Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 24, 1943, p. 3

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the georgetown hetam wtdflf muth 24ih 1943 vuuiatux don pruiglr personality u hxr nit olre friendly ills name hf a tryword in the home of luufooiini announcing the farm broadcast in the put two rars he had hi ataxt t ofvd prrderuton joined uie oho at chua in 1tt now be u bark a srnlor announcer at cdo wrttb a paternal ee on the western plre broadcasting turda and thuruuyv t 40opm if an artut eier failed him don could plnfhhlt as pianist or o- eallst lie ttudled at toronto tad llallfm contervaiorlea far in en yrwr edith uld the could uu ti i was intellectual by readme my far- 8h must have read between the afra urowro whrnewr im tn the dumna i ret myiell a new hat itra jonea 1 wondered where ou tot thrm- r sweet caporal c 1 aaabnuwtttss notice to creditors in the ehtatc of wouu ward brovrtvsudce ule at the taon u oeaetttawn in the cawaty af rslton centircban deremaed creditor of william ward rownridoe ute of the town ol oeorgflown in the county of llaiton oentleman deceased who died on or about the lllh dav or february 1d4j are required to mr their claims with the undersigned on or before the jtth day of march 103 after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate of the said deceased dated at brampton ontario this tenth day of starch 103 oka1tam graham ft bowvto dmmpton ontarto solicitor for the said executors notice to creditors in the sutler af the estate af wal ter anthony ute ef the ten ef georwhewn in the caanly l kalten hardware merchant de ceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the lute walter an thony who dlecl on or about the twelfth day of january 1m3 at the town of georgetown in the count of halton and proilner of ontario art required to send by post prepaid or u deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for elizabeth jane anthony uw sole executrix of the last will and testament of walter anthony hard ware merchant deceased their name and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts ai d the nature ol the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the loventeenth day of april 1m3 the said elisabeth jane anthony will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said clcciascd amon the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have 1ad notice and that the asm elizabeth jane anthony wilt not b liable for the said asset or any par thereof to any pcni of whose claln the shall not then have received no tlce dated at georgetown ontario this sixteenth day of march a d 103 dale and bennett solictors for the said elizabeth st june anthony i hulks bnty chkk now ma t ta wfaea tt prlcm ctimb matt pitt b me or phone me penotul attention george c brown norvml phone 382 r 21 amtwovtt uhiroim ihtfrnayional unday i chool lesson s lwsoa for marcb 28 tbe apfeuunces astszb she kesttbatectton ltiioa texrjsa a tatt qouoa text- aaa a ar wr- i 11- th moat important day la all his tory wu th firtt day or th wee a following the crucifixion of omit then ii appeared to ilia disciples us their ruaa lord all ih hop ol ull mankind for all eternity depend rd on ilia victory over death dy eventide new a had com to the duclplet of hit raurrctioa and hull in hop and hall us uncertainty ihry had gathered to talk over uuse mutters feartul ol th jew they met behind closed doors all ut one ii vu there ih lord him- tell what wonderful change came orr thrm a it mad himself known to hem they went i fret fear u ouut vv iv 20 their eye had been upon their enemiet and they were afxald now ihey wer glad vhn lhy tav the lord w need to utrn that lesson ii w look within w are ushamad and discouraged 11 we look around ua we ar conluaed and fearful if w look to christ w ar glad and atrong notice that their joy was not baaed only on an emotional impulse they taw christ in ilia resurrection body the very on who had died the vldrnc was