thi georgetown hertjd wedneylay jwi 28th 198 interest devlin fe junior tanners to a number of aprpoximately 200 from all uec- tlons of halton crowded the milton hilfh school auditorium qn friday eeninir january 9th tw jmtb oeeaaion of their annual sally t r rijlljard juniorhjirtwimipn floul- manof thy jsgrjouwurax kftpresveri tallve branchy toronto wsja the j gieil v oposjkaiv- mr ij 111 lard -who- waa mtreuyced byjceo atklnav momheevof the jflvipjc jkirmot ojt- eeative of ontario gai8 a tnosc in itorostin vplctunrof the- jwnlor var- j w sner se tur ill and an aut line dr rnany if the project boliij nponaowki vicepreuidout cameron wluon of 0io dhltort junior was tlio- very capubl clluirmuu of the oveninjc and incidentajjy on behalf of the halton junioraprekented bi1 vcr incdala houiinf the halton li county creat to tho winners of tho county puwic speaking competi tion held- lust november namely to erncut wcat of acton and joan cheater of norval i another pleasing foaturo of the evenings programme was tho fif teen minute amateur ontortain- mentu prosentod by tho four halton clubs ah woro worthy of com mendation but the highlight judging by the reaction of the audiunco waa tbo fashion parade presented by ftlilton juniors undor thoablo dir ection of mosdamcs codrie harrop and lloydpickering recreation and dancing to muaic suppllod mays orchestra and directed evelyn pollettorio brought to close the most successful rally yet staged by halton juniors college waa in hia old thme form and dcllgtiod the largo audience with his dynamic uddreefl on the world kood situation president frajik p stark of- the halton club was the capable chairman of tho day programme which jroi uivlet way at 1100 am i if rrtcgrogu at tn tedofat income tax division lntrhducylnnd led disoysaioh on the peto baaib herd volley ot hll idenairtmow thul was well reeoivpid jiad ciatadl j ueoiw djjjcmiiion at the noonday f liiiiiquel which was up to its ssuat liiiifii standard lavid pollotterio and ilehk devriea two of the mofhber of tin milton llolstein calf club und who wop the provincial cham pionahlp in hairy cattle in compe tition wrth 52 club teuma f roin- a 5ootionsdf ontario last october were honoured and- presented witli suitable gifts tirlresidentii secretarys und salea agents report all revealed unit the halton club bud enjoyed uhe of the moat aucceasful years in iu history club sulci acnt mor- ley t wuuon in his report stated lie had uold over 210 head to u value of approximately 5u0u0 needless to add this ia but- a fraction of the total sold privately geo drcmmn in presenting six superior production certificates to d jack township graham elaon township bobt hayward ownshlp doncan offat ad- arthur padbury erin town- j ship chas mckaown eramoas township kenneth ella owlag u thw uteriaacof the hour the election of tho now officer was luld over until the flret meeting of the now board thus concluded one fwfcsrlarts sl crafts elect w wiioercers at mee of tfae rnvfsucoesf ul year in the htpryyftlimltoriclul junior varmer mckkey series qper3 a v kojrr toas rcvetin4 he ac- lon milton nerval uljd palermo hiniotp kaririea jjliui are compotl ing in tho ikhotkoyerics th olvenlrijr gauieit were placed on ihuraday jiinuary 8 when acton juiilors ahetlucuxxl tho palurtnp team to the tune of li to a in the sec ond gume j the double header korval met aliltoli this lattcrgama thveatened to develop into a real doniiybi ook howovef refere6 ejuo itobertvon of hornby rulod with an lioiulland anil the game finished with nerval on top g to o on tuesday january 5th the mine four teams aaain met ut tho alilton arena with acton atain in- iluatiiik tbey are out to retain tile ur carl murtin trojihy when they took tho milton team to the tuna of 1 r to i in the ileculid umu nerval mlain entered the- win column by i ileteutinn palermo slo 1 198 annual luting art and crafts at georgetown was held on thursday afternoon januarxj6that thevjiomo tff mr c vt wriliama the ivosldonc mrs m h moyer gave an address on the activities and achievement of uie eroup and it wa felt that a post sncceeafovl year had been enjoyed in particux lar the leather wrv and pottery classes had operated very success fully mrs arthur bosjn outlined the aohlbv4jipenta of tho pottsry group 1 mjsw j bealty 61 afctn took the chair for the euclldo o offi- liers who- are as follows prosldonvimrs m llc moyar 1st vice proh-mrs- a m nielsen jnd vice preakla- f p uesi- her sfccretary mid u j mqlaujfhr lin trciunn-ei- mrs t g mcclui- tock auditor mrs wallace thompson aetoh igrolip lender