw arvy suit with whlca tubby had inslstndihe wax hwcratlna the veolnff be oonaltl nil m anlrta and thlnca votb istt else except tboaa old golf tfutwerti if gut ao raorb mud on at tahua yea air fttotblaff vlaet no jmtist no flanlnir tartlet o uolf cluut votnlng uj the way i am aousi rnilmr oat of work because a the jeprwaalnn anylhln- a joung ensuomir ut tf work because of the depreasliiv wouldnt hava i wouldnt have r imunod it htirch draw a notlcaabto deep bread very sood sir shall you be brre u iircakfostt certulnly and no i tild tha wasnt coming ah yea sir lunch r no lunch i shall be leaving trn mediately after breakfast and you neednt preiiare dinner until approi- iiately a year from tonlcht i will lot vmi know i shall be away during thai lnie yes sir and the orders for uor- tonr itryn swans round from the glass lie regarded durch thoughtfully thats so be said meditatively i night have forgotten tell morton to ako a spanoer will you and remove the paint not all of it but large on- wen portions from the hello i ro tell 1 1 ro to take a cblael and give it some ilce deep cratch as tell hint to mike t look like a car i might have bought or about fortytwo dollars and fifty cuts from bsnkrupt gangater he might bash op tha fendera and if any i ialu4 furtber rrars to ajm tv ivilair air tb o grtwrt xjnrj tfc blank rrt all ef ftaw iucb ilrjd lc rahaly tijj aod ut lit ryw rtsj vt ititrrti afllalto irtvaavrr llr in a rrp bevtitb tkat all hra t ajr ilorrfc tdr-na-f- fi tfilly aa i urtil inl tu atahar at lirju jkii iblbk aawrr to lib tte strl- he jlj woum tt- ilm alrr ft aui ant tnorh tardfrr ma wiut u- t tuanllr and lllltr t te tu r wilt far briila- lralej f merr1ea bi fit ber eooary uv r tuur um hrtrly 1t f hr aioa su tatd o4h- aoov caktag aoae lad of a d 1 rol oat of vourawlf bryn vtor u ilos asoe ratxx pull a fast o 00 you ihata what youre data io yoa itjnk for a cdtasle that last ajlrl 6vai know who yoo arp hjt domol fujn aam rolaly tuaeiy snorted taaf a brttbt r niarh taot ll t very nrtjht now i aiaa yoo bow la ooda ba could art body 00 tb rsrlftc coast blp havtnr eo yoor ugly mug la tts rwpera tw ulfl soy body who rao read hr knowtag atxot jaioes wlo pblil- l1roiitnn third aad ma spreaj hrmil nnl ftl vlrvhant toaka aod bla ar air aad hi polo mat tbj orr abr cso read ilryn rr lllrd onrufljed the oral tln i iwr a ws readldtf over a if of kvmi imuoients op to llnlwwrtas cftlce tusoy eyed him tur s kng nxioxni thn be said mitll lxk brr trn imi ir ter rrur to jo that ted lll ftrlh bloimtf nilgtbt rtiliafrlnii ihla beautirul cull upt h4 it t i caot tuty that it dd all ihla talking wa urn ln atiut ber what did be ull ou ahut hrr for lo ibe ft rut leet b i kfi tdid it fcv- vouro vou tfea tsd holvvsethy might ba efll- nssrlno tkla bssutlful mlspr he aatd it was aihntertiitlng case but thtrt was juat to gat yoa llatenlng and now hes gone swv junt when ab hit in hur apirearanee it all looks pearty fun lay to me h you think lt was sn lalaeeas liuc oae tubbyt wall if it uaa a cam yea cer tainly of courne tl thought atysek it was intereatlng out you notice i llitnt vt all wrougtit up nlmut it and ntart hanging around to jet a look at the crl nnd even if 1 had i wouldnt even daeum of stepping into a gum ilka tails and msrrylnff bor myself h i ilrva sols i neier dreamed af such a tblag flut i waa curious rm admit that 00 havent niiy cuhdjaky because you liuvent not uny imnglastloo if yoa hint youd huve beea iujnglng around too youd time wanurml to mk at the man id the ubo when be arrived for tbls wed ding to a girl feod nerer twen and then when you saw the man youd wuuinly have wanted lo get a- look at che girl und when you aw tho girl bryn pnueimh tubby looked at him curl oiwly but jlryn eoughed nnd went en immediately when you saw the girl you would most assuredly have want ed lo know how u was all going te como out 8be well she watot his type tub