trukmkwlmfttu 4miaii5iairtbssijl sssauisaiis i r r io the georgetown herald wednesday jan it 1948 qii j i jtl i jjj dresjimkiag and alterations specializing in children wear mrs f perry pver heriwon garage millet pbone 308ir ii hi ri n rosedale floral i cut flowers in wedding an j funeral f design work jj phone 283j murdock st aia at w deliver dancing it 1 with the modern aires orchestra j every jfriday z oddfellows hall s s brampton a m huttbnyille lurk ltd j hhilitohah sunday school lesson byriv k c todd wheei we work wit cod lesson 2 cor- 520 to 010 an liepio the theme f thin lesson th imudor iriiirht tlilrh to 1 cor ctylur 3ard read in vemo y of this ehapturi theiiriificnt vorav rhv iiw worker toa- tw vth vbd rthleib4toii wv- iyul week tro on j wo know uiloul cod wt iiooku of cofl lit uurlt4i vreon moruljierl- viifa ai in jymti4 pxciatliwc ajtokc of codbehh in christ recoucii- unr the wpriil jiuiti uinpiejf thu liifu of til iriiilit lvapn ilo- uuiia jart u play in the work dpch jiod r to nniliir in the vorlu aud we aiy hittiitr here- of thi wotlfi of heonellialum juht uj iuuii ure cujiwi upon lb work ttttfttheri with god- in thennt- uraj world in the production of food und ahejtor and eiothimr und till the neeoadilie arid oven luxur ies of life which jjo to make up u- euiufortiible phyaicoj exbtenre bo hey ale called upon ui work with iiiu iii the piiit world in the reioncilitition of men with cod and tle production of thbie moral aild spiritual qualities whicli v to make up a hajpy and prosperous and tri- umphaut llfr it is necesiiai y that v r oi i with cod in tin- produc- f food it ii even more nec- i hat we worl with cod in wuil oi reconciliation iui a j eh us ul t n the sitmioil oil lif dnijjit n not tin life inure than meat lh nj5 ilu are hrutiam t be wurleiv wih cod hi the uoii of jjjdenijj- liuiiv iaul jrives us tlie jjiiiiwer in j or 5lij vve aiv- to aiiibliuiuib juim rejiixriejiiutive it is the aiat tlie privilege r 01 a chrii- ie a channel joi lneb- oi reiunciliatiiip an though juij ilid becuch ou by u we jjla uii in chrlili iteau buyu leil to jod we are to upeuk ol tiun which we ourselves have heard and to testify to that which we hat e experienced liut it lb ob violin of course tljat no one coji ipealv unlesa lie hub first hud his eart open tojiar and himself eac- 4uuiencud- the icdcomlnjf uork of chrut iij lii- jvn life ainbuaau- dnr eonvey a ineiisugu they ure nut the framerj of the measure noc rj merely rprenttr of kith- orlty and thp chnnl of an auth oritative communication the xn- basaador for chript u ntmated irlth dommunicatlons from god r- uarduis recoficlliauon s what then- iathia meeau of re- concilmtion with whicbujhe chriaf- ian u ontruatod head 2 cor- 6 17yi lh thirt pjibsaire 3vul teaka of the now cfreation in christ and of uivtmkioval iroihtht account which awndi jtgainut u of our ixvqpna lptini cod law uec- onoilmtion io4nithtta duraina n jonftr stand iwcojt u tuid jod dhe jxurtlcejt coh luw htoi boeri- atbifj x5rifev- thj coattr vrjfkfddhiiritoy jj for- kivittkfib ttud ihoau wh seing r- jntunr lilm u him jeliovtnif he fprgwxhv uktl hi the vub whfvli hchriti noke tiijni room men while the zneaalea epidemic has made inxoada in the public achool attendance since the aecsond tnn opened the jnew idndensartep primary cbus taugat by lira joa eph owyer haa entered it aecond week thirtyaeven children ara rejcutered divided into two tfroupa name attending fronttstlh 1130 in twr ntorrdngi tknd the ouiera fitorn l30 to 360 in the aftexnoojav cliuuwfl are held in tlie dowrtovfira lojjm jttthc achool whicm formerly cdhtained imiis- haiel- uarruona