Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 28, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald weatexfay july 28a 1943 i as we see itj d j a strang laii tte nj wetting couvvy sorb uu7 to da u jt umit ratiirr discou- ragln wr stik about uda uut and lh other binj and ihrn wr tlmr aondrr u arytody err wad tt or ajoln ae aundtr ii it to worth read- fff but erry one to a wfcile frt a word of eobunrodjitkio and we do appreciate i we had totrvruung to uy jbout uw prtc cl rut tn ihi cxilumn a few rer ago ard wr acre mrnuao- tn hr price aied for freer fndt owt in enctand wi doot luppotr that the arlclr wii any monr out- rtandtita than tny othrr article thai vt ma iar wnitrn in irr pxt and ftrrhaps you may haie read it and rwwr tioi ht of tt irtn lloarrr we rtcrhrd inter of corumrrvtauon abnat that particular itrai from no lew a rradrr hin thr war tlmr irtcra and ttc board of toronto it madr u irrl iood uii nrr mrwho no do ot thai particular branch of thr w r rt hai iu oan trouble futt and ifsrubln havr brrn unuaually hfih tn prtcr and vxnt unra atul are plrnt rvprirhr tttar rrt rhrrrlra for imtancr how nviny of ut could rr offrid to iatr a aarrt thrrry this teaton and lltlng at wr do not very i mam milr from the nuara pentn- uu hrf thofr rwrrl chrrrlr rrow tn abundance of court we cam get jong without rrt chrrrva a we can without to mmj other luvurtra that it brvonrl rramdn tn price it u jutt uch hlah prlrr thit rauar the war time prtrrf and tradr hoard to atrp to and wt j limit on ihr h right that thow prrr- would br allowed to fo wr dent like too much omrmmrnt control but if inflation 1 to br avoided prtcr conrol loo like thr onl rrttif- d if it is pjartd on morr and more ccrrmodltir- l will br m pi urd thrrr is no otlor un to control thr mtua- tion v arr tnklna thr llbrit of quoting n nanninn from uiflr irttrr to ua victoria on thi war fronts do not afmurr lrtor1r ot hr pnr front tndrrd ugroh notes ootoradr a robin ton of wnton and number of uount omnia brazvch cf uu ulon pftid a vuit to thr local brancfa on baturday comrade- thomia and john cattlr pau offlcera of pou 17 bjvrnhoro prat a frv hour at tha ttoo oo fiauirday thry r on thru way to uaruna camp cburcinlur vhrn ihry will tprnd thrv merit on thrlr annual ootdaj oomrudr jim blair and unv blair hate a thrtx surau lira bob lie- oonnick and ton bobby of lumuton thry u1 olto tprnd a few daja with ura ifawitt cunuadr wuliam ronry and lln ilonry irft on llunday for tjirir unnuaj arwuun thry rntll lut lira jamr ilonr ut hunumllr and thrn fhx crrd to algonquin park blu and ur bonry riprct to br amay for abojt tm day thr following irttrr aaa rrcrhrd b thr lglon uat wrrk oroiurtowti out july 10th 1941 ur ii harlow 8rc canadian lnlon ptot 130 ororgrtown oct drar ur ilurlow and urmbrra vour kind irttrr of kjmpathy to drrply apprktacd b myvu and daughtrr bjjlr rnord thr plracant auuxla- tlona of txir organlratkn and alvav pokr of ou all a mrn a ho had donr thrlr bit and wrrr brhlnd mrry good rauikr hr oltrn uld jou had ihit l takra and t nly rrlaxrd whrn yonr ob wo rll donr i 111 ntat onmudrr our frlrrul- hip an honour and hope if j can br of rvlcr to you ut uny tlmr thnt ou uill not hraltatr to aik flincrrrlj youn slrnrdt nhri mi orant brvrral of our local br otrraii ricrllni nirrrs and cutintin irom lit lrvlon brnnrh nrr rndlng ac- knowlrdgmfnt carx xprrvonn thclr uiav inakr t rm more difficult lncf r ulftnka for lne to obtain mnct thiv tmd to rncourogr j abandonnirnt of caution iolloalng ni aan rrcrurd lait almoht cxr nxwhcaht widl b ctomradr dran hrlr nrarly all nrww ttfm arr eour- lhr n junl in the thrrr mllra am wrll lore to all bruce harlry to tn this honour orucr harh had aglns to our aldr thrw daa and wr arr iso op to think that victory u jua arourd thr comrr tt b a cood tlmr to krep our frrt on thr ground com pare thr nlw of thr wholr wand of 81cll ulth that of the occupied coun tries of prance belgium holland denmark luxemburg norway poland and all the other occupied countries then in addition add on naxl control- lad italy and oernuny