tlw georgetown herald wednesday february lotfa 1943 uoiuom iu hiv cnti natlvt ioc u m nt nl john crow 1 ha been iii tn maritime for uve t hitti ear lit is rvw jl but t doe nl mean itf u k prruncr litiumrr lie ho urlul ui four in nova tlcou and n- uruiuv fc at a radio man lie jian oiuri d mi own udvrrtuanjt aetwv own sidesman an j reporter mr ft gc tmo ears ago to tojlr a romm vlon in the canadian ann he was pncurably discharged brcauar of uj 4ml th nan handles uw morning for cbc listeners in the time region llr u the major of pper upaalqututr ui hi neigh j announce uictionj ify pop- organ projramjnr llr ur ir ood and symttfionlc muru doctnl misquoted bhajtrsprarr or burnt mallows a feature page watson thomson regular speaker alms with pcrc philip and dr ii l scwart on ta weekend review watson thom- was heard over the national net- on sunday but february 7- at pm eot 930 m adt mr uuon was born in scotland served world war and afer securing his degree from olaxow university barked upon an educational career carried htrr acrovi the world with pa in jamaica and nigeria and u scotland again he arrived in ada in 1037 and ha since become mlnent both on the air and off he at presen attached to the unlver- of luntoba as director of adult ueatlon training for commandos is strihous indeed another in a urlr of articles written b w it levk and c v charter who rrprrsented the canadun weekly newspaper a mxution ui a recent lour overwoa of all uie demonstrations which ihe canadian editors saw i n england probably none was mere rcalmlc or thrilling than that nhtn b the 3rd canadian division alc training bchool it ik a beautiful urm sunny day when ur wt out in our bus in the early mo mum fr this drmonumtlon out of the places through which ir puuxd on our may a as a port which before the wsr was the terminus of a ferry urvtce to prance as we ent through thu place the sirens gave air raid warning but we saw nothing of the raiders- arriving at our destination e acre shoari the training of tntn who crr quallfvlng as commandos three team fiorn dlfterent bruadrs en thioujh the courte that morning a tut iw ahlcb 1 part of the hardening training htreoas trajnin drcaamlraud the course was vrry wet and luav having a wnall cm a running through it with aaampy ground and it dr- man did otrtngth stamina and deter mination tlie three team went uvr hitch barrtcudt with pack and nun helping each other as necessary cross- cd owr the creek on swinging rone ploiuttied through amp ground cruwltd through tumirls in uie ground cru md heavy barbed win- entangle- iiuno and went through svtrul oher oual difficult barriers as ihe made tluir a through the r tntuiiglfmints and barricades otht cnverh and men hurld explo- mei douii among them wlille thtne explomvcs pnbabl re not of aufdl- int potter to malm the men ute at- re liejvy enough to throw up cloud of water and mud ovtr them u arnt off with very loud report hl wav to train the men to become obluiou- to shot and shdl fulling among tlirm as froon as each man had complrted the course he threw hlmftelf on the ground and fired his rifle at fitrurc tar gets his hcorr being kept ttiu valns them to be able to hit the enemy af ter violent exrrtion alter seeing this course there mas a demonstration of 3 mortars throw truj both high eipiomve and unoke bombs against a bank some distance away standing be aid p thee mortars it was possible o watch the course of these shells in their arc high in the sky until they exploded on the distant bank therr was an interesting episode pthuawt blackout ettjmthed jl- rg il aspt tui and t i ut ihe mirttime pinv tjrea it railways too trirre tl ll bit havy trail onsdun na imjoji mutwsya tramp ofktiting thmuh kistrrw airat maitinna fitw otraa limited and tbt 5- nn hjve been aprrully vup- prd in ofilrr lo run on stlelule alter sun wn tram cttms tr to it that sm tinlow bhnds are lightly dria on m nl bjgik and rjprea cars ikt cojftxw slreping and dm ng f is and vrtttilui lighting la di rd by idcjii of blue bulha li r orilmsry rondiitont ihe in d of nuil tuggjg and rv cj are mot pruvled with shjilrs an 1 the r1s kas ruiixl cr of tin ipes ucl on eastern lines ith rt ul htttlout curl una on komo- tura all catrror light with the tx r n cl mifkrr unir sre es ti ir unli he heallihlt dimmed i ih lii- are dirumel pn- g o si n nt light to en llc thr en ur an i tr no tttwt l ei illli thor ilimluin btjlmn huildmt tn the miclout sreas sre rflao jirj nh with blackout aquipenent so that i hi staffs amy hive emjfh niumiaataon by mhnh to prrform tht i duitca dux ing ihe hours of uurknrta this is aoolhtf intunre htrt the canadun nattonal ass cooperated with the suihofities in the couatry at effort kutrrn can i li i now a ir fme sll prople in llu trn r are ng mg it dif uull fr