wlihiett veil j r 7751 3 i cl ftoiwers for every occasion r design work a specialty ip- member txa m g honour a hfetfane for uletunes to lmniinmntsimarbfl modentdy priced 7 a card or letter wid bring wr service to your door oakville nument works colbornest oakrille oil highway kmhhimaifiaiahiibamaam 1 sliwhfi alomc tvntmr sfaaaabtntakaaaaaaklbb birvrr ua that cold weatherl i wokoup the other morning and first thins wa to rnruul 8t y wybnneb believe mo they o warm that is except wheretbe moths had their picnic hut sum mer now im au read to strike out into celd bllstely weather and tafe in a- aoelcey aaroeor two twrwewcwa vew fillet oo ine hockey ront hth only one ra- erwjeaiateclun wnfle una juniors iwtwot tfltt fduyiaw m juldsta vnwmng through dixie to tte lopsided scire tit jtor let th ieore ileaar you tovpelloyp that dhclc iaivt a good hockey clab tneuar hinting abgallon tmwer filire up bot kimny bjralth walte bbya nro just ti twrtfl the raiders seem 10 have every thing- dowri tea selertee we even thoijsht tor a wkjie there were wrings attached to the coach frv days game saw a shakeup in the lineup as in the aefenccmen were playing forward and vlceversa we think it was this change that ac counted for the high score for they tiad big slammln max bradbury on defence to stop them while speedy qitterson took over the of fensive chore patterson seotty that is scored two soak with two assdststhnt proves our point rene martin rpust have read about the frogs legs in our column last week because he sure was jumping around and collected thee counters and two assists too bad ken nash haa such a hard shot ns we like to see theroals scored i- daad stoc ic ea 2js0 cattle ea 24m hog per curt j50 aoboralac to ataa room vskuim ooujtct parung company of canada limited day and saturday nlghu they aurted til season the same to the this news gathering bual- inlermeaiatejbylotring both gmet nou 1 getting more difficult each thla doesnt mean a thing at- the week for hews of the branch we raiders are- now in second place nvelracueeljyibil qms and the juniors can do the same again thla week incidentally if thla aurora club la the toughest in anyone havo anything of interest the league and reallyoutclassed our at any time for tht column dont boys just keep in mind the fact- hesitate to let us have it either they are junior band woareid phonoor bring it in to tho herald ok olad to see jimmy dicken son out of bimnybrook hospital tor q tlrno fitlqsatatthough released his trouble hasnot heofi cleared up hy any moans vndtoistegsarfc stlu giving hunconirtdorable rouble- iprprs- and just idf a when it does roiv urourid lets sco dtfery mflmbbf jprineglisiii pwsfentar east tholf billotlhybrliibiy wejeor roriinrks irom ditforevit- nioinbers complolnlng hbput various things in- a large nunberof these caseaj s coihplafniriit party is uao very rfne who didnt hove thb energy or the lritorestijto- walk down and cost nvbt whcnrthe brahch 120 offi cers were elected our own humble opinion w that the payment of yur o6rl dues 1 doc not by any means give a member the rlghtto consistently find fault wlthdecl- eions made by your executive arid approved by a majority at a general meeting of the legion on the other hand certainly if a member is in- rj so these games are good practice it was nice tosoe a good turnout or the game keep corning and the boya will show youtnejr cftn lyln he juniors ctfl ithelr pfipotients down slx goalain tkesocondgowo white they scored the amoamouht in both games so thoyjire howlg improvement wo jourrieycjl to aetonovor tithe ikepd to ieo the ski 0tvi w opetouon t nqw thpticrq ls enow aktfatia wl bt ible iorenjeythp sport at the ski club there whlph is ohly 6 miies from herd there- ore a couple oiijkjp llcht runs lbs well as- a clubhouse whero oats orc ser ved we received word that mrsi j harrison 1s ip and about qnd will soon bo back at the hockey games she sent us a note to say thanks to he hockey club and members for the cards and gifts sent to her with the assistance of a charm ing young lady n town ivc have some scoring statistics on former raiders now starring in the eastern icrcslcd enough to jllend meetings hockey league kent storey the clever centre last to depart fronr 140- raiders is leading the loop storey boast a total of 48 points jiijgibiien jils- wing mate has 21 while doug hunlons former ooach jcr ndv at glace day has 20 as it is now ve just see him start4- dusty ithodosdulng yoomon his- shot then the goalie pulls it out of the net- this accounted for four goals and three assists lost friday the next time you go deer hunt ing ken why not leave the gun fome and take alongahockey stlcsr dnd ju m youtl have bet ter luck tanglefoot chappcl scem- vv fohave o idndttb wltbthe puck frldhy as he brought in four goals while he collected one assist jack kemshead scored two and an assist tnrt haines and junior beaumont och got one nick ferrlsald not to mention tho fact that he dldivt et a goal and onty collected five isslsts as he doesnt want his wife o know now fans yon wonttell er will you outy for north sydney million firei is second in the goals against department jjond of these stars have lost any of liieir lustre they rlsplnyecrs abundantly while play- ins nciy in georgetown james- nickell elected to high masoriu post in 1933 against all odds a canadian ski ream btazad to alpine victory i ousts e snow swutod around hie mountains eisimerhzswitnrlandhwashiaayaflhe rs ylv race in hie intanmnenal unlvwtmy ski r li crampianshlimi aidirttiartmm canada ws competing racing against many of i we d luropat finest skiers i the unfamiliar alpine show look its toll of fjhja canadians the fourthlap skier lagged eight minutes behind the leading ltalan and faceova steep 1100fpat cllmb but at the stormblown