Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1950, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday august 23 1950 c i v 1 i halton dental project by b j omenra dds ddph over a period of years more end- more local- school boards in the coupty have assumed the cost it might be added that the ther worse tn rural than in urban areas d environment from a dental viewpoint the main importance of this i the availability of the candy store research into the cause of dental carles in hatter years has demonstrated a very close relation ship between concentrated sugars such as arc found in candios and soft drinks and tooth decay chll head uuu v dental health of these children is d generally better than elsowhertj urjjater access to these than those of although there is nodentist in the in the country ren in the towns have far dental treatment for the children owushlp in- ttie primary schools now prnc- it is noteworthy- that although a ticojly all rural school children rblc health dental officer was have this service this program has not appointed until into in 1049 beqh mode possible by the provln- ihcro was a very morkod increase cloi dcpartmsnt of health matting in the amount of treatment carried available funns fpr this vurpose oul in 1018 and 1040- 4ucould the department poys 30 per cent bo just coincidence- that the hill of the ensiot treatment locmlyp county hilth yiul-camcinto- aroenfents hove been mode boj existence in- september 1047 and tween the local school -boards- and oh flaiuatq staff of public health the practicing dentists whereby the nurses regularly visited the school- dentists do thla work at amodcrv ate hourly rpto with froc denial treatment avall- able one wbuld think that holton county school children would be dentally perfect however this has hpt been true by far the mpst common defect found ln school children has been dental decay it became obvious that children were going to the dentist only when something drastic occurred such as an aching tooth a dental abscess a huge cavity or when urged by the school nurse or physician the treatment program had become solely a reparative rather than a preventive service under the new- federal health grants made available in 1048 funds were allocated for strengthen ing existing health services initia ting new services and studying public health problems it was ob vious that halton county ottered an unique field for the study of dental public health problems the provincial department of health made available ample funds from federal health grants to allow us to attack this major problem this grant was to be used for several purposes lto assess the magni it- is surely an excellent example pf whatpubilc hcfilth -education- can do and of how useless any such treatment plan is unless it is rev lated to an educational- program in attempting to evaluate the benv etits of this old plan it is ncces- ar less theslooperjicad pcryear sary to consider any other factors which may influence the- results the more important of these are- a economic status although this would not affect the aided population it would the remain der the aided schools arc mainly rual or semiurban while the oth ers arc all urban howcvr the towns in the county are generally pros perous and the economic level fair- he effect of allthcsefactors and others on the findings 1s very diffi cult to estimate- the problems of nutrition and ot excessive jmgar consumption oro of course inter felplcd and the solution is nutrltion- al education the need if orthis can iipj be too greatly stressed- whev6ne come3uv consider this effects bf fills- aid plan as com pared with the ifctnaiiideri if must beborne in mind that it hns reatly only been in operation for from 2 to ifli years t most apart jroiw nassagawcya town ship which has only one eighth of the aided school population the amount of work bofofc 104d can hove been iltrie more tharj emergency treatment ie extracting of aching teeth no great differ ences can therefore be expected we have deliberately not inclu ded a mass of statistical data ra ther we have attempted to show the broad picture for those who may have a special interest in the sub ject the detailed findings arc avail able the inclusion of detailed ly high the number of children figures of the actual findings of unable to obtain treatment for fin the examination in this re- ancial reasons would likely be port would be too contusing how small b availability ot dental treat ment because the unaided schools are generally in the towns these children have vantage in rural areas the diffi culty of obtaining transportation to the towns for treatment is undoub tedly an important factor as in other parts of the province the i number of dentists is inadequate j to cope with he work however ever certain findings are signifi cant the main features are as fol- lows- a although in the 6 year age much- greater ad- group those in the aided schoojs arc slightly worse than in the un- aldcdv the standard of all of them is bad of 394 children just com- menciny their school careers there j is an average of 3 untreated cavi- ties and only one filling per child in addition for every two children i utdtovvhe probiem byarcfufden- halon county is probably better