tfce georgetown herald wednesday nov 12 1947 the georgetown herald serving tha oomonaiwaa of okukktown ohms wh1uiu nobval umbhoobe hobnbx gtewakttown asuobovz balunatad twa cotta rate 3 00 year onwto ooplee so a affrertutag bates ouotsd on anj walter o bhchn publisher and bdrlor cmriwdl moohvray reg broomriead sum harold davison leslie it ctaik oorey herrlngton the sundayschool ndaysci- lesson lb herald is printed each wednesday afternoon at the office on lfatn bt georgetown autborlzed as second daas man poet office dope ottawa scember of the canadian weekly newspapers as and tt ontario quebec division of tbe ownjl the editors column talking shop perhaps some of our readers do nov ealize that the publishing end of the business is only part of the joh at the herald shop and that we also do a consider able amount of commercial printing originally it was a fifty fifty proposition the first three days of the week spent on the herald the last twoand a half on printing but with expansion of printing demands and increase in personnel in the staff it is only for the few hours on wednesday when the paper is actually being published that we are notrhard at the printing last week was a particularly hectic one with several jobs booked which had a very specific delivery date por instance there was the folder distributed at the memorial day service on sunday an order of ser vice for knox church anniversary as well as display bills to advertise it fend order of programs for the the atre menus for credit lodge ladies night on friday and a sale catalogue for dr h a mccullough s cattle sale at underwood farm today in between we sand wiched a number of small jobs such as membership tickets for juniors teen agers and seniors at teen town hall business cards for donegal kennels where mr mac cattanac is raising pure bred irish setters on the farm near norval which he bought last spring from aubrey and edna kerr lodge notices for credit lodge as well as some lines of type which were added to a display poster for the massey harris movies last night at lie old town hall another large job done dur ing the week was a price list and order iorm for mr r s murray who grows a great variety of glads at his norval home and the delivering of labels for per fee py product otheappleproctuct8 company at the glen by dint of some hard work in regular hours and overtime on the part of all the stap thing was completed on schedule and this printing debentures for the two new to jes for wartime housing and arena i and con turning with the town voters lis was started several weeks ago by rev r- g todd growing in grace lesson peter jude the second epistle to peter reflects a period in the early church when the christian community was threa tened with a lowering of moral standards some of the converts who had been admitted tended to think ol salvation as a matter of abstract and arid intellectual belief rather than as a way which lnvol ved definite moral standards the writer warns his readers against a tendency which he feels must be checked in our lesson text the writer gives b list of virtues 1 5 1 not to be practised as a means of achieving righteousness before god but as a result of the work of gods grace already begun in them through faith in the first four verses of chap 1 it is made clear that the very begin nlng of moral improvement is found in thut faith which is directed to ward the person and work or jesus christ any progjramme for morafl betterment in the individual and in society is based upon people experl encing for tl emselves that saving grace of god which comes through a personal faith in christ as saviour and lord granted the faith rea i ders are urged to add to it virtue knowledge temperance patience godliness brotherly kindness love without them the one who confes ses christ is barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our lord jesus christ 18 in his use of the word add the writer is not suggesting that each virtue is added to the other by more human endeavour he means that one naturally grows out of the other v z virtue out of faith knowledge out of virtue etc the whole process is involved in the liv ing power of the gospel virtue of course means morel excellence knowledge is achieved nly by hard study perhaps some of the converts peter is admonishing were sitting back waiting for further divine illumination and they needed to be told tha they must learn to think and study for themselves stu dy is often the channel of divine 11 lumination in the search for truth temperance means seet control the ability to hold the passions and desires in check patlenoe indicates the quality of endurance which en ables a christian to resist the pres sure of external circumstances which as we saw last week involves social persecution brotherly kindness means love of ones christian breth ren a spirit which must animate the christian society which includes ail deixjihlnatians charity is a very comprehensive thing that is able to take in the meaning of jesus command love your enemies do good to them tht date you and pray for thorn that despitefully use you and persecute you mat 6 h pal lure to thus grow in grace results