ui r- migration miracle by george murray bet nations and a firm subscription tbia is tha second of a atrial of 7fl p articles wrlnit fc budaet hm k yl variety at auttarlala mesa beaele saahsir ralea tajtaatty allk ateeatalla ank and eattoa rap upholstering at its lowest price and highest quality pick the upholsterer operated by jack sudermann easy payments arranged 7 day service we will ba pleasedte visit year heme with style sample baaka articles written for tha canadian weakly newspapers association by the editor or the iplctou advocate aboard cbat general j n mekae this united states army trans port one of 36 ships chartered by tho international refugee organisa tion la bound for premerhaven germany to take on another thou sand ormore displaced persons to be resettled in the united states ustening to iho officials and others i have learned more about the migration miracle one interestjng source of lnforv motion is ji a swettenham of the british foreign office attached to the maintenance branch land commissioners office hanover this former major of the royal engineers agent four years with the control commission for germany re s returning to his post after having arranged for publication in new york of a book entitled the case for dp v mr swettenham described the problem of assisting about 1800000 displaced persons who refused to go back behind the iron curtain what was to be done with these people they could not be returned forcibly against their will and it was soon realised that the only solution to the problem lay in re settlement that is migration to other countries where in the ful ness of time they could become naturalized citizens of such coun no obligation be quick phone dick barbers phone 310 great britain australia western european countries and in the case of tho jews israel these countries did nut watte up id the fact all at once and in the mcan- tlme the dps still hnd-to-be-sup- ported to carry out this task the dis placed person division of the con trol commission had taken over from the army in the british zones of germany and austria in 1046 and in july 1947 the preparatory commission ot the international nefiirce organization pciro suc ceeded unrra the pciro was in turn succeed by iro after- 13 mem budget had been found and iro was firmly established with its headquarters in geneva and branch offices in germany austria and italy and many otherparts of the world where dps are likely to resettled you may ask who pays for iro the- answcr is you do as a taxpim- ler of one of- tho member nations ana how ris your money being spent in the early days mostly in cars and maintenance transport i the provision of foody clothing am- enltics nccommodotlon stores such ns bedt ohblrstablesand blankets in medical supplies ant the upkeep of camps and building education hadtogo op schools and even un- iveraltleswere founded and voca tional training nhd agricultural schools wore established an unre lenting search through the interna tional tracing- servtca lo find or determine the fate of millions of missing persons was conducted- and now when resettlement is in full swing your money helps main tain the worlda largest mass civil ian transportation fleet in history which carries more than 30000 dps monthly to overseas destina tion it was in 1947 that resettlement really began to get under way as by the time at least seveneighths of the dps who were found in ger many austria and italy after the close of hostilities had returned the georgetown herald wednesday july 26th 1950 fuwtlfixmb 4 110 caukip illaabltatall frmaaiaaiaalaawaalaaiaw m m m aa aaal fa aa m tm mll were to hostile to the soviet rep- jl resentatives that later this was 5 ysua mm hmkvfint 3 roiio s but you can protect your s family and younelf wwi polio insurance m family premium 2 years 1000 s aakua to wrmatsoar 3 coverage for you 3 s walter t evams m mror una was stopped but they still had access to any part of the camp under sup ervision and any person who ex pressed a wish to see tho jctusslan officers was enabled to do so but ivan sat for hour after hour to no purpose all kinds of ways were found by the dfss to annoy the russians from showers of rotten eggvto more subto schemes one little plan was 10 ask them to i send greetings to captain so and so some prominent mvd official in shall- we say riga whomi i they had known in 1040 hehad al ways been so kind to thenr they knew full well that this would be channelled back ojid hnt tho up- rohunate captain would have some vtry awkward questions to an swer soviet literature wasi dlstrib- utcd in the camps but usually f bund- its way into ujp garbage palls rc- patriatibn in general was fl wash out- resettlement now provided the oatlet and the opportunity which ihc majority ot the dps were waiting for great britain was one of the first nations to open its doors as early as october 1918 scheme bait cygnet was announced which provided for a hundred baltic girls to work as domestic servants in british hospitals from this modest beginning the scheme developed into the operation westward ho which between 1047 and 1049 had absorbed more than 82000 persons the conscience of the united states was also bcinc pricked into at noturalized citizens of such coun- home and it was clear that no tfur w nl bclne pricl to tries a the united states canada ther large scale ctota s 80k nlany ciu ho great britain australia wcmes monts ra k fi mm hailed from eastern