the georgetown herald wednesday may 30th 1945 get the ccf carlyle c browne ccf federal candidate in halton to the voters of haltoh unable to buv their way into th ccj party or control it it is abund antly clear to all thinking men and women that tine order has gone out xrom the manufacturers and bankers associations to get the c cj tvorklng tiirough tine conservative and liberal parties which they con trol and finance the biggest boot trap in the political history of canada to being rigged vcith which to blow the people of this country into anottber and worse depression in a last des perate effort to hold last to the power and privilege to exploit the worker and farmer the bankers and industrial ists at the top are spending millions of dollars which they chiselled out of the people at che bottom in a dominion- wide campaign ox falsehood distort- tion and misrepresentation of the pol icies of the only peoples party in canada the cooperative cqm- monweaiith federation these hundred men at the top are the same men who have fattened off the people during two wars and the ten long years of the hungry thirties these are the men who r b benn ett the last conservative leader and prime minister of canada denounced in his security broadcasts in the el ections of 1935 there are said mr bennett men in this world and can ada has her share men without souls or virtue who think more or their mounting bank rolls than they do of the weliaie of the people without whom they could not exist and said mr bennett this demands gov ernment control and inter vention they the men with out boutb or virtue wtjjl catjl us socialists and rad icals but i nail my flag to t mast in 1930 when mr ben nett was tbe defender of big business and the banks he received their ful lest support in 1936 disgusted and an gered by their rutbless treatment ai the people mr bennett took up their cause and the orders went out from the manufacturers an ba asso ciation get bennett despite mnprfifitige m pttmeyt great qualities of great personal wealth r b bennett weat down to defeat before the hun dred men who control the welfare and the destiny of the eleven million peo ple of canada tfaey bolted the con servatives and throw their support be hind canada s old professional politi cian the shrewa crafty and cunning mr king it was these men and their kind who financed and raised to power adolph hitler and who now seek to lay upon the doorstep of the socalist movement the terrible result of their own criminal acts fthese are fttoe tnen who deny our youth the right to earn a living in tune of peace and slaughter them in time of war these are the men who are responsible for the most appalling destruction of pro perty in all hlstorv these are the men who support a system which reaps its greatest profits from wars and depressions these are the men who are usingevery means fair or foul to turn the people against the ccf because it is the only party they can not control let us lace the facts by looking at the record the national party of germany led by hitler rose to power by and through the support of the bankers and industrialist of germany and elsewhere the ccf arose from the people t supported by the people and finan led by the people when hitler came to power tne first thing he did was to smash the tor in wars the saw their greatest profit the oof have always denounced tsars as tbe greatest crime ag humanity and stand firm in their sup port of an international organization for cooperation among nationa and the outlawing of war and warmongers as an example of the falsehood and distortion which the old parties are spreading among the people of hal- ton i have before me a folder lssusd by the oakville liberal association which attacks the oof for stating they will take over the control of the banking system the whole purpose of this folder is to create in the minds of the people that if ttoey they the people through their gov ernment control the issue of currency and credit ttien they the people will take away their own bank accounts to show how utterly false this pro paganda la let me quote not from any member of the ccf but from the statement of the very respectable and right hon william lyon mackenzie king the leader of their own partfl in a nationwide broadcast during the elections of 1935 i quote until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to the government as its most conspicuous and sacred re sponsibility all talk of the sover eignty op parliament and d mocracy is idle and futile in the year 1790 amscel meyer roth- khild said the same thing in different words i quote permit me to issue and control the money of a nation firi i care not who makes its thomas jefferson third president of the united states said that the banking institutions more dangerous to our liberties standing armies already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance