ew industry will locate in georgetown rfew law to be enforced j board of trade get 200 grant the may meeting of georgetown uncll proved a busy session when met in the municipal building on y evening mayor harold cleave k b maodonald and council lore bradley orr mcgllvray arm a lyons and thompson present h j slenko addressed council to regard to the drain in front of his place of business from which he said m foul odor was coming he suggested a cement top might clear this up and cbuncil again promised to do some thing mr n h brown also addressed council in regard to pruning the trees at the park- no action was taken a deputation from the newlyor fanized board of trade composed of messnykaeph gibbons and w e nod veil addressed council in regard to a turn industry locating here and intro duced the president of federal sales and engineering co ltd mr victor dlggina and his associate mr j simpson both gentlemen addressed council in regard to their proposed in dustry here and were welcomed by mayor cleave and the other members of council federal sales and engineering oo litd are now located at 97 pehlan ave toronto and hate recently purchased the old woollen mill property and in tend moving to georgetown just as aoon as the building can be put into shape their appearance before coun cu was to ask i which will have ratepayers at election time and also the use of the top end of lamb st which is directly in front of their pro perty council agreed to give any assistance possible in locating this new industry here and as mr dlgglns is an old georgetown boy himself his parents till residing here and his firm comes highly recomended by the board of trade the following resolution was then passed that the federal sales and engineering co ltd be allowed to place a septic tank on that part of lamb st south of the cnjt provid ing that if the street should be re quired by the municipality tney would agree to vacate providing other suit able faculties are made available by the municipality of the town of georgetown a fno rating night constable mervin robb as a permanent employee of the corporation to comply with the lemplojmeni insurance act pass ed also a further resolution incr his salary from 25 00 per week to 30 mr robb was also apointed acting chief of police during the illness of chief w g marshall mr james goodlet and mr g r muckart were a further deputation from the board of trade when they asked for a substantial grant from the town to carry on their work mr goodlet said the board hoped to raise 5 000thls year to order lhat the town might be publicized far and wide on motion of orr and armstrong 200 was granted the board of trade with the promise of further assistance if i merited the matter of the curlew was again brought before council and it was de clded that an effort will be made to urb juveniles loitering in restaurants nd on main st at nights the curfew law as provided by the children a rotectlon act prohibiting children under the age of 16 from loitering on the streets after 9 pjn will bi sin iij enforced beginning may 15th and the cooperation of parents and others in this regard is expected by the council the motion was carried unanimously a request to curb the starlings making thur homes in the town hall j belfry was discussed and go m il fu there wasn t much thej co 1 i do abc n it as the starling nuisance was general throughout thotown councillor o w orr represented council at the aeronautical convention in toronto on tuesday and major cleave and rte macdonald v ill be representatives to the dinner given by fthe provincial government for mayors and reeves of municipalities througb- out the province on may 8th at the jlojal york in regard to post war rehabilitation after passing the following accounts council adjourned at 1180 brownrldge x10 united church campaign for building funds a campaign to raise funds for the repair and improvement of the 64 year old united church in georgetown will shortly get under way according to the campaign committee with head quarters at the office of mr leroy dale k c chairman of the campaign committee is mr alex maclaren use treasurer is prof h l hutt back up our prayers for victory and peace by buying victory bonds say members or the committee we urge our members and acmercnts to buy more and more bondp and to make ther subasrtptloris tothe build ing fund in the form of bonds in this way we shall be doing our dutyl towards our brave soldiers sailors and airmen and providing them with renovated church against their re turn it is understood that already a quarter of the objective of 36000 has been subscribed tht objective of the campaign is to provide a renovated sanctuary for worship and equipment for christian education of the young an area of en deavour ir which the modem church i has not been outstanding successfully in spite of the efforts of devoted jpearaiu ucuv workers it is desired to make this a for a fixed assessment perpetual memorial of the cause for to come before the which the men of all service from the church are fighting today and that it be dedicated to the fight for decency and righteousness which must con tinue alter tho wa- mcenerykins wedding a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the united church manse bal linafad on saturday afternoon april 20th when agnes jean daughter of mr and mrs archie mcenery was united in marriage to gordon alfred son of mrs king and the