the georgetown herald wednoday sept 1 5th 1 943 canadas wild life resources cpr rushes bacon to britain i im mm- rema i sinn meat rationing hat been in troduced into canada nun people eu wonder if our wild lift retouiee are being adequately utilized in thl amrrttruy in a country uke canada sfcerr in more uun half the total ana the principal commrrwal product u vlld lift it is only reasonable to ex pect that game meat thould tax a prominent place in the diet of the people it la hunurd that the annual con sumption of same mtat in canada amount to around 100000 wo pound in tot january ims luut of the aborting masazlne hunting and ruh tng in canada it l asserted that burners in tht nine province of ca nada take raort than isjoooaoo pound of dreurd game annually thl leavt out of contldtrallon me popula tion ol tht yukon and the noroiweat jerrllorlrs many of whom drptnd on sjaew for meat it alo irate out many backmoodsmrn and a frw poaohrr of whom the tame can be aald in order to arrlir at a proper flour for the mtat consumption of tht whole country it 1 nrceaaary u add an p- praadmauon or the figure of canada northland to those for the tportanrn 3he northland consumes a urge amount of ant not all of thla meat at uud by human a prat deal iota to tot dov but dogs are ttta to the we of the country and hate to be fed and atu fed 10 it all counta nab also budu laire in th northern dirt no nam i evaflibir of the amount of rame uoed partly becauae native hunters are unlicensed ttdaevrr there are some figure that could be used an estimate of th caribou km for in stance giwa k06o pound e una specie alone ngurr for other specie are lea definite but when the frontier t pioneer poptuatlona of the vartoua piwtos are cunipuiad with the po pulation of aw tj temtorte and yukon there need be no hesita tion bi adding to the bunting and rtahlnc ritlmate enougb to bring the total for canada to i88s pound to look at h in another way so000 canada indian population drptnd snore or lea on wild life it we reckon thtm 10000 families each with a dog team they will require 70000000 pound of wild food much of it la hah and aome of tht game u included in iht hunting and pishing esti mate but t have to conalder timmo and frontlerawtuing white men in addition to indian our 100 000000 pound of wild meat may bt compared with our production b 149 000 000 pound of dome-rttcally- imlsed mrut in 1m3 our mtat produc- tton from game including all tht vsv- tious form of gome ued for food in our htnttrlnnd it 7 per cent of our do- tteetlc meat production the united btates fuh and wildfire benice rstlmtf that 435 000 000 poundt ol gome and game flah art produced annually in the united mate tlrl i given a 141 per cent of a domttlc production of over 30 bil lion pound of htcock poultry nnd commercial ftsh fifth urc not included in tht canadian estimate britain lave canarllsn padfle badway bead lafrltereler ears aisunur t th ae feeing lead la uj fletata it is tfievaalea wy b j ghwa atne f portatiea wham l -u- rrta these free r toad b4 by fighting and emuaas paiueoiart baited far ccmttfhitiig theevmaf fcscta la tranalt tfctr arw mo ef tbaa ea af a typa plowered a ik north a i swtec fkat la canada ax leb of other type iseat aftsrjvi contment by the ca padfle i qaltad stataa with all of ttal handling of the fraih meat flak seven n ag thl coaatitute i oreraaad oars tunning as fcaasalcnlta and regetafcl t far the largest rwfeaatd rfrt- 1 tpeelaw wafl 3 me mmum a health- canada nt killed game mould alio prttrnt some loa and make tht meat more apstetljlnc thrrt u auo a regrettable wutt of ct btzn and animal which art fatally voundad but neuer recovared uuch of acton terracotta nrw ol the hunrndrr of italy rr- yctcrday curd in no ceu- i umtlon hrrr or crrvulon tf morti in arton punu tliu u cuscd l poor mkjtlnb or a a mfculli trie bciiool board ijioounu at haunr brund proprr ttnsr ltrwllrr qto xun j a nin on and 8hlriy ucntlly readlntj tnttutd the unruly cow by oeorglna kccle ojo by lorene archdldn duet by nora lyons and jean ecclea xidy appropriate speeches were made and the toilers ing cpoke ileum leslie vounc j a uckane oorse klrk- mood rocluldf j r campbell