the georgetown herald wednesday march 1st 1944 improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson ar harold i lundquibt d d 0 nt moodyblbl iarttut at cblcaio reuaand brvutem hawivtihr union lesson for march 5 js8ub tjbgefi his disciples to watch lesson text mart 13 10 1137 golden text watch ym thanfor tor t snow not when tbe muttr of tbe house mmtb marie u 18 t god has a plan and even now when men seem to have turned all order into chnoa we know that god is working out his purpose the im portant ortsia hi that plan of god which we now await is the return of christ his second coming he will come secretly to call his- own church the bride to himself and then he will come openly in great glory when every eye shall behold htm then his enemies shall be confounded and his eternal kingdom be established s we look for his coming but while we wait and it may not be long we are to occupy for him until he comes our lesson tells men i what to expect while waiting lor christ w 3 9 first we note that we are to ex pect the coming of false teachers and false christs who will claim to bethe fulfillment of the prophetic scriptures we need only one ad monition concealing them take heed that no man lead you astray there have always been such false leaders who for the prominence or gain afforded them are willing to of fer bewildered mankind all sorts of panaceas whereby it is supposed to solve its problems it seems that these men increase in numbers when great crises such as war come upon the nations do not be misled by them just because a man seems to be devout and professes to be in terested in christ s return does not make him a dependable teacher are not these the very ones jesus warned againt7 they must meet the test of all of god s word christ warns believers that before the end of the age there will be world wide war earthquakes in many places and famines these are to be expected and will come but here a word of caution is need ed we must not seize upon present events and rush out or into print and tell people that this is it we should be alert in relating world events to the teaching o scripture but let us make haste slowly but let no one assume that the need for caution justifies him in ignoring either the word or world events we are to be alert well informed spiritual and ready ii what to do while waiting foi christ v 10 preach the gospel that is our first and most important business our lord said that the whole world was to be evangelized before the end came please note carefully that he did not say that all nations will be saved but that they will hear the gospel that is our responsibility to see to it that every nation has a full and tree opportunity to hear the blessed gospel message we have- not done it and the failure of the church at that point is a dark blot on its record- there seems to be a revival of interest in the work of missions now and there are many who believe that at the close of this war almost the entire world will be open for chris tian missionaries this will prob ably be true for a limited time only and it is the urgent business of the church now to prepare the mission aries who wrll then be needed and in the meantime we should all be busy about the all important matter of teaching and preaching the gospel it is the best prepara tion for the coming of christ and the thing we would want to be doing when he comes how to live while waiting for christ w 3137 there should be an air of expect continued from page one to decide itself on the type of meet ings to be held our practice in the main has also been co hold most of our meetings in camera as to our subcommittees we have not tied their hands and every suboom mlttee that has been appointed by any war expenditures committee since 1b41 has had fullest power to decide whe ther its meetings shall be held publicly or in camera in view of the fact thai our canadian practice as well as the british practice is so well established i had sloped that there would be jw further discussion about uie matter however in listening to the leader of the opposition mr graydoh in his opening speech this session i became fully aware of the fact that the point must be argued all over again may i call attention to the actual words used by the leader of the oppo sition they are quite expressive though perhaps not too dignified and i just if when the leader of the opposition uttered those words he lully appreciated the tact that he was speaking to the british house of commons in regard to their conduct war expenditures these are the words hansard pag 1 it is about time that the lid was blown off these incamera sessions of the war expenditures committee it is utile short of a national disgrace that the people of canada should not know something about the investigaitlons of these contracts 1 am opposed to the whole system of pulling down the hughes cleaver mp discusses war expenditures in house when we are c aged in serious harci work as u committee the sum prorress is pot matic if lion membcis are muk lng speeches