late prank king ol georgetown the ceremony was performed by the rev a o w foreman the bride was becomingly attired in a t sheer dress with matching veil and halo of pink flowers she wore a cor sage of pink roaebuda the brides only attendant was ber sister dolene who wore a blue crepe dress with brown aoceskrrles an a corsage of yellow rose buds the groomsman was lao bill clark of georgetown a reception was held at the home of the bride s parents after which the happy couple lert for points east they will make their home in ge number of guests at lions club meeting meeting hi the mogibbon house on monday evening georgetown lions club was favoured with having a num ber of guests at their regular dinner they included mr rb foulis prof h l hutt mr eustace ross and mr alvin thessen hon chief roes pre sided mr thessen of the toronto meteoro logical bureau office staff was guest speaker and his subject could not have been more timely the wea ther mr thessen is not himself a meteorologist but styled himself as the keeper of records records that go back for over 100 years mr thessen said that it was not until the 11th century that man was able in a small way to more or less forecast the weather at this time the first thermometer was invented the aristotle system of weather forecasting was used from the 5th century b c to the 17th century the speaker said the coldest spot on the face of the earth was a small mln ing town in siberia where the temper ature is known to have gone down to 94 degres below aero it took a war said mr thessen to bring the birth of the weather map the weather map as we have it some what today was bom out of the crl mean war when it was found to be of invaluable aid to the armies follow ing this every country began to expert ment weather maps are made up of wea ther reports gathered from all parts of this country and in peacetime from a her countries the high and low pressure are located and was found that winds and storms travel clockwise around a high pressure area and coun terclockwise around a low pressure f0 wm murphy reported missing a cable came on friday last from ottawa telling pte and mrs j mur phy that their only son flying officer william murphy was missing after air operatlons on the night of the 25th since then his parents have received a letter from him written on the 23rd and posted on the day which he went on the night in it he told them of having just come back from 9 dayb leave with his paternal grandfather in lancashire bill said he had ex pected to have time to write some letters but that he had been ordered out that night so had only time for a short note in his letters home he ne ver mentioned exactly what he was doing but merely said he was doing a lot of night flying fo murphy enlisted in the boap in december 1941 and trained at manning pool guelph jams patricia bay and halifax he received his wings at jarvis graduating with the highest marks in his class he won his commission then as a wireless air gunner going overseas the following may he was promoted to the rank of flying officer in june of the same year bui was born in england and came out to this country with his parents when three he has lived in george town for seventeen years he played midget hockey with the oha and ju nior hockey at georgetown and milton he attended georgetown high school find was employed at the lower mill of provincial paper ltd at the urne of his enlistment his father pte j murphy la stationed at windsor bond sales larger in this loan thansame period of previous loan the weather really togoodness spring may have been late in arriving but she is here at last spring birds one after another are arriving on schedule the wrens a week ahead of schedule with very few april showers to help them the may flowers hypatioas are in full bloom in sunny locations the elm and maple buds are bursting open and the early gardener and farmer will be on the land this week last year work on the land was held up because of excessive rains this year with only a normal rainfall in april the land is comparatively dry and al though the dally average temperature for april was only 39 degrees or two below normal we may still be ahead with work on the land following are the local records for the past week h and l temp date tues april 25 wed april 2 thurs april 27 fri april 28 sat japrll 29 surt april 30 mn may 1 rain fall since the outbreak of war the me teorological office at toronto has train boo physics as weather ob servers to be placed throughout ca nada at airforce schools an invention first brought to light by the norwegians after the first world war and known radloaon enables the temperature to be ascertained at a height of 25 000 feet this is truly a great service to the airforce mr thessen also explained cloud for- j matkms and told how to depict the i various kinds of clouds and weather this talk was most interesting and in structive a hearty vote of thanks was moved prizes awarded in window dressing contest to the speaker by uon walter carpen ter ab vic millar aboard hmcs athabaskan sunk on saturday high school contestants at peel music festival the results of the georgetown high school contestants in the peel music festival brampton april 2229 were follows euphonium solo ii89 ross fetch m 87 james bums piano solo ii 67 ken harrison 79 1 june clarke 79 j jean chester vocal solo m 81 molly hepburn xi 82 dirml dawson 78 molly hepburn 