the georgetown herald sxiryrftl year of ptiblicattou wfoeuy january 27th 1843 canadas army bring laundry to way zea 31 l fiuiibat timid on an itarootb- s- ly moorra la ar equipmral sta b to dui u lookiag aiier tfce mi eeforts u providing mouw uuadry emits for all eaeanipnirole tea old ceahioard aava tubkaagvma deposed teas lint ar aoit quarts- bihiii ttc uvea authority to erad tae wip wash to nearby laundries tee sw nubile laundry ass now sopar- t saded this authority performing sua easy mark oa a uni seal tbs clrasa i lag venders produced any monday la inamirrmt canada a hak sua la pjtt it retained la tkat the mra keep to the rostom of doing their odd bus oi pmonal wish at la tktj spire time ii the camp i of permaneat tfcarscter theneneuundenngaccoba cxodttlou are cqaaby ptrmaaaami if sol the bucket system oorralsa silk sb drying skirls oaoerwear sock eiadaarctuela and skat bote 4 amklatke coanea ol tk kot or atnac eatstds ike teat each mobile laundry uait welts stevea and one- half tea haa iw large coder and looryuadw angina and eaarratrs he ova elictncity flat care of tke canadian national had aaadlatkrat traits to service units us the btd nbrre tkey take to tke road a trailrra btnlnd autotruck cabs to kick they are pinioned by special device for placing tkte equipment oa tke fbt can a special kamea la mad anitking one ton and attacked to a railway e thirty ev to enne this turccia owl under tka supervisee of e rearind superintend of work equipment fl 1s national rail aye eoaionaaa perfect i balanced eel case tea tour coroere of kka steel ropes are strung tfcass paa tinder tke body of tka anit wkea being hoisted oa to tka ut car the pkotograpke show iboveitke karneat attacked to tke tkirty five foot crane lowering one ol tke mobile laundry unite to tke railway fiat car at tk left is sua one ol the cre sbout te put tke louts in place fur ihc proper balancing of ike unit on lo ibe car brio cavalcade of ibe new bde laundry units mounted o 1st can of the canadun national hallway an rout to an unvooaa cjeawaetlo- harley fire escapes receive contract from ottawa large fin escape patented ta wit cttse merits qokely beta by manttlea the hmrley fire escape owned and operated try dean stanley llarlr re ceived from the department of munl- uona and 8upply of ottawa uat wee an order for fire rs to be snipped to the naval stores at halifax n b this order la one of the largest tier clcmorutxauon of his tile saving al- tarhmrnt by dropping from ute trsiu donation ouudlng in toronto from a distance of ttt feet aa veil ss several demotutrationa in hamilton oct several apartment baudtngs in georgetown are equipped atlh uir fire escapee whlcti carry ue approval of ptre marshals and fire chiefs all over the proilnce alter all th- yeara o trials and poods annu1 jutatins local council ol women thr lo il council ol wonwn held rlr ann taj uruna at the bome ox air j b uuttixl friday ot 3 pm jji ted th prwldcnt un c luyt tnldj altar opaotn with client prayar the oortwpordrnrr mraa read by miu hettl taaawn bevrraj ltur vrre raad r- volunury womrn wort it vas mo t1 and wtnnded that r uccrpt ih effrr in hac ulx elliott lecture on buying and maauru war time 3rd piiday in pvbruajy at rccelrad by uiu inn and alteration i trttoioattoru t lmt ur harley s fire the library mm j b mackenzie ten- are now under vay at their plant in th- lefflon duulina an mill 8t for the mariulacture of thee ftre ecape on ft lanre acale ur llirley leave thu ueok lor oucldh toronto and other points nut to make arranffcmenu for the aupply ot raw material required and on his re turn to ocorgctoun it i expected that additional lihor will be required to oomplete this lame order ur harley in esputnlna to the herald reporter at on interview at his bome on john st the importance of thu larffe order stated that over woo yard of khald weholng vul be re quired aa well aa castings and snaps etr the webbing u supplied by nmu in oueloh and hamilton and the cant ing and in pa specially proocawd and made of anticopper flnuh comet rom wucoiuln