the issuing power aiould be taken irom the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs abraham lincoln addressing the united states senate in 1863 said we face two enemies the southern ar mies in front and the financial in stitutions in the rear of the two i fear the one in the rear the most horace greety the great newspaper edit- wrote as lollows while boast ing of our noble deeds we are careful to cover up the ugly fact that by our unique money system we have created a system of oppression which though more refined is not less cruel than the old system of chat tel slavery in 1916 president wilson said our great industrial nation is controlled bj ts sisum of credit our sistem oi credii is concentrated the growth of the nation therefore and all our activities are in the hands of a few nen we have become one of the most completely controlled and domin ated governments in the civilized world no longer a government by free opinion no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the ma jority but a government by tbe opin ion and duress of small groups of dominant men while mr hepburn was telling his audience at the liberal rally at oak ville on monday may 21st that and i quote under the liberal govern ment money will be the servant of the people and not their master knowing full well tnat can only be accomplished by government owner- diip the bankers of oajcrille in the name of the liberal association were pn mil h mrtlng the c c f and warning the people against it it is not what the bankers associ ation tell you that la i but what they dotnt tell you as example of misleading statements this literature what the future means says they the ccf know that there are 5852707 depositer ac counts in our canadian banks they nottval junior the regular monthly meettng of the norval junior xnatttate and junior farmers was held at the home of frank dolaon or tuesday evening may 8th the apeaker at tbe junior institute meeting ma mrs j k whttetock of milton he gave many ideas tor bucdesacul institute hints to the those holding office mrs whltelodc conducted an election df officers as louonnt hon president marian hunter presidentbetty ruddeb vloepraden4rjamey kean searetaryftsasureri marian ourrie district director marian hunter board of dlrectanvgude bird iso- bel currle doris bwwnrldge auditors marjorle evans and doris brownvldge at the joint meeting the following officers were elected v hon presidentsbruce held president douglas ourrto vicepresident dick mclaughlin secretarytreasurer ward brown- ridge directors frank dolson jim doane and bill alexander mr j e whltelock the speaker at the meeting of the junior farmers spoke on the timely subject post- war reconstruction the guest speaker at the joint annual mkotng ow ououxwrs cxjauhprnjb the annual meeting of the oeorge- towh soldiers comforts committee was held in the muntoipal building on wednesday may 23rd at 8 pjol with the members of the committee in attendance reviewing the past years work and receipts it was found to be the most successful yet recorded this was due largely to unsolicited donations of a gcnerou5 public which certainly made the work of the committee much easi er and was greatly appreciated by the men and women in the services from gteortfetowm and vicinity ifcey so often say in their acknowledgments of parcels that they would like to thank those who make this wonder ful work possible so this word is pass ed on to you now the following officers were re elected for the duration president mrs a reeve secretary mrs w v grant treasurer mrs s c mao- kenzle the committee is acln very grate ful to mr o w mclintock and his assistant for auditing their books and to the georgetown herald for sponsor ing the fund in their columns the committee is preparing a list oi those still overseas and will be vending cigarettes to them in the very near future they believe the meeting mr george elliott of milton boys are more in need of a reminder gave a very fine talk on the kind of 1 of home than when they were in the estate we as good citizens should leare thick of the battle as one letter so that friends will benefit greatly just received says it is not so from our friendship and that the world will be a better place for our having lived to it harold mcclure moved a vote of thanks to mr and mrs dolson and frank for opening their home for tbe evening delicious refreshment were served by the lunch committee nuch the receiving of the gift as it is in knowing that we are still in the minds and thoughts of those at liome the committee hopes that the public will still remember those who are left be hind to guard the peace so dearly bought card of thanks on behalf of my husband and my self i wish to thank friends and neighbours of glen williams for the kindness shown us and especially mrs george preston