i the georgetown htrar wednesday july 19th 1950 hlgluftt eta aria dead stock horse 600 to cattle 800 hogs 60c ewl according to ate nd condition toon nbunra u comecr darling s company of canada umite0 jh you wnt prevent e polio ahyrca p y 2 family and yourself with polio a insurance j family premium 5 2 years 1000 5 5 ak us to arrange your 2 coverage for you 5 s walter t evans co mill street phone 183w herbs natures wa1tto health old english herb co importers mad dlatribotera wm broughton slnx mji mnrdock street phone b9bi mulling every day throughout canada flowers for every occasion dkaign work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service ifoweri by wire anywbar in the world norton floral pbeae s1iw omii the bowl reoaii hello homemakera tee cjeam once regarded aa a treat for apeclnl occatloiuv la served today aa a nu- tritloue food in cverday mealathla shift in emphasis stems from know ledge of nutrition and better un- van cool smooth ice cream derstartdlng of the satiety value in the niilritlbrial value of vanilla ice cream is gratifying since a load ing commctciol concern has made tests which srdw significant am- ountsoi protein cdlciunit vitamin a and b this food virtue is im portant for it is not only godd for normal appetites but the difficult appetites of 111 and convalescent patients cortuncrcininadcjnninhucc cream contains cream milk and milk solids sugar a stabilizer maybe gelatine and sometimes eggs there are nonsignificant- los ses in the nutrient value of muk in the manufacture of ice cream so the colcium value so necessary for growing children is available for those who hove to be careful of excess wcicht ice cream is a good choice since one serving one 6jh quart contains about 206 cal ories however those who need added calorics may be given syrup fruit cookies cake or pic with ice cream as we recall the trends in ice cream we remember the early type of ice rrrin irnnnilhtittmtrrl like a sodamscuit then thecrtlze for ice cnnm with chocolate sauce period there was a tre- demnnd for pie and ice then came orders forbon- ana splits the next request was foj hot chocolate sauce and hot butter scotch at present the trend is a memorable one for our tourists maple walnut sundae of course there are still numerous favourite sundaes and sodas of yes teryear at the soda and ice cream counter as well as restaurants teenagers will cither around the home kitchen when you keep their fayourite dessert on hand us ually there will be no dessert left on the plate if you include ice cream the new choice of the re frigerator raider is the dish of ice cream with all the fixings he can find there too ielly sauce or fruit or all three package of mix carefully and use level rheaaurements 2 turn electric refrigerator to coldest point about 1 hour before ice cream mix i placed in the unit for best results 3 do not serve ice ireoht until time to eat desert 4 use ice cjcam for milk shakes sodas und sundaes atihomo is c6nmorcal ice cream can b packed in 6 tray in the freezing unit thcnfplacd in the refrlgpra tor pd turned 1o the coldest poinf fpr fiour when frozen- firm the dial of refrigerator may be rplnrn- cdm normal position usually nol oris cdldcst tind position 1 or 2 is jionjini 0r 40 degrees 6 you jnay decorated bricks of ice cream with tinted whipped cream- in a cake decorator for an emergency on a special occasion such as home corning bon voyage honeymoon guests 7 use pic plate or aluminum foil as a dish that will fit into freezing wilt 8 a wvlipklcled knitting bag makes a yscful shopping bag for carrying ve cream and chilled drinks fire escapes will bo installed at public school lioiu hold dance at brajnt inn thursday several members of the li pus club with their ladies attended the dance at the sky club of the brant inn at burlington last thurs day where they enjoyed an even ing of dancing to morgan thomas and his orchestra those in the party were mr and mrs jack armstrong mr and mrs clarence kennedy mr ond mrs harold hutchinson mr and mrs don barragcr mr and mrs art scott mr and mrs stewart young mr and mrs vince jones mr and mrs ray whitmee mr and mrs jack gunning mr and mrs dick licata mr and mrs fred schultz mr and mrs spence mckinnonmr and mrs wheldon tmmorson- miss irene young mr bill harry mr and mrs ernie hawson and mrs ilmvjyns brother norman marsh of guelph take a tip 1 when you make ice cream at home read the directions on the a book dictated by marco polo in prison was the most popular source of european knowledge of the far cast for three centuries georgetown public school board is planning some improvements at the school to provide better fire protection for the second floor 6f the building since an extra clnss- room wos added last year by con verting the former assembly room into two classrooms there has been pn additional fre hnrnrd two hun dred andorty piiplls are nbwacv ednimodutcd in six upstairs ctass- rooms ond two of those haveno secondary- exits at the boardfl roqupst u retire serivitiyc ot ihd ontario tiro icfar- iuula department vivud the sohool in may- and av a school- board meet ing last wednesday his rtpyt was vecefvcd jt recommended that sec ondary exits be provided in two rfioms and tat exteriqr metal fire escapes be provided qn each side of the building