75s r-i7- t salaiia vacihlmsialfd 7 we jre paying the hiajhett prevailing price for dead or crippled farm whhnajit horses cattle hogs 5 telephone cooeet for immeduite service j gordon young umited tomuto adekide 3636 js5blljgnew34s i the igeorgetotyn herald wednetdayplk tli 1950 thli u the tigbva of aeries of attic mrlttea for the canadian weajdy kewapamra aaancuuan by the editor of the pletou advocate b4 kiselngen germany the wealth of brains and aldll available in the displaced persons camp of europe li indicated in the records of the international refugee organ lzatlon compiled hdrxsvln the head quarter of the tjnltedystates zone of germany although the flturei apply to thf zone alone those of other xone ore comparable and the cold fig ure emphailre the strange ctory of the forgotten elite the intel lectuals and professional men and women left behind in the camps while labourers land unskilled per sons moire on to new homes in varioua countries around the world the problem now cqnfrtntlng qto la that in resettling these dp the situation is the reverse of economic and educational experience in that a farm hand is readily passed by a selection mission while a doctor university professor or musician is not wanted so the records here show 8153 persons of professional occupations in this rone they include 330 doc tors all told there are about 2000 doctors in the dp- camps of eur ope 152 pecountants 30 auditors 0 r t s m a n s h c a n a 0 m i t e d the mtmi lap getters hod aammreoval saint john nb was jty m 1m ad aiahl feurman teams were tvl la im off at oke was hie onllual interpro vincial gehtaam champisn- blilp clastic ttruagui for lha ownership el the wmtnadon cup upmbing pr4aunmy pro- bcmens quebec took the load in the 36tiolo contest ontarios last man on the 17th hole needed a 73 to even he in a brilliant last- ditch display he took a one- overpar 71 ontario had won canadas hardest- fought cup match skill ond fceon jporfs- manirtip put golf in the flrsfrpnk of our uirnmor sporti and together skill with tportmonihip help you in work and play keeping your scope for opportunity in canada unlimited m actors and actresses so archi tects iis artists 33 sculptors 36 writers 48 reporters 110 chemists 233 clergymen 105 dentists 481 en gineers 280 lawyers 42 librarians 240 musicians 89- singers 133 phar macists 7 soclall workers 1 recrea tion leader 187 child care workers 77 teachers of arts and crafts 1289 teachers and professors 318 practi cal nurses 40 veterinarians 186 foresters 190 agronomists 2 occu pational counsellors 3 dietitians there are 155 others in c various professional occupations such rfs geologists scientists and research workers it would be difficult to think of otic professional occupation which j the headquotrera staff ahero could hot fill f pom their humatfstekpllc rid in every case they can supply a complete dossier something like thls- category surgeon specialist nhf- ibnnllfy latvian date registered 3 may 1948 nome male married born 20th feb loqldp identity card no hoi la ion evankolic accompanying members of family wife born 3 oct 1005 poet date of entry to qcrmariy sept 1944 reason of entry to ger many refugee education univcr- slty riga latvia 19231931 degree riga latvia 14 dec 1931 supple mentary qualifications surgeon- specialist certificate of health dept riga latvia no e215 issued 19 jan 19fh language latvia german russian french english professional employment record surgical hospital of latvian red cross riga latvia in charge of a department 191944 owner and chief sugeon of a private clinic in riga 194547 surgeon dp camp wildflecken us zone since 1947 with health service of pwdppt- i partment french zone this asmple is used because of its brevity mast dossiers are more extended and there is one surgeon- specialist whose record occupies six pages including a list of5t pub- 1 lished scientific works i listed in semiprofessional occu- i patiohs are 1513 including 13 air- j plane pilots 56 commercial artists 51 dancers 315 draftsmen 35 lab- j oratory technicians 27 medical j laboratory technicians 7 xray tech- nicians 57 dental technicians 267 j nurses aides 3 physical therapists i 7 opticians 178 jihotographers 37 athletic instructors 20 radio oper ators 166 s 207 translators cxeeez and interpreters 35otherssuch as chirojkxiists decorators designers and taxidermists in managerial and official occu pations there are 497303 busines managers and executives 2 dreclkc- min 32 railroad- conductors 4 sani tary technicians 100 office mana gers 55 other managerial and offi cio occupations from contractors and hotel managers to ship captains and ship pilots thcy arc 3882 in clerical and sales occupations including book- weepers clerks office machine op erators typist3 teletype operators telegraph operators telephone op erators and salesmen domestic service occupations housekeepers and all other domes tic servants number 32ij in personal service occupations there are i52h 892 cooks 267 vitrttj from touu and vmutttv nu 1m kiteton ork sfls br imri 93 mldwivmf 43 botplul at tendants and other audi a ba tender elevator operator and porters v him in protective tervlce tfofl- patlona number 124 they are ilre- flbhters policemen euarda offi cers and aoldlera the largest