79j mary moyer ii 78 alfred tost i 79 mary moyer i 80 alfred tost piano duot n 80 molly hepburn u iuu nitlson in 79 june clarke and ken harrison vocal duet i 83 mary moyer and i molly hepburn i iii 80 darrell dawson j n t bradley j double rrlo 81 jr double trio hi sr double trio glee club 60 voice chorus i 82 ii 82 and mar- the glee club chorus there was only one mark between brampton and georgetown georgetown choir was h lgh ly complimented and invited back to brampton for the grand final concert held saturday nlghs entries from georgetown in the pes tlval were under the direction of miss thelma capps atcm lrj3m able seaman frank victor millar georgetown was a member of the crew if the athabaskan the 1900 ton canadian destroyer which was split in two by an enemy torpedo and sunk early saturday near jhe isle de vierge at the westernmost tip of france word that victor is missing has been received by his family but there is a good chance of his survival as he was a first class gunner stationed on the top deck 131 men of the crew of 200 are believed to have survived forty six were rescued by hmcs haida sister svlp df the atha baskan the germans reported 85 taken prisoner as they drifted on life rafts the engagement took plact whin the canadian destroyer sighted twi oci man destroyers off the northwestern coast of france she attacked and was still firing though burning and bat tered when she suffered her death blow one enemy vessel was driven ashore in flames a b millar has been in the navy j salon carroll s h for three years and has been on the drug store harold mre a hugll g e- smith hamilton uniform and oap co euvers dept store j p harts co saxe motors r h thompson bell telephone oo p b harrison the window displays in connection with the victory loan window dress ing contest judged last saturday morning by captain and mrs meikle of oakvllle were all excellent and we dldn t envy them their task of cnooatny first second and third prizes the re sults of their adjudication were as follows 1st kirbys specialty shop 2nd e r magloughlen 8 00 3rd w f smith shoe store 3 00 klrbys had as the theme of their window float the loan this motto was hand painted in red on a whit poster and mounted behina a nand some model ship the union jack f th b while thefloor of the window was done in red white and blue posters urging the buying of bends framed in ruffles of blue crepe paper were set at strategic points magloughlen dressed twin windows and centered his apeal to buy bonds around the leaders of ca nada usa and britain in both indotts a beautiful coloured picture of their majesties the king and queen was mounted high and flanked with thr union jack and photos of church 111 mackenzie king and roosevelt v re mounted at the base below that again were marching models of die c w a c s symbolizing the armed f rces victory bond posters were well in the foreground also mrs w f smith had a more per sonallzed appeal in her window which look as its theme look to the future buy a bond for victory and peace this motto was carried out pictoriully in beautifully arranged and mounted photographs and poster or rangenniits the riig and red white and bin paper added to the window all the merchants who took timi out tty deconut for this occasion deserve credit and the displays are still in oid well worth seing if it w happens you haven t seen them yet brill s dept store maccormnck s drui store dominion stort lllllcos beauty slenko robb s mcclure a e fair board dance well attended the dance held in the arena last wednesday night under the auspice of the esqueaing agricultural society was well attended enjoyable music was supplied by the modern aires or chestra for the dancers and a refresh ment booth catered with soft drinks i old time dances were enjoyed as well as modern dancing with an excellent floor manager proceeds of this dance will go towards the work of the society cabd of thanks mrs william bverson wishes to ex press her sincere thanks and appre elation for the many gifts of flowers and cards also the kind enquiries during her illness in guelph general hospital and toronto gteneral hospital victory bond sales are larger in this loan for georgetown and district than they were for the same period in the fifth victory loan campaign this is very heartening and it is to be hoped that the momentum will be kept up to carry georgetown and esquesing georgetown district over the top of their 370 000 objective bond sales hero up to the close of business tuesday totalled 138 000 the highest sales recorded on any day in the loan to date were on the first day when 48 000 was subscribed- the total for the first week in the last loan was 67 000 and in this loan bonds were booght to the extent of 109000 up until last friday night george town and district sales totalled second highest in the county mondays victory loan sales for the whole dominion totalled 61 911500 bringing the total to date to 481244- 050 at the same time last year they were 70 135 000 with an approximate total of 487 000 000 this information was telegraphed to the herald by e b rled from the victory loan head quarters news desk each day you can follow the trend of the sales in georgetown by the in dicator in the window of the mcglbbon block store this is kept strictly up to date and will enable you to know how well georgetown and district are res ponding to the call of the government to lend our money at a