and that certain improvements be made fn the fur nace room the board intends to carry out these id tfas this year new school discussed some preliminary discussion was held about the new school which is to be built architects me don evans had been asked to attend the meeting and they showed sket ches of various schools which they had designed including glenwood glen williams and nopanee no site has yet been selected for the building andit was the architects advice that an architect should be engaged before any sitd is selec ted at least three locations with in town limits have been proposed but to date no contact has been made with any property owner the board decided to invite a number of architects to a meeting this wednesday each architect specializes in certain types of con struction and a decision by the board on the type desired will have a bearing on the hiring of an arch itect- a letter from dr j m mather medical officer of health for the county suggested that the board consider having a separate health roons in the new building at pres ent the principals office is used y t he heal t h nurse a nd this is not a atisfactory arrangement xrw roof needed ross duncan in his report on building conditions said that some patching was needed on the roof this year and that he believed n new roof would hlvc to be put on the school next year the teachers room and principals office will be painted this summer jim kennedy getting the contract principal howard wrigglcsworth page 10 gootytftfr life- igturds give yoo positive protection against blowout dan ger du a blow out as hsnjtess as a slow leak ltfegnards fit soy make of tire often potlast several taflvil oftbssdjtein m 1 ybov coobptyear xifeguard story ufeguard safety tubes motors phonb 142 doogb -r- desoto- sales servks vnlcifcoegio school in title tyrol hsflpl i ijfc x a nun delegates a youngwafter to help her serve bowls of soap an extra on the schoolchildrens menuin mayrhofen austriamadsj i possible by lirtp from the united nations international childrealf kmercroacy fund ixicef the children are served their extra lunch itii day at an inn operated by the mayor of the vlhaga reported that enrolment in kinder gartenprimary in september is anticipated as 52 according to a survey made this spring frasments of an oakstaved chu 1000 years old were found last in northern ireland memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come mmmients marltrs moderately priced a card or letter will bring oar service to your door 0akvhjle monument works 20 colborne st oakribe on highway e p head optosetrbt and hanitraotqsino optician uimn fob hbakino ajpm soikntmoaixt si o 8qan cueiph around the home tcpm notebook on of tha moat illaliaaalin at thla tun of ywr ia a lawn bunwd to a oiap trua aome home ownara ar abu to kaap tmir lawna gnmt throufhout tha aummer but they are in tha minority 8ofl fertility ia aa important in tola atnitsu to keep raaa green aa the amount of water applied people who aaalte a lawn on a twoinch layer of nod aoil an only baking for trouble money apent to prepare a deep aeed bed before the aeed tows wul aave heavy annual paymentafor fartiliieni in the year to coma a friend of mine placed a twoinch layer of peat under u tnchee of rich top aod and haa never had to worry about watering hie lawn ia caaa you are atruggung with a poor lawn you will find tha lawn apika uluaorated a valuable aaaet open i will hi carawratam i viated a daaamate of mine iasvweek who had juat moved out to th wide m apacea i envy all the room he lhave to employ hia gardening akili the thing that really caught my eye waa a hug mill atone hejplana to mount on a cement baae for a garden table thia relic of the paat will atlll be giving earvice generation hence mochemauer atonaa can be procured and uaed equally well abn uluatratad iaa wooden tabb built on a barrel you wql fmd if eaay to make one of the moat eflectie garden tablea i have ever eeen waa made from tha marble top of aa old- taahlnnarl teeroom table placed on a is inch cement drainage tfia partially buried in tha ground to mak iteolid tb whole thing hadliot coat a cent to aaaamlila aa the table top waa reacuad from a dump and unbeknown to the proper autnorltiea tha townahip eontributed the tile 6ar0cn tables usia46 olo 6rinostone make squahe rkamfwoak op i pint of- cloattloat to thi pafctn pourt ajostic l om tulmmio coces apovc ms1ht i rom around low fences u6inc 6arrgl or atail ke6 pafttom old dimin tab1 top in pooition with two sraci op incm boaco across thb cvmtafj maic vom accucitv a ranee oaa be a friendly thing aa i have juat found out my aaighbour and i hav anally takan ta to ah down and plan the bulldmgof a saw oaa eaaaam now thai am hav ljja rmo r houn togethar i eartam w wul ba apandlag 1 jba other fpajce ioca ol0 tow horns makfj pwat camokriokt whatm polish co amd vattmlwhato bass madsop slock i jthiot jncm ptncdrboseo au 6iobs oct about s ulamstjt in comoftctc ton vmenoth wmtu wooo i bvlow around tacat with a wood prb66pivativ8 to paivsnt rot t lawn spike to et watcc oft pkt1uta 00nn wmmtc pas toon may amotttmotarnmi alio raoo oio kae anhiah puct 0rmi4 moot varanr afar fniiaiallin am tkmmamd wuany caar jxound tbmbotnr whfjer ymar eaay mesons flatter tjaffjiatp po bam 4 to tfc tomgari si v1v4