sunday school saxe motors futility liibiritt ioovrmhlv jirtito 1 ho finont miiti ruilii tho ftkill of long iixr vrtce art combined to cruito n t bar given von more mile of mifu ofroo wrvui for very dnllnr you nvftiit t the nioit for your in my dnvo in today for brand nt w dnodyiarfl 3 goodvear dealer ssxe motors tei 1s2w georgetown imimi vaauini i outfsiflto lesson bt 818 byifoitshriwd iii- a prwln mm fws quarter we have dsalt wtth the hn- portanca of belief or doctrine and -the- important individual and social onaequeneethat follow upon our belief either for good or fer evil depending upon our doctrine of god and our doctrine- of man laat yoek we dealt with the doctrine of qod thl week we have a leasee urwchaaks -djdssuool- wfcal la man ana what a msseyasqfcahijp xo godt j j the scrjptural witneea wat man u sroado u jue linage of gocj r his child bat there hat been a defaceinenbf tfia imaged a corrup tion of the datura art inatraaip- wont in the fatherchild rcawon ship caused toy sin which may be described yarioqaly aa disobedience to theaw of god rebellion against fclovqolfcentredncm on uie part of njasjtort is sin againat good ness lying stealing sensuality injustice uncbhritabloncaa there uf stir against truth crooked thinking projudlce idlo uloa there is sin against beauty tbe degra dation of man and mens talents sin has an individual and a collec tive expression there is a mats of colloctivo evil for which not one individual alone but msny peoplo noting together are responsible yet each individual muat stand on his own foot and bo responsible itl tho sight of god sin sets man at var- janco with god it estranges him from qod it estranges him from liia fellows as well it brings upon him the judgment and wrath of god so that ho lives in a world of confusion and distress and is on- able of blrosolf to fulfil gods high purpose for him war savings certificates dim 1947194 your war savings certificates may be redeemed by endorsing and sending theny they- fall due to the registrar war savings certificates 350 king edward avenue ottawa for your greater convenience you may leave all your certificates now with any branch of this bank we shall send them to ottawa as they fall due and credit the proceeds to a savings account in your name as settlements are received rites on application at any branch of the canadian bank of commerce georgetown branch r h ireland manager the gospel christianity tringa to the world la good mm to sinner where b3lanlajod heljr massif god waa in christ reconciling the wond umfc mmaelf to the war ifct scrtptuwa pat it christ bears our sins and gives us an assurance of the forgiveness- and kvof god the corrupt nature is made a new oneature in christ jesua the dis obedience is forgiven the rebel lious heart is conquered as submis sion js made selfcentred man js nude godcentred han iho jrar uwr child relationship is restored taslrsgbnviit becomes reconcil iation atonenjent u made for sin i in christ jesus ou who were once afar off have keen brought near in uie olood of christ kph 2 18 cod make the bojiatfor ajlve tb- gether with him having forgiven us all our trespasses having cuneolled the bond- which stood agalnut us with jte jdgul demands tms ha set usldb nailing it to thocroka cm 2 ij14 on the cross jesus bore thu burden of sin and ho broke its power and what he fio7theto mo ves men to repentance convoys foigivendsa undoes tho sstrange- mont and bindti tham to himself in u new loyalty by his resurrection and exaltation christ stands victor ious ovor death and all evil and tie fills thobo who commltta thomselvcs to him with such giaco and btrongtb that in him they too are conquer ors statement of raitli tho uni ted chuich of canada dut what muat sinful maitdo to make reconciliation olfoctivo to ebcapc the wrath and eulae of god 7iue to us for bin god roquiroth of us faith in jesus christ ropentonco unto life with the dibgont uso of all tho outward means whorehy christ commuuicateth to us the benefits of redemption tho shov- tcr cutocbiiin iho giact of god it avuilable man can only receivo it by faith we do not pay for it but receive it as n gift and a moral consoquenco follows upon tho appropriation of gods grace no de iftption is effectively appliod to the believer by tho holy spirit and the coiucqucncc is a ufo hvod in fellow ship with dod a lifo of love which is tho fulfilment of tho law f cod so loved us wo also ought to love one another ihe lcconciliatlon of man to god and god to jvian la variously descri bed by st paul sometimes he uses the legal term justification mcamntr that god pronounces the vordlotof aequittnmnstcad of con- dcmnation at other times he speaks ofman being a now crea ture or a now creation yol again manliflajpsssedfrdmdcath unto life because bo loves the bro- thron and yet again it is a pas sage from slavery to frcodom in the text prescribed for this lesson tho term adoption is used man in an unredoomod state is a child of god away from the family of god soe the parable of the prodi gal son man in a redeemed stnto is a man restored to sonship he is adopted into gods rodecmed fam ily tho church and it is tho spi rit of god working in the human heart which gives the sonso of son- ship tho spirit himself bearing witness with our bplrit that we aro tho children of god romans 8 10 tho relationship with god into which the christian believer comes then is that of ason to a fa- thor the exact relationship which exists between god and his christ the christian becomes a jaintheir with chrht eom 8 17 the relationship is abiding so long as the believers faith kcops him un ited to christ suffering witli him that he may bo glorified with him i lue said st paul yet not i but christ liveth in mo and tlie life which i now live in the flesh i live by