the georgetown herald wed december tat 1943 i as we see it r 5 5- iiiiss tyrxc kdtcayiom keju to be in the wn these day and no doubt there mu be many change mad lit the protect method of tearhlru in the near future of curw the three main snjbyecta commonly known a the three ra namely recdlnjr tthtnj and tuthmetlc will suil be taught u we fail to see hem anqne could rrt alcnjt without them of coure u we sere unable to read we ooud get alonz without brlaif able to write but how could anyone do avhoul being able to read or write thete days- of counej they could luten to the jladw and pockbly could net tometruna out ofi the fwinlea but uutalde of that they would be lost e mould imagine but th other subject arithmetic would i be dtffjcult lo ret akin without in al- noet crvery line liuoitinauzr vc could neither dijr nor build mlftiout ujmcj atnold of fee jid and inrhtt a a brnrnl rulr the mte of the hu- dun apeclr u more familur ultli fee inchr or iotu or mlk ttuui l the ferrule ithe l more familiar with the unit yimi than ut- are and of court tin it rauly understood the ladle ua uie term yard in axinec- uon lth rloth with which they often work mhllr hr men uir the term feet or inrhrft 01 rod or mile tn to many dlfferrnt connrcuoru dally thoae oi ua who jrr oldrr till remember guile distinctly the poems eprclally that we utea in the tchool reader of our day and ar often hear lhote aame poem rrfrrred to to often 01 the radio both in our oti canadian broad cast and in the program thi art uaed touth of the border we often wonder if the reading mater 1h1t i in uh tn the achool book of today wili become a aril knon jre thote old poem the old third book u full of thote wall remernhered poecna some of thm art a follow luc ore farmer john the old arm chair abou ben adam and the angel after blenbrurt bruce ord the bol der jack in the pulpit tin- oru swan thr vulutfc blacksmith blngen on tht rhine burial of sir john moore the burial of kloe and last but not irum john gilpin nd of court there mere many other of coune thr fact that e rnroxiied jkizcmtoncm do your xmas chopping early while stocks are complete christmas cards from boxed auortmenu for that hard to choose popular novels priced from set 25c 25c 35c and 49c gift give a book 85c to 300 children boolu jig saw punltt anima seta cutout boolu boned boob auortmenu popular brands of toiletry sets yuidleya evening in pari cashmere bouqurt ponds and helena rubinstein 1 tweed cologne ever popular fragrance s12s and 168 mens shaving sets yardley nennen colgate polmolive pine and pinaud cnrutfikas ca cbrittsoaa cracker ckrutmaa serviette seal tag christmas wrapping christmas stationery priced from 25c to 150 special cedar cheat stationery 100 and 128 maccormacks drug store phone 327 georgetown 1 c it waii ia1bv ltm around here alien me awakened lau bundi nwrnlrux with the tree covered wltii holt rl utow in fact we wouldnt have been u rpr ted if hatu cuus ur mofhrr oooe or the id woman th it lived jo the uhoe had bicprd arena operated for present by town employees and voluntary help ab welk writes a f4mrll merlin of council a i le hrofs rufhi befo our rye had held hut monday nlyht to dial lth an of the yank appeared t would mattrr penulntnii to thr arrna mu- he thought that the uuturr aa tir oibbtn pnmdrl with ilirc complete but we had to be xmrn bruan an d oounrillor miclmjld ith the fairy like urroajullntf tic uu bntdli thomrtn now ktuck to the treen until thf j fter present but uki-wim- a flru cliu cllc ad nood when it melted uwa mayhe the m vmt w v brudjr lvrntt cole liniiitruior ujtrn hr niumed office bank of thr trnt cwruu burrounded ar- that hani clnls had it w hn ij mtwliiiur represenuna uh o inaur ten rar iuo irw tiwn by urr ln jnd lovely tr mid ut unnuil bihf njrjdr in toronto ui ju- j- trin r intti ry ikxud wrr flnanalally in bod mmjir trot tjxtv one end of thr lot 1 have victory if p u majn t uljt da ld aomethinu to do wiu r p tu dwuvt wiiii owincil tht ina the tunuunt oi unpuid tt wtn- oardrn the ptopv hire are very hr may havi nrired that alth the ki man nnt m ul uu anna rmdentl uiui no bunk ooula or aouki jtunur fntndl and mukr one feel at home fy0tj6ibb0hs cmiiik the ten jrur jopli jtuooi 1 has been majvr of aeorgeluwn he hu and kjon 1 ini n lilmv if ntx onl n uuod ujdr m wfe been rneanlrui to djui an to r mirth uu cimirtiu t a nice