examined there is 1 tooth already j tal examination of school children jf than many other districts 1 or too bauly decayefl to it 0 there are 1r- dentist- in the coun- while mcb a condition exists it will y at least uin every tbwn be- ntvir in- possible to improve mal- sides those in the near vicinity rilly tin- dental lualh of the i ml the dentists in the- county are school population as a wjiolc fiuo billty that be will then continue dental treatmentlit bis own ex pense this problem is urgent and should receive attention u by the age of 6 both groups aided and unaided are almost iden tical in the 7 year group of 651 examined there is an average ot 3 fillings per child of the aided group unfortunately the number ot cavities at about 35 remains high in both c from the age of 8 to the age of 11 the dental condition of all the children appears to improve but this is due to the fact that the re mainder of the docduou9 teeth are bolng lokt itaturqlly durmg this per iod- it is therefore difficult- to make a comparison the perman ent teeth however are of course un affected by tills transition period ie they ore not ipst nalurally like the deciduous febih there is a slight but steady increase in- the number of -filling- in the children of tin- aided schools and a slighty greater decrcasoi-fnhc- number xf cavities as combnnd with 4hpseof the un aided sfchools the nunjijcr of peri moneiit teeth which have been lost or arc unsavcable also shows a slight but significant difference d from the age of 12 onwaytis it is only permanent teeth which arc being considered all the deci duous teeth have been lost the findings continue to show a defin itely better dental condition among the children from the aided schools c although the findings for the 15 year age group may not bo too reliable because of the smaller num ber 70 examined it docs give indication of the condition of the students on leaving primary school it was noted that the number of fillings is much the same in both aided and unaided schools this may be because they arc getting more conscious ot their appearance and health at this age in any case it is certainly an indication that the unaided student is willing to pay tor the cost ot treatment at this time in spite of- it these have sull twice as many cavities un treated and nearly one more per manent tooth per child already lost or unsavcable the findings show without any doubt that the aide scheme is giving benefit and procuring bet ter dental health for the chil dren jklth more extensive dental education which is now being carried out this improvement should be progressive among all the school population future an nual examinations will show if this is the case it must be remembered that as mora dental treatment- is carried out ao wihthccostintrcasc at the present time even among tho aided schools only 43 per cent oftthc necessary treatment titoing done in the unaided schools cven a smaller proportion of it is effr- rlind out this docs nqt include preschool children the school boards must therefore be prepared to incur heavier expenditure to page ho i cope- with it bow much heavier it is likely to bedltfieuh to eatt- mate but there are certain defin ite limitations the major one le the quantity of work the dentists can perform the treatment of the adult population takes up much e their time and they are seeing many more children now than formerly a saturation point must eventually be reached and they are probably near to it now at the present rate of tooth da cay it will never be possible to catch up with the work it is for this treason that tho preventive si- pect of dentistry is being stzessed so much jlawfd be far betters reduce the needfdr dental treats ment by education m nutrition b the need tor the reduction ot the sugars arid in oral hygiene a treat ment service such as ls being of- fered to the ojtcd schools is ceilcnfbut tobave any uutlhg valiib ltrijustbe augmented by den tal education xhe first recorded typewriter patented in england in 1714- discover how good iced tea can be make ted double sirtsngiji and whfle aull hot pour into glasses filled wuh cracked ice add sugar and lemonto taste sa1a1a esdtea not a tt fe 2 to promote bolter health habits by an intensive program of educa tion 3 lo evaluate the results of the treatment nroyrant c4 by cor relation of the educational and treatment service to attempt to im prove the dental health ot oiircvi- dren it wai no to hv il lor kty- ment for treatment it- is emphasized that entire funds for tjjis wori ar- tiurived from federal health kraitr aiixl avu charge on the local taxpayer federal authorities will be am ply repaid if reliable information can be obtained from tiiis and othpr surveys it is a long range project and re3ults may not be ap parent for some years the new dental program made possible by the federal grant began on october 1st 194u between that time and the end of june 1u30 all the prim- ary schools in the county were vis ited and all the students except those absent at the time of -tue- vlsit were examined in this way a total of 5063 children were seen it was intended to examine the secondary school students too but there was insufficient time it should be possible to include these next year also it