ttse geotgetowaharau wedne march i oth 1943 a feature page a country editor seis rittw ftrcoallv hw vm ifxiv sfwfe o camas r jiu ihcihit mjttr tf tw ft swtv culukf saeaefwftb blttlowtho l d unwtn ws who thins tn ltn of 50 chick- wbs and four com can hardly con ceive the magnltudr of the task in planning and dutxibuung the ml- uooj of numbrr 2 ration books which you may or may not rt have when you read this tnla rationing u fcumr- tfelng which affects about u million m people 34 hour wfr blwfibt in vvcry day ev i qusy ld l j- d una in can ada rationing chlrf in hi mon- ural office juit a little oackground of mr unwin will serve to aho why it looks to mr that thrar wartime jobn a rr bring ef- fluently handled it to una a mile horatio alter at 51 ur unwtn ts vicepresident tn chars of finance for the canadian pacific ad president or thflr growing airline ha came out from kent england at sixteen and in 27 yrora reached hu present job ne was u railway clerk at ctiaplesu in 1006 hr won thr military oroaa for bravery in the ant orrat war starting out a a buck private a a major tr row srrvra without coat to his country tall un obtrusive baldlsh astronomical fig ure big jobs he takra in stride lecal boards in national ftetap you wondered why your loral ra tion board waa art up with it for-a- tlme inactivity now you probably know it waa all part of a nation- wide acheme to do a tremrndus job with the least disturbance and at a minimum of cost to thr taxpayer there were wheels revolving wlthtn wheel policies to be determined before if uhwtna crew got going then there had to be directive to those who would do the actual work in ci- tlea and towna from sydney nb to victoria d o juil imagine the confusion not to wen think of your own feelings if 70a had come tn from the form on a blustery day and some inefficient if patriotic volunteer worker not your card all balled up but all this had been taken care of while you aat out the winter around the potbellied stove the distributing chief nppotnted by your own local ration board had de finite instructions on every tiny phase of the operation and so did the other volunteer workers who are doing or did some thin a which is their contri bution to the war effort just think of it all that folks working without re muneration thats the home front for you it means a big savins to trie tax payer too mr unwtn told or the different seta of conditions which had to be pro vided for in distribution for urban and rural centres that waa worked out beforehand with leeway riven the local distributing chief because he knew local conditions better than the fel lows in ottawa or montreal the rlary behind ratten books do you know that the king prin ter started delivering ration books to the administration between january 0th and 26th at the rate of a million a day with the distribution dominion wide set for feb 10th to march 1st you know yourself what was in each book they were in cartons of 100 books each banded in sos there had to be provulon i was loid for addl- tiwij sheets in regulative quantity of court for underground soft coal ml- 1 ir j and dtsbrtlca just imagine the detail lmolted and uu in this set of montreal office with its clatter of typewriters and ringing of phone thry were radiating ail over canada 1th decision and clarity of purpose but an absence of any bedlam a dis tribution of ration cards so vast as to stultify the imagination unlets one was 00 the torn as you know the no 2 book was not mailed out but you folks had to come and get it borne of us just hale to put ourtelrea out and the administra tion realised that they r rallied also that canadians do not have to be ore- tanod into anything- and are amenable to reaton and why shouldnt they be with a war on if we want to play rummy tn the back of john blacks real estate office the government doesnt move johns premises to your doorstep bo mr unwbvs outfit wasnt a bit dtiturbed about canadian oorurumrra reaction to this decision dfatribwtl ts csaiplra thry had to be sure that every town of 800 people had at least one distributing centre that dtles of 100000 or more had offices located mratecrlcally to accommodate busy people to avoid bottlenecks even kolng so far as to issue instructions that door in the place decided on were comrnlently located to avoid conges tion we wouldnt think of things like that out our way do you know i was even shown how instructions were sent out on how the tables were to be arranged to handle people quickly the administration for uuiusnoe had to figure out such things aa re turn of cards from ration book no v which were handed in before you r a new one and the green sheet for tea and coffee which were jerked out from childrens books each and every book card or sheet has to be account ed for to avoid letting any unscrupu lous person get their hand on them valsnteer worker dollar havre mr unwtn told of the vast number of volunteer workers necessary to put the job over reports coming to his office analysed and btrdseyevleweid for his benefit show that canadians responded and saved the nation millions of dollar which can be converted to tank planes