letter recelvtxl in uepternber from a c wrlk former manaurr of the bank of montreal in town better lute than never as uif raying goe uo here 1 mhut at ha to uiy about hli new home tliu u 4 very pretty place ideul in the nuiwnrr time our home own ed by um bank l ulumud on the wt retnemoer them o well howrver many of the icuon in prur tra to be ahnos u familiar today one of those tht c rrcaii wa tjuukd the enipervr ard the mayor aa it had to do aith rosau at- mlghi a well tcalj jt vory tne eanperrr akxandex ahilc truvcuing in riucla arrived in inuu ou una utcidtd to look it over he wu uiont and oxeimxj in civ llun co lu fjlloa1ng a vntc tt cair- o um tnd of i and judu tou hehtr he thoula turn lo lh hiji or jj tiic lelt soiuu a man andl r a doorwu ht m- cuiitu oi him vhiui road he hould take j gel j rljig tl mar va- citxtxto it oftjcrm xid uu holtu4e wr ouldn t bt- ihlc to go to bund mt him tn uic cjt he sent aloft uih fuiry und tpiiutde s a jrt of an apptxbement for us had bren mlmuiiiml ir hr iwper of tin town arts and crafts made beautiful display lifjd a uig p- in lac he levion de cnoti iiu i uavvxro art air of uignuy almos rcloai he nid the eruptror uaorj to u ntht tht enpcrcr atktd him if ht- rnih ques tion rjl lurthtt and tiq aired a to hit raiik j ue army tht arurarr wa a command o ooei the emperor aid ltt jtiion and ttit unutr ut thla gutii tti up lnc nxt jruev wfc ckpuilii urd attain the musi zz then followed j ueii nlax and to thlf the hauffhy man replied at la a this admittdon of rank the bnperor l reported to hae bocl low m the preaence of auclirreutneai however mt major must have thawed ft little by thu time and we find htm now interested in the rank a hit queationer so ha taru the tfutaainu oontefcv by clajuung the emperor flrn aa a ueuttnant and then folltwed uic tbmioua ranks on the way up by the time that he had trot at fur a tht rank of major the major lurawll betfan to oooj ot and even took the pliw out of hli mouth but when he mentlomd the rank of colonel and then general and field marshall and wua mill told to go on he became hurt of punlcky but the emperor told him to trv onoo more after he had mentioned field uarahall and we have the major ant- verlna hu imperial majesty by this time the majestic major hnd lightly wilted and woa even down on his knees asking the emperor par don and it 1b interostlng to read the zknpenurfl reply what la there to pardon i asked you which oud 1 ahnuifl toko and you told me thank you the article socs on then lo tell bow the major never forgot the lea- aon that he had learned that day tho final paragraph of the letuion went aamethlng uke this if in later yeart e was tempted tn be rude or haughty to his socalled inferiors there arose at once in iiib mind a wellremembered aceno in which his pride of power had brought nueh shame upon him two soldiers in a qulot country town mtulu but an uveryuay picture after all but what a difference there hud been between tho pom pour manner of ths jtty of flier and the natural cour teous duality of the pmpcror of ull uu russlas aft often happens even cowadays tlie fellow at the lop is much more cublly approaohod uian is the chap who is just starting to climb hm who if kull on tho flnt or aecono ttthtat the ladder perharm that nu- tttrsli ojurteoua emgnlty 1b the main aiisorj that they have arrived ut the tli aru and craf ouotruu thtn onti tkhibtlon und iih i november 26ui and 27iii in the corn or jf in miolboon uick main iit it ui well iiitendtl and cotild uxl aiioklnu i tv0in to tx inot micretilnt and umi and hould hivc berit called tht tbi rd of ptrk muiukimtnl and as kuc j i aoiild be nhiilm fur looking ulur tn atini at 1 1 mot unu il v u nudf tliui tiiat if uu prtmiu ce- mclty tmurd did not f 1 ll uantd um udd d r m a ahil i r d lkm itt r th in n i it rxnild iun as i uxly und uirn tn rt urdiiuo a a ctfiitur bo4iid oulv lie cfau try i laird di uditl mi in j ttnuld tojlovk thl- cituiwi and uu ir nnlnautin liai lm- n hindid in bui no luunii lias uin wtkrn b tin il is el major ollrfxint iniitnvm upon tlie pniu ipul indumry l of courte latrrtik o uie minima laitor und i in rtiii into uir thuuvindj plli- inn haa brn quite moo and i liavr nuiiiufd to t i u ftv mr mccuuum t iitht i of your hvdro upt rlnteidt n 1 can lately ircommrnd ivntlon alia to any of your frtend who may wtih to bpend a holiday