in moral and spiritual blindness 1 9 which makes it impossible for a men to discern tfie true end of life he will spend his time on worthless tilings and pursue goals that are only mirages in the desert it mean a loss ol the spiritual und eratondlng which was the beginning and the result of his christian ex perlence he that laokcth these things hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins 1 9 peter is here insisting upon the thing james spoke of when fatf said faith without works is idle as faith beam fruit in works the chris tlan tsvoble to make his calling and election sure what is the calling and election ofthe christian we are cabled to be sons of god heirs of the kingdom and joint heirs with christ as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to them that be lieve on his name that calling and election is made sure by the works which denote the fact that faith is not dead love your enemies etc that je may be the children of your father which is in heaven we are called of god to be his children we make our calling sure by obeying the command love your enemies and by ihis may we enter the kingdom of god 1 11 tile thoughts in the epistle of jude are very similar to those in 2 peter but wiile peter specifies the objectives which christian ought to keep in mind jude suggested the means by which they may be kept in mind praying in the holy ghost keeping yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ 20 21 these are channels through which the dlv ine grace flows to meet the needs of the human soul over against those who seek the help of god to bear the fruit of their faith jude sets those people who claim to be christians but are not these are distinguished by several marks they mock the idealism of earnest christians largely because they like to indulge their own un godly lusts this sort of thing we have with us today in the form of the capitalistic freeenterprisers who mock the christian standards be cause they want to be free to walk in their own ungodly lusts and mum ohnnpimr tin uiaunratracninfttiiinc aqtfott tt vofl ft wlr oroflta 1 this group of peudoohrlstians are alio muted toy tt fct that they create divisions in the chris tlan church they attack the lead ershlp of those who seek to uphold christian moral standards and cre- iate groups who favour their stand ards both in jude and in 2 peter emphasis la laid upon ttie fellowship the comradeship ttirough which love finds physical and material expres sion and upon the sharing the car rying of mutual burdens through which men and women are led into a fuller experlerfbe of the divine love these modern pseudochris junior farmer with a future satisfactory reuglous life by to the- staadittcls of oaniempatmij acv ciety while ignoring trie feuointilp of the christian society certainly do not share tbe vfcrwpofcrt tf 12m ear ly ohurch and her leaden nor do they share the viewpoint of the mas ter jude ends bis zsptstle with an as cription of glory uhlan begma row unto him that b able to keep from f ailing ood la to keep us from the temptation low and jnohrlstlan standards there is certainly very littleabout continued on page 8 q your prescription we are qualified to dispense any prescription given you by the doctor a graduate pharmacist always on duty 1 maccormacks drug store i phone 327 georgetown phone 375 kingsway cleaners for a reliable cleaning service phone 375 directory iu uusnronfiniiiiuoaniui a e lepage realtor head office toronto xx bar street telephone ad mel farms country estate surburban homes 1 1 city houses 1 summer properties umrbkt national absooiattolt of bbal ebtatb boards telephone 1j odoboetown ontario specializing j i r the ie s ambitious that hoy does chores for bis father hires out to neigh bouring farmers keeps some livestock of his own and he saves his money like many another former s son he has plans and is doing something about them now he is wise enough to know that the habit of saving something out of every dollar be earns can be the very foundation of his future success ts net er too early to start a savtngs account royal bank of canada faklhts k for o ropy of our bookut financial training lor your son and daughter it ii ml oferpchcal and helpful rug onfm important tubjct georgetown branch f p benner manog dr j burns milne pkntai 8urobon z ray jiimii pbooe so dr cuftord reid ub dxb dentist pbooe 410 open evening oeoigetawn nielsen hh chiropractor dniglem therapist srd year at prmcuoa lwlj attendant boon man tawa prl 25 pm bat 38 89 p-m- oloaed thursday over domlnkm store o phooe 150w radio repairing we specialize in this work is yean- l j sanfordson oborobtowh ssr ivlonitments pollock campbell 1 water bc iseadi oil dsslgns on lequast pbone 9ms inspect our work aa avsenwsod iimiurji iiui nuiiuim lever hoskin chunsobd aooauntiamts oucoessocs to jenkins hardy ims laetropetttail bldg el victoria bt toronto au nn frank petch atjottonsro onnnnic nreuanck and kbal est bxbticb walter t evans and company d welter t brans cstjson a bosji james f bfnns and at r braes are readr to serve im we are as dose as rosa ofoor hours sjo to s oseo saterdaj seaesess ux office mbs conidii x a wtbovtsatsy ck 2