the georgetown herald wednesday january 6th 1943 down the aisle in 1942 continued from pag j on april hit 81 juan cathedral toronto ww th seen of th weddta of cbtriott lenor lyons danghirt of ur and ura thorn lyon and john wadhy ulu kathleen lyons wm her sisters ittenrtam nora uafaej forfta daughter of ur and ura w r porgrav am ralph pnowt son of ura j pre- wood olen william were married at fit george church oo uay 2 uls betty kma and jack presiwood hunded the couple oo the aame afternoon slnhtth axcoulgan daughter of urs a uc oulgan and gnr william ramsay an derson rca were married at bt oeorge church- oien in marriage by her eouiln l a c john wuu of the rap the bride wa attended by hrr niece ulu lluth uorley of oult oo uay tth in oracc united church brampton jran dronor bartdrnvun daughter of ur and mr alt a ban derton of georgetown bream uir bride of oharie rocc of that tut- it and the attendant tere hrr ter and brother- inlaw mr and mr oeorge greensmord in oeorertovn united church on the wenlng of uay sth ix josephine ihln tu the setting for the wedding of their rtanghtar violet uargaret nd ciikdm alfrd hurren tny took up rmldeooa at the croon hone oo the 4th line a pretty wedding took place in bal unafad united church on june 6th when doru irene hurren and jack preaswood only son of ur and ura william preaawood of georgetown were married on the ume day tn grace united church brampton alma uay fore man rn and alfred bykr hoaf were united in marriage ulu noreen palmer and pilot officer drue ken nedy were the couple attendant 8t stephens church ilomby wa ihe irrne of the wedding on june 20th of uarorle victoria btitxer daugh trr of itr and mn joseph c 8w1lrr norvul and artiiur liod puhcr onl on of mr and mr thomas puhcr oruikion lurtnu tlir tugnlng of the rrylt r mlu joy nuddcll tang 0 perfect loe mini itrta plher aai maid of honour and mt doru flalt- rr bridrunald while thr bride con- on uttlr ruth umond flower girl on june ittt at nonal prrrby- frrtm mantr clarice margaret en well of ullngton and charles pd hill daughter ol ur and mr cheater attrtj honcock ot ur ond un h1u and carman reginald copland were married durecc wluett and nor- rt kennedy attended the couple blnhtth zsobel kean daughter ol ut and un air kean and robert bridge ilcap acre married at knox church manse on m18thmr and ura harold burrow were thr attendant the groom u now autloned with the air force in newfoundland the imar of ur and urs arthur walter wa the setting for the wed ding on uay 19th of their daughter lorraine and robert william conor of toronto her lister alwn uay wal ter wa brtdeamald luu muriel graham reg n a hancock of norvul btatlun arte married another tarl june wedding u that of bualc brrlluford and prrlrr1cli al bert packer whkh took place in krn- inttlon ae djplst church hamil ton from ovenea came word of thr marrtare on uay 6th of pte jack graham of nona and ulu patricia mlllrr of uiernool in rt htrphen cliur h homb or june 13th the avddin took place of mary marjory nee ian dv duunhter of mr and un lindsay neeland and douala haui bhrrmun of toronto luit 7 h i tl e ttfddlinf dri daughur of ur and ur r j oraham ida kjh uckane dau of mr wu married tn bt geo me ohapej mrv j a nnd n alfred pauwawm ullrtary camix on may ilth norman mcmillan mlnlmer of calrdo- to lieutenant uaurtce ultcheu duon pr sbtt cnn and 0 flirmrr b- c e ipamor of nona i und union prebte- on uay zlnd uudred norton ran churche the arddiru took plnre daughter of ur carah norton of glen ul homr or th brldril brouer wuuanu and john henry krnvthead on of ur and ura j krmihead were married at 8t ocorgea church they were attended by mr and un jack harlow this wellknown oung local hockey alar 1 now on active wr- vice with the navy and the following day bt ororke church wa the scene of a loil rd- dlng when audrev mary grlre tlauh ter of ur and mtb p t griee wtd to l a c vernon a bharpe r c a r the groom broth r und suterlnlaw mr and mr cecil bharpe attended thrm fuiluer clarence emmrraon ken nedy son of mr george hernngton end the ute mr kennedy and pearl jan lealte acre married at 8 oeorgea church on may 30th pte cart uarchment wan ffrocmwnan and the brtdea counln ulas pbyula uaii wa brtdeamald on jane ftth at st satsoorti reotory toronto a former district ulrl lulen eitrabeth uooowan dauuhtcr of mr and mr j l mcoowan of barrlr wa martied to pte a j ii harry i fimethurit aon of