in the countryside rhr town boau one of the but municipally owned hydro plant in oa- torio each year proflu from lis oper atton lo the eaten t of 18000 are paid to the town you may bt mtereeted to know the preent rate they are for the firbt co km rate ti 00 the neat l l and thereafter the rata drop to c the mayor kjcv there io onlj uik tu to get utr loii out of um- mm i to ste r i oour of ntnmiuiit nt ilitit iili and kuuaur sstm of lai and vtuur rat collection mr fol- lowid thi coup in t aim a to u hts krnlul wife havt be n muo liavt ird to do verythlnu it oixt kind to ua thrv live just ariosn the would huv utit ujtwi uu uiwnfttnci wt havi tnjojed their imlor bank j ipo oald hav fuluiatd in a idion line as i tould in many nnoihii tiwn liutad oi this muyor v i ikiiunuy pooled um fniu iitlt linmiili dnimrils id uiiioyi i i k md slid il of ib htfch u j nn salienus mid utlii r dltlaultur compute dutcttji tht larfie wnulowh htld vurltxl dis- pab of itpinning and weaving vmtji a pinning wheel in oue window and a loom in the othr orouikd around ut spuming ahcfl acre variou tipe of uool angora rabbit fox and doj jtalnv camel and alpaca in natural coiuurh all used in hplnnlng yurtis u be knitted or hvmii into nery typ f useful gurmcnl aibo uhouit uere i of vegetable dyed wool vvtilrh ktve beauty of colour to the luuiuspun yarn tlie second window contained a loom with the lovely royal bleu art plaid mtiup and partly woven for a scuil wlui uauonplea of various tur- jn dlnplayed nearby the mackenale und lorne hoam tartan in the fore ground ihe store itiseu bcldea uie great variety of tumdrnude materials for rule wot uutef ully docoru ted wi tit louns of beautiful ecnhrulderlea rufi und handpainted furniture in one display were coat of liomoiajun lo cally tailored yard gooda and aulta out item of ilhtlul inter ut wus u six pound fruit take beuuufiilly l xiraud und duruiled by mm brill a number of uu orgaiuxuuon fur tin benefit of uie kej cross tick u ucn sold to uie amount if 18 ua und uie lucky number fell to mra joe cox an article by ii v titrutig of wlnnlpug whin i we reprint gives evhmioe f tht krowing kopulirrlty of the hundloom and ue of tleorkttovvn ur jiliiiscd u b unoiui those who ure turrytiik n the himhi work- hand loom weaving eighteen montju ago the a kearle drain oumpuny slaruxl sin7imtrluh weaving duvtci uirtmiklujiil uie pnilr- les to date u total of it i luvs have been either completed or will mioitly br completul about goo rurul wo men and gtrls have been unikht to weave ut tluve cliiksr a- tiuh duhs flnliliti uio weuvirs lorni uiiiiimivs into ti wtivlni en tie thtse weuvlni circles then carry on the good work und have also in view tho object of leaching their neluhbon titutulliei women and ylils in uior ulhtiut many of tlie circles are now cugigcl in thu wuitliy work 130 looms have alreudy beon pur uiiueci by uic weavers und more ure belt i it purchtuted week by week and all those looms are in active use turning out the most useful and beautiful handwoven mnterlnls an estimate has been recently made pnwnt uw urvrncy j the matter and 0n uorwded in lowi ntit said that tlmii must be u in uie alu ll r in ull unpaiu arena this winter for skating at all ln l k al tlu com tlu delegation prewedl proniud reasonuule lm uieir suipuuiy with this desire but stated uiat thy us a bourd did rwt feci tj inline to umj rtukt uie man aujnent of uie ureliii proinrnu like um igliu hytcn of main mre t paving of i uin mrrets rejwir oi sidinulks tn- liieyrcalued clc oonsequently at pi that 11 playeil im important port in isofxl clean retrruuon for the uui i the town und felt unit tvrry effort si ion id be mtdi by the town lo keep 11 ojmh this year uiul succeeding a i s 11i deuitutlou umii ntlred to uivc co m all an ofmirtutiity to thrush the mutut out after much dlscujdon it wa decide to have the town tiuployee do llte prelimlniuy work on uie rink uiki to tjjiiud dlfferrnt orgaiuzauona in town to mi if they would be willing lo help out in mane uny in uie mean time sev- irul of uie coiuiclllord aald uiey uotild uu dowii und hud u hand tlie mayor had r4elved a it iter fiom tin hnuiiptou count 11 in iippre- i latum of the line job our llre ilrlgude did in unlr town in thhtiiux tin royiu lintel fire lliey usktd if uterr wus uny ttmrve for the servuv und if not tjtey would like to make u douu- uon to