in oruer to net ui me headlines for these reasons we believe wo achieve better results by having our meetings in camera wc know we got no publicity we get nothing hu hard work and results and hon member and abuse speaking of abuse when we made that decision some three years ago we had two choices before us we had to choose between doing a good job knowing in advance that we would be criticized or doing a mealocre iou and escaping critloism the great majorityof the members of that com mlttee and they were not all liberals the hard road but the right road just here i should like to remind hon members once more why the war expenditures committee was set up in the first place it wa distinctly un derstood by all parties in this house that the committet as not to be a propaganda committee but that iui sole duty would be to bearch for eco i cmtes in order to help canada s war effort another icason foi setting up uil committee on war expenditures was to permit private members of the hous yardb engaged- in the construction of naval as tell as cargo ships but has not completed its inquiry into this sub ject and consequently makes no gen- ml report at this time with respect to it 1 un lollow th recommendations and we aid make a recommendation in a general way in regard to pronts pa ragraph 3 at page 95 in the same re krt states as a result of its investigation to date the subcommittee makes the fol lowing recommendalons 3 that as soon as company finan cial statements are available for 1942 a special study should be made of profits accelerated depreciation and corporate taxation the question of excess profits and accelerated de preciation has caused the subcommit tee considerable concern that aoes not sound as if the com mittee is pulling its punches as the globe and mail suggests the recom- mendatlon goeson to say very substantial profits are being earned in some instances for in excess of normal profits profits made by these companies were too high and subsequently all the shipbuilding contracts with respect to cargo vessels were renegotiated they were renegotiated back to the date of the first cargo vessel built in canada and at a saving of between 30 000 000 and 40uu0 000 on the ships already built subcommittee wai appointed the head of the ship ping company and i challenge jhon members to give the name of any other man who would have done a better job of heading up this merchant ship omldmg company he was on aggres sive man and he carried his aggres- iveucss and his insistence that we have ships almost to the point of ruthlessness but wc got the ships ftterc aie other points i should like to cover which were rererred to infer entially in the editorial to the globe and mall the suggestion was made in that edltoiial that we were trying to conceal facts that we had no pro duced evidence in regard to the cost ol some naval vessel and that we had not produced catnparatlve costs as be tween the government owned yard and a privately crwred shipyard i take it that the ditorial refers to two ma- dons moved bv the hon member for york east mr mcgregor m the sub committee they were negatived and i am told that only the hon menhber voted for them they were then brought before the main committee the first motion appears on page 17 the minutes of proceedings of the committee and i quote mr mtgiegor moved in amendment to the report that schedules submitted as part of the evidence and relating to figures quoted to the report para e cost j at the bottom of page 8 be incorporated in the report that motion was defeated by the 1 completed its lommiltce i am told that those figures the shipbuilding were given to the committee in con nad not yet delivered one destroyer of uie urinal class we had no costs of iansiruciloii all we had were esti- muies iherc la another factor to be considered it is most unfair to hand out costs of construe ling the first ship or the first plane or the first intricate arucic oi any description members of the house know that the first hurri cane plane built in canada cost four times what the laat one built in ca nada did i should like to conclude with just one thought the work on uie war ex penditures committee was interesting but it was hard members of the com mittee spent two or three or four months of their time between two lone sessions and they made real personal sacrifices i would hope that to the de bate on the setting up or the committee we might lose perhaps a little of uie- pirit of the arena and retain more of thesplrlt of the workshop with prac tically no exception every member of the committee cooperated to the full est extent i never asked any member of the committee be he oonservativ social crdlt or cooperative common wealth federation to perform a task which was not willingly and efficient ly performed i would ask hon mem bers especially those who were not on the committee to keep before them the reason why the committee was set up it was not a propaganda committee it was never intended to be such it was not a scandal hunting committee our sole