an enrni tu and i arrets in a possitlc sttjilu i the pfcrotanpha saowi top a tufgagrmaa closing the special birk out curtsiiu os the windows of txigltk car tttjthtd to one of cana dun national railmsya un port sol ilsritima trains bottom he prw- ptrrs to act ott baaige at lis destina tion the uiggac rdioan including et i ixts snd tin lid belongs t ii of canadsa armed rorcea thtc citizen ljt i ntdi t t i d in loyaa service is the creed of labbe arthur jul 1 1 t t i j1 duiuistratlon ol his i ullh hi m lui 1 unj its people u pw the r malmos s current broadcast mrtes whii l keei j apartt in mhl h t i llu i und marmhearted cutiadun i niliuv it m to brtilf liiiillhin ji ing cunuulans and their brother t ul krinch oriln cluvr u- vrthtr ui lift mid thojgh labbw miitu i x ai uixt over th cflc nuti nil nttktrk on 8jnday rvbruao mth ut 12 is pm p1iilooofh191 kerry wooo uf red deer albert finds exclenimt in the outdoors anil he has a wav cf turning his adven tures lio muln mnlrh drllght cbc llsienirs toi he mn hrard again suin fflmnrv 7 at 1030 ijs edt 1 1 30 a m adt in the concludtnc talk ol hi irent series listed under the tlv the oidoor philosopher bisv and ilktrfut iri tli iw il iinl liniuti i tun 1 inn bttir tin n irrivil at a wi t 4v t cunaihan lrt mil bij nnim assiinlilid it the station yxt n ry to ikianlmg i truti of tin m ili in natiintl uiilwattiunl prihitiliin lo new it wjim ulurc in in ift having roiupltlctl u hiihhitli i rifini of tlm ikiik tliu uiyu uatiul to tnauu that fu i urn v n to the folic at borne and promptly took advantage cf special calilu ficilitich provitlctl by the canadian national telegraphs their nest imimrtant object ivu was to transfer sterling into canadian currency for which purpose an ck- chongo office is operated in the rail way terminal a happy lot these new zealandcra tbey are popular in every part of canada where they have been postei b omnectlon with the common- ealth air training scheme the plniogrmphs ahowi tp uft one of the newcomers presses a young canadian into service to obtain the lowdown regarding q lot of things in the dominion ceaiw everything smooth and solid made desk for the cheerful new zetlaodera and they used the tope of waiting- mom win as foundation for cabla ml j zjjww u the serious job ninj a big newsy messsge in the mwesl possible words and thats a real glk duilrm this demutistratioii mhich wan not on the programme a spitllrc mas flying back and forth going out of right over the tu and then returning ua if to look ui over lach time uiw bpltfire came into view the demon stration had to be halted to prevent damage to the plane flnall after a longer uhbtnee than usual over the tea u returned but uils time made a double roll over us be fore flying away home this roll ii u sign of jubilation frtxpuntlj given when a pilot downs an iiumj plane und a fdiort time later uere told thut his plane had intern ptid und brought tloun two orrnuin jilitns jilsi off the coast where sr uire ncttsuiht reikirts thut night mild thut un kngllsh plune hud shot down two fw 100 german planes off un- south coost und that the pilot ol one hint balled out und uis tapiirthl i hen followed a diinonsinttlnn o tsunl ftihusa of signals b luht nut altlouuh it won a verv bright luy inessugis wvrv ixriiiiiii ulh dlstitit points ti mums of tlushln hilits ihe pjirt inmi1 on to a point un the rous utiero there witi hlh white dills to see a mmmindo raiding pnt in irtlon it ftib ilriuonstrutton it was snp- ti id thut u troop o the miioo hud iiti otdind to ihstniv n itudlo ditir- tlon kndcr hint ion on thr kit m h coast iiiottrtrd v u hlih hi nul i rl ih tli imdid t tin t nni mir htm whs siippostd to lie ultht iliii of mtuk l oiillhicit ih- ituwit niiw i mils tin- ituop ii tin loot 1 thi- hit hid tm ii t v iio- miils ovi i thr in nil n tui tin t ilo miklii is llitl- liol ii- imislhh i lie lilt i milc ihe illli il i thr l ilil- luf miilon iih luliiml to tlrsttov the itniuo ktuion our pailv ltuis thr litilldlinc and m ks a pt knurr und pa- prih of vnlut lo our liitiltlrni r tlir tiolir awakes tin rniinv defrnce and tin ruidrrs wlthdniw under rover of miioltr and the fhn of their own men thnl is rt brief outline of the tle- maiintratlon hrnt three bantu which we were told acre same that took iart in the dieppe raid landed the party the kcallng of the cliff by ropeh and the manner in which the ropes were taken to the top of the cliff were moat interesting nten some supposed casualties were brought down on those same ropes and a prisoner who waa interrogated on the hhurc to rdiuw the detail in this manoeuvre the men selected to uct the parts ol prtsoner and interrogutur were both able to talk oerman und urrlru out that part of the alio a in that language how the parts makes the descent