page 7 y mmmmai watch for summer clearance at mtgowans specialty shop main street telephone 643 1 halton community centre on tuesday july 18th at 830 pm 1wo outstanding teams riding donkeys mules burros and jack asses admission adults 50c children 25c proceeds in aid of the community centre wildroot combination offer wildroot creamoil hair dressing and wildroot uguid creme shampoo with lanolin 130 value for 69c kentners drug store main street phone 72w deliveryservleeafter4pjn mat parmbiihi laavm r t many mmltlva awat idahos sbtofldi ahcame de partment has inaugurated a unique program t parachuting beavers from an airplane a major resource in idaho not only for the 7500 pelts marketed annually beaver are regarded by the game department as natures llttla helper because they build dama that prevent son erosion and retain water to the upper level streams until it la needed in late summer but- beavers when they get the idea of building a dam dont v ways build it where ii is most need ed jsqtpetimes they divert irriga tion waters so the atate of idaho took the matter in hand and is giving beavers a little direction the beavers are dropped by par achute tram an airplane over tni accessible primitive areas at an altitude of about 500 to 600 feet each beaver is placed in a clam shell boxpwhich is hlnjted at the bottom two inner tubes are pulled- nr th b a tie tn the deorgetown herald wednesday july 12 1950 v newjiutshoust is planned jrvr brampton golf club rv k new 10p0d clubhouse is plan ned for brampton golf club and it is expected that work will begin immediately onexcavatlon for the foundation the building will be of frame construction with a gable roof and will overlook the 0th green with entrances to the loc ker room facing the hill mens locker rooms and showers will be in the basement and the main floor will include oadus locker rooms showers and the main lounge din ing room and kitchen plans also call tor moving the present club house to a rfew location where it will be used es a pro shop the front of the building facing the hill is id bt tomlscapcd with flag stone walks nftd thore will be oc- coihmodation for tawnchnirs and outdoor fable improvement plqns ot the golf course also include reconstruction of the 0th green and rhe first tec ai the top with a string the weight of thi beaver holding the box shut during thedescent when the beaver strikes earth the box springs open tyale and females are dropped becouae the game department is also interested in propagation of the fur bearers to keep the air lift going the state fish and game department has developed a program with every caretaker trapper to provide alive during the summer at least 10 per cent ot the number ot pelts he is permitted to take during the win ter r u3lv now playing sla and pa kettle go to town vlth marjorle main and percy kilbride friday and saturday july 14 15 ttiefrfsr newestand most monday tuesday wednesday thursday july 17 18 19 20 many mort nurm nitdid nursing council reports a ihortocc exists in adequately trained nurses according to a re port nursing for the future prepared for the national nursing council by esther lucile brown far reaching changes in nursing practice and in nursing cducntidn ore recommended the expectation thpt the nursing shortage would bo relieved at the expiration of wartime demands has not been realized snys the report in many hospitals wards nnd even ftopjrs rcmoin closed because there art not enough nurses to permit re opening planned expansion of health services has sometimes not been possible becnuse nurses re quired for such preventive prr- grnrns had to be assigned to th care of those already sick nursing withlts opportunities for h h a doop in appeal but if enough young women arc to be attracted to this service it must be supported believes dr brown by betttr snlnnes more stable working conditions and an environment freer from author- tn nanism more men nurses are needed nurses who hae matritd and whose children arc now grown should be retrained and returned to useful service students and per sonnel v should be recruited recom mends dr brown without re gard to sex marital status eco nomic background or ethnic racial ind religious origins nature unspoiled vrours to enjoyv the downy obr imallest woodpecker is o striking example of patient industry all year he is on the watch for the insect enemies of our trees