youre saying joat what ive boaj trying to say tubby cried llol- worthys been working 00 your imag inutlon he if now what youre like well its succeeded every tblnga gono according to plan youre roped to night youre going to marry this girl that youi only seen three times a girl you u9t realty know a darn thing about juat because she hits some kind f cockandbull story about having to get married before her twentybrat birthday and tba man ahea supposed to marry doesnt happen to tak ber tea- 0 fst vtta fm ajflmth oahauly he wolowt twtw ml rv sjq aboac ya twatot ye jmmm wauea ttlptey aaryaudwaa twlrd fa go ut tittis fiasco umt tfcv m aaa wa ti ceaat ww w aaarry aw foe ta ftfty ftwaaasl oaoara tw ftwig ta b mytsg yea wwaa jraaj stsfcm lt ut irm so a atswrsv wast ae r daiag u fart rffvy ttrtomit wootjw dosat etaa aaytueg ta yoai ad ayv g m ab workjs rt tut tbtrell w exa ty of pojtrtiy aad trvuti vta yoa waci a dlarca yoa gciag r tato il oragas barkwoodw t hva vtth twr for a yr h rocasxtlcl acd txtl iutb ot f t a rfctap btw cruci fct kie1j b earrtrd to ah tfc uor aid rati i wo to a k ef jur tofrrty iitb tfcr wak xoea aad vr ra mo uetl rvtul it camibj traoufuir t te ao aaa hrjo m4 rv friatlj iv e wrct ta who j wttb td iliijwortti aci biho 1i krurw itat ttlla tuajfata ta no itr taf auar far kobd avrut tfcr rm tor rrw a a llllrf of fi ll waa i if aatd llilwlb aukjt ll tmt rir if ixll rrtiuifi f li b u rrsh i or lb til totie tcnti i liua- if iwrlai rrrvjru f lrti tr tt fv alfclt f pat fi ll i ll- will u wtitt txla folbrr l wta jum wtefo i bo itkltlj olrf uj lwaaarfrty afcj ftftftxilrjf cj lira cf lliu id lltjmnrtbja fvv tfcr 44 grtlrtcao was a tmott icterrattoi m tlii atvj w had anrnt g trflta ii waa lorarl r4 vftard atul tkla wttl a u tx-aklriit- ar4 rr imlgw to aake aurv that fc as dvtag tb rttft imtn tfc 44 tun ut ifc isjp p to tw a a bi- thrttral rase sod askrd n what i tlwujbt of tt a foueg fuoj i tfccuibt it akjfcsl flo ko ut- totby sal i rhfi bias a it dwof tork aa it it atljbt ha a so torn ceh eeporitmt la that ii t la i hat why youre throwta your aalf away like a rk of rvjft brtatoear lra alirfd do wtab yfid go arxi rbang yoar tnl b aald yoo caot be ny beat wto ta a whit lit and tat la oot wbn i m atias a lnjdjrr ault wed pdlim ba ib- ilhrr rarlhrjoak am what alvtrt 111 irr illarv illar l aviiuat ufcl abot hrr ufll what arwrajt bv rnr lo jeara jotie rartnl ber anun mr had a ptntlr tr thr ul z irxtnib ilk a in a h trrrl rertpi1 thlnka jonyr slna tti nirrj br hht11 mfry wbo r- l ajra ihta hate nj lild brr ant mm ut niir w ntim i ti ii hrr mnant lurr fin m if until lii btiraj mtt whtn i it htfiv j u 1 rouldnt trlrnne fr ioiild it 1111 illar i n flcix i uiirr a kui in a fr rulnutra and ifuraa no rafihfi ry i ilxiull itp fitvrr ali br t marry n or rirn hlnird alxut ll uvii i dnt har to ml tr do it ttihla a hrlfht idfa ilrn mid bap lii thunu olil man ml th tine ftir o one of lhe daa wbaltl hin tulhy aald luls rntil 1a lhai ahell have roe marry- in hr mjaelf uvii thats all right hryn aa urt him youse always wanted to ufouay now on your way tubby and pi drtaord lurch will brlna o your rorhtall and lend ou one of lilt whirl and a collar you ran wear ni innta if iure rareful nut to lake a uip irv alii fmt i dont think youd mttit try buttoning tb coat all la vnii ahell think you not them hafond hand harry illfirt fvrtalnl she juat the wlf for iu theres the mwhj of the con ijulatadorea in illar itll take that to u j 1 u from tilnji any fatter oo ii youve 01 ly tfot five tiilnutea vxavmv oat of tbawwtd wua ae tide br gad for br taartasry twy sasd ww lb aiatortc seaasioa la bcatea aad tcrta tbetr beaotlfej od tieaaitfh foat kad goae wt as far as tfcej eoaid to oat to tfc oregoat iaaav tfc la tb awat giort- utas tesiaraj aarroaadlags ttey tad bwlt a bags stoee bow as use tfc kofiuat fcoo aa pctl aad filed it witb tfctr trcaaareax tby w aiw rrao tfc