of the cliffs een bringing uwav the ropes used und the withdrawal to the boats while protected by rlllr fire were curried out tn an admirable mmner ihe boitb put out to sea to complete the deinonstnitlon but were culled back to shore to unr ttw editors u thunce to mingle wltli the bos of thr troop und to talk to hum altir such an interesting and thrill ing show we were very kld to have u limine tu lulk to thr men and soon tulips in uulmated tomersation were fornu d on the sin ire we found the intii imusuull kitti stnng and ni- i thusiistii u bout their work amoim those i tulkd to were unvd llkkull o watirloo que unit j bt lupn til qtubtv c11v clunmr lmuii ol molkton nil harvev dilev d tiatiiutst nu icni wiillinumi of cumpbrlllnii n ii und kiunck llrvunt of dorchestet nil lunch in an interesting loeatlmi i in inniiiliik uus brought to a ton- ilnsion with u delightful luneh mi- el in the okii on tuji ol the ciltf in a sttnr nl oirtwlu liiituit beanv f linn thk milnt u inaiiillh rnt view ol tthr mi while dills and krrrn rtittn- trv ptiid mm 11 imiom its i was itv- mmd t i t ihlr pt s i ivn h fill k i hi i kuln of muiiimi uh 1 also it lhit tihlr uis col v m llu tn in iim ol moilhil w i ltd di un ihr in il tha ih i is ihnr a linuh tinl hfrn suud ii iliil imii milne mrssrist liliililt hiil toiur nui ii n 1 inu hlnriutmrd i hltlirl 111 wr lid iu ht lhal p our apiuhtr nu mi nnph l mom our ol uu i piiiv iiinukid lint ii thc cutne over ibis dliy they would bnii u lot of dbiliea wr mlftht not htim been riinftit earlier thut morn in it if we hud known then that the cllfth over which we were cllmblntt were henvlly mined and that if we lind mepiied on n hidden mine we would have been blown to pieces all we could think of was the won derful demonstration we had witness- ada wwch showed the training the embryo commandos o through and which can only be properly understood rjysoe4nglt in dvwfitto wartime traffic brings cnr promotions norman a walton i f pu ingle tin vital part u hich the cuihimii nat ion il nsktcin u ilaitig in can adas war effort is graphically ttioun in a re tvvk of the liruuh of the railways activl- tmstutiuli comet under tin direct mih rs i sum of son hwd- tun ttliiim pro- inoiioti lo the position of executive vat proiiltui uihivt cut ly announced liy rrthidrnt k t vuitgliui mr walton mirprimtliiit of fimrition in noli n line nul timmnu i ion prior lo thin ip will iitiliuiio to i sin io iiiihii tiui hut lhnidriirl- iiii nl and m 1 1 a in mhii iitlur ilittiett is thr pn mi ul in iv tli hn me to linn 1 ii it tin iliniion ut mr wittoii art llu fii iiiuinuit willi llir op- eniiimii nl nilih llu in niiliuimr of li iik nul m riu l un h and tin inir- uii s inilur mwtr uu ear tjuip llr dst h i di rue of tlil touipiuv t hit luddinohi ilions ihntng the ir v u tint fon e ihami iiorr tliui 7mlumk ton ot iiiiiininius of war mot oilier prodm it of iuduii agiiiiiltiire and n miral renoiiiiih more than 25ao iihoiiio- tivcm ami tuhue koooo freight cu wire in coin iiuiouu hervlce lo handle this trail- if all cn it freight ami pinseiiger equipment loatiuotivea and work cara could he set out on a single line of track buffer to buffer they would reach from toronto to minaki almost 1100 miles two other important staff appoint ments resulting from the tremeiuloua increase in wartime traffic were al announced that of j f rruisle to he general manager of the atlantic suttoo and j p johnson to ssjoosed him as chief of transportation for the system the titter was form erly general su perintendent of the southern ontario district mr rringie wus relieve w u ap- plcton vicepresi dent of the region of much of the direct work con nected with the extensive traffic over the railways cistern lines mr applet on formerly carried on the duties both of vice- president and general manager mr walton n native of palnicr- htonoot hm had 42 j cars ctcri etuxin railnudiiig 1 le nth aiuetl from hitt first johuucutk ami ntniographer tliroiikh ihe dcit herrt ollice to many miikrviwiry ihitiiions which provided liiui with it wide knowledge of oratiiibund tranicconditionti ho liihhtliliinporlant punt nut vinnivf rdiniinion ivime kuiiert and other points in w enter ii canada mr ryiugtc lugau liin hervlce uitli the canadian national railways in tm is an awiktaiitviigiiiecrnt mont real after filling important positions in that city and in ontario he was appointed chief of transportation far the system in 1041 mr johnson commencing asa tele grapher with the grand trunk in 1005 has hud a railway career which gained him an intimate knowledge of the national system in ontario and throughout the west where he oceu- nwl iniportant supervisory positions mm iv years before his appointment to north bay in 1036 and to to roato five yearn later