ther be for them now ihey could underaund the things he had said to them the whole realm ol spiritual truth was now in focus again and they were glad so ar v when we really wee christ i frem walks u bucagta vv 2123 the disciples who wer called to be witnesses for christ had lost their tt stimuny when he died on th cross unbelief and discouragement had so ttiukenrd them that they were in hiding instead of being out proclaim ing his truth now the risen and victorious one sent them forth with the father s bit using they were empowered b llii- holy spirit and given great ou thunty v 23 note that it wus gucn not to one man or to the liud iih but to ull the disciple it wut u declarative right and it belongs lu every true disciple those who ttvc received the gift ol the holy tilirit are in u position to declare u men that their elncere repentance unngs forgiveness douglas the ipposile l also true iii frem doabt to faith w 24- iu thomas who had doubts and whu cultivated them by hi stubborn at titude v 23 did himself and his brethren a serious disservice by be ing absent from the meeting on the evening ol the first eastar duy when he did appear he had only doubt to contribute let those who make a custom of absenting them selves from th place ond hour ul service beware lest they do like wise his doubts were honest one ond god always meets such question- honestly and intelligently when tht evidence was before him the heuri ol thomas leaped the chusm from doubt to laith in one cry of com plctc devotion v 28 it is significant that down through the ages many doubter have be- 1 won to christ by the proof the resurrection of christ which i- by the testimony of historical sch urn the best authenticated fact u ull history the risen christ stuim before men tuduy and says be nut faithless but believing may mum respond with thomus my loiu und my god iv from death to life vv 2i 31 christ urusc from the tlcad not just to show that he hud power to do so but us puul puts it for our justification horn 4 25 the rutillty and dependability of the en tire plan of salvation hinged on the return of christ from the dead had the gruvo held him his claimu of deity and ol the ability to for give sin would have been entirely discredited because he uvea we shall live the experience ol regeneration is therefore likened in scripture to a passing from death to life john 524 thomas saw the lord and believing passed from doubt to faith we cannot see him now but wo hove the blessed privilege ol be lieving and thus receiving life vv 21 31 this was the mssngo which the now radiant ond empowered disci ples went out to preach the book of acts tells us how effectively they did it ond shows how much ol their preaching centered on the tact ol the resurrection a the command and the commis sion was not to them alone but alio to all of us who believe in christ may god take out of us the ftar ol man overcome our weak ness and send us out wit renewed faith to make this ufagiving mas sage known to our fellow men a country iditor siis wnrrtw ffftuv tvklv mivvihm t0 c l jii tuttut tttttf n u tn ti tytwywcwmssit rooo itoir do tiiry grt y uh uiu ith that vm our oi frtrixu uy ttwy cnx do uiu to mr 1 ami tsortllng youtr trro liltnly ol uiat ttutf and ftrd a iu- orvgor grey haired toll hwn ki fujrrmrnt amlnlitrauir ol uic wrtimr prtcr und tiudr lloirtj i oimt trtr- to ivrlpflnd thr an- mrr pirer isouiliiji u nti mw- uian to hr hi prrwoimtl ubcllrd orttiipo ntd avoch thinjjt- mr iralus ol olult tlxn n uariuklor 1 n oyr iniioi in- trd ati w kuvti ujlujtui rd iurr mutit uinxar hu tiktt round littu und by irtkj uut hard to jjoiawjji uut raiijijy ul nwn rutssukr lb thin l a ucoiuxkht hj xtr xsiottgor tliry ht- i chtk- uit un thr chtxkrfb iin ixomrtiim it take tlmr to find out wr fain l dvdr itxtil ciimv lit uli imo torr tn otuu hr ruin wnrihrr lit on rtnul huaxdlnu r anuilnu rlsr thr do u to fift tin hunrn ktatrmrnt of fact fium thr rn- fcrtrmrnt counwl in