rock- tide pted lxms clarence lyons cheltenham w j nuthleda tvrra cotta lacme thotnpton union a mcdonald an address va read by ln cuu- ence andrron at the ume ft beautiful mt of crul vas presented to the brtdc and groom by mr clarence ljons of cheltenham pollowlng u the addreu dear rdna we jour friends have aurtnbltd here tonight ulth mingled trmnz ot hap- plneu ond rerft in uie many ple- wint munorlfh of ytmr usaoclutloni 1th us and happy lo meet 1th ou ioa to t xprru to you our btul wiihtb on tht happy occasion of your mar- ru but rrsit t uiat you are lo uke up yiur ubodr in ntw hurroundlnii md nmidat u new circle of friend we turn uljy found you to hae a ge i nl il und hrlpful dtvamtlon akayi rorhli rji und kind lo your frlrndn you rrr ului reudy and willing at nil ilmts nrvrr liud lo be cooxtd or i tniiiixl us munj of u teem to demand uhrn u favour u aaked of ua you i utnt not only the neoond mile but nijiiy more jut a cheerfully aa you rnt the ant wai there akknru or crrvm you vete alvmyi ready to help woa it an occasion when a wed ding gift watt to be bought you ere qujl ready to add lo the general liupptnru by taking u to the whole kalr witit it a tv lr phone mauage ever u anted kent over the other line you uere nevrr known to refuir although it must have takrn both ume and pa- tiince we can only offer to you oar mncre tnank and to extend to you nur brt wtihe for a long and happy journey through life and may oodi birring attend you and may you and our enthuuutlc effort be in the kfoatera service and that you may home time think of us we oik you to accept thu et of crystal a a tokrn of rrmrmbe ranee to vmlnd you that you have many friend in thl cocmnunlt hitmed uamle campbell ura j fvrv 0i ii lralle ctia ucnally shaw day ltd night schools now open twelve schoctt for your convenience ptljr kl fi rterptubau tlsslllt i bi 4 jvtrtimaal libera ggatil ut m htltih pmllua m flr lt aiti iii p it cu hfarv hmftlrfal adrr nu mtf wi imim shaw business schools head urrkt iim fur mri rt u hi of hrr complete recovery ura liovell of alton spent ft twf daya latt week allh her brother mr and un w f hunter we are ton to team that us h fllwdod u in die ltonplul in ttoeooto pending a rrluu operation we hop hoon to hear ol hi complete rwovry a number from hrre attended ur john campbell tale on thursday uftl und report die uilr a splendid iiirffim mr prank prtrh of oeorgelown tad mr l k ptanklln of toronto vtry ably conducted the sale bidding wwft brisk and god price were rumd school days tre here again and our local teacheri ure here once mof io take part in their teaching dutue la their respective kchools and wa wish them continued tuccesa which with ammunlllcn sinrtaffe ciinmrm- of domeatlc a double fin- 1 on of the mat drojtlng mr the nnd m cauui4ltiiti swkr tld life with it 1 important xhat all aho are in temted in the prcwrvatloti af wild life should ue every pouible care in the use af fire in the woods and the open space and rhojld cooperate in every way with those hoe duv 11 is to see that iomta lrom tht source are held to the lowest puvuble minimum the poiwjbuity of oprnitinp u klnjrr- igarten cus at the y u c a and bruadrnliik tlie prrwnt pten native of acton and sprndlng her jentln life in thu district many frlends lhnlrni m n saddened to d d an leam of the povsin on tborhday lat lujorludiil rf mn john d drown she a 71 defcrntnit earr of age and pajud us ay at the fitim ivome lot 29 isquealng tmvtishlp ndjolnlng acton mr orlffln spnuwl has sold his iioum on will u fitrttt t mr mil liard price vrvr pn m a reception and preaenuuon vm cy ur p c lon our genial thrwfcie held in honor of one of terra cotta kvf nter i ta bury flnhhlng up the seasonji most ixipulir m in ie were mr no of the th line on the thresh ing and we arc sorry to report married quite recelnly hen a great t mountain ha gone into sheep ranch- thai the lumout h not very encourtc- u if hours from in qul eatenvlvely also is conducting ing in this section t- mjrniunjuirf tlihtrtcwl hun repository we 1nh ur a number from here took in druap tin rmmr til mr and mrs norrlt every succew in hlv new enter- ton iilr and all report a good time lit 5ji lmt