usa within the next few weelu it ls ex pected the factory will be going full capacity and wilt be under the pergonal aupervtatan of mr harley aa eery piece of equipment tued in the ire es cape muxt pasa hi approval before delivery is made trie herald reporter was unable to otoaln the cxat iimount in dollars of the contract price of this order but enough information was secured to state that thtti contract will run into thousand of dollars lr harley the inventor of this fire escape ua kind cnourfh to answer a few questions und altnourh the local public icrow the vory wo nc oui readers the intervlow as we heard tl mr harley better knjrwn as dean wm just recupcratlnpt from a hevtro illness tha hus tcep him confined to hi home for the pas ftw weeks he 1 a popular number of the locul ltlon and hah tvo sons with the armed forcch overheas ills fire tscaiw wils pattntid lh 1017 and he nuns both the cunadlnn und american pati nls for thi iwht 35 yrs mr hailiy has manufacturtd thuc on n small hcule mru h a side line as hi u is untrully occiipkcl us u painter and carjientcr utrapcs hae come to the attention of the dominion oovernment who have thoroughly investigated the merlu ut the lire rarapes and oeorrt n ts proud of the sucoru at latt achieid by one of 1u local ciuneru and thr herald wlihta to congratulate nim on the aucceu of obtaining this dominion year oovernment order in supplying ore i mr escape for the protection and safety of the armed force stationed in bar rack tered mus htttle law son a vote of thank for the work in connection with the circular letter ne treasurer rend n vrry irratiflnb report with a nice balance the re port of the afflltntr 1 clrtle were then reitt ind all imnaed a splendid hs imsrt aots ilirottt ehc0uiaqh6 at the tugitrolcn of the high school noaid the fouovtog ektracu from the liupectural report ol ucttn o l ofay and h w anglln are puuuhed for your lnformatlon each of the ot claaiea u provided with a full pro gramme of wont with an adequate ailotmant of teaching time for each vubject provulon u made for the teaxhizag of uuiic and for the teaching of the new defence training course ulu falrbam haa made a promllng rjtsgtnning and ur uauhew and ur carprotrr both show that they have profiled by their previous exprrlence the other three teacher hit luke mlu tnman and ulu prtuon are well labuhed in the school and continue lo teach effectletly ur carpenter ha entervd upon hu dutie a principal with caminendable enerry and skill itt- ha very wtwly continued as far a applicable the scheme of nntanuation formerly tn ute ard hr u showing tax and good judgment in the mmit- ment of the uhool the pupil srrmed to enter into the work and the hie of the school with interest application ui id industry they responded readily in clata the rev woo thompson the chairman of the board ur w t enans and or a- ucallu er were good tnoujh to meet u to dlsniu matter we were glad to be able to speak well of tb conduct of the school and the character of the instruction being rrtveo in the christmas examination the following students stood first and ond hu wt in rich form v mildred buon oordon fleatty iv dick ciich- ton mlcharl beer iii mary mrclure craig alexander i doris brownrtdsr bety booth 1 ken harrison pauy robinson the orit o h b interschool hockey arrc wm played n the arena on jan 31st it was the junior team that com petedthe player be in a a follows learn 1 b hall cap lain and coal h denies a tennanl o louth b hunter d brown 4 carey h carey d preetori a mcallister trim i c norton captain d par ker r hunter d vanvleet o pres ton h cunningham b hepburn w sargent ouiitftndlng performances were turned in by cliff norton and george barber while the uoal trndlnd all r und exceptional this be in a the first game of the season save our hocke a ffry encouraging outlook the game ended with a 31 acore in favour ot turn 2 two gnat were scored by nor- on and one by mcallister acton reeve new warden for county of halton the weather ay a i iiuu your wrathrr rrpurter haa been con- onrd