the georgetown herald wcdnes may 23 1945 caldwells food store formerly budget groceteria phone 366 main street st eaks sirloin porterhouse wing lean hamburg steak prime rib rolls 42c lb 23c lb 41c lb pork sausage small link weiners bacon liver sausage bacon squares 30c lb 27c lb 35c lb 23c lb all meats of best quality attention dog owners all dogs in town are prohibited from running at large from may 15th to september 15th this order applies to nights as well as days and vnll be strictly enforced georgetown police commission local hews i mlodje muopmm on satur day at mill and main street corner toronto preabyteril wm6 sec tion 3 30tti annual meeting union presbyterian church wedneaday may 30uh t 2 pin speakers will be mr w r quinn of india ancf mre ro bert moynan toronto toa will be served by the union ladiea all ho indies of the tustirtot are welcome mnjee our plana ahead to attend the big field day at olen william july 1st sponsored by beaumont employ ecu too 18 was realized from the navy lefaflue itae day on saturday it was under che convenorahlp of miss mar gery mackenzie a neves flash from one of on tario 5 largest hardwares special sale now on 000k stoves and heaters elec tric fencers tll00 knobs 2 00 per 100 wire 32 fit 0c garden hose 3 46 lor 50 ft garden wheelbarrows 6 29 farm wheelbarrows 740 mazda bulbs 15c electric fence batteries general purpose paint 193 gal blalna hard ware and sc to 100 store brampton ontario tomorrow is the 24tti of may and has been proclaimed a public holiday n georgetown i qjus joe emmekson and pte gord lane expbcted home tonight as we go bo press word has come from the public relations branch ujy 2 ghat pqjidb joseph t qn- merson lome scots whose wife mrs lena etracerson resides on main st and pte oordon w lane sou of mr and mrs r lane are arriving m xvoonto from oversees tonight may 23rd pte oordon lone 13 a veteran of dieppe where he was wounded word has also just been received that wo johnny wilson liberated prisonerofwar has arrived in new york liberal working plan jobs fcr foff pocf-wa- empfoymmf far votaajm 750000000 to aet tbcm started in good paying job in lodiuiry 00 the land or in buiineat for them icbn each of them choose moo oo0 ooo to finance the bigg en buildinc icfacme thia country n errr known 2 50 ooo ooo 1 rr i ftte burden of pare opportunities of rouog canadia im happiness cxpswicrwati we e k to hare exports if wt re going to have ob your liberal gottrn dent has arranifcd to finance war wrecked countries who will be good customers later a ak your liberal go cromcot has set up machinery to help enier pniing canadian develop new husincu every three in anada works on the farm to help them ret better equipment your liberal ranttedthat they can bonktw the money they ad for better working ad bring condition ftaar prkas the liberal gorernment t policy li that when farmers and fishermen prosper so do other canadians it baa therefore taken action to put a floor under tha prices of farm and fishery products at tautas your liberal government belirrcs in jobs first to this end taxes will come down to free spending power timm tar wt wf mmf steps m the liberal governments working plan to ensure full employment after the war in addition it has stimulated tremendous pri- tate savings tn victory bonds and war savings certificates put through unem ployment insurance set up a special de partment of reconstruction staffed by experts in fact all tts policies are directed to the same enda high and stable level of employment and income jobs with bright futures for the young men and women coming oat of the armed services with the best part of their lives before them jobs for all jobs with big prospects and good reliable moneythat will keep its buying power after all the hard work sacrifice and self discipline which has brought us through the war the people of this country have earned a brighter future 10 a better juster grander canada than we have ever known look how much canadians have accom pi 1 shed here on the home front eien utthout the energy and initiative of all the vigorous young people now in uniform and their zest for daring what is there can ida cant do with them back on the home nam why with their help we canadians ire headed full speed for the greatest period in our history the all important question today is the civilian staff work and leadership which we call government the liberals hae a working plan it s big and bold parts of it are outlined for your judgment in the left hand column it has been designed with the aid of the keenest minds in every phase of industry agriculture labour and learning the plan will work in fact it is already bringing results it will continue to do sol the liberals can tell you this with confidence because they have had successful experience in operating nation wide plans vote for your liberal candidate make sure the team which made this plan for full employment shall see it through and wtn the peace 1 nmmud iy thi national uubai committee a build a w socm 0xo vote liberal ssm thursday halfh0uay on and after june 7th our mill will be dewed every thursday afternoon during june july and august lawsons feed mill ste warttown hughes cleaveb iilbexal federal candidate lor halton county m to