job was to look for eoogav mtes and try to save money in carry ing out this country s war effort contribution to that effort if hon members will be good enough to read the debate which took place in the spring of 1941 i think they will find the blinds closing uie shutters and lock- answers to most of the charges in l- pubuc contracts are ray opinion unfair charges thougr investigation into programme and tabled its report on ndence marly times the minister of the 26th of last mon h i iui munitions and supply mr howe has of commons actively to take part in membeis to ihit rcpott and isk hum indicated to this house that it is not in wili iam cotjse eighty- canadas war effort and to make a to rcidai of h it is not long and i he public interest to disclose contract five last week being investigated you will notice that the leader of the opposition has accused the war ex penditures committee of this house of commons of acting in a manner which constitutes a national disgrace these words demand a frank answer and i welcome the opportunity of giving it i say that no one knows better than the leader of the opposition the to ronto globe and mall and the others they ar carrjing on that agitation other hon members may not agree with me which are now being levelled by some of the dally iicwspapersarid wme members of the opposition with respect to the functioning of the war expenditures committee i would sug gest to my hon friends of the opposl lion that if they wdtat the lid blown off as their leader mentioned uie other day of if they want fireworks there is another committee to which they should go rather than the war ex against in camera sessions of the war k committee it is quite true expenditures committee the reasons mat the fear of losing u war has pass- hy they are carrying on that agitation and that we can confidently look thej know there are good and suffi forward to final clent reasons for the meetings being held in camera and t shall be pleased to enumerate them a little later on i suggest that this whole campaign led by the toronto globe artd mail la politically inspired is harmful to ca nada s wir morale and is without an foundation in fact we are accused or having something to hide that is assigned as the rea sons for the incamera hearings we have nc thing to hide and what is more we could not hide it if we wanted to every fact brought out in a meeting of the war expenditures committee is brought ou with a member or two of the opposition sitting right there ana listening to it just a little over a year ago sub committee no 1 when making on in spctlon of an aircraft plant in mont letorj but i suggest to ourstlf mr speaker and to the tiouse that the need for economy in ihe war effort is just as great as i ver was and that if there are any member who must indulge in fire works and who must regale themsehes with charges about woo rugs which never did exist and with other pieces of fiction thej c n sutlsf v this desire for public stunt m l be fun ii jh accounts committee but whj luni the win xpuidituils committee a serious minded committee sj ojld like to reid in the record one prices with respect to ships in order oaracxaph with respect to cost to shoa to leave the correct impression you i that we did bring to the attention of jnusl tf considerable qualifying ma- ihe public in the fullest possible way because no two yards do the exactly what his happened i read from sa amount of work on a ship and cn v 21st a received the page 140 of the committees minutes yithout the qualifying material a cor- i congratulations of his many friends rect impression cannot be given my mr cous has been a resident of the strectsvllle s grand old man wil liam couse observed his 85tii birth- t proceedings as follows the original contracts for cargo ships were for a fixed price but when it was found that a ship could be built cheaper than anticipated re negotiations or contracts was undes taken at the time renegotiations com menced about f0 ships had been de uvercd and about forty five more were in various stages of construction a flat fee of 50 000 tor each north sands ship was mrecd upon ind as to shipbuilding firms performing addl tional services certnin aadttlonal al lowanres were negotiated this it was rcpor d to your crmmlttce resulted m a reduction of approxim itcl 300 100 per ship these renegotiated con tracts were marii retroactive and were effective back u the date of the first ship with a resirttinr retraction in cost of between thirty and forty mil lion dollirs tt is al ven well for my i n friends of the opposition to sav now that we were too generous in the prices allow ed for t hese sh ins bu t i would remind them that w hid n t nrds that wt had not constructed a steel cargo veisc in ihe fifteen vtar which set up for the express purpose p t ue outbrenk of the war we ef saving money in this country s war knew nothing of whnt it wt ild cost to effort why ittempt hamper them b ild lhese bul rilri know one in their work by putting on a demon thing we needed hips what did thi