i wist mm hello uomemakesrl juno the irm- ditional montjb fjf weddings is busy time for most women enter- lainhr eifd being cntortuinod in volves much snapping and planning amidst all tie gaiety it might be well tor tbo bridetobe and her i motive r loo to remind herself of aome basii cooking rules tve 46l t louring have been determined by fee- tukl lists on tho oloctrlc ranee 1 do mot uio lsrtfe quantities of water in cooking vegetables ji air most every cast the loss of food value increases dlrertly with the amount oi wawr used and as tiie food value goes so noes the flavor 2add- bolllntf water to all green and root vegetables the quicker vegetables can be cooked the less mk food vqlue they l6se arid tho more attractive and appetizing thoy stay 3 cook vegetables only until ten der allow 25 to 28 minutes to cook potatoes carrots diced bcots etc allow 12 to 15 minutes for fresh peas corn cut beans etc allow 7 to 10 minutes for spinach beet tops and shredded cabbage 4 servo vegetables lmmcd they should not stand and wste their flavour on tht kitchen air cover with a piece of cheesecloth or a clean thin tea towel if they 033 to be set nbido for a while v jeii does not require watch ing in the oven and you need not worry to what stage it will be done after you know tho different cuts of meat noting the number of pounds of tho roast you allow 38 minutes per pound in a preheated electric oven at 360 degrees beef will bo cooked to a turn for med ium and rare roast beef calculate 5 minutes per pound icss at the same temperature 6 cook sflusagos and liver in a frying pan without a cover in a very little fat drain off fat or juices as it accumulates slowly for 15 minutes 7 boll steaks and chops in broil ing pan placed 4 or 5 inches below a hot clement leave oven door ajar and turn n 10 or 12 minutes depending upon thickness of meat 8 cook boiled cuitards in a dou ble boiler and stir constantly with a wooden spoon use a silver spoon to test when it is cooked that is when tho egg mixture costs the spoon 9 meringues to top puddings ahould bo made with eggs that havo been in tic kit hen not refri gerator air for 1 rour beat eggs until they become frothy then sift in the sugar gradually and continue beating until the mixture stands in peaks when the beat r is pulled up 10 place tea blsuits and cakes in pans th h ahnut onethird from the bottom bake tea biscuits r georgetown herald wednesday june 9th 1946 for 12 minutes at 400 degrees and square cakes for 50 minutes at 350 degree 11 bind the nm of a fruit pie with a wot strip of parchment pa per to prevent juice from boiling out bake this typs of dessert for 10 minutes at 460 degrees then re duce temperature to 350 degrees and continue cooking for 40 or 45 minutes ngltsh breawas doamno te is 43c d sweet picnic nrnn wtfmh foods j j 1 hoice tolimo juice van u brand- choice peas fomtto soup 10 oi x tin fpuits r vegetables bananas california oranges fwh cabbage carrots asparagus radish cucumbers lettuce green onions tomatoes freth green spinach i rdrc aiof u fl ft jaj i tokmoes choice i super suds pvq freshly ground as sold richmello coffee lb strawberry with pectin ayuaer jam clarut in chili shuce pork and beans anadirt iv iourj new cheese vhtcheil s apple sauce toilet tissue huicc a c pack prune plums j imer fancy b c pack bartlett pears lain or pimento rideau cheese fairhevcn in chi sardines 51c 41c r 17c ik 42c 10c 3 rolls 30c t 17c 33c 26c i7c 21 ruu alupb elfrrtle jua 16 u is amnion n- uairtn t qutiasflon box mrs p b atks flctjh for l- mob merinfie pic answer 1 cup boiling water 5 tbps flour tap salt 1 tup fugar grated nnd of 1 lemon cup kmon juice 1 up buttir 1 ezz vollts 1 8mch loping hum bun cjcttrmiiiid b nc pie shell htat tin itli in uuilpiii large enough to m r i ii- a mixing bovl mix the flour sajt nul mjgnr htir gall joe the man you know for eavestrough1ng sheet metal work all kinos hot water heating and stlam fittings new idea furnaces georgetown