jcluvi y liurin th chatma jrofli- days u new iloor witfi laid jn the ulaasroom djiiul quanen which liiwl been on hand aiiicc iaetfall aet miv harihtou claas k now conducted ul the upataim iuueznbly hi thih teconcillntf v uctiyiiy- of codj ochrbrtiuiiu tnujit be fellow- v6vker with cod jliirtiooticuiui uojd iii tho heulhu woid foiuujidir iduali tfroupi and natioliiii wlw uxe lit enmic wili one another and with cod to atriviiur individuals qiiutruluome yroujki and bclf cen tred and wurriue natknih oven if the war be only a cold war the word must rint out clearly from christian lips and pen- we be- seecli you on behalf of cheiut ie-ye- i ecuiiciled to cod 1 he christiui iuul show hijiij to cod lie i i uits worthy i jiiilian ill e n i hlin ol i ihutt t re j ulf briiii efltuiku be lived however uciled forth jhe it tiu- pi ic- tin- be el ranee euid- j orhl4t liien and muai uiuu tieap form in the niuial iiie i christian iiiuat low purity j niiuv itdje pi aci lorbc j uxeieisu kindlier loliuw ihl- jiutt ol ln hj spiit hae genu am love- toward iod ami man bi li utniui in hjieiili tjui uctioii am walk sleullastly ue mut not let i iuii in ain lue hristian lite f vacuum and the i eiliatio be quick phone dick for the best in chesterfield reupholstering new patterns and and colours now available to match your room highly akilled workmen on all our wprk a customer on every street i your assurance of satisfaction jtut pick up your phone and call 89 no obligation seven day service no wafting jack suderman of john dick and son pupiln rukhitijrl forcind5rfrtonr primary work uiv carolyn uiehn connie ulunchard jtfclyliputttlutii iatriciit uomkill i cuil liruiiiby ikmald chirk john cummin- wendy daviikon hrenda dawson alurilaret jcauon william jerrie carol crccnnward lenneth iribbin muud llndloy sharin jfmiey iirenda lluwea iinda korack jill kentner iirian iiwis ju7ie lyon itobeit martin eleanor mccarvell loiiilan miilvray lh- erly morrow catherine mud caiol maim marllw iattun keith tlcmof 1hillip kaw kent uiddaji- terry kiihn- wendy saumlei urydbn shieldj louise titajdeton jacqueline tost billy walker jane wardlaw mmmmm annual meeting 1 u esqoesing agjuojlturacsocdsty saturday afternoon january 31rt council oianibera 4- pot office uildjng v r t- pj- i guestspeakersc v- v mr f adaitfrqiil ilnt rf pw11w0 for oniwio mjir wtklopkf kajtin jifricuiiaim hapnttiuun yutt crxlxi tteiw i1riitdcnt xiaerteldty ueqllvrjcf sutfty i i ii sk vphonej75 ringsway cleaners for a reliable cleaning service phone 375 i rujhteouslieia l the rrite ol ur lor not lied in a ciijau of rocon- not iiveu witliout iefe- jenee to the moral lilejof inenin cuiiei et inualions in hie cor a- here and there in the sci ipturci we find jiau of murlu of the tood life- the beatitudes ml u12 compose such a lbt cala- tiuiii zilz23 nives another the jiuit of the spirit bi etc the aoveruje cliriatian will fuel that hbjlife i- too weak mid im- perfeet to jive-up- to buehe louei of virtue cod howevordpua not expect ua to be perfoct all at once but he doea expect mj to be earnest tlie point i that correct doctrine mubt be matched with u daily life which b woll pleaainif to j furious hand to hand combat the cod in order that the ministry be ilijph school team emerged victor- not blainedtiiaui in order tliat ious with a score ol 6 to 2 the the ambaiuiadors intiake bo recoi- iubtic school team in iipito of their ved and believed inferior iixe- cave our chapa a tfood run for their money jo louth was i the mining injht of the lublic school squad and- bany turk high school news vic and jo l3ibtrthursdfljflfiitrfonit boys en- jinked in a