arauon of that kind rovernment do mr h r micmlllnn just to day the toronto globe and mail published a verv misleading edi hlch thej soundly criticise i first reason as to why the motion was defeated would be that the figures were given to us in confidence the n xt objection to releasing the figures was that they had been compiled by umpany auditors ard were not sub ject to an independent audit we had i o assurance that the two sets of 11- tnires were properly comparable be- ciuse different firms of auditors have different methods of setting up head f flee costs weighing ovemead and the like that was the second reason whv tin motion was defeated i might state lso that the hon members confrere on the subcommittee did not support his motion the next amendment moved by the hon member reads mr mcgregor moved that para eriph 2 on pagi 13 entitled tribal class destroyer be emended by adding fur her information including cost or t nstrurtion in canada as compared i h cost in other countries fills government has niver to mv tiov lezi giv en comparative he ct untrles of anv of our allies and rtalnly no war txpendltures commit lllage for sixty two years he was born at beuwood on a farm which has since been submerged to the new belhvood lake later he took up apia- eulture in beeton and from there moved to strectsvllle where he assist ed his brother in law dr j m his apiary lnier he established his own busi ness combining it with coal and wood merchandizing after thirty five years he established his present thriving bu siness of wholesale seed and grain mr couse sas that one of his great est pleasures is in enjoying the fel lowship of friends old and new should hand nut iilh thev had them anoher objec hon to complying with that motion wllatj our name does to you originally names were given to fit personalities but nowa days in many cases parents give their children cosln uiat don l suit thelr character ind become a psychological burden to i he bearer throughout his life read costs even iwhat your name does to you as told to the american weekly with this sun days march 5th issue of the de- was that canada lt simday jes real ui earthed in expenditure mode ht committee upon its shlpbuudtol i by the company which the company lcpgn lal u4u 0rlal nnulln n ooviousiy planned over the jears to tcoun ol ull submarine menace charge to excess profits and wrongly i lct cargo vessels very badly re so the hon member for carle ton was pi from the british govern prcsem at that meeting the matter came lhis country w was referred to the commissioner of vt the posstbillij of building car taxation and was caught in time to ve5 in canada for fifteen years prevent loss to the treasury the con- prlor to y- no slet ciirko veg6el servatlve members oi the commit ud bccn bulu ln country and wt tec did no appreciate the lac tnui jiad llllje ln lhe way o shipbuilding the matter was caught in time the i olflcials ln question were by them call rts a resuu oi ula ed before- the public accounts inquiry and while our conservative friends did urvev the british epnsenutlvcs found three firms in canada with possibilities prices were achieve the political advantage neeotlaled wltfa flrms ttle uiml v had hoped for out of the glltmem was that 1 859 0o0 was to be ne pacific coast and 1784 000 for vessels to be built in the st ahlch they had hoped for out of the incident purpose it proved beyond any doubt tha evidence given before the commit ven though in camera cannot be hidden and that if anything uie way of evidence of a questionable nature it can de and it has been to rfht oefore the public accounts wrente ihe up vt ume progressively worse and ln april jii an oider in council vas passed u hunzlnt the incorporation oi war vierehant shipping umited commiuee the very fact that our nadft lhtn tcned oul on an amteh hcinnrfs are held in camera and that me witnesses are not subjected to trial o press and press headlines leads to tut grtjtest possible frankness and greatly assists tile committee in pur ulng its work from the incident ju i related i can assure hon mem oero that if any evidence comes out in the war expenditures committee that is of particular interest there is not the 1111 est danger of its being hidden in had built and delivertd -j- policy of cargo shipbuilding we oniv lhree suitable vards the ln- r as expanded to the greatest k i nt new ards were built cm ri us were iwarded to eleven varus in canada the prices ln l a ds were agreed upon as the s winch had been negotiated by urn h represent hives the result that by the end of 194j canada arto vea the light of past experience wc have scls in addition to something over 400 othlng to fear from bashful reticence naval ships what does inflation mean to you and me pm of the opposition if any thine comes up which they think will lovancc their political fortunes with apologies to the house i should ancy constantly characterizing the like to outline briefly why the british christian we are looking for some one yes a very definite and glori ous one our lord