pins and other instru ments of war the success of the whole scheme will depend he said upon the resourcefulness and on the hard work which everyone contributes they rely on that here in this mont real headquarters of consumer ra tioning as an outrider looking in i felt they had evolved a ayatem which aimed at simplicity combined with effective control i didnt think i hod to bother these people with questions on the why and wherefore of rationing the necessity is pin in lofftc and doesnt take any undue reasoning in previous and following articles the picture of canadas wartime per gonal and collective economy is point ed just as factually as i can make it from on the snot if you or i want to criticize methods thats a democratic prlvtege so hop to it if you feel the unre but nt least you arc getting a little or the background i hone one bright spot in the world our northern contributor still pens his column although temperature is 52 below bacn news breaks on sunday march uth at 1015 pm the world radio premiere of a concerto by oeri pttillpp nnanuel baoh will be performed in the concert studio of the cbo at toronto wanda lan- tlawtlsv the world tadlng hatfilt chord virtuoso will be the soloist for this outstanding musical event adolph koldofaky canadian violinist to ten- ins welluam how aometftingt about the dwutntanoo which led to this petfomanoe doer georgetown herald huicc um antliuf bitur mas iwve come doam from the north snd tit with frigid leniprruiurm that mrit uh- uirrmumiur coamuik doun to 12 low sero hre rarl one murntim dur ing the following luy it never nm- ubuvr 40 below 1ui a ohtr wliul uljfcln continually it us mrrw joh kilnt the from ouwile dl we were fortunate in hating u imj wikmi pile handy and had uikvn itdvantit of milder wrulhrr a fw days previous to clean uli the tnr pipes chimneys ant itovcs mi fired to cuimcity day and ntght and survived comfortably prom an twue of the toronto dully sur i see that whole dlmrtcts which included oeorgetown uino japerlrnoed the eatremr cold a great deal or suffering and iojia alo rohulted rrom flrca due to ovrrhratcd plrs etc the same was the caw in ihli country we have made it a practice for n number of years to clean atoves pipes and chimneys once a month all win ter to protect ago trust this terrible haz ard because once on fire there sel dom a thing anyone can do and every thing a person values l lost fanners arc commencing to prepare iced very few in this country have private fanning mills for cleaning big power driven cleaning plants are es tablished in the chopping mills where an excellent job is done on both grain and gross aced a grader is part of the machine and makes almost a perfect job of separating the different varie ties the work ts done very cheaply and refuse suh as small and llkht urain can be chopped or rolled right thrre and broiwht home for teed with junt one trip the chop is made by the hammer mill method and can be made rine just like flour if desired nones for meal and nlfnlfa meal can nlw be made with the same machine and l used extensively by poultry keepers the mill which we patronise also hns n mtxrr for poultry feeds and concentrates and will mix any farmers individual recipe they deal in all the cereal products flour nnd nil sorts of feeds and will exchnnre nny kind for urn in at the standard market price which ls now 135 per hundredwelpht for mixed prntn thl simplifies the purhnse of necessities ntirh ns flour rolled oats bran middlings chirk feeds rowinp mash eipr prmhiccr und cineiitrntcs ns it can be acquired by the bnrter or exchnnre system one innt tn our village handles orllvlri hnmd nnd the other pioneer so we huve n cond choice a number or farmers in different lo cutions have tried the fall sown crop- stirh as wheat nnd rye but with little success first the full frosta seem too severe then n heavy coating of snow lies cioro to the ground and during the spring thnws it freezes so often that smothering in the result before now growth la established all spring sown crops though are a real mieean nnd almost every variety and und is used the temtalcnmlhff farm pro ducers association soya the 1043 seed samples now being cleaned at their plant in new uskeard are the beat that have ever been handled atnee the plant was established wtotte x make a practice of keen ob- mrtatlon uf tje many varieties urd i am in author on tin- brst kind to ua- in our uiiinrdiiiie locality neurly everyone prefer the eurller1 muturlntf und imtmtnally uml l- ue kind we prefer and uiter seven years trial find a uioroiikh mixture klws ua tiic lst yield in trruln crtjp it auo give the best ntuture tor eluirr cuttle hoii or iiouliry for the iorv we have it cuined und the tuu rruded out to feed and tlu balance b round tie mixuin we ii is made up of two bus hels out orm- bushel barley 13 bus hel wlieat 13 bushel buckwheat 13 bushel pens and 14 bushel flax tlits mixture ull rljmns together stands up urli and i have never had a failure ciirden neetti to nre chosen for their early maturtnr qualities i have kept records year after year of plant- iiir und harvrvtttiir dates o that each