ernn iments cudteevedhowe tsp eascrn repatriation remained th1tprlo he dp ha nbout kinfoik i -v- l op prior- the dp camps in germany what ity jqb of iro and fl i though no dp was ifbrccd td return tb hi homeland information about his arc we doing to help and in july 1947 president truman sent iuvui nisa messace to congress to the effect country of origin furnished by the that the strength of the usa was rovernment of those countries was vested in various nationalities from passed on to him to encourage him many kinds thit there was robm to reach an independent decision for more and that he fate of eux4 iro was willing and able to opes homeless lay very larjidy provide repatriation services andjiiis countrys huids all transport to everyone who wished to n tirk lein foi to return home it still is oration of liii hi n national repatriation missions jurv 0 h were allowed to visit the camps even the russians and in the be- f milt strt priome 18sw s lilalaiaf herbs nattofs wat to healtal old engu8b iibbb oo laapariera and dlstribatara whf broughtqn mjtx mjb mantack street pheu iw hailing every day throughout canada winning tlcy could ndriress ilkim 6i settled i u 1 jiercoi- md by j hd canada hax almntl unlimited timhrr from liritish ojumhiafir to maritime sprite hrr lumlicr i in rfrmantl thnmiihotit thrtitrlil a t idhij seagrams sells canada first ii jklnpmii an adnptiilioii of one of a orjtv of al- vertiscnifirts tlfsinvil ly tin- house of sfiipriiiii to promote the prestifje of iiiiiulu an lielj sell cunudiau proiliiets to the markets of the world the campaign is appearing in magazines and newspapers published in various laiiguugesruml circulated throughout ihe world the peoples of many lands are told about the quality of canadian products and see canadian scenes illustrating these products the advertisements are in keep ing with the belief of the house of seagram that the future of each business enterprise in canada is inextricably bound op in the future of canada itself and hat it every canadian inamifac of all canadian products n the interest of urer to help the sale in f ireii mar kls v l ctimuiifin i as this tun only livlps ana- tlian intlitslrifs hut also puis money in the ptnkil of ivrv canadian citizen one dollar of overytfrte nv earn comes to its as a result of foreign trade tkc mare- ice- can sem abroad the more prosperous we will be at home it is with this objective that these advertisements are being produced and published- through out the world ie f oust of agmm v s i i gei ii ruitcrial in gennn is dps swi- ii iuoitinn in the of the imp5- s iut loria before i ed shins sailing from gernan ports were crowded with track workers hydro electric won- kec metal miners garment work- er- farmers nd domestics all i bound for canada in addition canada has already accepted more than 25000 persons under schemes which permit- close relatives off canadian citizens and dependents of workers already in canada to emigrate by talcing these depend- ents canada has made a significant i contribution to the reestablishment i of dps with limited resettlement j opportunities in october i9j8 iro undertook i to move 100000 persons to austra- lia by- june 30 i50 up to junej imp exactly 44137 jwople were i j chosen by australian selection teams and transported to australia j to keep the eleven iro vessejsf i allocate to this program filled six j australian selection missions are now operating in germany and austria and together hey i select and issue visas to an average of 000 dps eacn week j there has been a good deal of relaxation in australian selection j families are interviewed as a unit and are moved together in febru ary i9j9 the australian govern ment agreed to accept unaccomp anied girls and youths bejween tne ages of 18 and ho hostel accom modation or placement in foster homes is provided fur the young immigrants and legal guardianship i- ested in the minister of immi gration as lone as they ire minors other difficult categories widows and widowers with- young children arc also acceptable now j opportunities are given for older fektivcs to follow the younger i workers to australia and while shortage of shipping space at first meant that onlthe urgetitly needed workers could go thnt difficulty has now been overcome and the older persons arc- following it is very hard for families to agree to split up again when it has pomibly token years for them torcunfte in germany but the piqheers agreed to do so and it is to the credit qf the australian government that no time was lost in fulfilling its prom ise which hi one reason why the scheme is so popular every opportunity is given fori dps to learn english before depar ture and llrujuaphone classes are held both in the camps in europe and on the jnips a great deal has bean dona hot much remains to ba dona to thai year which irq has to cojapmaj its vast ant canptax jiagram i r i memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come monuments markers moderately priced a card or letter will bring our service to your door oakville monument works 20 colborne st oakville on highway ephead optometrist eyrs exsmlnrd scleattfleauy bsabing aid batteum quick repairs to glass blaaealasa field classes bte 38 st georges sq guelph phone 1939 est 10 years flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery sawlee lfowers by wire anywhere tn the world norton floral phane 31w oewtetsnra eaofstack crth 800 m hog socwt k