himself we do not know when he will come v 32 that is a matter hid den in the eternal counsels of god the father a secret into which an gels do not pry and which even the son did not know why then do foolish men attempt to loarn it september 1943 sir oliver lyt telton british minister of product cid a press conlerei u unit carjada a is 1 ii ching ships exclusive of the tr pes of war ships to an ex ent equal to the volume oi launching v great britain ships were urgently war expenditures committee as well as committee have found that better work is done when the meetings needed we had little in tin way of are held ln camera in lhe first place trained personnel but we did produce there is much information brought out the ships which ii disclosed would give either whit about the cost some of the aid or comfort to the enemy and at daily pess and some of our hon the ime vou are taking evidence in re fnends in the opposition are oommen gnrd to war contracts you never know cing entirely to forget the emergency when a witness is going to blurt out and to criticise the costs well what m k o rotthing which we have found that about those costs all of the original y t a messes hcn riving evidence as to contract were negotiated and signed for christ return or for the end of contentious matters or matters where at the price which had been arranged j by the british delegation that i the age he is setting himself up honest mistakes have oc urred as being superior to christ and you ery reticeu and practicallj freeze can be sure that he is an impostor jup if lhe meetings are open to the we do not know the day but of public they know in advance that thr the fact we are sure christ is com mreting is going to be in eimeri and mg agaml so we are to be watchful thit thev are not soing to be si bject as we wait god has not called us ed to trial bv the press so thr franklj to stand idle looking for the dawn tel1 th t 8omc people m ing of that glorious day we are to be about his business but every where and always wide awake and looking for him that kind of a believer and all believers should be that kind wiv pray we are to watch and pray they go together the one who prays will watch the one who watches will pray possibly some of us are pot praying because we have fallen asleep and no longer watch for his coming then too we probably fell asleep because we did not pray that some may say the witnesses- should have more co irigc and so on however we must face up to the fact thfertutl martarof affairs does exist and if we want to do a thorough job as a war expenditures committee if wc want to do a thorough job as a war expenditures committee if we want to acquire all the evidertce we need as to contentious matters or matters in which mistakes have been made we simply must hold our meethtbb in ca mera in the third place and this reason applies to all members of the house in public meetings hon mem bers are prone to make speeches first item on cost these prices proved to be much too generous canadian shtpbuttding firms and canadian work men apparently were more efficient and better producers thin ne british thought they could be in the lall ol 1942 subcommittee no 1 visited a num ber of the shipbuilding yards and checked production and production costs in those virds we found that ln our opinion their prorts wrre too substantial your committee on war expendi tures made an lrrterim report ln that regard i now read from page 94 of the minutes of proceedings of the com mittee on war expenditures this la dated january 27 1943 and dealing with 1k2 states the following wtth respect to shtpbulldtog the subcommittee has heard the evi dence of departmental officials and has visited many of he shipbuilding x win n t 1 in 1 iui i nou ir fimilies health nfliiion i r wages and nir ilih r 1 prices when ih like lo p lj dorcn for ills iu i iw happen don t forlit i happened right hen n ion during the last war and it w again unlesswe re on our toe lhe tost of living down fer nni fan this challenge it s our respon- but be of good heart living osis hae men less tn canada than aojwhere else canada itads tbe world in the 6ght gainst inflation heres how its done in 19 1 canada determined to control the cost of living price ceilings were established on wages rentals and commodities subsidies were paid on essential foods goods in short supply were rationed so that evtryont could gee ihcir fuc share at a price they could ford to jay but control of prices is a two way responsibility it needs yomr support if it is to continue working effectively so make this pledge today 1 i promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living dowo 1 will buy only what i need i will observe the ceil tog whether buying or selling goods or services i 11 pay off old debts save for the future invest in victory bonds and war savings ccrti6cates and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living keep fouk pezh ikuefya pmulmj ty thi brewing industry ontario to rwekltk oun whkfe inflation cmo nemo to oil dm people of canada