swmrnll amased officials saw him sweep in inly 30 seconds behind the leaders with half a minute to make up the fifth canadian streaked into the last lapa 30ofmoot plunge i lhe valley he flashed past the favourites one by one- and crossed the line a winner by 45 seconds good sportsmanship has won many world friends- for canada ust as thesplrlt of workfng together has made us one of the worlds great nations thetetwo sportsman- fhm canadian amateur figure skatlnsv cham- plonahipe ftar 1000 will be bald at st ca tharines out jab and rrf ad 4th ship and enterprise keep your opportvnitles for work and play la canada unlimi oyeej a iormer dstrlct man jamea a nickell of pontine mlcjugan has been nnni6tl thrice illustrious mas tcr df pontiac masonic council 3 royal and select masters ite wo elected and in tailed in ceremonies recently at the masonic temple ln that clty mr nickell fs the son of mr johnnickell and spent hla youth at llmchousc his father has made his homo in eden mills for the past year wboncver possible it is certainly hlsprlvilogeand dutj- to do so coiistructive crtticis i the best help anv executive cantrvail lucu of ad while were talkfnr of exeiullves uketd say uat it tr our opinion that lfl49s group of ifficcrs have accomplished an ex tillcnt job by that we dont menn flint possibly they have been one hundred per cent fijiht in alj their decisions we dont think any firoup ofluimnns enn bt bid we do feel hni the have cfmslstently worjted mi tho hesc intoiesxs of the brnnctt it nil tinics and have not stinted in ivinr freely of tlreii time we wonder how many realize just haw much time oes into- running this organization which has long since misrca out of the small class and whodb counterparts in many small cuiea and towns have patdmapa- cdb who make a full time job of nffniiiny them u xa v telephone ljl queen an3 guelpft comer an- georgetown artglers hunters 7 association saturday january 15th 830 am- georgetown- rransportation company time table georgetown m1xtok lesive georgelewn us am dnlly except sunday 1220 pm sat only 000 pjn sat only 8j0 pm sun t holidays only ieaye atlltea 7j5 a m dally except sunday 100 pjn sat only 8j5 pm dally except sun 915 jp jn sun hoi onljur the above services connect with the miltonhamilton services of coach lines xiao monday to friday inclusive buses leave georgetown for mil- ten at 505 p4n and 710 pjn oboboktown inglewood dally except sunday leave jpeorretowm 1215 pm and 445 pjn ijeave lnlewood 13js5 pjn kotlcee have been posted in stewarttown and qlen williams atlvins bus times from these centres glen williams dally except sunday and hoi lv glen lv gtown 830 am 81s am 10 jo am 1015 a jn 130 pm 1215 pm 330 pm 315 pin 630 pm 445 pm 830 pm 015 pjn 1030 pm 815 pra 1015pm glen williams bundays and holidays ly glen lv gtown 1030 am 1015 am 200 pm 145 am 630 pm 615 pm j030 pm 1d15 pm stewarttown dally except sunday hoi 150 has slen many worth- wliiio advances in the branch the most pressing matter that of the completion of the building and the payment for the same has been brought to a successful close it is expected that by the annual meet ing that except for a verv small part the remaining debt will have been paid and the club rooms will be absolutely free of any debt or mortgage of any kind this past year has seen too tne inauguration ft a number of tml- dgy rfvenlng socials inhere the members can meet and have a plea sant evening wlththolr wives arid friends along with this has been the continuation of such fine events as the annual remembrahea sty supper which has become on even ing highly looked forward to by nil recreational facilities novo boon extended with tho pur chase of dart boards and their regular replacements thii ulti mately ledto the cstabhsnent of odnrt league with a large number of entries a room has been set aside or possibly taken over by the dart enthusiasts so that they con play without bothering non- players a number of decks of cards are available and also crib boards it is also hoped in the near future to have ping pong equipment available and thought is being glen to the nr ofj h table all in all we think everyone in tho branch can give themselves a pat on the back for a very suc cessful year but as we cant wrlto about this for two weeks in a row somebody had better drop us some news or there wont be any column ncfc week even tho dart tournament which is always good for okltcm let us down and deci ded to ceoso operations over the festive season meet and register at geor6teown motors prizes beat bag of foxes or rabbits on point basis 1st pnzte hunting jacket j 2nd prize hunting boots 3rd pri2e hunting knife lv stown 845 am 1045 am 145 pm 345 pm 648 pm 845 fcm -i04s- pm j lv gtown 840 ajn yl040 om 140 pm 340 pn 640 pjn 840 pjn 1040 pjn stewarttown sundays and holidays lv 8town lv ohown 1045 sun 1040 ajn a30 pra 218 pm 45 pjn bfo pjn 1045 pjn 1040 pjn fdr added umea on the stsrwaru trrem sayvlaa aq milton ttiuv tah above- rareal aarriaa ts isnlsslit tmsb sceulfz electrical construction wiinifj l renfrew agent r fred schultz phone 531 w eyes examined q twalker l omometribt ai georoatown otbototssr u t laorsstowu tt 1 mtlsadsy uf t ssp and w asjmo ot tnontli plwibsr flvw t miin at bmbptoa els1babjbib jmcnally lane i company limited v v 5 i elgin street j neat the station phone 18w tt we stock a complete supply of the following items s plywoods 6 i s rr birch 1 etch wood weldtex sylvacorp m j wallboard s masonitt hardboard 5 l arborite tettestorfdcwaoona insulation 5 fibergla3 batts and pouring s alfol aluminum insulation iti i roofing shingles roll roofing felt paper sidings insul brick cedar shafals cedar bevel siding v y lumber paints cement i building hardware i- jinir vv t lstsuuipujt1bbl r i- tt 7f v 3rrixvw v