pie9 ill bowl ytrois- hello homexnakerl every incas baa ita busy season and bamemakinjf fy no exception many women flnti early fu per iod in which a b hundred and one 4ntle requlro their attention canning i in full iwintf the chll- dren are off to school agpln ivhlch renovating and reixewlnjj their wardrobes the house re quires freshening up or decorat ing and througnout hie household it is a time for stocktaking club meetings and social activities be gin to absorb the all too few off duty hours a nd there you are at your busiest it is probably at this time you appreciate most the small but ef fective housekeeping pointers 4hicn make for efficiency and help you got results with minimum ef fort so today- we offer tips worth clipping for reminders at any time tafce a tip 1 to freshen your upholstered fujrjiiuire wipe with clean doth moistened wltii cleaning duld the at once rub briskly wjltb dryclean cloth 2 painted 0bors and ouerpaln- thc georgetown herald wednesday oct 20th 1948 ted surfaces will weai longer if you wax theni lightly as soon as the paint is dry one note of warn ing however before j repainting wood remove every trace of wax use paint cleaner or turpentine 3 if you have a new stove or refrigerator keep the enamel sur face new looking and sparkling by washing only with soap and water never use a cleaning powder or any abrasive the soap and water treatment given fc frequently wlll prevent he surface from being scratched v dust your rurnhure- with u moistened chamois then nib with oft cheesecloth have chamois wrung out tightly bo itwlll be just mlst polish with dyj cloth and there 4wll bo lesjifrequept ustf- ing 3 in gluing together parts of a piece of furniture remove all the old glue first by scrubbing with hot water pry thoroughly heat the glue in a tin can set in a saucepan of water apply evenly and clamp or tic tho broken part hi place and allow to dry for at least 48 hours 0 wrought iron ngntlng fixtures and stair rails should be given a protective coiit of liquid wax do not iise wax on fireplace accessor ies as it la ijiflananable rust htaliigcan bo removed before wax ing by rubbing with kerosene then scouting with steel wool 7 if the laquered brass finish dulls remove it with denatured alcohol poison und jflpply freahcoat of waicrwhito transpareni iwta lac- aueir with a paint brush b hammered aluminum will bo bright and shining if washed in mild soapy hot water if stained use a fine steely wool pad impreg nated with special ftoap over cotton cloth and then rinse never use strong soap or alkaline scour ing powders because they darken and discolor aluminum 9 plastic screens must be- taken down and washed with garden hose or- a brush and soapsuds dry thoroughly in a breeze before stor ing away 10 tho care of pressed wood walld which have a synthetic resin ffnlsh is- quite simple hegular dusting and occasional wiping with a damp chamois are alt- that is required- 11 cement concrete floors in the basement are often damp it mokes it easier to care sox them it you use a special paint or a waasw resistant surfacing mix 1 gallon of sodium silicate watervglaas with 4 gallons of water thla makes enough solution to coat 1000 square ivet once the floor should be clean and thoroughly dry apply solution with mop and let dry 24 houk scrub with clear water and lot dry apply a second coat as afjove 12 windows may requlre putty to make them secure if the glaaa is smeared while doing jhe job toke the putty marks off household ammonia if advei busing raysi- rr regulations respecting the use ol electricity in ontario as amended and now in force made by the hydroelectric power commission of ontario and approved by orderincouncil amendments appear in heavier type part i water heaters ll unless walor heaters operated by electrical power are a oquipped with thermostatic control and b installed in or on tanks which are thermally insulated no municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical power from the commission shall supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person the electrical power or any part thereoi or the operation of water heaters installed or replaced after the 1st ol november 1948 2 no person shall tako ram any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power received from tho commission and use it for the oporation of water heaters in a manner contrary to tho provisions of subrogulation 1 3 no person shall tako any electrical powor procured from the commission and use it for the oporation of water heaters in a manner contrary to tho provisions of subrogulation 1 2 ontario regulations 23747 are revoked part n space heaters 3l no municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical powor from tho commission shall supply or use or permit to bo supplied or usod by any person oloctrical powor or any part thoroof for tho operation pf airhoators graios radiators boilers or any other dovico for space boating in hotels tourist cabins shops offices commercial promises trad except in tha case of sickness residences 2 no parson shall tako from any municipality or municipal commission any oloctrical powor rocoivod from tho commission and uso it in a manner contrary tho provisions of subrogulation 1 3 no person shall tako qny oloctrical powor procurod from tho commission and uso it in a mannor contrary to tho provisions of subrogulation 1 part in lighting 4l no municipality or municipal commission receiving oloctrical powor from tho commission shall supply or uso or porrriit lobo supplied or