mrs robert mcmas- ter and mrs wagstafte whose work made the reception such a success mrs mina crawford mr and mrs stan finlaj ha e purchased a lot on durham street be- ide the home of mr and mr wuf pord and will erect a new homo ierc this summer lpl gear hayes married overseas a pretty wedding took place li the church of the redeemer blan- field scotland on may 11 1th5 when miss jessie morrison eldest daughter oi mr and mrs mortiaon of blanfleld became the bride of corporal h dear hayes son of mr and mrs william hayes of ingleiwood given in marriage by her father the bride wore a princess gown of brocaded satin with long veil falling from a cap of white mesh she car ried deep red roses she was attend- i b her two blister sallj and kath leen gowned alike in pastel shades ind carried oldfashioned nosegays set jim gamble of glen williams v as groomsman after the reception vvhich was held at the brides home the nappy couple left on a honeymoon to loch lomond gordon hill weddino in limehou5e church retut b the bankers existenct ib well as the peoples was at stake the properly fulfilled the duty which lhe refused during the depression thfc insurance companies the insurance companies arc equ ally guiiti with the bans in the ex ploitation of the people let their own words speak for the system which the support and i quo this advertisement i lmiphoilse presbyterian chmch published by a well known insurance m jrtl company noted for its reliability 111 he wne of preu reads the future what happens to 100 average men of 25 upon reaching the age of 66 only one will be wealthy four will be welltodo and able to enjoy comfort and recreation five will be working ttt n living with nn nnwpfct of relief from drudgery 35 will have died leav ing families enduring hardship 55 will be dependent upon friends or upon rel atives or upon charit after free enterprise has had free away for centuries could the re betenned by any critic of oapital- an indictment more damning than ul s umt toul1 dep0lt citizens do not be fooled are 4j65973t32 but they the bankers of oakville do not tell you that the greates part of that huge sum is not actual dollar deposits of the people but bank loans issued by the banks and entered dj their books and the borrowers pass book as a deposit this is credit money and is created by the banks out of noth ing credit money does 95 of the nations business and the ranks control it b mak ing loans by refusing to make loans or calling in loans the banks make or break the people before the british macmillan bank commission of 1933 sir reginald mc- kenna former chancellor of the ex chequer and then president of the midlands bank the largest bank in the british empire when asked if the banks could create mo out of noth ing replied certainly amp those who have that power hold the fate of the nation in the palm of their hand the bankers do not tell you that peoples party the social democrats currency or the bank notes and coin those who did not escape from ger- of the country does only 5 per cent of many or failed to go underground in our business and that if the peo- tlme were thrown into the carjcentxatple of canada went t th uon camps the torture chambers and bank in a body the bankers were murdered by the thousands could not pay them ib cents let us compare the hiuer record with the first ocf government of the province of saskatchewan one of hitlers first acts was to snwh the labour unions and then the farmers organisations and co operatives the ocf parmer government of saskatchewan in its first session en acted mur lawthe finest labour act jm the north american continent for protection of the workers tin oop go baa created the first de partment of cooperatives in 4m wld for the enco and fin ancing of oocperattves its premier the boo t a dongjm hs jo tamed flwfa feme where r r aaauart tnjaw on the dollar ip they de manded their money tt sim ply is not there neither the banker or the c c p are interested in the actual dollar de posits of the people the issue ts whether a few men shall control the life blood op a nation or wnfe tha con trol shall be bmstowfid to tbe people tn oregr that the free flow of orkettt may al ways be available for the dbthutbrotbow of the q amd abemobb thk3 hmd darin the depnsmoo tecs of unas by the propaganda of the bankers and manufacturers associations and the two old parties they control when the hydro electric commission took over from tree enterprise the distribution of light heat and power did they come to your home and strip it of all wiring and ihttures or refuse to give you power no they gae cheaper power and plenty of l the ocf when elected to office will na tionalize the banking system of can ada so that cbjeap money and plenty oi it is available in terms oi public need the great labour partj of eng land which will be the government af ter july 5th is