to urruxti the put aealt with an attack of p and hla doctor says ii he dors not tons out altocetiier hr may be in from tnrre to all aeeka lonarr alio that he may be thankful it came at a time whrn he cant tnjoy his faiotllr paitlme of dining in the dirt bozueauenlly hu snow shovel la for rent for the duration lie la uiankful he haa been atle to lead the thenno- meter but hat had to rely on the ver acity cf ihe nrltitxira aa to thr depth cf inoatalu and anoa banks ahlle the arather haa been on the rampate the put eek here an the record date ii and l bnov- tvmp fall tuaa jan 19 o- wed jan to ii a thurs jan 31 7 7 m ju s 0 5 lo- sat jan a u 1 bun jan m 2 16 4 uon jan 35 u as wart 10 lteve walker of peel given toatini tote declared iteeve smith elcctad altboutth the lundtnu leemed to laty considerably from time to time the luocrsxful candidate had much the uritrit total vote xo in the 3 ballot llerir btewatt hsd a total of ll in 1j und rene caldaell had 1m in swit i m mcusaal vaulnasj ckslce l rtnitfl reaavlllin fse year aastats when llalton county council met for their first meeting of the year on tuesday of tut week iteeve j u uc- oonald of acton was the unanimous choice of council for the wardenahls for itto only two name ware pro- poied that of reeve mronmld and reeve norman oubert of trafalgar ut ouurrt alced that his name be withdrawn tn favor of ut vfcdonald u lie believed acton nad not tud lh honor of the wardeiuhlp for a numbs ol vrsrs ills honor judge w n tun ro look tne dklaratlon of office although only eight members of council aire prearnl due to the bus tard that day it was decided to carry on the meeting a motion waa paared whereby coun cil membrr present aeie appointed a committee to striae the standing com- mllees for 19u the recommendations are a follosa the first named on the committee being cnalrman finance illalr campbell oubert lull murray education campbell uroun dlalr alurray v printing drown campbell craig omlth county dulldlnga ibalop uay dlalr ilulmcr craig llospluu accounts robertson lies- toy luilmer hall railways lrgulatlon and agricul ture uay robertson oubert near continued on page eight active service notes elsie bullock and pte percivai kins wa at st georses on saturday afternoon at 3 o clock elie edna daughter of ur and mr lie bert bullock georgetown became he brtat cf pte perrtval albert kim son ol mrs kathleen king and the late prank king at a lovely ceremony in 81 georges church of england rev woo thatnpfton officiated ana mlu helen blackburn played the wedding munlc tho bride given in marriage by her father wort a cown anhlonrd with a bouffant skirt of white tulle tuter tal- fctu and satin torso top her ilnui rtlp veil of brldnl ultim n was held in place oy a hcurtshuptd hula of net find ornnrt blovsoms she curried a bouquet ot redcnrnatlnnh mrs o miylts of acton wan matron of honour and mlss marjorlt orcln of ouelph wus brhlcsmild both utti mi irts tulng troikut ullko in swlss oruuihly with i i d clu nlllr tn lemon and white their hcuddrisses were caps of whlu flowlrs und velvet und they carried notftiays of blui iirm i nn -not- mid rul ciirnatlniis tin britli s omiir at- thliiiit mk ijorl- hulwits ut oeorht town mudi u rh irmliik junior mendham spoke briefly on navy league work mm nodwell was appointed to group our members and each uroip to look after a ditty bair mr vanatter reported for the no minating committee and the following tii ers were elected pres mrs c hayes 1st vlci mrs ralph rosa j id vlre mm w nodwell cur rcy mlta hcttle lawaon it k and ttiat mm r paul the committee- to be formed by the care utle a vote or thonlcs wns moved to our hostess after which the meeting closed with the singing of god bate the king probably unusual in municipal politics itrlili smnicl in u rown nl nlnk t he- since ni of the ni tuft tn with flnru lunss i h now iv in iiintsiiti or fowtmiiuils mill curnn- tlonn wilfred clark ms nninmsmnn nnd onrdon klnr brother of tho groom earancs imve bcon sold ucan in nil these years hart hit iiim and downs ul- ways