usod by any poison oloctrical powor or any part thoroof for a lighting of intoriora of shops showwindows and officos oxcopt i not moro than 1 wait per squaro foot of gross flooraroa of a shop during business hours arid after cessation of business with the public not mart ikon 1 watt per sonar foot of the gross flooraroa of that part of tho shop whoro tho staff la working ii not jjidre than 10 watts per lineal foot of width of showwindows of shops fur lighting only and only whlu open far irasinass ui not more than 2 watts per square foot oi gross floorarea of an office daring offio tumra trad after offico hears hot roar than 2 watts por sanaro foot of gross floorarea of that part of uta office where the stuff is working iv for the protection of property after business hours not more than 5 watts per 100 square feet of gross doorarea o a shop or office or 40 watts par shop or office whichever is the greater b lighting of extorior signs c exterior flood- oi outlinelighting for decorative ornamental or advertising purposes d lighting of outdoor christmas trees e lighting of parkinglots usodcar lots service stations outdoor industrial promises and outdoor playing fields except i not moro than 10 watts per 100 square feet of parkinglot spaco whilo opon ior business ii not moro than 10 watts por 100 square foet of that portion of usodcar lots used for display space while opon for businoss and not more than 5 watts por 100 squaro foot of tho usodcar lot aftor cessation of businoss ui not moro than 40 wafts por gasoline pump in a sorvico station oxclusivo of lighting not exceed 23 watts inside tho pumpmotor compartmont whilo tho sorvico station is opon for businoss iv not moro than 10 watts por 100 squaro foot of whatovor part or parts of outdoor industrial promiaos is in actual uso for work in progross and not moro than 5 watts por 100 squaro foot at othor timos and not moro than 5 watts por 100 squaro foot for protoclivo lighting of that part actually occupiod by installations or usod for tho storage of matorials or oquipmont and v not moro than 40 watts por j00 squaro foot of playing aroa of an outdoor playing hold only wliilo in uso botwoon aunoot and sunrise f lighting of i marquoos or ii sidowalkcanopios on hotels thoatroo and roslauranta oxcopt not moro than 1 watt per squaro foot of floor spaco or side walk area covered by tho marqueo or canopy g lighting of exterior oxtrances or exits of commercial premises or residences except not moro than co watts for commercial premisos and not moro than 25 watts for residences and where occupied tobxist ca kins and h exterior lighting between sunrise and sunset 2 the lighting permitted for shops during businoss hours under subclauses i and ii of clause a of sub- regulation 1 shall i the lighting of interior signs merchandisedisplays and showwindows j na person shall tako from any municipality or municipal commission any electrical powor received from the commission and use ii in a manner contrary to the provisions of subregulation 1 of regulation 4 3 no person shall tako any electrical powor procured from the commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions of subrogulation 1 of regulation 4 7 subrogulation 1 of regulation 4 and regulations 5 and 6 shall not apply to a i lighting of airports and transportation terminals ii lighting for police fire and propertyprotection services traffic lights traffic and warning signs and ui lighting required by law b hospitals t c lighting for intorior domestic purposos d lighting of a single extorior sign not oxcooding 25 watts to designate i an office of a modical or dontal practitioner embalmor or funoral director or pharmaceu tical chomist u an ambulance tolophono or olograph station or ui promisos providing alooping accommodation for travollors i part iv 8 in thoso regulations a shop moans any building or a portion of a building booth stall or placo whoro goods aro handled or oxposod or offorod for salo or whoro goods aro manufactured and which io not a factory but shall not include any part of a building usod for offico purposos and b oflico shall moan a building or part of a building occupiod and usod for ofiico purposes only penalty provided by the power commission act for violation of regulations any portion rofuning or noglocting to comply with any diroction ordor regulation restriction prohibition or control mado or oxorcisod by tho commission undor this section shall bo guilty of an offonco and u addition to any othor liability incur a penalty of not loss than 100 and not moro than 500 and a furthor penalty of not loss than 100 and not moro than 500 for oach and ovory soparato day upon which such rofusal or nogloct is ropoatod or continuod tho ponaltioo imposed by or undor tho authority of thio niction bhall bo rocovorablo undor the summary convictions act modification of regulations as to certain areas tho forogoing regulations aro modified by oxcopting from tho application of parte u and ih thoroof tho following a tho territorial districts o algomq cochrane konora manitouliri nipissing rainy rivor sud bury thunber bay timiskamingj b tho territorial custxiot of parry soundj except the townships of carling christie conger cowpor forguson foley humphroy mcdougall and mc- kolfar tho town of parry sound and tho village of rossoau c exhibitions and fairs held in 1948 by societies under 77ie agricultural societies act i farther clarification is required please contact your local ifydro office the hydroelectric power commission of ontario