is hoped later to see as many ot the preschool children as possible this is of the greatest importance i an unusual feature exists in hal- ton county in that two fifths of the primary school population can ob tain dental treatment from private practitioners at no direct cost to themselves the accounts are paid i by the respective school boards 7f per cent from local taxation and 3q per cent from a provincial de partment or health grant the par ents of the remaining three fifths of the school children pay the cost of dental treatment themselves there is a situation present there fore wnich affords the opportunity of a study of the value of a f 1 ee dental treatment plan in this re port for the sake of brevity those whose treatment has been paid for by tle school board have been clas sified as aided while those who pay- for their own treat ment have been called unaided tho uided scheme has been in use in nearly all the schools of the four townships of the county for varying periods of time the five towns of the county have not made use of it until january 1u50 when one georjeclowh introduced it as the children of that town were examined before that date this would not affect the comparison of the four townships nelson has used the plan since 1043 however the average per capita cost of treat ment for the first five years until 1047 was less than 100 for each school child in ims it was near ly 400 p head trafalgar township began the plan in 1040 but the cost for the first two years was again less than 100 per head tn 1048 it was over 200 and in 1049 700 per head ksquesing township introduced the plan in 1048 but little use was toade of it until 1040 when the cosr vu 0442 pet head naingmweya township much the sjnioitjot th4 four bradsht in in j044 and here sxjlftbol children seem to isjltjd4ti4nibelveii ot the op- lltttftffkflto ttart the an- tfivins treatment ijp n greater dey f c nutrition us of hr th lat nave sie hiarim h c r there i- overompluisi erilly the children j a better diet towns mik artnore reidtly available in of this the teeth old children were children some than other y ocononiic st- n would alsi on tuitriion c e is a danger or in this respect gen- one woul i vyvr i rural reas tn hive than thno in the vegetable and frtii pite i of r and found to ai ra- iliiiu faciiie- slimild be offer- to the preschoul ehilti an i pr- s should be pir uirl it eey iib poxihlr o tile iir eliil- n regularly t ii- vi ri a of i if tli chu1 boird- th- wo lid br iio rnk rrr id vii and vi cuim b- ex it from tie heme liy the r a child wlio ha- been recei-v- cientnl trrntmrnt fron hj early at 1 who ha- had ieiutl edica- lor several years has reached in vii tin re is u fivat posi- t c bortsffiliaw prataf dwmd a hugkci gmwofmomovr around the home tcm uoxe book boxes of beauty on rern6 or plants one or tho beat thing nbout roini awiiy for awhile is iumink homo houghing it intho wilds or with fushy rtliuivos hiiro nukes you downright npprttiiilive of your own comfortable furnialiinkh unci you hoc your dwol- linr with miiri- dincirnink eyes when you liv- with your uuiikh continually they kcmm to fit liko an old hihm and you do not imo their shnrtiominis as i canifi lp tho front walk 1 clinidwl i just lmdto kot husy and finish up thoso 1mcs for tluj voranda pillars artistically planted thiy will take away the bareness of the fnntbttw sit ik t shad is shade at a iifemiuni ii your yard one suliition to the problem sin on our boliilnys was a nrlahli nmvjis hbade inch water pipe joined by standard littings hud uen usetl and painted dark kniil hriitht awuini tnalerial rovcreil the top and was hold in plaoo by short tic htrings this par ticular shade was moved from place to placu to avoid wear on the urnssiintl to catch any hreozo that was blowing by covering the tiidch with tho nririie material tbu hhnde could double oa bleeping quiuterafor the young fry dua rw lam of ullthv things that pusxle a gardener pohhibly room nro confuhod by tho statement givo liueral applications of liquid mnnure than nny otlior this is not a difficult procedure when han died proporly bury watertight barrel fa tho ground to the rim kit a tight lid to the barrel and place a strong hook- near the top from which a burlap bag can be hung fill the bag with well- rottad manure preferably sheep ma nure and place it oh the hook almost fill the barrel with water and allow it to stand for 24 hours before it is used on u jyour plants place the barrel directly tj under the down spout front the oaves pr tea aecuded corner of the garden if jouaont mind carrying the water a ltte further refill the barrel as the liquid is used 0 f dressed pine oh cypreftssize 12xl2 or laacrert idressco pink or cyprbbs 2x2cornir post st strips of coppcror brass tcoppsr nails or hooino nails empty coconut shells can bo putto i many uasa tba bast one i havs asanl iwm coconut shell robinfe naow4owu or nsnn placs- cittin t4alp houdowbdl and crstwwo to skanctl man aeoaittfcam snat a wtkar msn sis vubmmtakovnomm1bomfr whim onmris rsumo f o km th jvt 888bbsai ters sit in the shade portasib asuaaaabr housb mad with onothmcf watfllc pips joinctp afrth lvcrolatt coupcimv to covbrbt with awnin canvaft rlj

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