aearvat towa aad cat off to ail jy eoaurt wtib riluuoa her tfc cfclil daoraa grew with ocjy ter graadsreets aad tt bynuti for fcr roamtaducfc re fv te trip lo lusitoo alib fcer grai3 rc4i wfcea afce waa hfbt jear ell li4 tararreiy to tlf fcer rrtjf hra urd lo tfce famy jearm wtr a w rt a ajrull rtllj orct it fm4tatily wlib tre ftrlrrt xirr ll rurb nuftlo nsida th i ml- rnitir in or rtii l m to oriitie tl1 car llhr voirf to a niirlirtlriy i t l ui full tff ftiu fvirf ii rr it it ri th lefitl loiu ttrr llfcrlf in ict tl kjt tli- mo1 it- l ml hnw 11rr if tjiltr ftto rwwta af it- irrjt i ii in imm tit iti f r rivli pit- ilk lr rtf1 jflu ii ll l tfiitr1a- tt ut rr fern iiijnl-n- f lr n rl ctfarallt hhr tit l mrf full t ia ai1 tl r ir n utrly i1tr1 fi iff u if fa ll tritiat atnilllel lht f tta- lifaifrtflhrr llrttrlntbrr ui i cr it wa car wb lauirm trr ll- rtt fttlfr itilnfw crrfu idm tr liuirj arl fcrlrfv aft stl t ard hi lira i tt0irri if tva t til vl ifur id urr t ixiuw ifcrrr are tnatlera nf r-ur- lib wmrh s woman rwt rvol ull f juft iclnd cramnvtlrr tauflt tr ntwrjufk aod a numwr f imnya that made i hem toth bloh and irr whlrh they kipped aa hantlly a hot oary oarr told hrr el hra of ple xiw oti rvr twlle it be wool besio tiut lla a fact i saw it with ruy own eve kaw what clary darling f ivthmb num ak fullcbteilly curling up hrr frt undrroeatb her 00 tire table bat did u with your very wn ll waa firre wheo f an in nr vrk be uiiiim in i waa walk iriff dnn rifth anur on day itata a rrj intrrrtllnit lrrt jllaa i in rah the mt tntfrttlng alrat in th wiflj teo lt and rlvm fn frnt f mt- tbrre waa a jotin ljil watklntt aldjr all drtmari np in a iff urr hat and frtnt ixa ln unit hifur and abf wua rrlnt cr ln m in kill if jii ran imurinf it turntyibre eura previnualy anne wblttnkef larnel bud ehcd on lb morning of thi biy of her weddlnu to ttiurtney tlmbaiu and bad married a viiuntf man who hud he been a woo uo would neer he been recelted in the awarltty in which the fcarned imiieil the eonfunjuwicem were dlana tniua the younic uiun had no uioiny but be bud exiettd to haw n urvail iml when the ijirmd relented and rortra their only dutiubler houeter he futountered uneiintted dlfllcuiilvm wllh uie daubliter iwrwlf f a be dlarmered why he had marrlid lier sue crept away from dim her iiturt us muriy broken as u pbyalrul ruuii iiui bv brokeu by huuuin uubur- lilmttm auid uben tier duuttliter was ui l u ftu hiyu old sb dletl kurtu uuiili tlaf joiiiiit futber who neier kiuw that be uuu u futhrr uit kicked 1 it vltul mit by u borne und died sjrv he could ruuae uuy more mlu lurtune thus utreiiictbeulug ibe belief if a number or intiplv in the ven h und juattlce of cod the aged und broken griiiidiurvut took uitlr duugbteru child und also ilie bbjjjie for their daughters unhup plnew if they tod theiiiselveu mlu erulily titey hud guanlel her uej she would nivcr buvu met this minusume oiing ticoundrel aud ull would have been as they hud planned htio would tiuw nmrrlaml courtney tiruhnm scion of an old and spotless family und ull her wuys would have been ways of illiiruintiitr sud ull her pa tha would hiivu been paths of peace the arauaius were among the tlrrn laviple of uoatou nowhere on their oseulclieon could be found a blot und iven did erotiuro murks wore so cart fully done as to leave no truce a per fett uiurrliige it would have beett nut hielr diitighter una dead and their bit- tor regret was in vain however the till hud the child and orer the moth era grave thoy vowed to thomiajve thnt nothing should mur thli girls life they dedicated their remaining year to her it agemed to them that the yea there a oar cranlfalhtr nd crnndmnihfr kejt th iron ttt- htliiff in l he world brktl und nirrtl hul tlttry llfiitl ih hullpra nf a uhmi mii1 lllllr wnlon magic caaamf nli all of ihrm irfntnn nn th- foam of prrllntl maa hul no millit hnw ataunrtily crand failirr