mrs 8mr hurst and the ute a j bmethurm of ltmehouse on june 6th the home of mr and ur john p klrkwood erin town- ii mckuu- und ml mao alt xtndt as ririccvmad ml oertrudp an- jetvon plied the tddlng mulc and mri francis thrmimn sjm durn the rlgnlng of the rrsrlmer on he ame da inme onlj in ish t r of mr ii nd mrs charity lelldri and robep j krlrr of enn m married in 31 ahun churrh ml i kei- r as brldesmuld nnd mr tlioman ixdaldge kroonivnian und mlw alrrn mcerr ilnrd uie aetl- n mulc in himihon on j re 27 ih u tit ken fcivnrds son of mr nnd mm k ro ftiwartk ft merl if 0irv toan married mts jane elizabeth rmhan another rnd-of- tune urddiiw o- pnee nt ballinatad manse ahen viru matlldii lonstrrt wis mftrn 1 r willard lawrrnr rtinderhnn metty jane ittotnvn on i mrr n mr ond mr itarr noterim n robert eduard faskrn ot ml t n re mnrrlid at st fwplrn s ttirf hornby on june 24th on j 1 he tti mirir v k s i daughur of mrs tliom is a 1 i i s i if jirie h l r f rtnnn v of r i joii vinlay toronto tn oaorgctoura united ohurcn ura r- b mat inn brampton ura emeat hyde georgetown and ura fred robertaoo hornby wee the bride tfeevunf delia ue wrlgglejwortb a former georgetown girl married john uorrl kearney in 6c clement anglican ohurcn toronto on july 11th a pretty home wedding took place on july 4th at the home of ner father jo acton when lucy nirabeth ed wards wa married to harvey walter son of ur and lira george walter georgetown the coupvr made their liome in acton on saturday july 18th ethel annie aloott daughter of ur and un oeorge alcott and prank king ton of un king and the late ur prank king aere married at a quiet cere mony at the panonajr nerval with rev p j dunl p of nortal united church officiating a wejding of local lnterrt took place thr umr day at lllllsbunih when rev w o charlton av4tei by itrv 0 boiunton unltrd luit jran akllt and ixtiutid wallace mutheon in marriage edaard jur oasihthnt cnr at nt aa married july 18th in bt groittr antiucun church tu lena maud duuhrr ol mr ja gie and ihe ute mr oalt- vl cupc coe ousie quebec a prvtiv atddliw took place tn augtihl 8th ui bt oeyfvri anglican churvi wiim vlulnr murtnce colllm daujihirr of bgt and mr a oollln became the biidr of corporal oeorge archur pmh r c a p wn of ur and un r blyth tjlrti wil unu uh helen bjuckbum purd uir aeddlng muri- and miss j an hale tojg oh per feci lve durlii tiie hlruiing of the rrguter anot hrr prrl atlfln n lem- nied in iloh cross cauilic ohurcji hi iw da when chilstlna pearl lluntei daughter or mr and mr ken neth hunter married thorn a oeorge ooldrn win of mr und mm p oolden mlfc ediin pirson aas maid of ho- i notir und miv marvoret oolden tlatrr i of uie gr om i flower girl auuuat 8th us the datf chnsen b dorothy jran daughter of mr and i mm wm durvrmi und private james j vicor hainduhurtt son ol mr mary hulndli hjrt and the late e hntndlr- hurht for tlirlr aedding at the maru iu linuud mn herb rt mcearhrrn mstir nf the bitdi- uas hrr onl ut- tindoiit aixili r rillinifid atddlng took it c atikust tih uhin lit irn mr- a an and donald brown took thrlr on tudi evening august 11 mliel lac mitpiluil daughter of mr und irs w o miirhhiui vox qulell mar- nd to harold vi tor torrance son ol mrs torn nre ond the late oto tor- i mre orinnrv 111c in shcrbourm ri ch rrh edna iihaj daughter of lhr utr mr aid mrs fduurd ulus und wllllum inim morrnv sm of mr and mrs h mi rrav noral were married at 8t janir united church mtntrral abot thu date also i o o nilitljriti tan m r- rtuti s4n of mr and mrt 8dn mark nlf and hi h n ellzate a htir tf mrs cole niul the lae john b cole ijnrnpton wrre iiniti- in holv mitrlmonv at a ovilv ueddln- in flrace uniu1 church brampton august 29th tlie brides atteli un- uere mrs j an cole lint mp on un mimi veronica smltli mlmlcn n ii t jit h i itng t ok plar vrnal f ishitlin churrt aim 2nd whtn nellie duithtrr of mr in un w c wuliim thaton wu mar ried to lao eric gordon aon of pte o and un gordon novex uu phytu oorcon wk the brides only attend ant weeding bells rang for lcopl al bert reee oversea with the cane breton highlander oo august s6th when he married alice edward of croydon england sept th was the wedding day for norma edith daughter of ur and urs norman wrigglrswcrth aihgrovv and pte chetter harcud deforeat of kil bride at the home of her parent hart icy andenon ulllon a sololit and ura robert anderwrn aunt of the bride puyrd the