uu firemen a letter wiis sent in rtply liuiuiut uiul uie inunlcijuuily iiiude no charge tor uils service count 11 adjourned to meet again on tuetalay liectunhur 7 oeorvetown is a betjtr uwn than vt r wus before in doliih ull thom things jos cllb- btuis slunvid hunstlf to be a trujle- moiiut 1u rrhhvted uie ouier fellow opinion tven if he did not uyrec be folluwtd tht ttislnm of uie diumis and executed these- if it would not harm uir town bui when tu knew hum his intensive knowhdgi of town ufluiis thut itrtum w lilies wire contrury to uie btuctll of the iniiliu ipullty oi ttoukl detirlorute uie imsiuou of t uoi heiw n w lid hoi a could not budgi lum a 1 ee it he felt uiat tlu nursl ultrucuvc town to ue in is uie lowuix town ttiut is where industry wunu to iktablish ilmii thut i when ctuutiuner get the bcl value for uieir moiity that ls where fiirmers wul etuiu lor tlu lr needs he knew thut it wut not high wage ur big profit uiat treated prosjierlty but ruuier uiat which tine con buy for ones dttllar ls uie a id lest tlu consumers so ollen furgollen by suitemiun and ectuuv- nilhu ranked tiigh with mayoi cllb- hoius kevenil people have expressed uieir trrow that sumeuilnu wiut not ikme ut boat qulu- of t n mr mfcujlum ls txihn flmitmun und on uir im jul i viuht fix avlv mudtuio mrs da1d bkochelbank aiiothtr one of the old famlur of uie county pkised away on wednetday of lost urek mrs oivid brockelbanlt of aruiu tola wa a daugner of uic ue mr and mrt richard hovton who inulden narre iiui mary c howtoo and au bom near hornby on uie fajhth cojevion after their niam6e mr urciufouiiai taught bchool at hornby and ashirrove for a number of veara ufoie moving to fergus and arthur the na- league oourction at uie iseliool his week amounted o 130 30 we repair eleclrie toasters grill irons etc wc handle nil repairs for electric stove coal stoves heaters and furnaces bring with you all the names and number you can find on stove big toy and gift sale now on mains hardware 5c to slog one of ontarios largest hardwares phone 104 brampton 1 vb b a the iioinlimlloii mwtlim to nqirrmt our hpr kni whimi wiiiiu in imiiw pliiwliitliin uiul irrulvliiliira to un it uuli- art miy limiir hiwn liyh ul llrlim linijor awuvcliiuun inr uu- ihiuwuttii wliirr tu- wui tiiinsninil ir of imnl unirk and mvtviw in hiiiumbtr for mlvnimtl inilniiik i r l wluumit rnnuiw wu tun i think oi uny otfliuntl iittiui nii-ri- tin- nuiiiy of iiiimii inuybl- ioiiii ol um liutwitiuli oblutt- fciu wltniii t lit a 6 no coy unit unu iimlili- wiiivurb luivt- i- ariulv wovill tin htulvulrnt of 1imm yuruu of niittrrliil i liiilu uliu wliuli luuilu iiiivl- linn imiilii lnu ixil- tlinnds bliuikiiiti riiitnliui uiwiiloilii uttlls llllltiluki i iw- miirvix illllltl- uimr ami iiiiims for nun noinin iiml imitltlron lliu pralrtu wuiuun who imn uuiii- ltl to wmivu it stl-ill- iino mwiw kiistuy intorimtoil in croutlim uiilr own partlculnr comuhmuoiui of tlt llii ami colour- liullcntlib that wltli nil woman there neenib to bu an ln- htlnotlvu dcnlru to surround tliomm-1- vou in tliclr homes with bonutlftil ullllffr in hit- tiiinu- nf uu-u- iltirns i lui lo lluiiik you muyor lllwxins for nil ton lum- iliiiu- for the town wc ii-iilli- thut miuvv it num ua uimii luiiuii fur icjih iu hlfvtnient mny your nht from muuliliuil nffiili- imiinui- your liinlili mu mhi und mm ajuboiis rnjoy it lo tin full vou huvt- brtn u iroud mnjor nolhkiv inn cnlusuy it uiul what is niuri- no- uid wants lo tiiltuuiy it a cv m nntlyns cully wiinlir roai vlftoihi- villi- que hnt tho wetit end wlui his purinth mr uiul mm j wliooler jit u kcnnoth mwkojulo of ayl- mor paid a short visit to his parents mr an d mm j d maoltenrie last week end in appreciation to the ratepayers of georgetown due to illness 1 was unable to be present at nomination meeting and personally express my sincere thanks for the acclamation accorded me for the reeve- ship of this municipality 1 will continue to serve the ratepayers to the best of my ability in this new office compliments of the season to all kenneth r macdonald thanks to the ratepayers of ward i to my nominators and the ratepoyere of ward i i wieh to express my sincere thank for the acclamation accorded me as councillor for 1944 during the coming year i will endeavour to merit the confidence placed in me seasons greetings to all garfield mcgila