mhcecdlntf year i could make a arlec- tlon with corn tomatoes and cu cumbers particularly these records hae been valuable and we have never had a failure with these tender tasty vegetables in iplte of the shortness of our season we have had an abun dance for fresh use and preserving in the msny ways available the land is all a heavy clay same not burned too badly has some top loam but all re quires thorough cultivation and fall plowing spring plowing is seldom a real success some crop of course is produced but not anywhere near the yield as on fall plowed jand and i never think anything but the maxl- n um is worthwhile considering the la bor involved any surplus crop has always found a ready sale riniit in the north some for use by those who had a larger stork than available home crown feed but principally for use in lumber and mlntnit ramp where targe numbers of horses are kept hay is all baled and trruln put up in 100 pound bags at the present time hay is worth 1000 iter ton either fob railway car or tn a pile close to an open highway grain 135 per hundred welsh t bates not supplied or tl w bagh supplied wr never figure on selling either hay straw or rraln we consider it is bet ter to feed it to ntnek nnd derive the income from surplus stock tn addition to rurmlng n rreat mnny tanners nre interested financially in both mtnlnr nnd lumbering which is still helm carried on in the timbered nnens different methods however are now employed since thr days of pioneering bit enmforlnhle enntps nre established and well equipped with rending matter provided a rntnfnr- lable dlnln- hull adjoining the cook- sprint iteds n wnsliroom nnd often civ where i he very itcst of meals nre served the work of course is much the same ns it ever wns thr cuttlnc nnd skidding pftrtleulnrly but the rolling or canting ns its called is nn easier method nnd nit done with hor ses and a cable and pulleys then when haullnir time cornea usually rlrht after christmas holldaye the main road is plowed out to the ground then a tank filled with water with a sprinkler attachment la hauled bade and forth over it till a coating of toe about six inches thick forma then a tractor or truck hauls a weigh ted set or heavy timber awaha wti bomb traps and other things another in mrh of urticlr urloen by w it urxv und c v charters ww repriienud the canadian weekly nepjper a- ehiuuii in j n rent uxir wrru-as- by wulter u utfe the day tpent wltjt lite royal cana dian kntflnitni wu u day tukin up with study of a wide ruitgr of wjbjecu one t wtilch as a practical demont- t rut ion of booby trups i tjwre is probably no other arm of i i he svle lth m many ramlflca- i tions us lite iny inters und in a tech- i nlcaj war ouch ua this their ok ht- touiei of lufuinuunt irniiortuncr lcry oike knom of uictn us bridge buuderu und the drmomtrutlun of oiu branch of their udlvltlrft was described in tite elhu urtlcje tn the urirs we urre visiting the no i cana- luii biklnti r itelnfucement unit jnimonded by ool o ii whyte m c v p of vancouver ouirr officers were lt col v b thompson of hamilton u coi c n mltchrtl of montreal mator y a crlch of braforth ortt und major m a hue 11 of brockvule crae af trminint mi n orrlvlnu at thls unit are do cumented medically lnpected and in tenlewed by the tests ur eleaentary trrlnlng btuif ao that an idea may be funned of their capabilities und then lhry are posted to various training companies thw trulnlng eodiprisee military duties drill weapon training ous pirst aid air defence map rrading military law pity meal culture field ehfflnccnug knots and uuhlnfi uw of spars pie id dcfrncm and obataclea field cm ft and battle drill demoli tions uid booby train in addition there uir special coums for offlcerr nooi and bapprrs which include regimental instruction administra tion and turtles pie id engineering and demolition bndjrtnk main ten unce and dnvtnii bappera junior offi cers etc baaby traps deffbarutrated after vulttng ciasacs at work on the ouuracs wr went to the area which had been fitted up for the booby trap demonstration just where the expression booby traps came from ls not clear but as there are mill some people who do not know jum what they are it might be explained that thry ure innocent look ing articles which when touched or dis turbed explode with tragic results to anyone in the vicinity they follow no set pattern or plan and there is no limit to the variations they may take a favorite btunt of retreating italians is to leave some article such as a foun tain pen which appears to be equip ment lost or thrown away but which ex plod ts when touched this booby trap area was chosen be cause of the natural safety offered and the object of the course is to teach the class how to set mechanism the explosive charges were all set un der water and whrn exploded a jet of water nnd mud was thrown up into the air we were therefore all attired tn oil skins and metal helmets to protect us it was the picture token at this time or the two representatives of the cana dian weekly press looking aa if they u set or steel gauges rastened to the nose or the runners to cut a grove and brushes