rich rptonu dl- ulun und thry do inuit on itrlluiv local colour lth it frnonal or cunulttjcr urc taktn into rurutdrru tlun all thr bdmliilmittlluii dor hi uib is pauk on u cuv to dtcldc vhrtii- rt it omuld itu to uir ourta or itot nrn tht lii dors thr rnvt kuk urllfwwlinj and 1 ftf mndra wr hac to wt uh our tcp tj ifutn ijit ukm4- t-4- lur brrn tilt p- rd on jio xhjjli pltr chark uuliiat h rroiis uh id i havr a itrmlr attalttht mn inui of lli h liat txtii himtlmittx and dutxarid to br uitlourxlrd anil in uir ctn- rrvi iir luittid iih tin fir and mrmo kift tu had jum uiat da lr rsoiiiill trlcphiuitx an old furt ikn bum timin in muntrta to upolotfis lor tu uttions ol un linrstbtubur mhti ttiii tto smart ulththir wr ro ildn l liandlr tn ob ol tn- forrrtnini if tin puulic iiutn t o-ojmi- atr he kouurd out but umnk lira- vi ti d i r nut ol th prt pit urr do- liik u ral tiforrrmrnt job tlui ii a small m rrrnuutr of coursr urr tit flant und uin t pl bull home of it hr claim ls purr curt uwmirtvi of it buutlons to br obwmd la bumiitss wlwt of thr future i uaktti hi hitched closer to mc to tmphamt ttu lmiint as hr uiiinrd that mort dlfflcull tirm are uhrud with danur of black market rtc trll the peo ple they are only helping thrmhrue and thr cun be of trrnicndouri hrlp t us us tin nvort critical ume ap proach wr would ruthrr tiuvr com- phunc than inforcimi nt any time fntm ore i 1041 to ic 31 1mj uu had i v3 promsrutlom for tin alulf tif canada and i iifl conlc- tloru you and i who know what s liolui on can reason it out fur our- mivin win itur thry un a oetap kudu or an administration to check ulh firmneti llntnrll lru lood mlaailar 1 hate to hurry on with so much unit rial of mttrist u tillable but thr uric ls just about finished 1 mlttht klvp ou a few thoiikhls fnun hr l k urltnrll economic udvlser of thr foods administration tousled hi udeil earnest fellou whose oltlcr walu air coered with colurtxj charu duller ntiumiuu all pirts o the ovrrull picture we had hr explained flk- tire it tint more lunch palu more handulchts more chilian workers armed forces ilid crov iikemnlllett alaskan tlttjhwtiy uh a tntopa in canada commitments to went indict und newfoundland why the uu of fluid milk inrreumnt b 10 per cent over the previous year our per capi ta consumption of butter in canada 1a 30 lbs while that of cheese only 4 ihn and it taken two of cheese to make one of butter beef yup he ndmltted a tlflht position there but remember that lit flencrul there in nothing in tu over all position in canada which would dictate it if we hod no resporulblll- ucr to the united nations it u ob vious that we cannot maintain hlfther consumption levels of meats than others of the united nations say the united states it in unlikely that we will avoid meat rationing in the trend of event ho says and that takes in beef poilt bacon veal lamb and mutton with the new feeding programme however he is certain we wllr have more beer in the ions run now cooperation is the aloflan aa i got up to leave he shook bands and said with a smile remember fellow we are still the best fed people tn the world x had had baton two eggs for breakfast could have had mow how in heok ean we grouse tinceftly afcet fr asjolftklnuea and now i jj fuilh till itn a few morou about ullunk with food ad- mini trjlor xxtlui tvhdr who ww tjjiij itilnk hi jut ajul otswa to rjt in uw urlcultuitl drurrt uat in tjuithfwii uiniin hi ktdfl inrludii rarn or eipert ainouliaj r ol thr anun fuod com- moditwh diit4tl 1 1 on i farm uivd aii- ooh fuod pjuttijdn and dlvtriboung tndu r s pir food udmuiutnuon ttaft dttrnilnr wliat to flu lir laid und iihm h of tin- attkm uhicn rodowi ma be carrittj out by rrvwjruj ofllcrs 4 11 t ik aid 4iiturrmtnt or ration- if lie division you m ltxi uppl niturauy di vide it 41 into two groups foocl of doirusiii oilyln or liniioru wtirn dunttu lupjil l- ttuatird tu fr- t til of liwr ptlce mtsbllshrd undn thr tiling tiilfr ol fiit thiaita