plumbing heating bade of hunters inn joe prucyk phone 192m in a little hgtateerojir hire into the saucepan atir until the mixture thickens coer and took slowj for 5 minutes atimnjy oluisionally beat the egfl yolkj slihtlj add the lemon juice and rind stir mixture into the sauce pan cook 1 minute rtmoe from tht olettnc tltmtnt stir into thc mtlted butter cool nlichtl pour into biikid bhtllfe cotr uith mlr- mju and brown in the preheated oven of j00 dcjpitcs for 15 minuus mrs j i asj s ittctpt for har vard beets nswtr 1 iupb boileil bclts cubed 2 tbsps butter 1 tbijp cornblarlh lj tbps surar j cuj mild vinegar tll mtlt tht butter add tht torn s rt 1 nnd su ir itir in tht nu tfai gradually cuntjnu htirririk until tht sauce hoi la add the btets kiip uuim until the wtuii m a ritli il1 dd salt if ntttssar i our l i lulf salam go2 tenders for coal and cokb inidtral buildings ivovinco of ont- 3ealld iendl11s addrcaatd to tho undtrsi ltd and endorsed tondor for coal will ber- ccivcmi utiul 3 p i k d 3 t tu- day juno 1g 148 for tho supply of coal and coke for the dominion puildings tliroiighout the province 6f ontario lornn of tomer wilh specif ica- tiona nld coivditlon attached can be obtuintd rom thtt purchasing ajront jtparlmont 6f publfe works 0ttawu and tin supcirvls- iiu ardntttt 36 adelaide st eifst j oronto omuijo j lcndoru nhould bu made ou th fowns supplied by tho depajrtnlant and in ucc6hljo with departnen- liil upoeificatjpnjt and conditions at tachid liortto c6a dealers licenca nunibera must bo given whon ten dering the dupartment reserves the right to demand from any success ful tenderer before awarding the order a sccuuty deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the order of the honour able the minister of public work equal to 10 percent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion oi canada or of the canadian national railway com pany and its onstltucnt ompaniee unconditionally guaranteed as to principal snd interest by the dom inion of canada or the aforemeivb tioned bonds and a certified cheque it required to make up an odd amount such secunue will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of tfie contract by order j m somerv1lle secret department of public works ottawa msy 2a 1948 9 h c bailey electrical contractor electrical wiring fixture and repairs prompt service ckayus st- pkm smw rosedale floral cot flowers wedding and funeral design work phone 283j ifamueb st w dun general machine shop work heusskeld appuaitce repair brake tbasas tarsij excel0 mfc co yhm st the weather mi minneapolis moline in implement we are now agents for a complete line of minneapolis moline tractors and farm machinery bell city thresher waterloo garden tractors j g davidson phone 42 r 2 georgetown ashgkove ditor lust ulck s tht montli of may hud a dif fu ult tunc tring io get warmed up i would culi our utttntioii in this uilks summary to the steady climb in tho maximum column from hil j ith to uiu 28th 1 in though thi mnx di 1 iuttlo u bit after tho 2th im sura that uic poor old wcathlrmiin diktrvtu u uord of pitaise this urns for s rtully pcrfoct weokond no ono could mah f much hotter 1 he rain cokim looka rather bare inn weok ana most all will apreo tliat the eardans would welcome a nice warm shower err datkln dati iax mjn rain may 24 62 7 may 25 68 wt may 26 69 82 may 27 72 6 may 28 81 48 may 29 10 4h may 80 78 48 average 70 yl f71 follow the leaders get the proven advantages of p jmul ftwd their ehlck lnvaafanant vritli sunray aluhah chkk starter with tk proven adraauife of smlsolubduinttll oaly suksat ha the bamjsolld butunuuk formulae uch fives your cueks extra tobieraaj for boa etrm- ture apeelal type aaltasj protela zw utier growth extra vitamin and uetfa add tea- hmui and vljwr remeuber sunkay grewaas uaakee aad kte huuam too wleuh prfeesd far rhitlnlaai ua produetloo body weht and heaha ia layw floek thompson poultry farm and hatchery phone 48 r ib cuo- tow il r 3