itarlf and it will gie us an idea of the ob that till lies ahead victory lint juat around the comrr thr empire still dtedft ad the help that we can give it o con prtr in thr three milt- cruu country race ant place flrnt or ar- rond in thr batuil on finals ihr dlt- vion finals and th brigade finals druce harlry ha brrn racing n cjor icond in all theie racea lth bill ool- ller of ororgrtown now oerteaa congratulations bruce harlry on thr alnnlng of this race word ha brrn received b oeorge- mot loan u1ll te nfd ndilkt tjrut ttry trtu b n than wa th um mho amvwl wrl ur out our country win till need our money to carry on the war it la no ttoif for pmdint rmot on the roxurln that wr can get alons with- out tne boys mmru xtlll need our letters and our parcel and any en couragement that we can pasa along to them it la no likely at all that the tmemy wtu oollapae merely because of few setbacks and the road ahead till lootu anything but easy naturally w expect and hope that the news will continue to be favorable but it will be time enough to eaae up on our indivi dual war effort when victory is really just around the comer st is always interesting to notice how some fodb leem to advance even though they may not be blessed with any special ability over the other fellow at the close of the last war a young man living in one of our nail cltlea decided to quit the machine at which he had been working and invest hi earning tn a small residen tial grocery although he had no ex perience in that line he managed to prosper and after a few years spent tn that particular stand he decided to build a tore and dwelling of hi own in a newly opened up part of the dty a far as we know he still operate that same store however the interest ing part of the story i that this young man had aspiration and after serving on the city council for a number of year ha wa then elected mayor which psalucn he ha held for a number of yean now during the visit of hi majesty tit ring and her majesty the queen a few yean ago it waa thai bto uayotw duty to welcome them to hto elty reading an ascount of the reception that their majesty received tn that city made ua wonder ff the mayor ever thought of the distance he had travelled since the day of the machine shop job however this lmt an of the story and now we notice that tfetf same gentleman ha been nonhtiafed as candidate in the eesntng alert ion it seem a far cry ttom thaom day and the machine tt to thaji of ranntug for u p thiew k nanaasn that we know why tfeb runltmfn stsouldat b able to ra fwacnt ut pstircwmar dty aa wem hated aba abovvs be be ejected awwwffnf wb cmlrw bswaftv din wmibhi how pit that tan hh ftsav itibm foal a6m a overseas a group of air cadet have returned home after 10 days training at no b f tfl at brantxord of interval to members ol branch 120 is the legions rehabilitation brief presented to the house of com mon at ottawa early this month by mr alex walker ode the dominion president a few of the main highlight in the brtel arr a follows moral obligation canadian had moral obligation to members of the armed forces and adequate steps should be taken to ensure that they rhould in no way be penallaed on their return to civil life and to far as pos sible should be assured of that place tn tvli life which they might reasonably be assumed to have obtained had they not enlisted fart of war effort weoonstruc- lon and rehabilitation should be treated as part of the war effort and he necessary fund be raised by tax ation the lejton reaommended an immediate survey of war plant with view to ascertaining which might be converted to peacetime manufactur ing to embark immediately upon the purchase of suitabir land for the set tlement of veterans the creating of a vast postwar undertaking of pub lic works rural road building reforest ation soil conservation exientlon of ueologtcal survey development of fisheries and that measure should be applied gradually and after the pro blcm of adequate provision for the re turn of the canadian economy of veteran of the present war and thou engaged in