li doit lhi unirh an ur rrcrxnrd fi tn uit tt i ink t ntlrrl u uonr altli i nirnbti i lltl fruil and snt- tttils tit nit- cojld br inciewjjd us uitji jri i mb jnd omr other prodit uhtrh liivr a a so rial prlct latisi und vlikh irqulrttl lilhrr prurs to in inirfin suppu r thirdly hub 1i1uk un idill to tin existing plicr vt i tinnmutr hov uir utter in rii nr t mslvtlv in thr coat of milk ej lit m lints ind j number of cann ed itim uch is tnititoaa attiin with r mtt to inalntcnancr tf suppl luiv btin tnktn mainly in ronjujk lion with or in cnoprrauon wltn uir drpirimriit of agriculture in thr ryr of tstfitul inipofted fond hr jmtjht tut hit oimr umrruj prin ciple ls tipiillid to ruo dlr ixnporu if die prirt rilin tliniitnis luppjy or to lift ceilliiku f rum rre threatenrd ptiwturt tlitr it is in a nuuhrl ui ul i hj thirrs u ktnitl in it and hi uldtd did mr tkutffmrt tlutt tit nidt ruiiuiion pmrtlcr or lninmv i is bun ft i lit coaunodlt prite httbllltloi o nxtutlon u b ilk p in hi at tin 1m si poudblt prut mil dun s 11 into the domrmk tiintt r whiitwr iiritr is trrxjuy t inaim ii it lllns t r tt t miln itliin of rttiulremrnta mil lit in niirint nt of ltu abut lot hr btii iht n iciiv ihlllty ut un fxxkts administration thiy ctintrol prur and kt t p uji upillm of fotirt for tin tiviliui pupii illm and to us s vt dtht i him niint nt bo n 1 1 h uw arts to iiipilmmuii or othtiwlse orqulrt food for he so dh r bos ami rlru nnd othi r priorm intls in fivi or partl- t ul it tiiiiimiklil i s which in in liiort mippl mr tat rt m ide it sound m hum drum lha i lost m itpfietlte for dln- n r and there s not it secret bub- ldlrs urr not h tndout and uie trade reu no spcilil bciuflt from them they are nnh kilil if dure u no other wn of asrurln a sjfflcirnt nupply of an irttct ttlihout cxccetnnu the cell- ln pri and are limited only to es- fentlal consumer iroods and nest urek nrttrlt concludes the netlea how to crow a victory garden you can all up vour plate and your puntry ehts from ulmotst any spare plot of pro und where you can ralne wttctnblcs this eur rend how in uie american weekly with uili sunday march 28 lstue of tlie detroit sun- dav tlmes mlchlgins most interrst- init newspaper jalaua tba carrolls tea carrolls duuu m- 1te a 2 p 0 utlar- coffee sobaituu f18 whacat s sm ss0 balk wfcwtscts s sv e wu calklarwu kcs isnas ate cocoa tavha aje caaabva effsaal noodlk s- tu asastlsy w rlkl i liaol rvalisi tna puuen s4 oxtdoc ij sse sioap aalabtt gasliass wllh acotmiaui auii aa saaj wkltotallas yusuc 4 aab si raa cat havcaurthd at laattiaa i ajq sauer kraut lc cauoniia mkalo mmm black figs me 0jts vat t saowflalta powdl ammonia concentrated blsatri m javex 4c palmouve j lmported carrots lie burvcb imported carrots herb tit jaffa oranges 35c dox w texah grapefruit 4 for 27e llcrcbo packed lettuce 12c each frail awl ftubla arima aalil satanla ilt salf ovaltlne n s9t ptmtmmi 4y kllos pep a pi x4t curtmg uraml marrowfat peas pua isc uptons noadu soup mix xpaswsfe hiit blue ribbon baking powder ssssf tin afjb phone 357 georgetown free nutrition booklet nutrition made easy a cantgowrong guide to healthful family meals its here at last a really practical guide to meal- planning all you need to hnow about nutrition itan easytofollow interesting authoritative book this is important to yuu for recent government surveys show sixty percent of canadians fall short of good nutrition even though seemingly wellfed perhaps your family lacks proper food for vital good health stamina high morale so get in line with the nutrition for victory drive send for your copy of eat- toworktowin now follow the new easy plan for serving delicious wellbalanced meals ifiirarjilm drjrrsva art mtupuul u sttlrttnm 3r nti dfkmhmiul ftauuu mhj ntllsmgl iimm ottjlm r t cmmmdhm nittrt- wim vmaattl smfiarvjfty till brewing industry ontario in th islhast of auttltloa ail baallh assaskltovirtonr

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