sweep the waste to one or both mdes the road b then ready fur use und ts only for one way traf fic willi the load a come back road is also maintained the sleighs in use are tremendous and weigh more than three or four sets in ordinary use runner are about eleven feet long shod with mx inch steel and set six reel umirt benches nn made of about twelve inch mjiutres and bunks twelve feet long und nil heavily ironed four sets of sleighs are loaded with a con trivance called a joiner this is two poles het up in n trtnnftle fashion and morticed to n bottom sill a brace ftole supports it nnd the whole thing is guyed with cables nnd blocks a cable with chain and tongs worked with it team moves the iors pcnk loads nre put on nnd this ls n one truck hnultiur load they travel nt from 20 to 25 miles iter hour harold our hny who lives 211 miles north of timmtns told or the ablllhl pulp co hnullng loads or this kind nnd when he mine out january 28th they were still hauling old iors which had been in the hush since the yenr before due to an early hrenk up they hnd been nt it nearly 3 months then over c0000 cords of logs is their usual winters cut nnd must nil go over the power co dam where harold ls an operator he bays its a great sight and causes lota of ex citement aomo times tn some places trucks can bo used for hauling where the out la convenient enough to the highway such as temasaml the mill there runs the year round cordlall yours itwjobnson ramo1 thotnloe oat were tarn to a fancy dreat ban vfakaw waa printed with cueb v by baa weekly publishers the course was laid thfouftb m swampy patch of brush and as w atepped on various bits of wood of pushed aside branches of the bushes certain of them set off the hlddett mines in the water actually we did not learn rauctl about dlstmifuuhlng booby traps for we never did know just what twtp r bits of wood were responsible for ting off lite mines at thu booby trap drmonstr a the section of ice r wo lieut brewster of cobourgh ont und the instructor wua lieut n o gumt of braced on from fjiii grtftd threwta e went on to a oretude runge to wtch a ection undergoing instruction in the handling and throw ing of frrrnadrs and our instruction rrud normal range precautions must be carried out and gentlemen vu pirate uar bteel hi hue is provided f lake corr behind the breast works the tecuoo offtorr waa lieut j b do nald of kim be r ley and the instructor was ucul w bteevea ottawa in addition to the itrtnadej here we stu died tome ftprclal types of imll tic then an aunt to an artlflclai lilr where demorutrattons in improvised luuif utrr carried out and watched a b cat jeep ferried across on special floats we auo watched pontoorung bring taught lo a brtdflzif ckti at canadian geaaraj wr infarcnamil lnit we had tpent the muroing of thai uay alth brigadier u lcfebvre and urigudur a l naajt at the canadian oenerul julnfoiccmrnt uniu brij lefcbvrr was in charge of mililaxj duuict no t at quebec btiore uolng overseas and enquired especially after tha hon junrl jtenraull m0a who l puouiiitr of the beauceviils lcc lairtrur we tav many unusual field gadgets for utv of i oops ui the held such as tuujy consuucud but elflcirnt uw ugu ayaums ahoaer buuta stoves for hulling water und cookintl made out of discarded oliuuta and burning old ott ultuifcctuig of biunkeu etc in the acid disposal of garbage and sewage by burning and many other items which arc problems for troops in ac tual warfare 4 incidentally we were told that the canadian tioidlrr u the clcuneal of aq troops in the axtrld an tsiru activity of this reinjaroe- tnenl unit is the use of waste oorners of their grourjds for growing vctftta- ok thry proudly showed us a prlss wmnuitf dbpluy of pouiocs tomatoes carrou onions beans beets and tur nips all grown in their camp last year 30 tons of potatoes were graft in these grounds of the cump oouttf over to the ca8cru ww met major alex oogaon of quabas who coiled our attention to a com pany which aas just returning from s ten mile hike carried out in a little leas than two hours one of the msa in this company was pte be cyr of enawtningan palls que major gag non uiktsd me to impress on the people of canada that they are a real part of the show and that their lads are balog well taken care of here we were shown student cooks being trained tn their work the day was brought to a delight ful conclusion with dinner at the offi cers mess of the royal canadian btt- glncers it was a fine meal served tn building that must have been a pre tentious mansion before the war ang their very excellent band was playtnl outside on the grounds during thj meal which added to the enjoyment of the evening ettore mazzolen1 ettore mnzzolenl wellknown conduc tor nnd muslcnl authority of toronto coiutiuts the conservatory string quartet in the sixth programme of musir for vomit folk who was heard over cbcs southern ontario network on wednesday february 34 at 300 pm edt associate conductor of the toronto symphony orchestra lecturer in knullsh nt upper canada college he is also known as the com poser of mnny songs and orchestral and piano music sweet caporal mmmj2ml