and crandmnihit kjt ibe trn sulfa ikkct aiculnal the wnrld hry knw that mm- duy they uouhl hae lo t mtutj vxen f only to allow ttiftnneltta lo paa through on ttirlr lait juurrrfa tor iimn eara th qimtlon of rvtmirabs future when tin- iron galea aboold be opened nae thtm aniloua boura of dlariuulnn hbe would bate a fortune creutrr than her futlier trforr her alnce it bad grown thniuxh tb year hbe bad no rela tives other than her grandparent and tn ilr rod on the ffusrdlsnahlp of old fumlty friend a moat of whom had oer- ri been in aympatby with crandfa- tbcra idea about iteboraha upbrtns in jr wss impossible peborah moat be completely secure 80 who she wua thirteen eight years sgo orand- f at her had rone sway to han francis co on a journey and when he returned be bud flopped frowning and they told ber that her future happiness waa tak en care of vurtney rahum less thsn a year after the marriage of ivboraha moth er hud taken unto himself a wife for htm to do ao had been a blow but after talking it over for a number of yearn crandfather and crandmolher bud consoled themselves by saying thnt of course anne as far as courtney lmtt at the time f bla marrlajte una happy that if she had been dend tourtney would hare devoted hla lift to mourning her loaa would have con sidered himself a widower no court ney had been a perfect new bngland kcntlimnnand be bnd done no wrontt lie bud a son born two months sfter imroruh herself the boya name una stuurt and now at thirteen he wua a tsll handsome lad of greut promise ills father and grandfather both tboufiht that a second attempt at nn alliance between the two fumlllea inluht prove a buppy one ho it wua undenitood that if the young people were wllllnir they ahouid marry each other when they grew up it unu here thnt llr lnrned ahowed thnt hla unhappy experience had not gone for nothing lie was determined to leave nothing to ehnnce he wns determined that everything should contribute toward making the young people willing to mnrry ench other olthounh of course there was not the slightest renson why they should not be ttut he made hla will and it waa a model of ingenuity in it he said that hla granddaughter deborah should inherit the large part of hla fortune amounting to something over a million dollars in government bonds if and only if she married rluart om nia m on or before her twenty and birthday on her twentyfirst birth day her grandfather if he were alive would be elffhtyflro yeara of age it waa not hkely that he would live long after that date ao the old man faced the situation squarely t if he aboold die before her twentyfirst birthday afte aod her grgndmolher were to lire as tw ufftasw frsas a h tfcst ag awcw tmauau awrwrto tavawaaa atf him wttb gt care aad if asytmag bipcftd to pfwveat dwbarab aasrryug yeaag gjaaat taaa tba fas taato waa ufu hathtiaa b4 aad waa ta aave tfc laeosae frsas tfce enrttlas for uf tfc uttar waa eaf- firtaat to esaks fcr ccatfertabae aaj keep tr from watt or poverty bat it ss cot seavteet to attract tfce aa tectico of a accrofidrftly fortuce teaa er aorb as fcer fatfcrr tad ttiat tfc oul was earereliy otri aaj serxited aod grtbdfaffcer tslled sa4l iledto fclccself wfcrutrr fctfcogfct if il ao afcbuut 1wam1 sfid rogwav jjt iaa fc mu to fcta wife ova iiri 01r la fcer frctl way lavs 4rl crsr4ratbrr bad juj wbro tkorak wua juaj kit ritirvn aod ibrf bad ai- gull- ktuimtlil fur oari ibrr ijrr a 1 1 ti tmry magu g ev- rtlliv ibe houm- ii- tujtvs ik tfu it- utf tuatfrn ut tba iim f tli f atiatt- ft urjjt1 bad ri iiti igl in tlr rm ard grf ujii in fi aliut tallli a worried ftimii rllall at 1 ifcrrli h ht tl m ill uia if btto ull ltr irulf llrr h antritthlnf atut a rraati in m ifh fconttlln had toppled ail fallrti arl tlilr carrful iui of vurltl- had rwlaja- ictu a c tr wmrh t rlrflnf ilfta arl rrouh it hi- 00 cfatfxv nilrr clmo 1 kr of ruf crait ttrr rtuitot t tvli anjtlilnf