tho faith of the son of god who lovod mo andgave i thlxsqqtgetown 4lemlcl wesfartdajr jwa 2t 94g know of no naoio lisiaamng- tpbvfsfsbrgn srsap i hobby for man or woman to tp put in good tim t thtea wl wlntr fifty than foftftliw the win- ur blrdst tjio grat majority of our birds go soatli for the mtr but there aro a mora or mor qiat stay for the winter and take pot luck with what they can find br wha- u given them by kind frienda among tlur moat interesting win- t r toaidenu aro tho active little chicadees who aro larilcalfly ond of somo uet or fat meat then uicre aro ihc aociablv little uhcoe trinij noat hule fchowe eomotimea called black sntxw birds the males ufo 4 fine cohwaat m light helow anddaricf oioe dud oth male and rehjilo uh6v a ipair bf whllp tail fatw r when thy fly ono of ojir mo4l uttfactive winter blrdn in tho blgojifyc a bk huajcy fellow with no tupuct for anyithor bird at thb fctdm bour tor ho crowds m apd gota bis share and l u no small shnrtv fof h will gob- bl v down bifj tuinu of corn like a iilii probably tho most attractive bntb at our table uror tlio cardinal croifbeaks iho male is u brilliant cardinal colour wllilto the female iihowu many dark fcatliurtt in hor plumugo ihoiic arc tho woll be haved birdo at tho labia and wc us ually refer to them iu tho littlo lcntioman and littlo iady of course there ure uiwuv lcn- of cngush iarrowoand an oc- cnaional starling nnd wo have throo uonjf sparrowu staying with us but they are holding their songs for spring when tho males attract their ma tea nnd entertain them whett they arc brooding their young a chipping sparrow has also shown up later on we arc looking for the whitethroat ami whitoerowned mid probably a foac sparrow or two our biggest thrill so fur has been entertaining a flock of aevon -ring- neck pheasants they wore rather ah at first but aro now gaining confidence nnd feed with an cyo open for trouble regardless pf tho fact the lawnroteyjts them with a heavy fine tor liny ono molesting them our bird feed is made of a mix ture of corn whea su grown especially for tiiem and wilt vetch wc get from a friendly far mer this is a small oily seed grcat- 1 rclishod by tho j uncos and other mall bird skates sharnhr new eq tp pen akaxea feat ltifsriaj k h j siehko shoe repairing mam l geojcgctoym apasi ep head o t t ol et r 1 s t eyfcs elxamined scientifically hearing alb battemea quick repairs to glasses 1noculam field glasses etc by si cari s4 phokb ibm guelph est 20 ysan so 50 club meet r jm wk m iss moulders of canada unlimited your porsonat health is duo in part to tho quality of the food yei t ct kooping canadian livaitocu healthy on tho hoof is tho ob of canadian volorlnarlant for thoir ikilk in mainlqining thahoallh of canada i 19000000 cattlo honi and slioop hoy oarn tho tillo mouldors of canada unlirnitod 6000000 aws 0477 o08 onnko vet aruomtu ftircno 0iiwr0 vfrtftflarv ceklefleut luilpli roli four vearfi r 1 w of can dh 1109 vcis mil olvil stkvanij th club mot ut waak atthe baptist church where they atten ded tho weok of prayer service ihc buslnoa part of the meeting una to havo been held at tha home of the now 1948 prod dents mr and mrs rrank whitmee but ow- in gto the illness of their children the new secretaries mr and mrs bob jones opened their home to the club frank wmtmeo took the chair but soon found this honour a figure of spcoch when he got little chance to bit until lunch wus served 1 h m item of business was a v ote to change the constitution w inch passed with the necessary majority meetings in futuro to to be held monthly lnatead of bi monthly as in the past rest of the time allotted to busiiieas was ued in discussions of posisblc projocts und undertakings to dieovcr what t io of meeting the club de ired tlui jeai i rank isked each member in tuin what they would like beat for futuio meotingb iwo of those auggoations were immediately approved a uugh rido to be held on the next meeting date i eb 4th tith mr and mrs howard wrigglcswoith nnd m and mrs keg bioomheud as conve nor and a birthday party to bo ar- i aned loi some tuture date by mr md mrs jim lvana and mr and mm hap crobu it waa alio decided that a per nntule of futuii nuetingu wbuld 1 1 held in the church 1 uncli wis beiveil bj the convto nn- and mr 1 1 dd eloied the niec- tiu with tin he in diction brewing company llimtfn linn if uh mi sui feline adver lt i ti t culi ii the e lhnili are in il u to iimtl tlf relationship in lut i d and 1 1 iccincd man ttn in all tin thnn s man iji mole tli in eompieroi ovei evil through the groat c inquest of ovlj christ made thi ulh tlu tin at coiiticror llirn ell 1 lu nun il mini iuenei h tt thni til iti nmit both in the liilividuul md tho ttuiiul and economio order sh mid he up i cut lot here is u dextnuc of man man ruilistic lliun anv othe i ever pi until add mil at tl i i line turn m te hopeful lit h i iiu d man is no avwi of the st it i no- pln tlmu t tjrints iu i tbci m ho to be lliu uubjuct of cap ital invnti connmli exploitation lie wlio u nmdi foi fi llowship with od and who hi iri hii imavc buy a freedom abovi all licejiao luv who wjt nindi to hi a jolni heir with tin son i f dod luih a dirnitj above nil jridi lie wau made for the li- bert of tho hoiih of god tho oqual- uy of the spuu of dod nnd the fru tornity of thu whis of clecj for your saturday evening dancing paradise- gardens no 7 highway yt mile kitchener aide of guelph bell howe uid his orchestral 250 a couple paradise garden is available for ihanqoeta weddings private parties phohe guelph 199 fer infonlion valley produce arthur ontario wanted all types of poultry jever before have prices been as high as the pre sent market we pay special premiums on everything free pickup fowl z broilers chickens valley produce a phone 16 arthur