group takes in agrl- culturowlihery and kindred occu pations in this zone thtf total u 17830 including 6780 farmers 01152 labourers 1 ploughman 141 1 doirynleri and dairymaids 40 cattle men 127 shepherds 632 garcfenera 35 clshcrmen 11 trappers and hun- terr ind 208othera i classified urgler skilled occupa tions in manufacturing and related activities are 11325 these nclutle t3b0 bakers 18 brewmasters 126 millers 01 butter makers candy makers wine makers etc 1062 willed in textile prodnbts 5007 skilled in clothing apd pther fab ricated textile products- 557 uim- bermenlog driver sawmill ojerj ptors cabinet makers work ers and pther allied trades v225 printers 23 petroleum and coal workers 20 rubber workers 1522 jenthei aritf leather product work ers such- as tanners shoemakers and harness makers 85stone clay and glass tradesmen 1477 metal workmen such as jewellers watch makers machinists found rymen wetlcrs and toolmakers 620 elec tricians 104 in miscellaneous man- ufacturing occupations toymakcrs violin makers piano tuners and artificials limb makers are to be found in this group listed next irc those in skilled occupations of nonmanufacturing activities of whom there are 58151 construction men such as brick- j layers carpenters painters plas- terers plumbers and others numj ber 2306 in transportation com munications and utility occupational there are 233 brakemen locomotive engineers linemen tramwaycon- ductors and others projectionists dry cleaners and butchers total 562 in miscellaneous skilled occupa tions there are 2520 enfiinemen machine operators blastmen glaz iers millwrights locomotive mech anics airplane mechanics auto re pairmen and mechanics radio re pairmen lqckrmiths riggers etc under femiskilled occupations in manufacturing thcrc are 1092 textile workers hat and garment workers wood choppers glass workers riveters in semiskilled occupations of nonmanufactuing activities there are 2501 teamsters seamen laun dry men longshoremen warehouse men apprentices in various trades number 19g3 and in unskilled oc cupations 12h06 helpers laborers and persons with no previous ex perience are lifted the variety of knowledge and experience available makes it that much easier for iho to operate the dp camps and this is the rea son the organization has been able to accomplish so much with their limited budget nil- notes thanksgrrlng excursions wuhiugtona new york call at boi atflea for laldec on apeeul bargain tnpa to lyaamarton and new rh city for he thankarlxur tceakrmd youll bfc surprised st the low eoaii early roservntionj are advised t john r barber tbavet advi80r eijuee g thoifpson insurance service phone 110 mill street flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral l phone s15w geercetawaj fire on slxpay memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come monuments marktrs moderately priced r a card or letter will bring our service to your door oakv1lle monument works 20 colbome st oakville on highway the firu brigade was called out sunday at noon to a small blaze at j tlio home of harry shortill maple ave little damage was done when an overlieated iron fired nn iron inn board you can do more than talk about eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main st georgetown telephone 530 tvery wednesday 1030 ajn to 6 pjn rrc- optometrist al fajbm3ii ro 1051 kallntork w toronto go active serve your country by strengthening canadas arfned forces today to buihf up the defences against aggression everywhere men immediately for the armourep wjips tank drivers gunner operators s vehicle mechanics tiiki yiiuv pliuv in lie rouiii afuuvv forirr- of niiiilii lie a innijliir of u close knit filitiiif iww liy joining-tin- anmnircil orpn the rfirlicafof tin inoilrrn nioliilc ajciny report right away to toon lt c ol1dug litgar sf ottawa onl no 3 rrwhml dpot arllllly folk bogol st kingston out no 6 rrteiml dopot clvxuy pork douglol prl tobonto qnt no 7 rononm dpot woholoy borrockv elliobolli s11 london out rfcpen piaj tojj4dt q srtito corf iftcoroi ol ego ooj oducof ion wrf h you to enisr you must 1 be a canadian cititertporbrltlsh subject 2 be between 17 and 29 years of age 3 be single 4 meet army test requirements 5 volunteer for service anywhere the canadian umwow notice to creditors 1 in the estate of thomas a young- late or the town of geori-e- town in the county of ilnlton grntleman tlie creditors of tltomaii a young ltti- of tlie town of georgetown in ilu cunty of ilalton gentleman defeased who died on or about the iit day of june litno and all ethei having ehtiins atinst his es- tate aie luieby notified to send by nost ireitaid of otherwise to de liver to luiikduu 3c alys- worth georitelown ont solicitors lor the undersigned executrix of the estate of the said thomas a youhk gentleman deceased on or before the 13th day of september 1951 their names addresses des criptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of- the securities it any held by them and that- immediately after the 13th day of september 1050 the execu trix will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executrix shall then have not ice dated this 18th day of august 1050 marion helen young executrix by langdon ft ayuworth i her aollcltora v 4-ts- oeorfetown ontario 17