friendly ijtt pitno of shinny with the yuuunt midgu of 1ublic school- thih riot took place in the memorial arena admuuuos jo centa after ixty minutes of tqm dickenson sand gravel cement blocks hll black top soil and general haulage phooe 84 r 33 gedrgtown in cor g81u there is a mjrien of antitheabi which yhould be noti ced the diahonour illrepute and irauduieuce the insecurity the dy- in and the punilimoiit mentioned are understood aa imputed to paul unduie chiitianibyhelroijiion enu tho chhatian experiancea these thiiups in his dally living but in al hdoe- thinf h b tu prove himself an amhaaaador he amy b peraecuted but bluvad is he that ia persecuted for rlfhteouaueaa bake lie may be poor in earthly ooda but he haa the grace of god j whicli make him rich he poiueaea everything for ho poaoio chxiat in all the experienroa of life ho bj more than conqueror through christ who utre nkthenoth lum a rubber stamps in an extensive range of sizes cover every business need al n we are agent for warwicks oi kitchener a complete line of ttampt daters snumberera and rubber stamp equipment the georgetown herald printers v publishers lorriman wa voted the moat val uable- amn on the team the high school team we prophecy that the hltfh s ladj with o little practice will be able to take on public schools kindergarten also wo hope to uio a return struglu in the near future a skating party for high whooi ttudenta u to be held tiiia friday niht at the uih schools rink kach porson ia to bruu a box lunch and these wul be pooled hot cocoa will be supplied tlie menu for tjupvenimi in as follows skating iiom h to 10 lunch then ru cut- tine or more poliujy dancuuj thia liindia i- beinjf whjpod up by five ilniiifl oi the oial committee i a eauuerie de 1ecole we see thai the bitf bad uolfof fifth form and the little scotch ud itidinjr ibiod have called u truce in their daily serujwi ani wilcmiiii utepjiilie out together at laat friday nihta noike kami it must have been the irli pipe band that ua- the- at- lnution we jer that mad mad lilunde lovef of eell 1 has broken another fair duiiwrliheari oh- ivell these iieeoiid foimeru will ne ver uutp jduyink with fire avhat ua the cuuae of ull tie confetti in fourth form but wok a coining niariiiue howard c wriglcmworth installed a maatei of credit j lodge vt the annual iiulallatnui of uf- iiceri of crtnlit iaduu no 210 likc af and am held lt friday eveuiny brother howard c wrbjr kleiiworlli was imttalled a vorhip- i11i master of the i ode fbr ju4d 1 lincoln auto body btcdaufrts u refinishing colour matching and striping body and fender repairs mr w giffin i in charge of the paint department electric and acetylene weldinc and caffin aluaunum and wtnte metal weldnuj we aim to please itt wor lliu k v mnooehiuiok mtiil ui iiihtullinu luautuy wor ii ix writrirluuwortli auccoaiu wor 111- tryvo wolil tho llm o li honour u tlm iiuw maxtor of ioilii lodno u iuriio nuinliur of whuois utliiiiluil iiicludlmk lnoth- iui iimiii yt cutliarlnpa llrumpton steuttivitu krin aiuoiiuiui ml- ion aftvr tin mootiiir liacl ilonud mumlioia sut down to banquat r- riiuuil by tho liuomlnir junior vfimleii dro wllbart clkv lucky strike o bowling club and snack bar where a smack ha a sinack openowunfii- every week dayhfrom i to 7 and all day saturday from 10 am to i i- pm lots of opportunity for everyone to play thii popular name ladies are particularly invited to th club in the afternoons ita more fun than a game of bridge i the club is reserved for leagruei bowling frotn 7 pin each weelcdny evening cpme down and wtch them play and have a srinck atjhe bar j itmhilriiiir na hafcj y y