hoping soma day that his in vention would attract tho intorcbt of tho general public ho wont through many hardships to keep these patents and todny ho can boast that ho has equipped such large institutions as the arcady unlvorslty of new bruns- wiolc baered convent in halifax and many large institutions and hotels at hmuftt he is in communication with ute lunlster ot education of new brunswick to equip the schools of the nrovlnee with hu tire easenee some yea bank ur harley ge a and james roberts were urhors fallowing tho ceremony a reception was hold in tho legion hull nicely de corated with pink and white streamers for the occasion receiving with the britlo and groom were the brides mother gowned in wlno crepe with gold hat and gold accessories and corsage of gold baby pom poms assist ed by the mother of the groom who chose buck corded crepe black hat with deep mauve accessories and eor- saae of baby mums mrs geo canute passes urs oeorge canute died at her home on thursday january 31st after living in thin community for thirty- four yrurs the funeral mrvlce for the iinhy nut held friiin tlu home of her in luir mm doimld houston mc- nub stri 1 1 on saturduy by rev c c co hriilit pallbcurtrn wire messrs w a olwurd1 hamilton dvr donald lluusum donuld ijitlmcr w d har- btr acton rmuld lutlmir and john ictlr tiour grandchildren were flower ivuriri alfred wansuiffe john wuj- uiffe oniitlas lalmor and charlt s ilarbcr ilorti in uiilyhfonl scotland htvrn- tvlhree yiur airo the dauithut of mr und mm william iark hie i in isiiiltli i art iiinu to cinatta uhin sin was i khtmi years of iuf while 11 nllanci sin was l ititn tin in sbyn nun cliurrh she enmc to oeonietown und made her homi hero till sho married oeorge oiinuto of wtntworlh county who prrdecunfced hor in imo after tho death of her liits- huiul tht late mm canute returned to aeorffotown and has made her home hero ever since surviving are her brothers and sis ters in scotland and five children mrs aeorge hill georgetown urs nellie wagstaffe hamilton mrs eva darter acton joseph canute r0 mp and mrs susan houston george town another daughter mrs tryphosa laumer died several years ago there are sixteen graiidehjldten interment was made in greenwood itemetery recie angun hmlth of mount for est iv tlie warden of welltnaton for ips but not until alter 26 ballots hail been cast by the members and shen the 2th vote ended in a tie warden smtlh was elected by uie cnttnil vote of reeve walker ol peel twp who voted twice this la something new lit wellington it was nude nclcasar because there were 4 numbers prrsint tlnstcad of 20i and when the race had narrowed down to two men reeves smith and btc wart each counted 12 votes in such rases under the archaic law by which wardens ire chuvn the reeve of the municipality with the largest ofcbell- ment gcta another vote wurilin angils smith is manager f 1 in fnuii ilrus fartory in mount forest his record in otnre is exctllint nnd it is cxpcctc 1 that he will be an excellent wnrden in fact it is mild by u member of couny council that tlili lars raudtdates were all good men mnklnr tte choice more difficult voting for the warden started soon altir two o clock before n much mailer audience than iuua 1 uaii six o clock before the warden road ommlttet member anil chairman of the whole council had hi en elected 25 polls for warden do not con- lltiti 11 nrtiril ira jackson was elected on tho 32nd vote never before has tlitre bun a hi count on tin ile- cldinii ballot partly liecausc wtllliik- 1111 cm ut counrll lias umiallv had an mid niimoir ol membtrh ut has i membiis nun bill risvi llrnwn of pnlitii rson was nbsent i tlien win- 1 out of is minixrs on hand when imllliik beunii pour men were nominated for enrh nf the first eleven ballots they were h caldwell west anriilraxa n mckln- non isrln a smith mount forest anil d stewart piisllneh there wero no dark horses on the 13th nomination reeve n mcklnnan dropped out and tho other three continued on tho 16th ballot reeve moarthur of maryborough ar