war work have been eatab- ltslied on a sun and satisfactory b at the following taken from the globe and mall of july 8th deals with tills brief the canadian legion has shown on innumerable occasion that it is an organisation faithful to the hv tentts of the veteran and the eotnv try in general m the brief presented by that body to the rouse of common raeonstruetlon and reestablishment committee the legion again showed it eeneun with the houams whtob will arise when victory la won according to the new summary ur walker said oaisada oaoll never survive nor indeed would her people tolerate another period of teriotm vv twtaslnii th causa of should ba liihiltsslj dtttwawa or th nun and twuso who served both in the ufe story of harry nixon premier f ontario karr it epw uj lon h t3 woa pso by k u u 100 jlbrnf av a fv4 tvvu fvl- ot rjw ymn ts tofj taati ot ohw tgjmj ctf9 oaawtfa liiw horrr mo uww astl wmtf txvytaw k ft a btyv riiml tolka ttf k 0aii kowa u t n ao lov or iv 0ov pty 0d mv ut f fo t i atwt limm o xd el o bmy 6af lr vot co mi 1919 bv otmwfi h ku rj k awoei o ft 1u wot oaci oomoi aufcug gk piotm oo- cowviv at y tawt alhq fftmt 1hmuumomjfu son totlian c a- tat tjusj m fxkk ftwj 0mwir ktkwall tcaf wo w ekwck utaiqar dautg coamaamal o ooo iottt tough n wtofthtd ttww mtm ttih 14 n saq o th ion urk namm it o fciattdry metfry tjmoi o oiou cqumoi sk a u ud way svrflfc le04f u wxdwy i tjiif ofum m 1914 k taafiwd ajw 1m r 4 iqavjahl ta wmoftiacaij hoi twofty ot rvjts tm o wkqkbo ri0wj foom w a mt bom rt r womi rf hoi fmkwd ivmtwty uwplrtol ovam tavtwlf tavaiaa tjobrj tvwlw wfoyt ot apt j 30 194 on hrtor 14hoi comtms swao horry nboa uoow el porty m ro hv aon ot maatx mow fc womm k q otimm cotaaad by tk paopu hto it o tteoydrmo i a caur oomu ao ko to ot tkmo oom ma to0 ofiruotwa pioic oul i fcr w keep at the wheel for proori3s and unity nixon vote liberal august 4th uvta ar ta owuata uattu tusocunem vote th0s a blakel0ck for halton our armed force and our war indus tries will seek to change our eoono- mlo ayatem and we believe the vast majority of their feuowchlien will heir them change 1l young unemployed men and boy were neglected before the war broke out many ot them now fighting to save decency and freedom in the world were forgotten unwanted in peacetime that must never happen again there must be job for those who return from the war and for those who are doing the production jobs at home canada 1 a country of great wealth it asset ue not only in the ground but in the hu man being who make up canada as human being they deserve full em ployment and a decent standard of living the advocacy of such atand- ard of living by the canadian legion should do much toward it attainment the legion brlaf alto asked for preference for those discharged from the tones in all employment whether it be in private business or under federal provincial or miintcpal au thorities that priority bt promised tn the soldier rehabilitation plan and nothing should ba neglected by way af machinery to cany it out those man who ham itm thatr job thttr home thtir fcto mum wry satanllnp tt would ba tmtiwlhhle to deprhw that of ant i for einvsctftaant whlsi th war b owar where does your family fit in ww uks st government survey conducted early in the war thow that only 40 par cant of canadian regularly cat the right food aveo though seemingly well fad forty par cent ar on th borderline of nulnntritlon twanty par cent are definit y undernourished tcw why you need a ttnvplan for healthful family meals thalt why we ofieryou et-to- worktowin authoritative free booklet that take the guesswork out of nutrition send for your free copy today clip the coupon on the right and mall it now art mumtimai tutmto im ejmor ll m msttuu i suhtttta xfmvbvl 0awwwf af fajh a mi kulumsl utaltb otuwm fr lu caalm numlan fv- trtfwaif cur nut rwueont nutrtnon roa vicroav box too tobonto canada rimhiaadshs9rrauacore4ga4e-wata4e-vlsr- spmicrtj y tub brewing industry ontario todiaiasemteattirtdflassmlstssldi nsmu ms-

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