mra w j fleutty the president outlined to a pro- yram of educational work which will lie undertaken by the group for 1318 particularly to encouruko the new memhors to become proficient in the arts and cnifls which they have chosen a delightful tea hour followed ud lira j a early moved a voto attlual ivijflttg society vg agr1c woiimimu saturday afternoon january 31 am council chambers post office buiumf i at s pjsu r y speakms v ut ja caileoujsup of j9au n bd ontario mr j e whlfrxqcjcf hajton agrkuiwrsl repr a eonllal tavltaiuo kbud all latamstael fall fair ww to attoaj oraig hem proauent qrbvbvd hvlkrtr i s i of thnhku to cohoatcasou mrs williuma and her mra john kelly jkrliurow vestry meeting at hornby jandma ilarold-kickk- forjiinoiit norval and stewarttown uroa and k x measlier atutud that j jy the halton cluh rucoivud twice as by many au uny other club in central theuimuiil vestry mu western ontario j yt stephen anglican j m prasur firjit vicepresident niiiby vub held il the c f p1cicet appointed pre3- of halton holstein club palermo community hall wan the niecca on thursday january 15th for haltona blacjc and whjt en- of the holbtein irieuiun association of canada brought greetings from the parent organization and briefly explained aome of the uutientod chankea being considered by the dominion executive hurry hayu of oakville was un- i animoualy eloctld as the candidate rthig of church home of trrjoyablc afternoon the next mee ting will bo held at the homo of mra arthur heaumunv clen yji liams on march 18th luinrtniiuoiitwwiiim lincoln auto body rciau3t0 im refinishing colour matching and striping- 3ody and fender repairs t i head of the ontario agricultural ec skates j sharpened i new equipaxient to aht- pn akaic for artificiaj it h j- sienko shoe repairing main st georgetown sir for your saturday eeins dancing paradise gardens my no 7 highway yz mile kitchener side of guelph featuring bill howe and his orchestra 250 a couple paradiae gardens u available for banquets weddings private part phone guelph 1991 for infomation ho olection of officura reaultcd aa fouowa prcaidont c b pickot istviccpresirr o hunter 2nd viccprea h craia iteid secro- -tary- treasurer v j lawrence di rectors trafalfiir township w h birar m doarinir e f ford f g itaru a t woodloy ktiuueflin township w h robinaon nelson townhip j c bell a g hunter itoa scjraworth and m t watson nosagaweya wm mahon and f uinehart dr iw schofield addresses jersey annual t4iaannualmec ton jersey cattle club was hold in the hornby hall on tuoaday jan- uary 13th jack fauxormtone pro- aident of the flalton cluh waa h j charge of the mectinff whbich op ened at 11 am eightyfour war in attend an co for the banquet ably served by the ladico of the hornby wi the secretarys rojwrt revea led a pal1 up mwiibofship of 59 in 1947 tho largest in tho history ol the organization othor features of the report were a racctirui on herd class tflcatgt field day at oac county show which brought to go the r g8 bead of halton jerjieya aocond prizo coun ty herd at the western ontario championship show at siittcoc tho winninga of the m c doatyiherd at tho 11947 royal und the long dla- tanco rfcord made by fairy ualcih zatut in tin herd of featheistoiie hroir of oakville this cow at 1g years of age hati produced over hunu lbn1 of milk and nearly 8000 ibu of fat which makes her lhe new jun diataiice produefng jtrsey coik rvtiuda living or ueiidj drf w schofirld of the onta- lio veterinary college wat chiof speaker at the aftyrn6ou program ami his humorous and philo- sophitul address dclichtj the audi- enrt- otlieru who sjioko briefly ineludiml col hartley hull of lliiunpton ford i nipple it rant ford president of the ontario jersey club harold butcher secretary of thv ontario jersey club aiid h u l4roan of tlie federal income tiu diviaion who outlined the new hasic herd ifcyof bis depart ment the mcktndrick trophy for tho iiumioii jersey calf club mem ber was prehentod by agrlc aei- rvtieiitative j k whtoack to da vid clarke of milton the 1948 board of director el- ictth are ns 1ollown trafaurar lownslup m c beftty for prbmpt and jeffijcient service tn general haulage work 1 call dickenson hauuge ceprbttown phone 84 r 33 ur and mr- frank chbmolm mr ivuiik chisholm was appointed tem porary vestry tlerk in the abonro of lr krnest lrieu heports were uivtn by the hector kev j e maxwell by mr guy buiwell und by mrs arthur brain showing a distinct progress in the work ofthe chuich during thep aat year mr wilfred thompron was ap point ud hectorh warden for 1u48 