wedding muiic wuliam harry hayaasd formerly of orojvetuwn and uarzaxct elizabeth daughter of ut and um pred adam- ton deavrrtun arrr married at the bride homr on august 30th a furmrr glrn wu am resident alurrt cyril north married ann win- nlfrrd dyion ouelph t the home of lov o w hcailr ouelph on lirpt 13 cturlotte ertna daughter of ur and un b wuon and jamr hyatt mc- cluie ion of ur and mr w g mcclurr ilnnnxon had a prttty wed ding cm u r uwn of uve brklr home bepirmbrr 13th uiu dorothy cleave was biidrunid and ur richard little of brampton was best man bunclie bratiire boomer of toron to minifj in bt georges church of eruund brp 13th by rev w o o thompon o easrd chrln prtl- chard mis helen artrutrong u bniemaid and mua joyce prtlchard n or brtdejniid the reception was j rid at lhr home of the bride a aunt mrs j aimvrong at the brije homr at buvercreek duruh verna daughter of ur and mrt archie campbrj woa united in marriage to brock thomas cave ion of ht tfxd cae and the ute un cave of alma ulu winifred camp bell ftivrr of lhr bride wa the attend ant mu anna r roce cousin of the bride putved the arddlng music they took up incidence on a farm near fer gus on tlirlr return from the wedding trip norma elizabeth fmdlry nerval and w y englcby und jean powers tlirlr arddln ut the bride home in nona rev arthur livgett of norval in kbteruin church officiated a quirt urddhvg tu milemnlred at the home of lhr bride mother on h pt iui rn am blanclie oreen- amkl kus united in marriage to harod wx- of humlllon ttir took up re- tdi nre in toronto madilrlnr join erwtn daughter of mis ejwtn and thr lac mr lit rb rt iruln and fut armand b 8ark- homer wn of mr and mrs e b buntkluimer tin married in vcr- couri road pn church with ueut r k cumrron officiating arth i fjwlitn mjii of mr and mrs w p elnittbv and jtan ward peters daughter tf rs puvnn and mic latt lr fur foverg rockwooct wr wd bs itocfcwood hy rr john wam they coe to tin la aorgtoo afur the wdding trio knox frcabytarlan church wa tea slco of pretty wtfvfrvg gatarday bepteeaber imh when vera euaiptn betty ritchie rtiivgftfrr of ur and un j b ritchie wu united tn bar- rtag to robert richard reeve con of ut and urt arthur reeve uli rata ritchie and uua doru oroey ortdeamam and ulcs uargart rkchie wu maid of honour ura jamas evan puyad the wedding music and ura chalmers of toronto was aolotst a pretty evening wirvttng u solrmnued eeptetnbrr lith when emily kadley daughter of ut and un wm hadky and lac wltfred jamea louth son of ut and un walter louth were married m ot albans church glrn williams on bept fith irene isohel comer daughter of ur and urs auiun cor ner married william arthur cook son of urs cook and the ute ur j c oooktn toronto rev jamea p ur- par land performed the ceremony ushrl hutchinson daughter of ur and urs c w hutchinson of usrfc- dale and harold scent son of ur and urs o r firou lime home were mar ried in the urue at uarkdaie mon day brpt hh 8he was atunded by ura carman bewell rev norman caswell officiated of iprcial interest to oeorgetowr people wa thr wedding of doru clca- brth beatey daughter of un bery and the ute ur wilfred beury to william oeorge pott son of ur and mrs w u pott on oa turds y bept 1 0th in dosercourt precbytertan churok ulu dorothy cleave wa her cousins only attendant ur quurppt uoschetti pltd the wedding music and ut david kerry hamilton sang a pretty autumn tedding took place in llmehouse preabyterlan church brpt 34th whan rrv c c cochrane united in marriage marguerite pearl ingram daughter of ur w ingram and the ute mrs ingram and oeorge scott iuu mn of ur and urt adam hall after a short hanryman the cou ple lived in toronto a recepion was held t the home of thr brides sister mr w libert csln 0n wlllams after the wedding of qudvn win n if red uatthrwa daughter of mr and mr herbert uatthewn brumpon and harold bruce williams winnipeg hod been aolrmnlxed in st oeorge h anglican church on satur day oct 10th on ort 20 bgt james kelly bon of mr and mm j d kelly married leone prance hunley daughter of mrs eli zabeth hanlny winnipeg in the vestry of iio crosa church the bride was attended by mr t alntworth bmlth and mr wuilam krllv ok his brother brt man another full marriage took place on october 21v when alma esther fid dler daughter of the late mr and mrs jttt futdwr and bfattt cwdl or ton of ur and urs r o oru took their vosa tu w o o- tfampion