the electors ol halton ooumty as there are only uiree issues of the weekly press between now and election day i will endeavour to cover as cutty as i can the platform of che liberal party in three letters dealing this week wltih agriculture next week with labour and in the final week wltta hearth family allowances un- ennployzneant insurance and other 80- ctal security measures i should at once state chat the ii beral part makes no special appeal to any group or class in canada we believe thai canada can only be pros perous it all of the three main groups namely agrlouliture labour and capit al are fairly treated and are prosper ous the liberal party favours no one class but on the contrary seeks the prosperity of all three classes we seek che supper of men of good will in all three groups as to agriculture no one can deny the fact that this in dustry is not as prosperous as it should be it is true that agricultural income hae advanced sharply during the last law years but here are hoe faots 307 of our people are en gaged in agriculture if this industry were fairly treated it would be receiv ing approximately 30 o of the national income during the fifteen years prior to the war agriculture received on the average less than 15 of tbe na tional income which b barely half of what it should hae received as result we have a depressed agricul ture i can take you to any township in this county and you can buy any farm with a good set of buildings on it for less than what it would cost you to build the buildings is any further proof required of the depress ed condition of agriculture while it is true that in some instance farm- j ers are tticmsehes to blame through being inefficient farmers yet these exceptions do not prove anything our task is to see that in uie overall pic ture agriculture rece its fair share of the national income lur farmers produce quite large surpluses of food stuffs which axe valueless unless marketed abroad the liberal party has always encour aged foreign trade and tills is why our farmers have been more prosper ous under uberal governments than under high tariff governments but from the experience which i have gained through ten yeans of service as your member i firmly believe that foreign trade is not enough x beueve that all canadian food products which we wll abroad should be finished pro ducts for example we should sell bacon to britain instead of grain to denmark to produce bacon in den mark tor thebrtuah market the present liberal policy is that by maintaining floor prices for staple farm products b taking the tariff off farm implements by making proper credit facilities available for fannera through amendments which have been made to the bank act and by trade agreements we will restore agriculture to her proper place in our economic life all of these provisions will be of ery mat i ml assistance but per sonal j i have ome doubt as to whetl or those provisions will yield the full results which are desired i btl lev e it may be necessary to sub sidize labour of agriculture to the wime cxtirt that ve subsidize our la boir of lndiisti- uiroiili tariffs only tie futurt will tell whether i am right or ttrotrk but we do know that if agrk iluirx is proxrous tins industry aone will employ a hah tri more mi thnt it tooiy wivplovs on farms our prime minister in his recent an swer to qitsttmis pibllshcd in mac loan magazine stated very clearly that the uberal part is pledged to a policy which will assure to agriculture its proper lari of the t itlonal tn in closing i would like to txnphasine the fact tlliat there is one thing which formers can do for themselves i re fer to oigonleation ajrrlrultiire should be fully organised in order that uie industry may be properly di reeled as to what products ja should produce and in what quantities and in order that the industry may be male to intolligwnuy convey to the gwermnici l in office the needs and problems of the industry yours sincerely huohes cleaver special holiday dance thursday may 24 1945 stanley park erin merrymakers orchestra stability or disorder you must choose the new platforms of the new progres sive conservative party with their modern re forms might scandalize our ancestors but times change and modern thought has rejuvenated the old ideas vote progressive conservative a new progressive canada for special holiday dance huttonville park thursday may 24th music by modern aires admission 50c dancing 9 00 to 12 30 assessment appeals township of esquesing take notice that a court of revision will be held in tiie council chamber staworttawn on 1 1 bbday the 5th day of june 1945 at 10 a m to hear appeals against the assessnent roll of 1946 i m bennett 2t township oleifc when you decide to buy a new ca after vj day see saxe motors quick delivery a good deal on a new or used car competent service by factorytrained and licensed mechanics we enlarging our premises and installing latest equipment to handle complete car and truck marnten- jp ance and stocking parts to service the following cars and trucks dodge desoto plymouth chrysler chevrolet oldsmobile pontiac buick ford studebaker fargo international nash terraplane willysgraham saxe motors phone 1s2 guelph street fine gifts phoenix gift shop maim st