and mr hobort bradley- was alftc- iel ai 1ooples warden a vote of thanks was given to the retiring warden for their good work during tho past year due tu the inclement weather and the inability of many of the con gregation to bo proacnt tho mt- mg wii- adjourned to be reconvened at a later date the veatry meeting of st pauls church norval was held in the kectory ho porta were preaontod by miss jrairio moguire ur war rick coupland and others showing great advance duriiig tho year edjthoac who were resknaiblo- for the successful work that had been accomplished and appoirtod mr warrick coup- land as his warden mr william finnamore was elected unanimous ly to the position of peoples war den due to tho increasing coat of liv ing on increase of 100 was voted to the hectors stipend it was da- cided that further renovation should be mado to the hurch dur ing the enduing yr and that each member should uildartake to prov ide one new hymn book for use in the church services on a motion from mr w lludaon it was agreed that more use should be made of the pariah ball beginning with rongrugattonu social to be held be fore lent a discussion was held regarding the advisability of ea lablislitng a brunch of toe u in the pariah it was sutfgebted by mrr iouplaiid tlmt an effort be made to remove sumu ol he treeq in the cemetery mr julpi slirufsby was elected lay delegate to the isyuod fur the next three year 1 he meeting adjourned with pru yei by the hector the veitiy meeting of st johns church stewarttown wua held at the home of mr und mra j s sun- ford the meeting was opened- with prayer by the hector following which mrs c a jmitt im apjwin- ted vestry clerk the minutes of the last meeting were read by mrs m baily hekrt- were jrosunujd by the hector mr j s sanford mra bai ly and mra hodge thu hector thanked thotie whg were responsible for the hplettuid progress of tho clifinuhiu all departnpifta during the puut year a eomiiittee was appointed to inveutiuute the osiiibility of re-or- ganiziuu the aypa ih uie com munity on n motion from mrs hodgu the wanlcns wero author- izedto make an eat inflate of the coat of wiring the church for eloc- tricity und of making other neces sary repairs the hector appointed mr g c fnglisli as his warden for 1948 mr j s buiford wa- olected m ivoplow warden tho hueting cloaed with prayer brampton police committeo has ruled that medical doctors will to permitted to purchase parking me ter license sticker nt 5 each mr w giffin i in charge of the paint department t electric and acetylene welding and culling aluminum and whit metal welding we aim to pltease o i hayms j i ft fan hi hhrttohf w from now on month by montk your war savings icaattlelcates can be cashed i 1he payoff oe war svlni certificates haa begnti if you are among the thrifty people who own war saving certificates now ia the time to look them over tart them out byrvtnonths anduu they fall due endorse them and mail to ottawa as described on the back of each certificate a cheque for the mil face value of each certificate will be sent to you in iue course but fate is lumfnsf suggestion have the royal bank of canada do all this office work and lorting for you save yourself the bother of searching out the right pieces of paper each month endorsing them and mailing them off to ottawa not tbat daualrou well said the limurance agont td tho nuwlywoj annua now t youre married im uro youll want to unure your ufa aw wl y aall ancua swi no that iansaroaa haretwhat you do ljtfti all your war saving ccniticaics whic you have at bami or in ydur safe deposit box cb yuur nearest uoyal uunk drancbwe will pin hem inj our vault for safekeeping a the certificates fall du we will cash them for you antl deposit the full face value which includes interest in the sayings account of the registered owner automatically if you have no account wii us we will open one for you for this purpose th cesl of this service including safe keeping until- your certificate mstura i low a the following table shows f aknsahno thaho ror war sav ings certificates including auto matic redemption when due for esch 5 c ertiucs it lit 10 io im 5s tso tot lt 534 moo im id if your certlcatas are already lodged witls us for ssiekeeplng w will arraojte for theur autodisik redemption as described shova it a oomlnalxiarge of it per cariicia regardless of tbet elface valua taki a0vantaor of this laboursavino sirvict if is availahli to vou at anv branch op thk loyl rank o canada v t th e royal bam k of can ada georgetown branch fv benner manager msm 1 i11mu l-gl-j-f- mmv