rwtvtolatl at tha ddis of fkmaaa lstfaafi u9u hiwhhj ii of mr ura baehejrt soalth cad 8- lwoa oovtan ro af son of ur cad ufa f cowtan firaapsjoei on ewrtruy october juc jean rocaitn thoenpaon rtangrwae of ur and ifr hwpffmrw tbotapaon and ft uaurtoa brydn um youngstt son nf ur 0cx uxqsv and th lata ura uuler wra tmilad to marruga tn 6c ajhanw ohzffch olea wubama oct kst uua uyrtu war- ren wa brideamaid and tfc brtd broth ut harold tncttnson oooka rill wu fyoofbaman elinor caroline hhjptey daufhtar of ut and un wm b shipley and wuilam lloyd near wcw marrud at the bride home november tth with rev e b eddy officiating bron and gold mum formad the setting for the ceremony the fcarrtage of uarorie uargaxet kean daughter of ur and ura alex kean and corporal john young sort of lira fmma young and the ut oeorg young straifonl took placv at th presbyterian uanse wedneaday eten- lng ncnemher 11th the bride wa attended by ula uargaret adam and ur wuilam utnsuy wu groomsman they are living in niagara fall in bt jamea united church peter borough noreen ueldon palmer daughter of ur and ura o palmer peterborough became the bride of pilot officer bruce bernard kennedy son of urs oeorge herrtngton and tb uu lrwu kennedy on wednesday earning now 11 ura leonard knell oshawa wa htr sister matron of honour and iuu darin knell nlc of the bride wa flower girt 8ieu lane eldeat daughter of ur and un wealey lane and edward ted bcartett ton of ur and ura norman bcartett brampton were mar ried at a quiet ceremony in george town united chuch ulu helen black- bum presided at the organ and uua joan lule sang because ulsa ethtl lane wu her sister only attendant a pretty tedding took place at 8t- aihans church of england glen wil liam on tuesday evening dec loth whrn june oraham daughter of ut and mm herbert oraham was united in marriage to ounner mervyn cook eon of mr and mr manse u cook water palu the bride was attended by irrne young bridesmaid and jac queline oraham flower girl un j r wiulamv played the tedding music and miss joan ii le sang during th signing of the rcguter the grooms home was the setting for the quiet tedding of frying officer kenneth mackenzie son of mr and un j b mockende and thelma lol aiken daughter of mr and mr p e atkrns of new glasgow nova soou nn december 12th ship lack sail yet need needles hani a rv-m- canadian wartime cargo twp go to ka equipped with houiaad and one item which tullj ranm from needlet to ucbon the utter hive on obvlouf ute but why the needle for veuelt acldof mil they uud b deck end eigjne room ttoree for eewioz ranvm coven boat coven nd httcb tarpeutlim end with the needle 0 ulunekertalnu etout sleet of leather fittlag late the the ne fvmiah th rather beyond the boumwifcethlmble theee object remote la the kale of ahlpe atore are obtained by the lirchueeandstorwdtpertfnefltof the ciaadka hatlonal hallway which ti reaonml for requlrentnti of canada sw cam ahlp bultrtor wattfrae pnrpnaw bup ae4 n let tl thine fro food to i ual aarf b dfcitin ulujfrtt kme ceaturjf the ob hi how a brlniilnff tore to the janncr pari one of the new made in canada war freighter lmvtr riiu jive a gllmpte of the etoreroani at nn ehitera canaillan port ilacked with neceultle from food to tooli lubricant and material far fiaminu bicefldury bomb on deck lowtr uji ahow a atoreman holding a package au needle and the regbter of a auraloglry taean of which the ipced ad dlmnce trveled an tecerdeev canadas jtyhtihq farmers tjnijiin farmen tojiy are fighiinj for victory at truly t tc the nukcrt of tinkt ihipt and planet in tupport of the men of our army ntvy and air force for ihe turn it the food rcurvoir of our bulling leglont on all world front to help the farmer incteaie food production and do hit minimum put in thii tool war the dink of mount cooperate with him in many wayt par- ticululf bf leading hm moat aeeded for teed labour and marketing the ojnk hat been tupplylng credit to farmcrt tincc 1r17 if you need money to improve your production of food cither for export to feed the front line or tor dometiic ute you are invited to diicuu your re quirement with our nearett branch manager he will underuand your problem and will treat your builneu at uricily confidential bank of months k h a bhb where allll aooouht mb wbloohb- iodirn bxpbkibnced banking bbuvicb ot outmt tf 133 yu sutwfij ofmuka jmnmoa rcgairtttacatrm georgetown branch a c welk manager jst