honour p brr i 1 after i mcniill is vtmitnk lh hei the able dauphter mrs a irwls of oeonge- relatlvrit cf troops oversea ftl i uiitfi or- at prrwent honored in a ceremony at bherbroofc mi ioei wr nlm rn to irurn that mrs nhen honor pen ant were prmmrtid h miv- ireitt arch- c mrnullj 1a on the rick list at pre- i to 500 perron those nextofkin ftf u i j r firnpson we sincerely hope toon to hear in active 3ervlce iniim ir here and kalht rid pretl 1 v i wil srmoli hi til opv ncnool in walton area brampton meat ts letm than the united stair i th ratio of game to domestic meat is nor than four times as great in cn- mda it is also used in the places wire it doe the most good in remote areas where the distribution of domea tlc meat would be difficult or impos sible thes facts should be borne in mind when schemes to increnhc the produc by the various province nnd territo ries the best way ta lncrenw tnc use of gome in canada vould be to use i largely wasted ond wood chuck or in spite of dull hkus and intermit tent hhowrrv i crxd ol 10000 people atendid the nrampton full tnir held here last tiaturdny and monday- alex mcklnnev of brampton r r vo 2 was appoint f i to the committee which was charged bv the provincial government lth the responsibility of the farm at a special nervlrc of dedkcutlon to mark the opening of the new victory school at mai ton on tueitthiy gordon oroydon mp federal proflresmve although our totm conksrvutor tlouse leader said co lor creed and annndal porittlon must not be a bonier to our children in pelting the most of their fundammtnl nghta that ol education the offlcnl dedication a conduct- conducting survev into td by ker t b butler ol weston situation in ontario nnd itnca johnson cf bnimpton out of the 00 vtuunteers horr- bpeeehe wvre made by representatives pencil to the sixth brampton blood of victory aircraft limited members clinic held hero last friday only 13 of ocol cleno- nnd municipal leader f re rejected for medical reasons tlon of game meat arv nlred the pre- diatrtct on behalf of the minis- mrs jame littleton pnsfed away eent stocto of gumt m canada have of erf chief in dr at the home of her son william at oft been built up in the course of yea k arwt dedarrd the school open main st north on tuesday beptem- wlth an enrolment of 123 pupil the ber 7th oonesrvolor a oaietle uw fourrcom hchnola utll open trtls mouth tlie building is of flre-reshrt- n rvnmriinn nhndrs important fact5 on pulp a paper war iffort hifis eoisrme txs ihroushout william mc- v nnrf ouwr m imunen of toronto h bee named jsf2ssijx nukance and thrown away bttter care i jrincipal ikhnkl at dieppe and m sicily readymade menusf or 21 days tempting convenient nutritionally right rs rosy to serve health ful meals if you follow the timely menus in est-to-work-to- win sound practical interesting this clever new booklet docs all ihe difficult time- taking planning for you and its yours free never was it more important that you pro vide proper food for your family for good nutrition is vital to victory now to health and happiness after the war yec recent govern ment statistics show that only 40 percent of canadians regularly eat the right foods even though seemingly well fed learn thccantgowrong way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family send for your free copy of eat-to-work-to- win mail the coupon today spommjty tub brewing industry ontario aatfsaas tamlytal klulluhkl-4sl- l w tfrmltei hifam smisat hami t your saally huh vou c0umwj todavi nulmtumturvln luimmdmnlillviv rlmuskiul natltiimllrkiliiiluib r ihn tiidin nulnthin iti-gnimiw- nutrition kr victory j box 600 toronto canada ptcsmuad mtmrniescoprof citowotltovla i nm i ajjrt am- j in making high explosives wood hjip has largely refuceo cott0v unte rstooay c4mm makes sucu explosives and exports cheav ical pulps to britain the product of the industiv to laso many things betides etpbulves shtlli depth thai- land and naval atlas radio equip meal parubiee lor dfopplflj fluti au eoatala ppr or paper peoducu ttlihoul paper as war could its otyltf tw couatif could uacuoa succtstfally to that of peace clp and indditiy of 0ai1d1 nt son lire vildimo hohyiiai