final meeting for 1945 of halton county council and a shmcere wfim that ev eryone jn the district will have a happy new ear hollywood hotel norval adjmtmcnu to salaries aa uw- oca made tiwrr passed to ap point pnbllo health nunes and coun ty assessor warden haritfp -talof- mfftiy peuow cam ftr service au inemben ww wr the fl nol meeting ot haron county coun cil tuesday deo uv account passed tp council were as follow aeptcuituije becorestation county hoods hospital accounts county bulkttngs finance owwrens aid is27 56 pees and expeneea age pensloiu 8nct motaerir allowance committee 28060 committee fee re children s aid society 11120 ma king a total ox 01935 slmooe county asked approval of a resolution requesting the dominion oovemment to direct the war assets corporation to pass over to the schools on indefinite loan alf surplus equip ment and itfhpi needed tor in strucuonal purposes this letter was 19106 9152 287to31 153680 satjh society of old there was some discussion regarding the account of the new lighting sys- may this message reach our friends both old and new whom we have had the pleasure of serving in 1945 a happy new year c j buck meats groceries phone 28w georgetown good wishes arealwaysfl reason and at this time of year particu larly we like to send greetings to all and our wish for a j new year of health happiness and prosperity fred sinclair white rose service station georgetown tern and it was agreed that the coun ty buildings committee request the rturntjf the old fixtures before tuial payment of the account was made the finance committee recommen 3ed that the salary of the county otortjae reconsidered suggested that it be increased to 1500 per annum effective nov 1 lp45 with 10 of bdme beihg charged to general accounts and the balance of 500 be charged to bead accounts the increase was ap proved the following resolution was moved by mr gilbert seconded by mrs pet tit tfcat 400 as expenses he paid td the warden dr heslop for the year 1946 lir gilbert lnpresenung the mo tion explained that in his opinion and in the opinion of a good many with whom he had consulted it was ridiculous to expect the warden to give his time accept the responsi bility incidental to his office for as small a remuneratoti as had been giv en in the past formerly the warden had been given 200 the warden dr heslop said that while he approved of the increase in principle he regretted it had come up dumg his term of office had it come up next year it would have met with his approval his personal objections being over ruled the motion was car ried unanimously bylaws were passed appointing the public health nurses for the public schools in the county also the ap pointment of a county assessor mr wm deans as secretary of the old age pensions board was given a grant of 150 for efficient services ren dered as a means of preserving the re cords of the lome scots of which halton county is justly proud it was moved b mr hillman and mr whit- iker that the authority be given to the brampton conservator to print halton s share of the history of the lome scots at an approximate cost of 84 00 carried moved by robertsoif and cobert that the car allowance for boy smithy county engineer be raised from 500 to 750 for the year 1946 carried tn regard to county health servi ces the warden announced that ihe haa talked with dr struthers wio had expressed great satisfaction at the progress airady made in the county and had intimated i hat the depart merit had its eje on halton in the hope that when facilities were avail able this county would be first in the field to take advantage of the exten ded health service mr robertson i think this health unit is such a splendid service that x feel halton county should bend over backwards 4to ikeaovantage of such a proposl ton mr j m macdonaid who has been very active in getting the pres ent health service underway agreed it was one of the finest things that ever lilt the county the warden was asked to vacate the ohalr and with mr gilbert as chair man the wish of the council was ask ed as to voicing their individual app reciation to the retiring warden as had been the custom in the past mr gilbert told council lftttjjr heslop had said he would prefer that this not be done however mr craig thought it was too bad if they were all in such a hurry that they could not take time to voice a few words of personal appreciation to their war den each member therefore spoke as he saw fit and the warden was the recipient of roanv words of cwrunenda- uojo obviously in all sincerity as to the appreciation of his services durtng his term of office regret nas also ex pressed by memb regarding the pending retirement of messrs j m mcdonald n gilbert and w j rob ertbon mr cuaie in his remarks apt ly referred to j m mcdonald as mr ilslcy the warden brief as usual was none the less obviously sincere in his thanks to his fellow