likt it il ar had uvt uvrt rrllroj tt itji uunb an 11 had breo i fur i nral lo thllk of tltra a pour nf totjrmr ii woum tr oply aolll llebo- imtt waa tatclote and then ibey mould tr wealthier than eier lotll tnu rah aa iwroty r- it bad rea like ibrrad of toej tbrcujh rry- ihlds tbey did ibrvujb all hr utue ubierfusr to keep irsadaolbr froai koowiof tbroujb lb hard work tba cardroldf tb butldld of th aawka hoos to cur trolauo aod cab fur the larder lb cotllog down aod making iter of crafhlmotbcra uld clothes for ihroorsb the enlarging of graodfa llrra flitngta for lary and tbro todjroly lrborab waa iwrcf and a tialf twenty and a half and marriage waa a- ior thin uoknowa add frlhto- idjt vbat mi marrlaget why did a irl haie to marry a man a jnunn maa lr had nrter aeo and well im ahe did marry him what hsp- 1otijt crandmoihrr wouldol esplatn wh- aald hiuart waa a rnilrman and titliiojt imbonib dldni quite under- tiid he would explain to ber rat ll wanl tnoush and for ibe first mo- in hir life itnmh ctuldnt ask try carj krrw ahr didnt know el tie kn she waa healnnlnc 10 fti n r rlfltil and cold inahlf about it and hi kind old face waa lined and tieuvy ifid mn ea fkllowitl her atrout wltb mitry und wurr the talked shoot he uell that maa euy tvborsh i crnnilmolhrr darl her iwiet frutfii old fur iter tender hanils her ft cenlle amlle hhe would hara done anlhlnr fnr gnrndmothrr rut ii wanf like ibat nmndniithtr had sold so bermelf hlnahlnr furtoiial hbo aald the lore a woman bad for bast hoaham waa aomethlnii onte dirfereec stronger more wondrrful htuurt cruhauj wuk writing to bag now lie hud begun when ahe way twenty und otrr the ural letter gui bud ahuken bla bead and aald it sou of 1 ed er audden aomrliou and org the second be aald the fellow aeeaaaal to want to know an awful lot about what kind of laeatmena grandfather tiud left hla money in gary bad goat so fur aa to talk that oter with graadr mother and the had said quietly thai of course the deur boy was lrrftlal alnre he would so soon have control af the estste aod that the grahams bad fur more money thsn themselves anal ulwuys hsd oary couldnt suggest ta ber of course that the grahams might not hate their money soy longer rm and detrorah talked it over and deho rn h bad aald with those cold angara ut her heart and a amlle on her ilpa thnt it didnt mutter whether stuart bad any money or not that surely aba hud enough for two and the altuattea was that if abe didnt marry him peel or not poor there wouldnt be any thing for any of them the time wat denperate gary said miserably tba tbey wouldnt be able to pay tba tmgei no the only home tbey hsd tf tbey didnt net some money soon 80 of course there woi nothing to do bnt ko through with it and then the very worst thing of nil happened for somp renaon that crondmflther couldnt understand ex cept that since a graham had doaa it there must bet a reasoq and a good one stuart had joined the navy two or three years 8go afld rjmj sosjii thing had occurred fcrnetntnit h ildnt quite explula as a result b wns not going to be able to leave bla hhlp by deborahs twentyfirst blttev duy j for a few days gary and grand mother and deborah wcrf thrown lata consternation and although for a moment when his lottef first came deborah had run oat and hugged a tree for sheer joy ahe had seen in no time that something had to be uoaat htuart had a plan he had gone oa to explain that fortunate enough hla ship would be with the real of the pa cific fleet anchored in ooldea gate harbor to flan francisco bay and that it would be quite almpie after all deborah could come down and meet him in san rancasaa be married there r quite almpie for fltaaft j a moat upsetting idea far jf grandmother tad clary deborah went aba mo alnce grandmother could j go and oary could act her and daooyah rud btaamtiltv tie la tha world 1 aha had saver trav eled etjywher auae tdatwri i v-