the georgetown herald wednesday oct t3 1948 i emergency appeal the extreme serioutnosi of he power thortage makes rf effteritial that- every mean be uteri to relieve thli critical sltuatiori m you have steamdriven or standby generating equipment of any kind that it not at present in full- time use which could be utilized to augment the commissions available resources please wire us collect giving full particulars the gravity of the situation can not be over em phasized your cooperation in this respect is vital if the present high level of production is to be maintained chairman the hydroelectric power commission of ontario wire now aiiir u cmmwudum lb pwr cilliifcti t1 hyufck pwt cuibiaa ontvu unwrthy avu totokto x 0hu o god had done marvellous things for the nation it was up to the notion to keep his laws in gratefulness 2 gods lows were not intended to hurras and annoy but were planned for the good of his people to obey these laws pointed the way to a successful future for the israelites the mar vclous thlntfs which god hud done in the past he was able to do uguin for a thankful trusting and obedient- people l rill lev ib bu 17 ib we read some of llm luvs which governed the life q the uarly israelites in ahcae wcnptc 1 tturcstin the poor l iwude fqrthcm nt the luirvesi time before sutyia la wl greed andiieltjshness roust sai and the fruit of thelr labours uhared 2 iibresriy travail tiling wvlna respjjctfor th uyoporty rights of others business dealings to be n jjn hpicst manner a mans worlt should be worthy of honour 3 hiiil rptford for the name of god reverence not blas phemy wan diic to god 4 love for fellnwmen sympathy to be shown to the af fhctcd mulice to five woy to love revenge to give way to for giveness love thy neighbour as thyself the application we tend to think of the old tes tament as belonging to another age and not applicable to our time however true tills may be of what jiow seems to ui to be minor laws attached to customs and conditions of an eastern land of long ago it certainly is not true of those laws based on the true relationship oj man to his god and fellowmen from this lesson we can learn that gods law is still relevant and that men today ought to humbly sub ject themselves to it out of love for the divine gratefulness for past mercies and the realization that to obey is to do the will of god and work our own good i not only ought we to yield our- selves to these divine laws but we also ought to instruct the young i concerning their essence import ance and applicability we too must realize that we have a great religious heritage which is ours to transmit its future depends a great deal upon how well we do our task let us remember that jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfil it once again let us dedicate our- selves in humble obedience and page 4 eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main st georgetown telephone b30 lat and 3rd wednesday 2nd and 1th saturday of every month s m faiuish ro reff optometrist 1051 egllnton w toronto comments on the lesson schooled the reply was princip ally along two main lines a lowcoil canadian government annuity guarantees you at much as 1200 a year for lite no medical examination it required your annuity cannot be teixed under rtiny law you cannot lose your money even if your payments fall into arrears anyone from 5 to 85 is eligible amtuies branch department of labour huuphuv mltchiu mukht a mnamaa cwuty auw annuities mu mil cufm i day fostagc fkee autuuiai i d a i i li oww d co mp lit information sabaix cm usui oavar i am fflinf clfflir helpful quotations god commuids us nothing but what is really for our own good all our problems in the econ omic world would vanish if his laws of love prevailed dutiful service that gods will may ca be f he be done in our lives and the lives g sh b truc of our children to brother how often we repeat the words love thy neighbour us thyself but they mean nothing until we do it whaev you say has no tujfnifl- cance unless your acts follow yaoa words the comlnc of christ does not- put an end to the law it only makes the law intelligible even a law becomes lovaijr when we see the heart of love which is behind it accounting auditing bookkeeping service e m brown monthly or weekly mill stiteet off 302 rw t7u sunday oct 10th 1948 law in the bible by lev john m smith this ulflc v ure taking hnaty view uf tli- be u s of lav which meant so mud to the jewish people and which form an impor tant part of th bible the laws of the israelites were numerous some basic and important others trifling mid from our point of view irrelevant ovi a period of eeu- tunes the eu toms of a people chanije for belter or for worse due itt i lie with inn of hoiizotis the i ism im 1 1 al u ui f cultures the in- create of knowledge the re- milts of scientific risrareli and invtntion ind many oiiht caucus it is i-vi- i dent that a peoples nhloms i chuue their ixs would il- affec- j ted laws oulinoded and no lon- ii t rilivnnt would either he re i pealed or ijiiio t 1 then of course f new laws would he formed to meet it nations whii formerl did not exist tins wps li ue in the law history of the israelite- but there is this to remember that jewish law from the very beipmiiu had a bamc purpose which was two fold it concerned mans true re lationship relationship centuries of chai ml and mans true man in spite of purpose this experience means efficiency we have both schuitz electrical construction phone 63 1w fred 3chultz slendor tablets a wju tapiiy tido is wtjo aupply v00 lloyds xokn j caujous salve a treat for your feet pampt rallif from cocoa d sallouam koe i aal at cits ami robbs itowu is uu f irsl und un meiijr and the secom it 1iou shalt love iiiiiiiincd the viiy heart of the law sd thut jesus in his day could glvo tiiis conciio iiiteriiretutiun tluiu uhtilt love the lord thy god with nil thy heuit and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this yreut coniniund- ond la like unto thy neighbour us thyselfmatt 2237ai the hibllcal bails deut 82025 lev 10014 17 18 iii the 6th chapter of deut we flncjj the children of iarael being instructed to lucl tludr cltildrcn the coinmundmiiui una utututes of iod the iiurpohe which lay be hind this inntruction was that in the early yearn of life the children mluht become acquainted witi the derhonallttok nracllceu problems and poaxlblllties of their reuglouii folth then thoy in their time of responalhlc citizlmahlp would hold a reliulon vital und sincere and worthy of tyaiiimliwlon tii wiu the rellkloua reipomlbllity of eueh spec-ceding- generation mi veraea 2028 o the sumo chap ter we come to the unswer of a pertinent question which we can reudily understand that the youn ger generation would lisle of their eldera whrt mean the testi monies and the statutes in other worda youth wanted to know the significance and purport of the re ligious functions law and cere- monlala in which they were being hands at work tor owtamuo wiy m atfato a producta arr dntird anil iitireliaard ly jople all over the world and trie capacity to producr aum ihhiu larly ilternlinea tll froouomio wrlfare of every man woman and child within liir itnrders ilecauu tlia aalaof every arl vl pnhluud in ontario brine valuable dollars into this ivoviiuv we all are more aaaurej of jolt aurity and we and uur children can have more of the better thint in lib to produce suck goodjiu aufficient quaiitiliea akilled labour ia vital that ia why every tingle one of m should be llad that war veterans are eonatanlly being trained to provide the skilled bands so needed by ontario industry they receive on the jou training under eiert instructors in our ontario factories ilkairnin49 phot klvais-avan- i x t j t raiaaaiamav proviuvd jirougli the oooeratian of the department of veterana ent of eduoa- to ism their affatm the federal uepartnieut of labour and tlie ontario department of educa tion slarls velerana on the road to skilled eraftamaaahlp taught hands in such jojie as routing etching stripping burnialtulg and finiahing they will eventually become phoio engraving craftsmen because of tlte increaaing ira portance of this trladr every effort of these newlyskilled workers helm to make ontario a finer place in which to live and contributes to the welfare and happiness of all her dtiaeua thjs brewing intrtjstry ontario 5h r a smith 22 of toronto an rcjut veteran is shown routing a plate la a large toronto photo engraviug plant nurngtheutrainliig veterans are ahifted from one job to another fbo familiariae them whh ail phases of photo a many veteraaaa ly ohtala full uatu i ment in th faetorlas anw theyi v- tiivijaavjitiisuftkm hmfftw