members for their words of commendation he said ne felt it had been a successful year and that much had been accomplish ed and this he asserted was due to the cooperation and good fellowship of the entire council he also expres sed regret that several of the older members vlth hom it had been a pleasure and privilege to associate wlua were dropping out council adjourned following the singing of the national anthon c- new years massage from haltons member new tears day 1946 is the first new year sihcelg39 that we can look forward to without ttoe anxiflty of war the sacrifices though not all the h are behind us great though the sacrifices in human life and in wealth have been there is a silverlining the demands of war have taught us how to achieve full employ ment and already as a direct result of the war we as a nation have become awaxe of tlie need for full social ah3 health security the family allowance measure and unemployment insur ance became law during the war i public health measure and forecasted revisions to the old age pension act will rwid out our social security programme full employment coup led with a complete revision of our tax- structure should make canada the finest place in which to live and rear a family internationally canada is doing her full part out contribution to the san francisco conference oar participa tion in the international fund to reg ulate foregn exchange and to the in ternational bank to furnish credit to war ravaged countries as agreed upon at bretton woods our contributions to u n n r a aad our contribu tion to freer trade among brie nations means that we as a nation are willing i and anxious to help world recovery the coming year will perhaps be the most difficult of the poet war years we will have some unemployment and the housing situation is serious but the ova all picture is full of encour agement during the war years i had to spend most of thetlme out of the riding but from now on wql be at home except- ingjwtfnlkhoua0 u la cession and will be glad to give full attention to riding wortc once again best wishes to au for the new tear and dont forget you have a member who will be glad to serve you when asked yours sincerely hughes cleaver mj the georgetown herald wedneadoy jan 2nd 945 i i when you ttunk ofjtew years resolution t remember that punctuality is a virtue and resolve to have jacks watch repalfe keep your watch accurate in 1946 upholstering j for excellent work and serrioe in re upholstering and av- re aestgning or your inester odd halt phone 89 foeesttmatfi i calls taken until 11 pan we also take orders for nest apnoibicrea lurntinre in latest i dealrns also relying of springs and rewebblng in the borne j dick the upholsterer 2 12 the pick ot tobacco it does taste good in a pip we hope that the number 1946 will mean health and happiness for yoivj m we know 5 that our numbers 14 or 30 will mean the best in taxi service courtesy safety prompt service and full insurance f thompsons taxi heating is no problem b iht fumsee b in goo repair a for dollar spent new mm heat at ka oast oar pod stack at plane jaar aider now jar a new farnaoo th win be araav asle tar mitaltehan seen altar the new year j f murfih 5 rear of lavoie knitting phone 138 tinsmithing dust collecting systems furnace and general sheet metal work 111 m t woods electrical equipment milkers grinders ost rollers fast freezers water heaters we can make immediate delivery i to avoid disappointment next sntnmw wa advise ordering your cooler now for spring delivery we are freezers for the home cattle a m trade t e hewson iier now nr w now taking orders on fast phone 332 georgctowh dancing in the rose room georgetown arena every wednesday and saturday night modem and old tyme dancing a ilmlial ste modern aires orchestra dbtuts rosxubes joint meeting of nobval juniors resolved ttaat poukry raising la more cffofitanle tbaa dalrybaj was tbe aosjeot of a debate which waa the main feature of a jnaatjng at the nor ma juniors on tuesday deo nth at the home of ida marlon hunter and cflajfcn mot oral beu and john bird upholding the negative aide of tne question were judged whrnan ant jim feme and jaok rnddall judges ware bui tolton of saiton ren laar- ahejl and claude flutet ana m tssv judges remarks mr tolton gawa the annan some valuable oonatrucufa- ortaoiam regarding debating pro a i la meetings of the guis ana tors groups preceded the joint meet ing alter the debate oluiatmas car ols wan sung ajth john bird atthe anno and l tottowed jo the people ot georgetown tind district we extend our smcere wish that your houday season and the year to come be med with much happinem and joy may we continue to have your fnend- ship and serve you in 1946 rachlins expert tailoring and alterations ladies suits and coats mens suits and coats madetomeasure with fit and material guaranteed good range of cloth samples from which to choose j