protect thii oyful little wood pecker you ii find him seeking his food in the face of the coldest weather yours to protect carlings the cabling brevepies limited waterloo ohhio at your service buttons covered we csn supply new buttons to match your dress in a very few days just bring us a hit of the material and choose the buttonstyle you wish from our samples well do the rest 1 draperies made vp besides matchrnn- and squaring draperies when you purchase them we would berjpleased to have them made up for you either lined or tin- lined the charge is quite reasonable xress alterations our dresses seem to fit wonderfully well but if naessary certainly well have fhem altered to suit venetian bunds we have had considerable experience in meas uring arid installing venetkn blinds free esti mates cheerfully given with no obligation widest choice of slat and tape colours guar anteed quaflhy wed be delighted to serve you foundations qualified to properly measure and fit well gladly discuss your foundation fitting prob lems bras by gothic flexee or gossard by the way our gossard line was chosen for the fashion academy award for 1950 garners main street phone 64 i general electric kettles irons washers radios refrigerators stoves at ernie radio phone 465 roxy theatre building best buy meat battle of rising meat costs in being fought by every homemaker and nne wa to saw a little i hv buying veal and certain pork tuts extension meat specialists sa that in gfnrnl shoppers will find vral more reasonable than other mit wiffttun p r ast honed cal shank and i thrr boneless ste meat an genet ul jjuud bus pork best bus are prohml the boston hutt iaii rh ha litlt u nr arrl tin pic nu r sh or eu td olun tailed the pi nic him this cut js sold with or wit out sha k p rk livt i is usu ll the lowest priced kind of live r with high food value inj little waste it s a good buy tongue is nne of the most economical beef cuts it has little wnsu sin k from cm king tongue makes mid soup stock htrald advertising brings results try an ad next week cwnnth cnnnl reopened first majur rehabilitation proj ett of the u s fon ign air program was reconstruction the cunnth canal mu of the worlds tar i t mi tlannel- which was closed for more than seven jmrs b wutiiuc tit mohtinns a luckless cut nt uh four miles lone through the isthmus of curinlfi the canal shortens the mute from the adriatic to pin aus and the aegean sea by 2i2 mills tin corinth cut is 75 feet w idt and 2t fiet deep m one point 1 hanks rise 250 feet ibove sea lei lvjlcan atcommodatt essels up to luttoo tons displac ement slightly larger than liberty ships the canal has been reopened farm favorites that save ork and money machine belts ai ys kfi r 11 m 1 1 on o io ion intiks pmif on s farm nrolits oflcn dnirnd upon quku action and ou can diiin lo i joti rfeht and fast when ou have the right riiuipniiit ttlomisovs llitl aitt ha lonk decl- ilinl lu suppuine the rlsht tools for all local needs and m- n ni1 them to ou at prices thit are right down to irlh loo win not lr our iarm ucpatlment when you arc in iiccil ol ins equipment sharpening stone early champion of freedom for hundred of year and for oil nations william tell has aymbolltc the ageold fight of freemen ognma tyranny he was a typical swtsa whether william tell actually shot an arrow through the apple on his cons head and later killed gessler the tyrant who ordered the eat is open to historical argument legend says that hermann gessler a oxuel sheriff placed his hat on a pole in the town square of altdorf with or ders that his hal receive deference from all passersby in punishment for ignoring gesslers hat tell was ordered to shoot an apple from the head of his ton later tell shot gessler hay forks le with 1 ml long li 175 s 3 tine stle with 1-tiw- a prongs and long handle o tie out chains minns ill llns uli sn ip f jstt in r iii4t sliue ilni 55c krrptfcll iilllui mlges u n il rtl limes 140 filter discs milk pails n quarts 105 p wornout klnkril or poor iiuall- ty rape is dancerous for auv g use replace now with tine b quality at low price 78 in 55 lb j approx 4 ft to pound fionil imaiits at this low iirlcc 6 plain 7sc 6 plain 80c 6 single face 110 bvi single face 120 scythes here are lonchfe scythe blades that hold an edge longer niul ffl e better mluec thompsons xtrr plumbing- 5hret metal work- pease furnaces ttwn 46 cor6 etown hii