going to nationalize the banking system of great britain under a ocf government the peo ple of canada will have more money in the banks more and cheaper ln surance expressed in terms of public need and not private profit both backed by the wealth and resoures of the nation this evil system with its appalling record of two world wars and a world wide depression of ten years duration n one generation is dying but dying iciously rending and tearing to the last gasp let us not seek to prolong its life but hasten its death the is sue before the canadian people is not one of candidate against candidate of party against party but a war be tween the forces of greed and avarice on one side ana the welfare of our people on the other let us as a united people have faith in ourselves and profit by the words of tbe immortal lincoln by electi to government of the people by the people and for the people for which the oop is fighting tbe nation dwells in the home and untem your flowrnment can make the light of 1u statesmanship to ebme then tibsn it has ret to learn the dutiea of responsible gomaauut i challenge all of the ranrtlrtaies of the other parties to mints these ea iskb upon the pumto platforms of baltao oourjff oarltut c brown wher groendolan daughter of mr nd mrs arthur hill ot llmehcisc became the bride of allan w goidon rcaf kingston son of mr and mrs w j gordon rockwood the ceremony was performed before a background of snapdragxons and palms by rev c c cochrane the bride wore a gown of white slip per satin designed on princess lines with sweetheart neckline inserted lace panels and full skirt her full- length veil was held in place by a halo of orange blossoms she carried a bouquet of american beauty roses and babys breath mrs lloyd thomas sister of the groom wearing a gown of soft pink taffeta with sweetheart neckline long torso and full skirt was matron of honor she wore a shoulderlength etl with headdress of pink roses and maidenhair fern miss vivian hill gowned in a frock of soft blue taffeta ftith a high neck line long torso and full skirt was bride hfcr shoulderlength ell was held in place bv pink roses bnd she carried a nosegay of sweet peas mr lloyd thomas of rock wood supported the groom and mr fred hill limehouse and mr robert hol mes toronto were ushers the wed- ing music was plaved by mrs c mer edith during the signing of- the reg ister miss helen meredith sang i love you truly following the ceremony a reception was held in tihe cltib ritz the br ide 1 table was attractively arranged utth a threetiered wedding cake and low bowls of sweet peas receiving with the young couple were mr and mrs a hill and mr and mrs w j gordon mrs hill wore a twopiece ensemble of light blue crepe with matching accessories and cors age of pink carnations mrs gordon chosea twopiece frock of navy sheer with matching accessories and corsage of talisman roses and bouvardia for the weddttng trip the bride wore a bhie suit with goldcolored topcoat and blue accessories tfaey will take up residence in kingston guests were present from toronto hamilton acton roctowood belwood umehouse and georgetown carrolls whole wheat bibouitb special aylmer apple juice california lima beans ib mother jacksons jiffy pie crust p free rfllih dish with saxiy custard tm 5c hib irradiated s coffee ib 43c aylmtr diced carrots aj x5c carroll j own teas vhh 3xe 44c golden cornmeax g sc old dutch cleanser for quick suds oxtdol g es ivory i snow v reserve the light to umlt quantities at illi bpecialslw 341 orange s oi sik 252 orange s doz 8c bize 200 lemons do size 9fi grapefruit 3 for 26c jlm abject to buikm casj or we vub to oiyinlmttatm ttar mad nd floral trtboue dohnf rasmpjonti ado nfli m tffj mjoodkt nm q- mk iw i tote tmevaat j get ready for next winter by installing a fairbanksmorse stoker 1 saves coal saves labor phone 5q for a survey of you heating equipment no obligation w h kentner son georgeto ontario lady luhlvk passes mra mabel duncan editor and pub lisher erf tbe wiarton echo and kno wn tor ber dhatty column ab a wom an 8ms it died suddenly may 17 in hamilton general hospital she was 64 mrs duncan took sick while visit ing ber dauabjter miss barbara dun can of the spectator editorial ataft tjhe former label morrow mrs dancau bad taken an active pari in iwbuanlr the bcfco stoce ibs doe to ofcwsi suffcra by ber late bnsbaad wwart a- duncan bo dfted to 19m airs duooaa boot op oatta a raadw- tngdboats sjbo ivtoto prtsrto fo- bttohlyka hjwii tsjo bad been actbre in contkecuati with v new memorial hospital to be built wiarton 8be bekmced to tbe 1 oross womens institute and st presbyterlaii obutch at wiarton also was a member trf tbe weejdy newspaper pttttafaen mm dorjcmn is sarrtred by edvmd ebo was ukxsaatd with i in a pubswbmc tartness mo chtors mratns fflsf jsjwkf roaf at tnrento sia f md oooetaa of j stefcrctl