rived to take his seat his car had been stuck in a snowbank alter the 34th ballot reeve caldwell dropped out making an election certain oa the next round on tba tstb ballot smith u 8te lac w u curly wheeler was home on a fourday leave recently lao uoyd boyd haa been transferred with the rjoaf from oaape que to dagouvule quebec pilot officer william murphy u now atsuoned at patricia bay d c pilot officer charles atookfard left on prlday for hla new post at amprtor ontario pte clayton bradley camp borden visited hu mother mrs f bradley last week end pie walker cleave toronto was home for the week end with his mo ther urs isobel cleave pie clarence kennedy has been home on furlough from camp niagara odsmn jim murphy la stationed at turbrooke p o for a month a special training he was formerly at kingston bgt o a olyth haa been transferred from sherburne n 8 to the seaplane base at dartmouth n b sgnm cecil davidson of vlmy bar racks kingston was home for the weekend each camp vttlted it la alio planned to take the band into una industrial war plants the pracnunmes are to be aired twice a week mondays and fridays st i os pnt est the obca rsdlo crew travelling with the show includes w a reld as advance liaison officer jack ucoabe producer cy mack the wellknown sport and news announcer and oecti johns operator mart kenney and hla western gentle men hsve been for years the top rank ing dance band tn canada and enjoy an international reputation on the air they have broadcast from every smart canadian resort and from most important dues and hotels across the dominion albert whitney son of udmn and mrs john whitney is one ot the re cent recruits in the rcap he is stationed at manning pool toronto at present congratulations arc in order this week for another georgetown boy who is making a name for hlnueir in the rcaf kenneth a mackenzie son of mr and mrs j b mackenzie has been promoted to the rank of fllght- lleutenont he is located at the aylmer school mr and mrs wm ritchie received a cable last week saying that their son pte larry ritchie had arrived safely overseas larry is in the army service corps and hus been in the army six months prior to embarkation he was stationed at red deer alberta next time we sec sgt abble kern- slicatl in town we expect he will be wetrlnt these new badges distinctive fur the canadian parachute corps abble recently enlisted with the para troopers and will soon be on his way to georgia for training he ls ute se cond local boj to enlist in this highly- hpnlnlbcd trnlnlns course gnr herb arnold joined up last fall nnd nfter nn llnilnnn imlnlng found that his health would not stand up under it und he returned to canada where he is now htatlouid nt pctnwawa military cunip mm in the ciinndian army tralnlim ceutrih nre golua to have 11 closotip nf cnnndiih best known dunce band lultliinlnii monday february 1 tho victory parade with canada a bwcet est band under the direction of mart kcnnoy and starring his famous western gentlemen and songstress judy richards will start its dominion wlao march into tho training camps of the canadian army and into ute big war plants making the tools tor victory a selfcontained production unit goes along with advance man ager and peeaonual for tn addition to playing sweet and awlni for the forces kenney and hla musicians wul broad cast once a week coast to coast tram i collar badoc i fstffrnm l ova 1 mi sjggsp button s y the upper illustration of the cap badge combines the flying aspect of the service as represented by the wings tho jumping as represented by the parachute and tho maple leaves identifying the corps with canada tho centre illustration of a collar badge shows tho paratroopers hand with unsheathed dagger dropping from a cloud ex ooells meaning out ot heaven conveys the suggestion that paratroopers drop from the clouds be hind enemy lines and use their highly- specialised fighting ability to full ad vantage ibe uniform buttons illustrate a maple leaf suspended tram a para chute partially surrounded by the word canada