the georgetown herald wedno march 14th 1945 citizen questions town expansion georgetown mar 17 1045 bditor the georgetown herald dear air building in town has been going space the new board of trade lb bring to boost the town and to coax more people and industrie to settle here we are to nave a sewage sys tem and a nw high school in the not too distant future and what elae we djo not know yet in short we are 6tng to hve a bigger and better mn but as you ask in an editorial tax last weeks herald- how big should a town bef tbe improvements are going to coat money we know that we are going to get grants from the dominion ami eavinelal governments for certain projects so that it wont cost us any thing we do not know who ja going to pay but so everybody says it is a cinch that we are 0011 of course we will have to borrow the necessary capital and it la considered highly progesslve to let our children pay for our actions the policy of tiay as you go and the principle of save for a rainy day are generally ootcnoded and considered to be very reactionary although it la about 50 cheaper for the said children there is a class of people with frosen moomea in every town in every coun try their annuities salaries wages pensions interest or life insurance oaanot go up whatever happens in the aggregate they form about one third of the population it is an inarticulate class and therefore the different boardw of trade overlook them no political party toadies them most governments do not even know that they exist as such with every raise in government of uurncipal taxes with every raise to consumers prices the pure power of their fixed amount of dollars dec and they are being impover ished they have no comeback like otter people they cannot demand higher profits they cant strtte for higher wages a hfe insurance for say 600 a year taken up say 40 years ago was afflu ence at that time but at present to semipoverty or they had farms worth 10000 40 years ago and hoped to ttve on the interest of that capital to tbelr old age farms in canada oanada year book for the last 40 fears lost 00 their value how ever m time almost everyone is bound to become an unregistered member or thi inarticulate class because the cost of living rises steadily even those who now think in thousands of dollars will ike caught in the netthey themsel unconsciously help to weave what sre castles and big swell houses worth today they are wrecked to save municipal taxes made into apart ments or left in ruins and what is the present day value of stocks and bonds of 40 years ago the funny or should i say the tragic part is that many of those who to day advocate spending and borrowing do not know that in a short span of time they themselves will be in the forgotten class to come back to georgetown some of the taxpayers here who have to do their thinking in dollars are concern ed about the future they agree that essential work should be done and has to be paid for they know that they will have to foot thenitmlcipal bills they know that now property owners have no such responshbulty they know that the bigger the town the higher the taxation they know that every house in town will be mortgaged for maybe 400 when we borrow the capital for high school and sewage la wonder that the forgotten class is keenly interested in municipal af fairs among other things they would like full information about the following questions fa can a town be bigger than its water supply to are the present mains suffici ent for those sections and streets of the town in which much build ing is being done at present c how many people can our water system supply d is our system in good repair if not what will it coat to put it in good shape c is our water supply adequate for the expansion of the town as advocated by the board of trade if not how many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars will it cost to buy and prepare a second source of water f is the board of trade aware that the watertable over the whole continent recedes about three feet per year forty years ago food water could be found at about or 30 feet today ft 1b0 ft drilling seems to be required many wells and springs hi this vicinity which have been flowing steadily for about 70 years are dry drying up there are hundreds of farmers in this very county who liave tc draw water for their live stock is the board of trade aware that water conserva ion is one of the most serious problems on the continent aware that big industries in cities and towns across the line olncinattl for one already have to move away be cause o deslcatlon of the soil g how much extra water will the projected sewage system require and can our water system stand this drain h is it true that a system of sep tic tanks in a town like ours is as hygienic as a sewage system i hope m editor that this letter does not take too much of your valu able space and remain yours for s better town one of the forgotten oijass a t woodley heads halton chop improvement assoc at a recent meeting of the director ate of the halton crop improvement association plans were completed for the annual halton seed fair and bacon show to date over fifty en tries have been received for the bacon show which is to be held in con- junction with the seed fair at mil ton on march 10th and 17th a comprehensive crop programme for the 1945 season was also planned this includes four demonstrations with sudan grass for annual pasture fifteen demonstrauona with brome grass in addition to the usual mixture of alf alfa red clover timothy alsike etc for hay and pasture fdur permanent pasture demonstrations a husking corn competition soil fertility build up tests variety tests a boys barley club with the galore variety etc the election of officers for 1946 re sulted as follows president a t woodley vicepresident c l 3 palmer secretarytreasurer j e white- lock executive committee a t woodley c u s palmer w e breckon m t mcnabb j h wlumott- k ekalb hybrid corn local jersey cows have outstanding records there are several outstanding jersey cows in the georgetown district ac cording to bulletins just released by the canadian jersey cattle club among these is graham farm hilda a jersey cow bred and owned by ger ald r orahamwhich has been awar ded a silver medal certincae by the canadian jersey cattle club hilda donald mcnabb r- 2 georget own n dekaib hybrid corn ltd chatham ontario cfcnaia has produced in 306 days 7738 lbs of muk 452 lbs of fat with an average test of 5 84- as a jr 2yearold the same herd has turned out many ex ceptionally flne records during the past year clunj castle eminent lassie 127- b90 a jersey co owned by john ruddell georgetown has completed a jr earold rec in 365 days nfj 3 000 lbs of milk 531 lbs or fat 6 64 mr ruddell is establishing one of the h htds in haltor cj it several outstanding records have already bag made by his jersey cows high record for the month of aav ruary was that made by royalist rom 106690 bred and owned by gerald ft graham georgetown rose in iff days on twice a day milking pro duced 14 864 lbs of milk ana 838 fta of fat she is a daughter of the 8o- perior sire br i 1st that is the highest rated i sire in canada to date through production of his daughters