good rate of interest to help win the war the daya sales and total to date are recorded for your enjoyment a theatre night has been arranged by the local war finance committee for thurs day evening at 8 00 o clock when a fine program of motion pictures will bo presented included are the battle ot russia the history of a lancaottr bomber from the time it leaves the factory till it bombs berlin entitled targetberlin and several other fine features admission is free by tickets which are being given out at macoormacks drug store or victory loan headquarters in the municipal building a draw will be made tha same evening and the bolder of th lucky number will win a 1000 war savings certificate georgetown fall fair dates 3set forqseptember 15 and 16 stewarttown receiver general 1 75 tax collector 3 w 1 f slnclalr lm j b mackenzle son 15 00 f kersey insurance 600 e c thompson 2182 hydro electric 863 robt lane sts 23 00 a orr 820 welfare tjx 1026 7800 ucao 11990 9046 6250 flooo 15 73 athab ever since she put lo n ifarnell c j buck ind the hcnl a lear ago during the past year he lofflee and s p chapman- has seen action twice before this final encounter sank the gallant ship last j august the oermans claimed they sank a british cruiser in the bay of biscay the cruiser was the athabaskan with a hole clean through the hull with one boiler room and two oil fuel tanks full of water the athabas kan made a safe haven at a remark able speed of 12 knots victor was in the hospital three weeks after this with injuries sustained doling tbe battle he wm also in the daoamber flshttoc off the north oape when tba german batuaahip sobarn- horat was sent to the bottom husking corn competition attracts fourteen entries at a recent meeting of esquesing agricultural society friday and sa turday september 15th and 16th set as georgetown fall fair dates for 1944 these dates will give exhibi tors of grain and roots almost another week over last year s dates to get their exhibits into shape for the local ex hlbltlon the board felt everything possible should be done to encourage more exhibitors and with georgetown fair now definitely on the upgrade and forming a wide awake community enterprise no effort is being spared to make the prize list as attractive as possible more emphasis is being laid on ju nior farm work school exhibits and victory gardens this year and it is hoped that the fair board will have the full cooperation of teachers school trustees and all interested citizens throughout the townships school prize lists will be mailed out very shortly tin ladles work section of the prize is ha ing another thorough housecleaning dead wood will be ut orf and prize money increased in remaining classes last year the ladles work fell down somewhat but with a ue womens section now operating in ton j mction with the fair bard it is 1 ped to again make the ladles section of the hall one of the show places ol uiis district for fancy work baking c mnlnt etc prize lists for this seotlon will also appear in the herald very a note to exhibitors when planting your gardens this year keep in mind the fair as a mean of making a little extra cash to buy more war savings stamps and bond it is surprising how a few vegetable flowers grain etc will bring in a few extra dollars by way of competition at the local fair plant vegetables tor show take a tip from those wbb know and to subscribers donations and subscriptions are always appreciated and necessary if this community builder is to con tinue don t wait to be canvassed sent along your donation to the secretary at any time some are already comlxta in one man who gave 2 oo last year said i may have 5 00 for you this year get this spirit and we can havt a bigger and better georgetown fair fire brigade called oat three times saturday r and mrs frank jenklnson and family of mount dennis were out oer the week end stkr stewart simpson of toronto spent the week epd with hto sister mrs roy smith the w a meeting was held last week at mrs bally s home acq ronald latimer and mrs l ttrattahlp meeting om timer toronto spent the weekend jouide new and other reports held uh mr don latkner over until our next issue the fire brigade had a busy day on saturday when three alarms were turned in two of which came practical ly together the first call came at half past eleven saturday morning when a grass fire at the side of scott s garage tfot out of control while the firemen were- still extinguishing this maw soother alarm was sounded by the siren and the firemen rushed to the home o alex taylor behind alliance pangr mill ltd his chimney was on fire 1 third alarm came in the aftarsoon when a grass fire an wards hill jotm street threatened to spread to near by buiidmgb the fire brigade has had only four calls so far this year aod three of these were turned lnvon toe game day t fire chief donald lattmer reported i that in the city a guelph the gotjpn fire brigade bad to answer 14 oaqa in the period frran friday motxdnc tntll saturday night they nave had f quires a membership into the society rnx tola year due to the provincial government restoring the grants to field crop competitions the local agricultural society this year have sponsored a husking corn competition and fourteen entries have alreadj been re- celied husking corn is a hew crop to most contestants but a ready market is waiting for the product others de siring to enter this contest should get